Absolute Wizard

16 Absolute Wizards

* * *

When Steven first met Felix, he didn't expect much.

Nothing was certain.

At least if you know who the opposing Pokémon is, you won't be so suspicious. He also conducted a survey on GM, just in case.

The GM will then be received shortly.

GM was founded in 1908. Headquarters is in print, Michigan. It was founded in the form of an acting detective, owned by William.

Wait, you're President William? This is someone I've met before. It's not that weird at the time. ’

I went on to the next.

Soon thereafter, it was absorbed into Olzmobile.

He introduced a variety of brands, including the famous Pontiac. But this was only the beginning, and in 1909, the company absorbed and acquired the Rapid Motor Vehicle Company.

However, William left the company due to a lack of sales.

His next move was a bit unexpected. After he started the Chevrolet automated company, he secretly bought GM shares.

And then there's corporate ownership.

It was the most dramatic surrogacy dispute in American history.

The amazing thing was that the winner was William. Immediately out of control, he acquired GM equity and regained control.

There was another peculiar phenomenon here.

It was voluntary because of a shortage in car sales.

It was then that the reversal happened.

It was right around the time of the World War. And Alfred, who became the successor, used it as a platform to create a world market title.

And GM's unprecedented growth took place through the '70s and' 80s.

It was as if he knew that the World War was happening, and he grew up trying to take advantage of that opportunity.

“....... ”

Steven checks this far, and suddenly he has no idea what Felix has to do with Alfred.

So I went to the GM homepage and looked up the company's history.


‘It was a bloodline. ’

* * *

When Steven learned about Felix's unexpected secret, he felt something was off. Of course, I didn't intend to refuse Felix's offer.

Now, Apple is always in need of outside help.

That's exactly what you get.

The problem is then.

That way, Apple will still have problems getting to its normal location.

If things go wrong, it could pass to Felix as it did to William.

Felix's story is unbelievable.

I could tell by the state of William.

‘I wish I knew what was going on inside.......’

Unfortunately, William's been dead for a long time.

As he pondered, he immediately instructed one of his secretaries.

“Investigate and report on William. ”

Soon I was able to get the results.

William's son survived.

And there was a place not too far away.

"New York......."

* * *

5th and Midtown, Manhattan, New York.

It's quite a busy place.

Whether New York is one of the centers of the global economy, it also attracts a lot of tourists and people. The towering apartments, the buildings, were now weary.

Steven was able to get inside the desired building and soon meet William's son, Queens.

Luckily, he knew himself well.

“Sh, Steven? ”

“Hahaha, yes. You must be William, right? ”

“Of course.”

This is how the story begins.

It was the first time. It was a light story. However, after some time, I lightened the glass of wine and went to the point.

“Do you know anything about Felix? ”


The relative reaction was violent.

I trembled.

Surprisingly, I was scared.

Suddenly, it was silent.

Steven was desperate.

I should have gone in a little farther, but I was in a hurry.

He tried to convince him again and again because of it.

Unfortunately, he no longer answered.

Eventually, the story flowed into consumption.

He eventually had to give up.

But I could hear a word before I left.

“Watch out for him. It's not that I don't understand Steven's ability, but he's a completely different person than you might think. I mean, that's it. ”

“....... ”

He looks behind Quincy, who is silently disappearing, and leaves the building immediately.

‘I don't know. ’

* * *

Steven notices that he's plunging deep into the swamp. But soon after that, he was able to receive a $3 billion report on some unimaginable new technologies.

The person who was out at the meeting table was just demonstrating with a third generation iPad in his hand. The shape was not good because of the sticky wires protruding out.

But that was not the point.

Hologram technology.

It was exactly the same technology that I developed at Raincomb.

What was surprising was that it didn't end here.

The demonstrator grabs the panel floating in the air with his fingertips and moves around.

Shhh. Shhh. Srr.

It even showed switching back to another window after attaching the fingertips to that panel window.

Bam. Bam. Pak.

But this was only the beginning.

“What you're about to see is a multi-hologram touching technology. It's got four really big control chips in it. Therefore, each hologram window can be separated and used independently. This is going to be faster. ”

Soon the demonstrator began manipulating with both hands.

Then four transparent windows came back to me above the air of the pad.

He made a difference by moving each window around with his fingertips. Every scene in each of the four hologram panel windows was different.

A movie was playing in one window, a book was floating in another window, and a word window was floating in another window. In the last window is the fantasy craft game.

At that moment, a scream erupted.

“Wow, that's amazing! ”

It wasn't just great.

I have surpassed the M3 pad function of Raincomb.

That wasn't the only thing that surprised me.

Soon, additional technologies were also similar to the M3 pads, but in terms of detail, they were ranked higher.

That was enough to save Apple's pad business from collapsing.

“....... ”

Steven admitted it, too. But after seeing the results now, he slowly dipped his feet in the most inseparable swamp! I felt. Moreover, his complexion hardened when he sensed that there was an unusual dangerous presence.

‘We need an alternative. ’

* * *

Jim stayed quiet for a while.

The aftermath of the atomic blast is so large that you can only keep an eye on the trend.

But as time went by, he realized something was wrong.

Why is it so easy to forget? ’

Less than a month later, people had already forgotten about the epidemic. No, actually, he was buried because of another incident.

It was a recent enterprise war between Raincomb and Apple.

In particular, the American media have invaded Raincomb during this war. ’I attracted the attention of American citizens using a stimulating phrase.

Even the contents were the same. It was as if Jo Min-woo was invading the mainland like the Pearl Harbor in Japan.

Naturally, the perception of the American citizen raincomb has worsened.

After the super 301 trillion incident, the perception of Jo Min-woo was literally falling without knowing the bottom.

The next generation of pads that Apple started developing in this situation.

It was full of stories about it. We have advanced a variety of technologies, including a new technology called the incredible hologram at a distance. It was something that any American would be proud of.

That's why no one cares about the NBT.

"That's weird."

Soon I called Harrison to discuss it.

His story was unexpected.

“Of course it is. ”

“What do you mean? ”

“Tsk, tsk, you're really naive. I don't know how I survived so long in a distracted state of mind. ”

“Will you keep doing that? ”

“Think about it. Hundreds of people are dead. There was an atomic explosion. You're still pretending you don't know? Of course, the people involved are no joke. So he was trying to cover it up. ”

“That means……”

“Ana, if you send it to the newspaper, or if it opens publicly, the assassin comes to you and shoots you in the forehead, bang!" ”

Jim woke up from his seat in shock.

“Now, are you crazy? ”

“I mean it. So be careful. ”

“........ ”

He just sat back down with his face firmly fixed.

Something smells fishy.

You can get an invitation if you do well.

But if we fail, we go to hell.

So I had to think carefully.

“Okay, let's say yes. Then who helped us? ”

“It's that simple. Against them, I suppose. ”

“Does that mean you can get help if you just find them? Could you send me this article, too? ”

“Maybe so. ”

“Help me.”

“Huh? Help you? I don't want to die. ”

“I'll give you 20 grand. ”

“Don't be ridiculous. ”

“$30,000. ”

“Hmmm. All right, I'll help you out for 40 grand. ”


The agreement between the two is as follows:

I didn't know if it would work.

Chapter 5 Enhanced Shooter

Of course, Cho Min-woo has been very nervous lately. He knew what he was doing better than anyone.

The opposing Pokémon is a terrifying organization whose origins are unclear. It was unclear whether the origin was a hundred years or a thousand years.

It's a situation where I'm slashing hard at the face of such tissue.

It was a good thing I wasn't shot right now.

However, even in such situations, the sales of M3 pads were a comfort. Of course, it was hard to ignore the rebuttal of the self that occurred.

‘It's an oddly sensitive reaction. ’

As I was thinking about it, I immediately paged the Director of the Sheep Forever.

“Get me Chief Yang. ”

* * *

Chief Yang is also very different from usual these days.

So far, I've survived quite well.

I followed Cho Min-woo's instructions faithfully.

But now I'm tired of it, too. I didn't like that he kept rebelling against Jo Min-woo, and I didn't like that he always broke up behind me.

In fact, he has been trembling at his incompetence lately.

Promotion to be more pissed off.

He was still Chief Yang.

Chief of stakes for 12 years.

It was sort of like asking yourself to leave the company. Today, when I heard that a secretary came and searched in a confused position for such a reason, I did not feel obliged.

“Chief Yang, tell him he's not there. ”

“Yes? Ha, but.......”

“Do you see Senior Yang here?! ”

“Well, I don't see it. ”

“Then go and report it immediately!! ”

“Oh, I see. ”

She eventually retreated.

But there was a problem.

Go ahead and say, "Yang, you're not in charge! ’It was a lie.

I wasn't reporting it that way.

I decided to think about it.

“Chief Yang is here right now ‘He told me to tell you that there is no Chief Yang in the room! I told him to tell you." ”

“? ”

He rolls his head to understand what he's talking about, then smiles in relief.

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Three minutes later, we're going up to the Modern Wizard.