It didn't just end here.

Soon after wearing another piece of M suit, I soon tried magic again.



The effect was also as expected.

Unlike in the beginning, magic was applied immediately.

Completely successful.

‘We won't have to wait anymore. I'd rather raid first! ’

Chapter 3 Black Ash

At first, Jo Min-woo didn't think that invisibility magic would actually succeed. It was due to the fundamental limits of Mana on this planet. But he changed his mind after being enchanted more easily than he thought.

There was no reason to act passively like now.

Furthermore, if it was good enough, the magic that he could use would be possible as well. even though it's a limitation on the M-suit.

‘But thank God for this. If you do well, other magic will be enough. Especially if Fly magic is possible. ’

In fact, I wasn't sure about this part either.

Rather than this training, confirmation of those who were aiming for themselves was more important.

Even though it wasn't a one-time swing of the knife last time, it just slipped away.

You couldn't just attack them because they followed you.

Cho Min-woo, of course, was easy to attack them unilaterally, but it wasn't easy. First of all, we needed proof.

After leaving a few messages for both of them, they soon headed for their desired goal.

‘You'd better check your training first. ’

* * *

Mid-level escalator.

Get off at MTR Central Station and you'll see it soon.

This 800m long outdoor escalator opened in '93 for commuting and commuting residents on the mountain.

It became more famous when the scene where the Royal Gate of the movie 'Jungle Forest’ was filmed sneaking around the home of a man's brewery that he loved.

It took approximately 20 minutes to get to the top, passing apartments and shops that were gathering together.

However, there was a blind spot that the bridge was an escalator in only one direction, so if it went all the way up to the end, it had to walk down.


After Cho Min-woo found out about it late, he dragged his tongue and looked down. I immediately noticed the apartment building where the trainee lived.

The skyscraping building is not far from its towers, Ai Towers.

I could feel Hong Kong's progress award.

He takes a quick look around.

The commute, of course, caught my eye.

I couldn't do it here.

On one side, there is a gap between the buildings.

He went inside and immediately cast a transparent spell at the same time as wearing an M-suit.


"It sure works! ’

There were some advantages, even though they were troublesome.

The fact that Mana is not consuming that much.

I used the telescope I brought shortly to start monitoring the area of the apartment where the novices live. I found out how much information I had already obtained through some investigation.

I just couldn't find it right away because it was such a big apartment.

With patience, I began to check each one with a telescope.

You said the tenth floor, right? It was over there facing this way. ’

* * *

Cho Min-woo even thought about infiltrating the Min-woo Mansion using just transparent magic. But he couldn't just stand there in an uncertain situation.

It was uncertain whether she was behind those who were aiming for her.

I needed proof of something.

It was a stunning situation, but I watched with patience.

Of course, it wasn't easy. If you were to come out towards the visible veranda, you would be able to see it, but not now.

I was thinking about it and I couldn't do it.

I picked up my temporary phone shortly.

And I focused my mind on my ears. I was not sure if it would work, but I prayed for a faint sound because the distance was not so far away.

Soon I pressed the phone.


The phone signal went off a few times.

Luckily, she didn't answer the phone.

I focused on the phone.

Though it was a small sound, I thought I heard it clearly.

A familiar minority voice that I soon heard.


It was a slightly damp voice.

But I didn't answer.

Rather, I focused more on my voice.

And I focused more and more on the apartment side.

"Found it!"

* * *

Jo Min-woo was only able to locate the training apartment and focus on the telescope. I was hoping to get out towards veranda.

No, at least I begged him to wind up near the window for a while.

A small group of trainees steps out toward Beranda, perhaps because they're lucky.

I opened my window and breathed deeply with my arms extended.

I was venting the room.

With confidence, Jo Min-woo continued to look at her aunt through the telescope. It was full of deep water just by looking at my face. The awkward look was like the face of a woman who had been dumped.

"It can't be because of me, can it? ’

That didn't make any sense.

She and I had a good time for a moment, so we ended up fighting one night. She also showed such behavior at the time.

There was already someone between the two of them.

He dismisses the dumbass and looks carefully around the minions.

A few moments later, he opens a veranda window and gathers his stretched clothes and steps inside. But soon she began to check her phone again.

I changed my mind.

I saw you looking hard for something for a moment. However, she soon stared at one of the phone screens and frowned.

The unpleasant appearance was powerful. Soon, I saw him calling from somewhere by pressing the mobile phone call button. Soon, of course, the angry voice followed for a moment.

I couldn't hear it because it was too faint.

However, I was furious at the sight of him raising his voice. He couldn't even bear the anger and hung from the poison.

He looks skeptical and watches the trainees on the phone.

What's going on? ’

* * *

Cho Min-woo noticed that a few of the trainees hung up the phone and was on their way out as soon as he saw the rush. But he realized he had to jump down to get down from where he was.

It was absurd, but there was no way. Furthermore, after the shower, I couldn't just stand by and watch him eat something.

‘Dammit, why did they make escalators like this without thinking! ’

I had to jump down the stairs while swearing my inner tongue. However, it was not that hard because it had superior stamina compared to ordinary people.

Rather, it felt good to run like this after a long time.

Soon, I got to the bottom.

Luckily, it's not too late. I quickly pulled my M suit out of sight and caught a taxi that was passing by.

And I waited.

'I'll be out in a minute. ’

* * *

Cat Street.

If you go out to MTR station A2 and look to the right, you see the famous 7 Eleven. It is a 7-minute walk along Hill Street.

An antique market with a traditional Hong Kong feel. It is referred to as Upper Rascal Row, which is located between Ladder Road and Hollywood Road.

Many antique shops sell meat products, old coins, and old watches. It has more of a flea market vibe than a shopping mall.

It is notorious for attracting tourists to sell a lot of mating products.

It was here that Jo Min-woo arrived after tracking down a vehicle with a few trainees.

He had to go into an antique as he looked around carefully behind her.

Of course, I couldn't just watch from the inside.

The eyes of the owner's grandfather were not very good.

< What is this? >

< Ah, this is a recruitment badge! >

< 2, please. >

I had to make a purchase.

He went out cautiously, feeling the owner's face change. Just as the novice begins to circle one corner of the alley.

‘That should do it. ’

* * *

Cho Min-woo carefully followed behind her and immediately used transparent magic.



I was more used to it than I thought.

Practiced a few times and I got used to it naturally.

No, actually, the magic in this M suit was more stable than the magic you practiced on Chason.

The Cheson spell has been fully trained to remove the enchantment, so it is not necessary to cast the enchantment. Compared to this, the ancient Damian magic was a hassle by chanting magic spells, but there were advantages that various magic could be used.

But both spells had a limit of using Mana too much.

But that wasn't the case at all with the M. Suit.

It was a greater advantage than I thought.

In a way, it could have been the foundation for creating his new magic.

‘The world is fair. If you have something to lose, it seems you have something to gain! ’

Cho Min-woo was briefly immersed in the notion of M magic that was more flexible than he thought, but did not neglect to pursue a minority. From the look of her now, it was clear that her assassination would have a direct or indirect impact.

He saw a minority enter an antique, as he had predicted.

‘There he is.'

* * *

The antique shop was not so different from other places.

The owner was also not very special.

However, the underlings continue to dig deeper into the antique.

Of course, the owner also did not look at such a minority.

Pretending not to know exactly.

She passes through an antique tunnel, like a maze, into the deepest part of the tunnel, and then carefully opens the door again.


And I went inside.

The door was open for a moment.

It was an opportunity.

Cho Min-woo quickly opened the door and immediately infiltrated through the gap.


Soon, however, I was surprised to see three young men standing quietly on either side of the room.

No, I woke up soon, actually.

They have eyes on the minions.

I was lucky.

You carefully step aside and watch the situation.

< What the hell are you talking about? >

A frostbite.

The young man standing in the middle only lowers his head in silence.

< Sorry, if you go inside now, you'll know. >

Hah, I should have told that bastard, no matter how far I went. Don't play this game!!! >


Barely visible, he froze the faces of the three young men who were facing him. Even the two of them were sweating a little.

< Well, we....... >

< You idiots, lead the way! >

< Yes. >

Immediately, the young man walked in calmly with a guide. Her background in traditional Chinese clothing was so seductive.

But the other two young men didn't even look at life.

* * *

“....... ”

Cho Min-woo, of course, stood dumbfounded for a moment, silent in this wilderness. I was doubtful that he was even a minority he knew.

Of course, I knew I was somewhat martyred.

However, if she wagged her tail as gently as a pet cat to herself, she could not have been so terrifying.

‘Well, it's not the Damian continent, it's modern here. Although Damien Continent Knights is a beginner to Sword Expert, they don't see it that way here. Ordinary people are hard to come by. ’

It was a fact I had neglected.

I thought too much of myself. Even if we could use chi in modern times, we would already outperform ordinary people.

It was simple to eliminate two young men like him as a minor.

So far I've been thinking too rashly.

This was modern, not Damien. You don't have the right people to do what you have.

I need more time! ’

* * *

After realizing such a reality, Jo Min-woo abandoned her urgency to date. Thanks to him, he put aside his thoughts so quickly that he entered carefully.

Unlike the first time, the passageway was longer than I thought.

It was doubtful even if this was an emergency exit.

But the place that soon escaped was the back of the mansion.

I saw the grass spread out first.

Then came the architecture of the Chinese tradition.

The path through the grass was so clean that I couldn't see any dust. A cozy landscape landscape appeared everywhere.

He also visited many royal palaces on Damian continent, but was amazed at the interior of another unique building.

"Phew, that's amazing! ’