Accompanying the Phoenix

Chapter 102: Something's Wrong

Tomorrow moon is confused half a dream half awake, feeling like a small boat with waves, bumps and fluctuations on the vast sea surface. Heavy and heavy, she had no power to open her eyes. Some familiar and unfamiliar waves were heard in her ears, which blinded her for a moment before reminding her that she was indeed on board.

But why is she on board? When is the boat boarding and where is the boat going? I can't even remember the first time next month.

Someone in the ear is talking, intermittently, not really listening.

“The news came back… When the Regent entered the secret passage in person… those who were there waited for them to go in and blow up the secret passage… It was established that the Regent had been seriously wounded. Though there is no confusion at the moment in Shang Jing Cheng... but once the news of the King Regent's injuries spreads, Daliang will surely become chaotic. Will the Yan Nation watch as the beams become chaotic and inactive? I can't help but be afraid... Your Highness, this is also our time. Besides, we still have it today... the ancient relics you found before can't be made by craftsmen, now... if we have the artifact in our hands, we can't even stop it in the strong walls, don't say the beam, it is the world, we must also take it back to His Highness! His Royal Highness has done great work this time. His Majesty must be very pleased...”

Someone laughed clearly and comfortably, "Good. Now all we have to do is get back to the clouds safely... are our tails swept clean? ”

“Your Highness, don't worry, all our tails have been cut off. It is true that Yan Guo's people, his subordinates just didn't expect them to catch up so soon... There has been no news from Liu Yu, most of them have..."

Then the person who was comfortable laughing didn't seem to be able to laugh. He silenced for a while and said: “Although we have broken some people, it is good that we still have them. Let the people under it pay more attention, we are going to get out of the beam, the inventory on the pier will definitely be tighter, this should be more careful at this juncture, don't show your horses and feet, leading to the ultimate loss of power is not good. ”

“Rest assured, Your Highness, my men have made some calls. Just wait out of the beam, there will be our people to take care of it... make sure nothing goes wrong. ”

“That's good.” The person saw that the moon seemed somewhat painfully frowned, his long, curly eyelashes twitched slightly, and he would go out with the previous person, "go on. Send food and medicine. ”

“Yes." There was a murmuring sound of clothes in the house, and soon a footstep sounded, followed by the opening of the door and someone walked out.

The sporadic pieces that are being heard in her mind next month, trying to fit together, but one hand falls on her forehead, followed closely by a laughing drowning voice over her head: “Wake up? ”

Tomorrow moon embarrassed to continue sleeping, I had to slowly open my heavy eyelids, a familiar and some strange man in front of me, wearing a snow-white robe, long hair with a loose bunch of strips of silk, the long eyebrow shows a peaceful, slightly curled lips, and look at the bright moon to reveal a gentle and joyful smile.

“Your Highness?” Zhang Zhang called with hesitation next month.

The man's lip smiled deeper and deeper, reaching out to help the moon rise, "Did you sleep well? ”

“Not good.” The moon frowned and opened the delicate mode unconsciously: “I feel dizzy, I feel so bad. My lord, where are we? ”

Long cold long fingers gently fell on the forehead corner of the moon, gently massaging her up, "Are you sad? I'll rub it for you. We're on the boat. How come you forgot? ”

He pulled the moon into his arms, even masterfully rubbing her forehead horn.

Tomorrow the moon smelled the cool and sweet fragrance of water on him. Somehow, it shrunk.

It smells like something's wrong.

“I forgot again?” Her eyebrows are tighter, her brain is getting more confused, "how did we get on the boat? Going somewhere? September 18th is our wedding day. Some things are not ready. If we leave like this, will we miss our wedding? ”

The person behind it sounded like a deep “um”: “September 18th? Don't worry, we'll make it. When we get there... we'll get married right away and we won't miss our wedding. ”

Tomorrow moon just relaxed and remembered that he hadn't answered her other questions. He couldn't help but whisper again, "And where are we going to do it, you haven't told me yet. ”

“There are some matrimonial things, I want to take the next moon to buy them myself, and by the way, they are scattered. How can you forget?” The person seemed helpless to sigh, “I didn't intend to take you out. If you were to cry and hang yourself, I couldn't resist you. I had to take you with me. ”

Is that so? Moon's eyebrows not only didn't expand, but added some confusion and confusion.

Why does she feel so uncomfortable with the person behind her? He is clearly a land of He, but his habit of speaking sounds so strange. He Zhizhou has never called herself “the king” in front of her. Moreover, in private, he called her “Dafu", and rarely called her this seriously next month.

Although He Zhizhou also loved her with all kinds of gentleness, he preferred to lift his mouth with her. Even if he liked the fate she liked in his heart, his mouth had to be damaged by two sentences before he could stop. How suddenly it became so tender, some of it didn't look like the land she knew.

At this time, the boat travels to a shore of water, with the Red Sun immersed in the river and the sky falling in the sun.

Tomorrow the moon heard the sound of drinking and selling outside, the appearance of extra noise, put aside the suspicion in the brain, hands and feet and climbed to the window along the bed, pushed open that little window, and saw a lively scene outside.

However, without waiting for her to take a closer look, the window was closed behind her.

She glanced back at her dissatisfaction, "What are you doing? I haven't seen it yet. ”

“Outsiders are so cluttered, there's nothing to see.” The man persevered and said to Tomorrow Moon, reaching out to take her to the table, "I made someone prepare dinner, you pad first, and drink medicine later, otherwise you will suffer again with empty stomach. ”

The moon glanced at his hand, and the femur was distinct and beautiful, but the colour seemed a little wrong.

“What's the matter?” The man followed the sight of the moon and looked at his hand.

“How did the king's hand get darker?” Tomorrow moon frowned, a look of meditation, “I remember the king's hand was not this color, distinguished to be whiter. ”

The man smiled unchanged: “I want to go out these days and neglect maintenance. ”

Nod your head when you hear a statement tomorrow, “You're right. ”

She lifted her little face and smiled sweetly at the man. Her heart placed her hand in his hand without mustard. She grabbed him as if she were a child and swayed his hand for a moment. She picked up that hand and played with it carefully.

The person had not cared about her childish behavior, gave her hands to play with, but the corner of her eyes noticed her confused frown, “What's wrong? ”

“Nothing.” The moon raised its head and looked sweet again.

His name changed, his name changed, the color of his hands changed, even the old scar under his palm disappeared.

Tomorrow the moon seriously looked at the person in front of her, the breath was different, the feeling had changed, but why did she see it in her eyes, or did she smile at her so gently drowning in the land of He?

Is something wrong with her feelings?

“Who am I?” The man asked suddenly and even abruptly.

Tomorrow's subconscious answer: "My lord. ”

The man laughed again, "If you know why you're looking at me like you don't recognize me. ”

I don't know how to answer him next month, but I thought, "Why did that man just call you His Highness? That's not what they call you, Greensleeve? By the way, where are the green sleeves and the red jade? Didn't they go out with us? ”

The man glanced slightly, “Perhaps you heard me wrong. How could you summon my Highness? Green sleeves and red jade, they had other assignments, so they didn't go out with us. ”

“Where's Sandalwood?” Asked East Zhang Xiwang next month, without waiting for that person to answer, he remembered, "I remember, my sandalwood foot is wounded and certainly cannot go out with us. The girl never left me. I don't know what it would look like to leave her in the house this time. We have to get her something fun to go back to, otherwise we can't fool her. And Xiaofei..."

Her voice suddenly burst and she became a little confused, "Who's Fei? How can I not remember what he looked like? ”

She said, frowning and banging herself in the head. The person who can say it by mouth means that she must have recognized him and knew him well, but why doesn't she have any impression in her mind? She can't remember who she called Xiaofei and what she was born like?

How did this happen? Is she sick?

But why doesn't she remember her illness? If she's sick, what's wrong with her? Amnesia?

“Just an irrelevant person, forget it, don't think about it.” The man reached out and grabbed Tomorrow's self-inflicted hand, softly comforting her, "It's okay, you're just a little uncomfortable right now, just wait a few days. ”

Tomorrow the moon looked up at him and muttered, “So I'm really sick? ”

“Hmm.” The guy nodded, "So you have to take your pills to get better fast, you know? ”

“Oh.” The moon nodded nicely.

At this point, I heard someone outside calling for pearl white fish spoons. Bright moon's eyes lit up and immediately threw everything behind her head, "I'm going to eat pearl fish sauce, you're going to get someone to buy it for me. The pearl fish soup made in the house is not authentic. I heard that pearl fish is unique to Wujiang. Are we now in Wujiang? ”

The man paused and nodded, “Yes, we're in the Wujiang. ”

The moon is getting happier and happier, “Great. They all say to eat authentic pearl fish soup, you have to go to Wujiang in person to know its delicious taste. The cook also said that the fish spoon made from the pearl fish from Wujiang is no better than the pearl fish spoon eaten from the Wujiang itself. Your Majesty, did you listen to the pearl fish spoon I wanted to eat in the tunnel, which is why you brought me here? ”

The man's eyes gently fell on the face of the moon. He looked at the moon's eyebrows bent and happy and satisfied. He also smiled. "Naturally, I heard you wanted to eat, so I brought you here deliberately. ”

The heart of the moon suddenly sinks to the bottom of the valley.

She may be really sick, so somehow she doesn't remember many things. But she can be sure that she never talked to He Zhizhou about pearl fish. Before that, she didn't even know what kind of fish pearl white was, and she didn't eat it. How could she have talked to He Zhizhou about pearl fish? Besides, Wujiang also came out of her mouth, she only confirmed that they were on the surface of the river through the small window she had just opened, so she made up a Wujiang out of her mouth, but he didn't deny it!

This man is either lying to her or flirting with her!

He is not Hezhou at all!

Why does he have such a face like Ho's? Where is He Zhizhou? She was taken. Was he looking for her?

Tomorrow the dark pupils suddenly shrunk. She remembered. When she was confused before, she heard someone talking. The man said Regent... Yes, He Zhizhou is Regent! He says the Regent is badly wounded!

Tomorrow the moon couldn't help but take a breath of air and tremble.

“What's the matter?” The man immediately noticed something was wrong with her and glanced slightly. He looked at it with concern and looked at all the reactions of next month.

“... suddenly a little cold.” The bright moon's face was a little white, but she calmed down quickly. She seemed really afraid of the cold. She shrunk her shoulders and rubbed her arms twice. "Perhaps it was due to the high wind above the river. ”

The man looked carefully at the moon several times before expressing his concern: “If you are still uncomfortable, lie down after eating, don't be strong, your body is the most important. ”

"The other day you said you wanted to paint, and I got people to buy brushes and paints, so you can paint whenever you want. ”

“Painting?” When the moon stood still, something seemed to flash in her head, but it was too fast, and she couldn't catch it, so she nodded ambiguously.

The man's eyes suddenly lit up and his breathing even slowed down slightly. He was afraid to scare the next moon. “Do you remember what you would draw? ”

“I can paint...” I look at him with my tongue open in the moon, and I'm blind and innocent, and then I moan with my head, "I feel dizzy, it hurts... what can I paint? Can I paint? I... I can't remember, what's wrong with me? ”

“Forget it if you can't remember.” The next moment, the next moon falls into the arms of the sunken perfume.

The cold and sweet smell made her uncomfortable. She couldn't help but push the man's wide chest and raised her head confused and pathetic. “He Zhizhou, help me...”

The man looked down at her, holding her arms tight, and lowered his voice: "Okay, I'll save you. ”

No, right, everything's wrong.

That's not how he answered her.

What he clearly said at the time was, "Don't be afraid, the king is here."