Absolute Wizard

Absolute Wizard 25

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Local economies have many limitations in many ways. The lack of infrastructure is ranked zero, starting with transportation.

In the first place, port cities like Incheon or Busan will reduce the cost of shipping products, so there is no reason to build factories inland.

At the very least, it is a labor-intensive 3D industry.

These places, including the casting iron factory, are more favorable inland. It was caused by the effluent and contaminants that erupted.

There are some guidelines on this area as environmental management standards are strengthened, but few are realistic.

Dodgon Daegu Market was troubled by this.

With the help of the central government, they created the North Korea Regional Office for Economic Free Zones to conduct investment financing activities and even signed memorandums of understanding.

He highlighted China's largest educational institution and outstanding talent.

In fact, the free trade zone provided convenience in many areas for various regulations that concern existing companies.

The unfortunate thing is that people don't believe.

The distrust of the central government of South Korea, especially after the raincomb incident, was more than I had imagined. Despite public opinion in Congress, destroying a healthy company was a colossal thing that had never been explored in the history of the world.

Mayor Dodgon ran to die, but saved this reality.


Even the Seoul economy was dying because of its 1,100 trillion store debts, already the Korean economy, as well as the Daegu region, had no other alternative.

He worked with all his contacts to find alternatives, even in the United States or Japan, but they all offered up their souvenirs.

I'm sorry.

Raincomb was the problem. The sudden disappearance was surprising, but the aftermath was even worse than I thought.

The collapse of the local economy was accelerated by the sudden decline of large capitals that revolved around Raincomb.

‘How did this happen? ’

Mayor Dawgan grumbled against the sky for this tragic result. He was depressed and depressed today and finally called his friends.

Since they were all classmates in elementary school, I was able to meet them without fault.

There was good news.

“What? Yoon Jung is getting married? ”

“Oh, he keeps chewing on people's words. When did I tell you I was getting married? I said I would.”

The people who gathered together focused their eyes with clear ears.

Among them, he also fell with one question.

“Yun Jung is only 20 years old now, right? You're getting married at that age? ”

“You don't know that. I'm not bragging about my daughter, but she's pretty, isn't she? So I can't just let it go. ”

“Oh, are you going to impersonate his daughter's stupid father? What does that have to do with marriage? ”

A friend next to me rather empathized.

“I think I'm good at it. If he's the type of guy who follows, he's got all kinds of star problems. If this guy follows him around and meets a tough guy, it's desperate. It's hard to know who hasn't. So picking a decent guy and marrying him before he gets old is one way to do it. ”

It was an unexpected opinion, but there were quite a few who unexpectedly accepted it. There is also the opposite. They are still young, so they should give them a chance to meet more people.

“I know that. That's why I chose the son of someone I know. He's not so bad. ”

“Let me see your profile. ”

“It's not that great. ”

Soon after it began, it was about the man Choi Yoon-jung was meeting. Most of it was a normal story, but one part was different.

“Go, but your name is Jo Min-woo? You can't be Chairman Jo Min-woo of Raincomb, can you? ”

“Same name, I guess. Is that what you think it is? Why is President Jo Min-woo renting out his business here in Daegu? ”

“Rental? What are you talking about? ”

“Oh, they're so clumsy. ”

Suddenly, the story went a little distracted.

However, the market in Dodgon was a little different. He opened his mouth just in case.

“Do you have a picture with your daughter? ”

“Well, not yet. I'm not in the position to travel with you. ”

“Now, wait a minute. Do you think I could get a picture of him right now? Why don't you ask your daughter? ”

“Now? At this hour? ”

“Oh, I'm sorry. Phew, that's good. That should do it tomorrow, right? ”

“That's it. What's the big deal? But what's wrong with you helping me? The Mayor of Daegu has to have a point. ”

“Don't be useless! ”

He was cut off.

‘Is it really the same name? ’

His judgments only got more complicated over time.

* * *

Choi Yun Jeong felt a little fluttered after her first kiss with Jo Min-woo recently. But she also wondered if she could get a favor from her father.

“Dad, what does that mean? You want me to show you a picture of him? ”

“Couples take a lot of pictures together these days. ”

“I do, but why do you need it? ”

“Are you accusing me of something? ”

“It's not like that, it's just like that. Oh, okay. ”

Eventually, she decided to listen to this request from the right line.

* * *

Unlike men, it is not that difficult for a woman to take a picture with her. Moreover, Cho Min-woo already liked Choi Yun-jeong, so he heard the pair and welcomed them.

Squeak, squeak, squeak.

I just took various photos of the two of them posing together.

This includes an ampoule (?) Employees. They were shocked to learn that Choi Yun-jeong was 20 years old.

Chairman, you're really doing too much.

Luckily, Choi Yun-jung didn't notice the atmosphere like this. Amplifying is so experienced, and capital (?) Because it was rich, the atmosphere of the company itself was great.

Although it has not yet been well known, Ample was gradually taking on the framework of the company, saving no expense for employee benefits.

I sent the best photo of Choi Yun-jeong to my father.

Choi Yun-jeong's father looked at the picture and was a little devastated, but as a friend asked, he soon sent the photo back to the mayor who helped him.

Mayor Dodgan waited eagerly and received a photograph, but the report came as a shock.

‘No, my God, Joe, you're President Cho Min-woo, right? ’

I was shocked.

Unlike the others, he had seen Jo Min-woo himself a few times. Moreover, I remember Cho Min-woo better than anyone because we had met several times. It was not seen through the media.

He left all the attendants behind and immediately headed to the Cho Min-woo Leasing Building with only two guards.

There, I found Jo Min-woo cleaning the building.

“Joe, Chairman Joe?! ”

Cho Min-woo immediately stretched his back after taking it apart in the trash.

“Who are you? I think you have the wrong person. ”

“Council, Chairman, it's me, Dougan. I was deputy secretary of finance, remember?! ”

He frowned as soon as the three "bookkeepers" came out. You might have seen yourself. Immediately, I put the broom next to me and washed my clothes with dirt.

“Let's say yes. What is it about? I'm sure you're done with raincomb. Are you trying to play tricks on me again? ”

“That's not it. No, it's totally unjust. How dare you do that to him? We were foolish enough to work at the time. ”

He was bent at his waist, holding Cho Min-woo's hand with both hands. He is already over the age of mid-50s. That was the reaction he couldn't see.

Even his eyes shed tears of remorse. It was a sincere reflection on the past pain.

Cho Min-woo was also bitter.

“Well, let's say that. After all, there's no point in wallowing in now. What brings you here? ”

“Do me a favor. ”

“Please? Do you think that means anything? ”

Mayor Dawgan revealed his own plan, his eyes filled with intense aspirations. The description of his identity, the free trade zone in Daegu City, followed by various benefits.

At first, Jo Min-woo tried to ignore it, but his head tilted back after hearing some of the benefits related to the plant site.

“Full corporate tax deduction? Is that possible?"

“The cod economy is that bad. One of the places that was hit in the face after Raincomb disappeared was the Gumi Confederacy. A line of factories that had originally been supplied to the Raincomb industry. ”

The story of the passage. An example of how the economy is connected to each other. The disappearance of Raincomb would seem unrelated to other regional economies, but it is not.

Except for the core parts, some parts were delivered by the relevant vendor.

As the link collapsed, the old economy, even more so, the cod economy, was hit with live ammunition.

Cho Min-woo listened quietly and was troubled by the unthinkable result.

‘Yeah, I didn't really care about that. I only drew the big picture, and then the placenta did both. ’

What can happen when you take off your hand is completely ignored.

Cho Min-woo thought deeply about this and later realized what he had done wrong.

Is it some kind of distribution problem? ’

It is not a communist distribution. To be precise, I had to work hard to get the benefits back. But raincomb was a little crazy about military weapons at the time. So I didn't think at all about the position of the workers working for me.

Such complaints only got worse and worse over time. In the end, the complaint had to come out, and the conflict only got worse over time.

The average salary per minute for Raincomb headquarters was over 200 million at the time. The loss that the subordinate employee received was greater than I expected.

Under it, subcontractors and my subcontractors had to work as slaves.

Even in the case of old age, those who contributed to the development of raincomb claimed their rights.

Unfortunately, Cho Min-woo was not interested in such stories at all.

"Did Director Yang tell you that? ’

After thinking about it, Jo Min-woo broke up with the mayor first.

“Okay, that's it. Please try sending us the required files once. ”

“Go, thank you. ”

“You're welcome. I don't think I've done anything right now. ”

* * *

Even Jo Min-woo felt a few things had changed because he met Choi Yun-jeong, but he didn't know what it was. However, after listening carefully to the market story, he felt that the decision was carefully made.

‘It must be Yoon Jeong. Is it because of this feeling of love, exactly? ’

Well, let's say it is.

What matters is the past. Again, what worries me these days is that the fall of raincombs was not just bad luck.

Although the actions of the Republic of Korea itself were problematic, it was itself that provided Billy with such actions.

Director Yang Duksoon naturally knew that.

“It was a problem. I told my employees that I was appropriately distributing corporate negligence, but it didn't work out the way I meant it. Tell him to take care of himself if he always talks to you. But it's hard for me to decide as far as you can go. Eventually, it caused a lot of problems with delays. Existing Raincomb employees were able to win lotteries based on their performance, so they did not look down. ”

“Phew, why are you talking about such problems....... Phew, you were talking about them. But I didn't listen at all, and I organized it in the right line, and it wasn't enough. ”

“Yes. In fact, it's true that the union has provoked Congress. Of course, that would be difficult. There were others, but things are different when you get ahead of the workforce. ”

Cho Min-woo also complained because he was unfair.

“I couldn't afford it. You know better than anyone what my position is. ”

Director Yang Deoksun also opened his mouth carefully, leaving Tum on for a moment.

“You're not wrong either. But it's also true that you're overreacting. I wonder if I should have done that. But I understood that that's why things kept happening at that time. The same goes for the rest of the staff. ”

“Lack of communication. ”


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