Absolute Wizard

Absolute Wizard Book 23

Chapter 6 Tax Investigations

The IRS has been busy lately. Recently, tax revenues have plummeted dramatically, and I've been busy trying to make up for them.

However, it was not an easy way to find tax revenues.

There were some limitations.

In recent years, the growth of small and medium-sized Korean businesses has been limited.

For a number of reasons, the government's regulation was problematic.

In fact, the government says it grows small businesses.

It is true that they intend to.

However, the government officials below think differently.

They make plans based on what the government says they're raising.

This itself kills small and medium enterprises.

In other words, government officials are said to have high officials, but government officials move in the opposite direction.

This, of course, is not known from above.

Officials are fundamentally unchanged from traditional, shaped frameworks rather than creative ideas. Even that framework thinks in terms of their own interests.

It is a point of view of oppression, exploitation and gaining a little more profit.

In fact, there is no way to formulate this part.

Not just one or two government officials, but most of them.

Of course, there are also hard-working government officials.

There are more people robbing businesses.

More importantly, their influence is greater.

In the end, small and medium-sized enterprises will continue to fall like this.

So, even looking for washing water, most SMEs went through this process and there was nothing more to come out of.

Most companies were working tomorrow.

Even that was the case with large corporations.

Recently, there were no alternatives as the real estate downturn accelerated.

They were just barely holding on.

This was the IRS's concern.

A proposition came in for such a car.

Please conduct a tax investigation on our company.

“? ”

At first, I thought, why is this guy crazy?

Turns out, it was the infamous raincomb.

Not only the IRS, but also the senior officials.

This situation was eventually reported to the IRS Chairman Choi Myeong-sik.

He immediately posted an informal report on this matter to the Blue House.

That's how I got it.

Wait! Wait!

“........ ”

‘This is ridiculous. ’

* * *

Cheonghwa couldn't decide on this offer alone. If I touched Raincomb, even if it was the intention of Chairman Jo Min-woo, I did not stay in Parliament.

No, it was Congressman Cho Min-woo pushed.

Eventually, there was a story in Congress for a while.

Of course, those who opposed it were very simple.

How long are we gonna keep pushing this company? Why are you doing a tax investigation on a healthy company?

I was quite open to it.

It's better to investigate Raincomb thoroughly this time.

I fought.

Thanks to this, the Civil Rights Act has been bypassed.

Everyone saw how to use this agenda as a benefit to them.

It was the beginning of a council raid.

And this raid did not end easily.

It was reported in the year-round media.

The parliament surrounding the Raincomb tax investigation.

* * *

“....... ”

Cho Min-woo was baffled by this sudden state of parliament. I didn't even know where I was going. What he wanted was the flow of money from an unknown source. I had no choice but to investigate through the traditional Raincomb Finance team.

Comparing the tax flows directly to the IRS and the money flows inside the company now, I thought we could find the cause.

But it was not the result.

Rather, it came to a more extreme situation.

He eventually had to watch.

But after some time, it became a compromise in Congress.

It was immediately concluded that we did not conduct regular tax investigations in the next year.

Immediately, the IRS sent in a number of people.

Of course, it was the situation that Jo Min-woo was waiting for.

Immediately, he mobilized all of Raincomb's financials and put them on the IRS staff.

But I know someone who does, but Raincomb's financials are enormous.

The flow of funds into and out of the country, but the flow of funds influencing the country was also not simple.

It was to investigate the vast flow of funds.

It was not possible for the first fifty to be sent.

In the end, another fifty were sent.

There was no answer either.

Another hundred were added.

Of course, that didn't change anything.

It also included internal affairs of funds coming from overseas, particularly with regard to the island of M man-made.

The work continued to grow, eventually breaking through 300 people, and soon after that, it exceeded four hundred people. And the number exceeded 500, exceeding six hundred.

As a result, all IRS personnel were included in the Raincomb tax investigation.

Of course, complaints arose.

No other tax investigations?!

It was a strong protest.

Furthermore, the amount of work continued to increase over time.

When this happened, the Internal Revenue Service became a mess.

I got caught up in Raincomb and had to continue investigating Raincomb funds without doing anything else.

But thanks to this, I've uncovered some doubts.

It was a mismatch of the flow of funds into the island of M Man-Made.

What is this? ’

Soon thereafter, there was a commotion. The IRS staff remained insanely attached to the clues of the rational accounting that had never been a problem.

An additional 400 were added.

The IRS staff all hung out at Raincomb to try to find answers to their rational accounting. But things changed over time.

“Oh, was that a computer error? ”

* * *

Emma takes only a breath. I never thought I'd make a mistake. However, it was more a matter of computer input than his own mistake.

In other words, an error occurred while entering the money and handing it over.

The problem was where the money came from.

Its origin was directly related to the broker of the Middle East. Soon they were linked back to terrorists through Fairper Company.

Of course, she didn't know this.

Exactly what the broker signed.

She also didn't care about the situation and didn't want to know.

All she wanted was enough capital to develop an M underwater robot. In fact, he used the money from the sale of M construction robots to import enormous resources again.

They all flowed inside the island of M Man-Made.

With it, development was underway for the M underwater robot.

Until now, the tribe has been using it to build robots.

The robots that did so were mining at the bottom of the ocean around the artificial island of M.

Being caught in an American submarine had something to do with it.

This situation was difficult to know on the outside.

It was the same for Jo Min-woo.

She knew Cho Min-woo surprisingly shy. If he knew the scale of what he was working on, he could have been frightened and stopped immediately.

It was difficult.

The IRS's tax investigation was the same now.

At first, I let it go, but over time, I felt threatened.

She was seriously worried about it.

I conflicted about having to eliminate all the IRS employees.

However, the basic proposition of Jo Min-woo was also a problem.

Do not kill.

I was in trouble because of this.

After much deliberation, she chooses another alternative.

‘Haha, we'll see. ’

* * *

Chief Se-Hoon Jung from the Three Countries Survey left Raincomb headquarters, looking tired again today.

I was tired from even walking properly because I couldn't sleep well for almost three weeks.

Today, however, I did not feel bad because I was done with my dividend.

Soon I climbed onto my Emma Audi, which is parked in the parking lot.

It is not only your salary, but the car you buy in 10-year installments. Of course, because of this, he was only in debt to his underwater, but didn't care.

If you die like this, that's enough.

Nowadays, I don't care about old age because it's so cruel in the world.

This moment was more important.

He therefore enjoyed a pleasant ride and drove the vehicle.


* * *

The hand of the car engine was thrilling.

This feeling was too addictive to refuse.

Meanwhile, I saw a range beacon.

Just in time, the traffic light changed.

Immediately departed the vehicle.

But a taxi was speeding at a terrifying speed on the side of the road.

You hurriedly hit the breaker.


The vehicle stopped in front of the taxi almost exclusively.

The taxi driver was frightened and barely stopped.

In the end, he uttered a profanity.

Hey, you son of a bitch, are you out of your mind? Nothing?!!!

I'm sorry.

Luckily, I ended it with swearing.

But he also sighed.

‘I almost broke the money when I got into an accident, but I'm so unlucky. ’

* * *

After a near-fatal experience, I slowed down.

I was relaxed, just in case.

I felt like I could avoid accidents under any circumstance.

The house was almost here, so I thought I could go in and rest when I arrived soon. But there's a big cargo truck coming up ahead.

Even when I saw it by the side with a bunch of containers, it was no joke.

I slowed down just in case.

The distance seemed to be more than 50 meters, so there was nothing to worry about.

When I grew up, I was so terrified of the breasts and container cars.

‘Why don't you feel so good today? ’

I was really nervous.

I thought something was going to happen.

The container car soon left slowly forward.

I fell back for a moment and watched, then drove the vehicle forward again.

Luckily, I was only relieved to see the car's head disappear. Suddenly, a car protrudes out from the side again and crashes into the front of its car.


It was hard to concentrate on the enormous impact.

I braked urgently. While the car was spinning due to the impact, it was as if the car that came from behind had been stabbed lightly into the back of the vehicle.


At that moment, the vehicle was hard to center as it turned from both sides.

However, when the vehicle only stopped, I urgently got out of the vehicle.

The front and back of the vehicle were completely dented.

I hold my head in both hands and scream out in panic.

“D- what the hell is going on?!!! ”

It was almost frightening.

But it wasn't enough.

Thousands of people at the IRS experienced similar incidents.

* * *

Hello viewers. Today, I'd like to share some news about an unusual incident. When people live, they can experience accidents. It's inevitable. But if a thousand of those accidents happened at the same time, would that be possible? And that's not entirely irrelevant. All of the IRS employees who were conducting tax investigations on Raincomb were in an accident at the same time. I'm going to connect you with reporter Kim Il-joo, who is heading to Seoul University Hospital right now.

Coming soon.

It was a statistical survey of yesterday's car accident. It was not too coincidental.

The most important thing is their answer to the incident.

It was really strange. I saw the traffic light change, and I set the car off.

The whole story.

It was strange for anyone to see.

It was no different for Jo Min-woo as well.

What is that? ’

It was difficult to understand.

But he's not an idiot either.

They are all related to Raincomb.

I didn't need to investigate.

Immediately, I went to work and instructed Emma.

Investigate what happened yesterday.

But she answered as if she had waited.

Hackers did this.

Hackers? What kind of guys are they?

I don't know about that.

What, does that make sense? No hacker can escape Emma.

But her answer was:

Artificial intelligence can also be infected with computer viruses!

“........ ”

He suddenly realizes something's wrong and shuts up. This kind of Emma reaction is because it means one thing.

"That's weird, what's wrong with him. ’

I tried to think.

But soon, I started asking Emma a few more questions. Among them, her reaction was consistent.

I keep catching them because I don't know.

After this situation repeatedly, Jo Min-woo felt uncomfortable. In fact, if Emma lied, there was no way to confirm it.

Her answer was really surprising.

My lord, speaking of which, you hated tax officials, didn't you? Isn't it refreshing what they've been through?

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