* * *

If Jo Min-woo single-handedly converted an EEG into a digital system and tried to build the Mana engine that applied it, it would probably take more than 34 years.

Once you design a Mana engine, you basically have to know about jet engines, not just one thing.

Then we design an applicable EEG digital system here, considering the two times it takes.

There's another external problem, but even if you take it out, it takes that long.

But things are different now.

Among those in the Raincomb Research Complex, the main actors were all dependent on this.

Once Becker is in control, the focus is on Mana Engine. It is not a conventional Mana engine, but also a modification to measure a variety of characteristics.

‘We can't let the same incident happen again. ’

They were dependent on a digital brainwave system, including the head of one billion. Of course, here we borrowed the M3 CPU. It was an option to process a lot of data in a faster time.

No, it could have been difficult to develop the system without the M3 CPU.

The nature of the response itself is problematic. Or you have to have supercomputer-level computers, and that's a big problem.

Immediate size.

The Mana Engine Control System is about the size of a house. However, the M3 CPU solved this problem with just one board.

It was easier than I thought to tell you to follow your luck. Thanks to this, the preliminary experiments were also thorough.

about existing problems.

“Well, if the frequency crosses the F0 threshold, the M-energy generation increases dramatically. ”

“Yes, I'm guessing Mach 34 at the time. And that's when the M-energy capacity increased dramatically. ”

“Then the problem is……"

“It's hard to control. Once M energy begins to increase, then the reaction is extreme. like an atomic bomb. ”

“That's a problem. ”

“Yes, it's a bit of a problem. So the last half of the projectile flew away and smashed into pieces after it hit the satellite. There probably wasn't even any powder left. because that massive energy would have melted away in an instant. ”


“This is probably a guess, but the frequencies used on the satellite must have caused the collision. But we're still trying to figure out why. ”

“Good. Then you've found everything that matters. ”

“Yes, the development of the M1 propellant, or the M2 propellant, is also going smoothly. ”

“You're saying M-energy control is above the threshold. ”


“Okay, I'll take a look at that. ”

* * *

After this paragraph, Jo Min-woo silently watched the project on the M2 propellant. I was satisfied. I didn't have to worry about it.

Thanks to him, he was relaxed and only concerned about ways that could be controlled above a threshold.

‘It's perfect to use as a missile. By the time you hit the target, it'll be almost Mach 20, so with that impact..... we can make a small town disappear without a trace. ’

Simple thought at first.

However, when I thought that such a situation could actually occur, I hardened my face.

‘This is not something to lightly think about. ’

But then I got rid of this ominous thought.

I couldn't do anything like this.

The first thing we faced was this. Focused on overcoming M energy issues for situations beyond the threshold.

'Let's see, how do we solve this problem? ’

I started talking.

What came to mind naturally was the Wizard.

How the Wizard uses High Magic.

Focus on that.

The next thing I remember in sequence is:

It's a dislocation!

* * *

After focusing on the development of the senior wizard, Jo Min-woo was troubled by the change of the wizard. The greater his realization, the greater his sense of Mana.

Immediately gains MP Control.

Osteostasis is the process of doing so.

This made it possible for the next high circle.

But computers are not people.

Therefore, it was difficult to apply in this way.

I naturally realized that this was not simply a problem to be solved.

"This isn't easy, is it? ’

He put everything else on hold because of it, and went deeper into it.

Of course, there were those who annoyed.

It was Jung Yumi.

I came to see him briefly.

“Hey, brother. ”

“Yes? Why? ”

I grabbed a cup of coffee lightly and just listened.

Jung Yoo-mi didn't even notice that she liked that look.

“Isn't that too much?! ”

Cho Min-woo was rather confused by her reckless rhetoric.

“We haven't met once or twice. What's wrong? ”

“But can't you be serious when you see me? If I let you meet other sisters, you'll have a lot of patience! ”

She was screaming.

I even saw tears.

And it wasn't actually wrong.

No, actually, it didn't make any sense.

I was supposed to get away from you.

He was stuffy, but didn't show.

‘I just want to get it over with, but this is also a problem. I can't do whatever I want because I'm thinking of Chairman Chung...'

It was not so easy.

It didn't matter if he wanted to live as a Poisonous General.

However, relationships with other companies, including the Hyunsung Group, were also very important. The reason why Raincomb is still under so much pressure from the government is because he is also one of the Korean companies.

That is, when you press yourself, it shines an attack on another major corporation.

However, he was in enough trouble to go out in the Poisonous Fire Lord style by himself.

Eventually, I had to get it just right.

“Tell me.”

“About the wedding. ”

“Huh? What spirit? ”

“You should have a family, too. ”

Cho Min-woo lied immediately.

“Go, family? I'm only 23 years old. What kind of family do you have? ”

“Hey, is that all you got? ”

“Then how old did you think I was? ”

“Twenty-seven? No, about 31? Hey, you're mistaken. I'm sorry."

But he didn't take it lightly.

I didn't know that my opponent even thought about getting married. I thought I was strangely stuck to sex and wouldn't fall off, which is why.

I felt a burden on the king.

‘Well, we have to be careful. ’

* * *

Nowadays, I feel uncomfortable to go home and rest as well as Jo Min-woo. It was because of Gimjiae's ‘Red Drip’. Of course, the truth was important but still uncomfortable.

I didn't want to go home just because I thought of two women who had relationships with themselves.

"What the elders don't know is medicine! I didn't just say that. ’

To be honest, I regretted it. If you didn't know such nonsense, you would be able to have your own services at home.

He eventually listened to it and kept going out of the house.

Like a man who hates his wife and seeks other women.

Then I remembered the woman.

How's Ji-young? ’

Suddenly, I came up with that idea.

Especially, George Young wanted to see him today.

I called right away.

< It's me. >

< Oh, Hyung? >

< Do you have time today? >

< Yes, of course. >

< Good. >

And I set the meeting place and the time.

Soon, he rode on his horse and headed to that place.

* * *

George Young has been thinking a lot about his past lately. Especially the past with the help of Jo Min-woo.

The more I thought about it, the more I appreciated it.

If it hadn't been for that moment, he would have had to live out his entertainment life. But fortunately, I was able to find a new life out of it.

I worked well after college and graduation.

It's also a flourishing phenomenon group. Although I was still a beginner in society, I was overwhelmed by my lack of experience, but I was satisfied.

Then I forgot everything that had happened naturally.

Even my parents' hard past has now turned into a memory, so I can't remember it well. It was just not as fragrant as Jo Min-woo.

His memories were more vivid over time.

Contact from a car like that.

I gave up everything and went home today.

I'll go first.

* * *

A seafood restaurant on the Han River.

The river breeze was cool because it stretched slightly across the Han River. It wasn't a worse atmosphere because it was already dark here.

There was a fortune.

As soon as she got there, she immediately went into the restaurant, where she could meet a man sitting at the window.

It was him.

“Mi, Min-woo! ”

I ran to Huddak.

He wakes up surprised by the sudden situation.

I held him close.

It was so warm.

Without this man, he would have fallen into hell.

It was just good to be in his arms like this.

His hands gently clasp at your waist.

“Come on, calm your nerves. ”

“Oh, okay. ”

Then I sat across from him.

It's been seven years, and he hasn't changed a bit.

“Brother, I really don't age. ”

The opposing team is opposed.

“Ji-young has aged a lot! ”

I didn't just say that.

Whether it was the clothes or the experience, the atmosphere was completely different.

It was literally the seat of an office girl.

“I'm at work now, too. Of course.”

“Has it already happened? ”

“Don't ignore it too much. ”

Her tongue out slightly protesting.

It was strangely rude, because the way we saw it in the past and the way it is now overlapped with each other.

Cho Min-woo lightly warmed up because of that feeling. However, he did not want to come and tell George Young about the past.

“Hahaha, sorry, this is my fault. Is there anyone you're seeing? ”

“If only there was a man like you. ”

“These eyes are too tall. ”

“It's nothing compared to you. You live in a house full of beauties. ”

“Hmmm, that's not it. ”

“The people of the United States know this, and you expect me to believe that? ”

“It's complicated. ”


“Yeah, I spilled it on purpose. That's how you underestimate me. ”

“What are you going to do about it? ”

“Let's not talk about it. I just want you to know that. ”


She also didn't dig anymore.

I was done meeting him like this.

And he narrated his story.

After that, I came to my senses, to my senses, to study.

“I work for the Hyunsung Group now. Well, it's still a plaza, but it's worth it. ”

“Reality group? ”

“Yes, why? ”

“No, I know someone there. ”

“Sounds good. I don't have any connections that I know of, so it's hard. I heard promotions aren't easy without them……"

He hears this and whispers softly.


But soon there will be one question.

“What happened to Eun-si? ”

“Eun-sie? It was a huge stock.”


“Yes, Raincomb stock. At first, she was just a kindergarten teacher, and when she saw Raincomb go public, she plundered all of her assets and drowned in Raincomb stock. ”

“Did you mean when you first went public? ”

“Yes, about 5,000 dollars invested back then. And that made two billion dollars in a big hit. But this was just the beginning. My sister reinvested in a company that she acquired from raincomb. That really blew the whistle. I've made 20 billion. ”

“....... ”

Cho Min-woo also listened quietly, but the story was really quiet. He didn't know if anyone had invested in such a way.

He also grumbled when he was upset.

“She trusted you unconditionally. And that's why we invested everything. Phew, but now that it's an invitation......”


“Me? I said I bought and sold it in the middle. I made money, but it's nothing compared to my sister. ”

“That's amazing. ”

“But you know what? ”


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