Absolute Wizard

Absolute Wizard 25

But he also made one thing clear.

“But we shouldn't rush into it. When the time comes, you'll find out on your own, so you should consider that. ”

“Okay, so what do we start with? ”

He lets out a smile.

“We need people. ”

* * *

The Bank of Korea launched a double interest rate hike last year.

The goal is to create a kind of currency mitigation policy to make money spin in the real world.

In principle, business investment increases and store consumption increases to create demand. But the situation did not go according to this prediction.

Rather, the call multiplier began to decline.

The decline in the currency multiplier does not mean that the central bank will make money better for the domestic economy. In other words, he fell into a liquidity trap.

Currency multiplier divides wider currencies by the denominated currency and shows how much money was released from the central bank.

In other words, money comes into my hands through the creation of credit.

If the original money was M, the bank would lend this money interest.

However, in the bank, the standard for this money, namely, the reserve rate standard, is to be kept.

This naturally increased amount is more than the original currency.

The higher the ratio, the more money is on the market.

In the past 2008, it has risen to 27.3 times.

However, this currency multiplier has steadily declined.

Although the cash currency rose from 21 trillion to 58 trillion, the deposit currency showed a relatively slow growth rate from 1176 trillion to 1944 trillion.

In addition to strengthening bank health, since the issuance of 50,000 won, there has been a growing tendency to have cash.

The more serious problem is the regulation.

Estate taxes alone account for 50%, leaving an average OECD of only 24%.

It's twice as close.

It is natural instinct for parents to leave money to their children.

It interferes too much with the aim of preventing the inheritance of wealth, so it is unnatural to increase the amount of cash that is difficult to know the size of the inheritance.

If there's one more thing here, it's the aftermath of an indirect tax hit that goes up murderously.

You pay taxes on your property, and in cash you can avoid it. In other words, to save money, shut up and cash is the best.

This is the problem.

The point is that the money is not spinning.

If the money doesn't go through, the problem is that the first thing the bank does is the principal situation. It is then a pressure on those who fall in credit rating or lack confidence.

After all, those without money are driven to the streets.

If the Health Insurance Corporation doesn't pay here, they'll force you to freeze your bank account. If you use someone else's account as a result of strengthening the Character Account Act, you will get a shackle. Therefore, those who do not know their neighbors will starve to death.

This affects socio-economic entities as well.

Neighbors and neighbors are all disconnected.

It's hell for people who don't have money.

Many people did not know why they were in this situation.

But they know one thing too well.

“I knew this would happen. That's what happens when you hand a company like raincomb over to a nigger. ”

“Congressman, these sons of bitches ended up killing heroes. ”

This complaint did not end simply with words.

Some of them ended up on the streets.

I gathered in front of the Parliament and started a demonstration.

Banish all corrupt and murderous MPs!

The movement began to strengthen over time.

Two thousand police escorts who felt threatened stopped them.

No, even military forces from the Capital Guard have been deployed.

You sons of bitches, you want to kill us? Yes, kill him!

It was a different reaction than before.

After Jo Min-woo disappeared, the hatred of the villagers became stronger.

This social chaos was unprecedented.

The congressman eventually began to panic.

They tried to silence the dissatisfaction of subordinating by passing the Kim Young-ran Act.

We propose this bill for the People's Republic of Korea.

* * *

After the Kim Young-ran Act passed parliamentary office, the protests against Parliament seemed to slow down for a moment.

The Parliament recently focused on installing CCTV for children's homes.

They also seemed to sigh somewhat.

“Phew, I'm alive. ”

“It's terrible. ”

“I can't help it. ”

While not everyone is open and expressive, they are well aware of the aftermath of the Raincomb Bill.

I tried to use that bill to pressure President Jo Min-woo.

Unfortunately, there wasn't much they got.

I got at least a raincomb site, but that was bird's blood compared to Raincomb's true asset.

The most important thing is the island of M Man-Made.

It is the natural limit to miss that massive artificial structure.

“What if Chairman Jo Min-woo starts yelling for revenge? ”

“Don't worry. because the Secretary of State is taking care of it. ”

“But can they stop President Jo Min-woo? If he had the strength.......”

“The CIA doesn't do that either. Honestly, it's not us who are worried about President Jo Min-woo, but the American kids who encouraged us, right? ”

“Yes, but…"

In fact, it was the United States who took full action against Raincomb.

If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have done that in the Korean Parliament.

They had a headache because of this in the congressional lobby.

It was at that moment that a middle-aged man appeared.

Do you know what this is? The famous "M" cell!

“? ”

At first, no one understood what he was saying.

After Cho Min-woo disappeared, M batteries became waste.

It doubts how the opposing Pokémon holds the M cell.

He raises his right hand and shouts at the approaching Parliament Police.

For the freeze of our ancestors in heaven, I send your corrupt congressman to hell. Who will go to hell if I don't go to hell?!

Just one word.

The switch on the M-cell surface was then Cook pressed.

I know people who know, but the M cell was used by Jo Min-woo as a bomb in the past.

When there is a sudden reaction, there is more power than a tangled bomb.

The light exploded as it enveloped the entire Capitol.

The front of Parliament collapsed after being shocked by the terrifying explosion. All the congressmen in the congressional lobby were put to death.

However, one side of the parliament shook and the supporting parliament collapsed unbearably.

All the congressmen who were getting hot on the finalization of the recent legislation were overwhelmed.

In front of the Parliament, a body had just rolled around.

The passerby who watches it later screams.

Soon after, fire trucks and police vehicles came.

However, the explosion caused by the M cell was too unpaid.

The victim was difficult to calculate.

* * *

The media was crazy all day. It was the first time in Korean history that Congress burned down and killed hundreds of members of parliament. Journalists or international media who came to cover the disaster were shocked and unable to concentrate on the year-round coverage.

What you're seeing here is never a part of the movie. One person took the bomb and went inside the Capitol and blew himself up. Now, we don't know anything about the terrorist yet, but it seems to have caused some recent congressional complaints.

Journalists were distracted by the identity and purpose of this terrorist.

Portal sites were also a panic. There have been many complaints about an unprecedented national corruption councilman, but this was the first time.

Korean police are not the only ones involved in this.

The Secret Service has also deployed 30 elite agents to track terrorists.

Fortunately, the identity was soon revealed.

Kwon Suk-min.

A Secret Service agent has been put in his house and he's started canvassing the area.

Soon after, it was a will that Kwon Suk-min left before he died.

Once the evil law has just begun to be cast from the ancient world, the country will enter the netherworld. I, Kwon Suk-min, execute those who make that Manpower to save our Korean Earl.

There was also a story of an ancient kingdom that had walked right into the netherworld.

China is a leading country.

This Jinnah once went well.

As we enter the phase of the Manpower, one policy strengthens the law.

"Heed the decree! ’in the form of a law.

The reaction of the common people has gradually changed dramatically.

That's what Jinseo-Hwang did was to erase history.

Fragmented oil.

I just burned the book with the nickname "Heat Book."

Eventually, this stimulated the uprising of the people.

Rebellions erupted all over China, eventually bringing Jinnah down.

But the fall of China was not just the end of that era. Throughout the ages, this frostbite had an impact on the progeny.

It interfered with free thinking and thinking.

It is the beginning of China's thousand-year dark period.

There was also this part of Kwon Suk-min's data.

If I go to hell, who will? I will execute all Korean corrupt parliamentarians to create a new framework for this country. If I die, but the defenses of my people rise again, I will die smiling.

It was originally confiscated by the State Department and tried to be treated as confidential.

Unfortunately, after Kwon Suk-min died, this material became public on the Internet.

I tried to stop it urgently, but it spread too quickly.

China, the U.S., and other sites around the world.

It is a tragedy that the Capitol was burned to death by the congressman.

In fact, some of these parliaments work hard.

Even they died unfairly.

However, Kwon Suk-min's will shocked many Koreans.

It's become a social issue.

The natural story is about Chairman Jo Min-woo.

Soon after the Raincomb Act.

There's been a lot of talk about this bill.

But now all the congressmen are dead.

No, there were survivors, but they were all severely injured.

It was not a situation I could work in.

Finally, the general election of Parliament began again.

The election was quite different from before. Existing members of Congress had to start all over again when they all died or became idiots.

Even those who tried to enter the political party or the opposition party died in disaster.

Eventually, those who had nothing to do with the bishops ran behind the scenes.

“........ ”

Cho Min-woo silenced the tragic result of proceeding to the fourteenth millennium.

He came back to society in the first place because of Chairman Yang Duk-soon. Those who believed in themselves were pushed to the limit, and I couldn't let them suffer any more.

Once I rescued them, I tried to think about the next.

But I didn't know that all the members of Parliament would go to heaven.

Moreover, the re-election was not the same as before.

Those who had already graduated from corruption officials were completely excluded from their association with government officials.

Even some parliamentary commitments abolished the Raincomb Bill.

“I'm a little surprised. ”

Director Yang Deoksun was also not a good face.

“Honestly, this disaster is not good. But it must have laid the foundation for us to start again in Korea. ”

“What are you talking about? ”

“Chairman, have you already forgotten? You actually didn't want to take the helm off yourself, did you? Those were the people behind it. It's probably a consequence that they died so horribly. ”

“Maybe so. ”

But he is also not at ease.

Seeing blood is never good.

‘What to do. ’

Cho Min-woo was having second thoughts and couldn't come to a conclusion yet.

“Let's keep an eye on it for now. ”

“Very well. I will reconnect with the Hundred Million Commissioners and others, as you instructed. ”

“But you don't have to insist. We ask that you conduct a thorough investigation around those who are clearly verified. ”


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