Accompanying the Phoenix

Chapter 113: Loving and Ruthless

He Zhizhou frowned slightly and looked down at Princess Ting without speaking.

Ankang saw that he still had those dead faces on his face. Don't say thank you for the emotion. Princess Ting suffered because she was scared to death. She was so angry. “Your three brothers are not a thing, at least he is not afraid of your father punishing him? ”

Princess Ting's tears swept in her eyelashes, Chu Chu looked pathetically at He Zhou. “Now he and I are both on the land of Daliang. If I really have three lengths and two shorts, he can completely remove them, saying that I have to push this scourge on Brother He's head. He had already lit up his blade on me, and if I had guessed correctly, he would surely lay low on my way back to Yan Nation. As long as I die outside, it's not up to him to say it in front of my father. ”

Ankang nodded frequently, "You're right! Your three brothers will definitely push the assassination on our beams. It's so mean and shameless. ”

Imagine Yan Emperor's favorite daughter dying in Daliang or in the hands of Ha Zhizhou. Can Yan Emperor sit down? This is the same reason that Yuwen Fu cannot die in the hands of He Zhou. Anyway, now, Yuwen Fu cannot die, and Princess Ting cannot die! The strength of Yan is even more unscrupulous than that of Yunnan.

So in any case, we must first ensure Princess Ting's personal safety, and we must not let her die in Daliang!

Ankang thought of it here, couldn't help but look at the Asahi, this hot yam now they don't want to take over.

Seems to see how hard it is to be comfortable, Princess Ting is trying so hard to get up, "I can't give you any trouble, while no one knows, I'd better... let's go. ”

Ankang saw that Hezhou only cared about silence and didn't say a word. While there was no one in the belly of Hezhou, he hastily stopped Princess Ting. "Don't move, the wound on her body stopped bleeding easily. How can you be the benefactor of our princess and the princess of the next moon? How can we let the princess of the next moon be persecuted under the pretext that your three emperors found her? Besides, those people just saw us, how can they not guess who we are? Your three brothers will soon know that the king saved you. If you leave at this time and tell your three brothers to meet again, it will really become that our prince killed you and reported it to your father. Do you also think that our prince killed you? It's not too late for you to take care of your injuries. ”

He went to see the face of He Zhizhou as he spoke. He didn't show any discomfort. He knew that he didn't blame him for making such an argument, so he relieved himself and smiled. “Anyway, you are not the only one here to take care of the wounded. One more is nothing. It's just that our pedestrian doesn't have a maid, so he has to entrust Princess Hu Ting first, and buy two more maids to take care of you in Huicheng. ”

Princess Ting looked at Ankang with gratitude and anxiety and looked at Ha Zhou. Her eyes filled with tears were full of pity. As if Ha Zhou had not nodded her head, she would not dare to leave her peace of mind.

Ankang hastily and quietly pulled off the sleeves of Ha Zhou's clothes. Ha Zhou shrugged, "Let's do this first. ”

Princess Ting relieved herself and looked at her with great guilt. “I'm going to trouble Brother He again. ”

Ankang originally thought that Hezhou would be kind enough to say something, "It's not trouble” or “it's not too much trouble”. Who knows that Hezhou nodded his head seriously, “Hmm. ”

Ankang: "…”

Even if it's really troublesome, it's not good to just say so. Look at all the little beauties crying out of shame. Ankang couldn't help shaking her head.

This attitude is as tolerant and attentive as treating Princess Tomorrow Moon.

Ankang doesn't even know whether to lament the heartless or the heartless. Because he still feels that He Zhizhou is more like a heartless person, so it is not much love. He gave it to the Princess of the Moon as much as possible, and treated other women naturally without falsehood, and couldn't bring a little tenderness.

The doctor was brought here by a fast horse whip, and Ankang and He Zhizhou got off the carriage.

“Your Highness, cousin, at least he saved the Princess of the Moon, and she was injured because of the Princess of the Moon. Can you be a little polite?” Ankang complained.

“Wasn't the king nice enough for her?” He Zhizhou's faceless counter-announcement said, "If the king were to be polite to her, he would not save her, let alone leave her to feed her injuries. ”

These are all for her saving next month. He realized he had been very kind to Princess Ting. Otherwise, he would not have given her such a precious medicine to heal her wounds.

Ankang plug, thinking about it, said: "Then at least give people a good look. ”

He Zhizhou stared at him in the shadow: "Do you think the king's face looks good now? ”

Ankang jumped out of the country in a panic. He laughed. “I'm full of nonsense. You old man, you can support the boat in the prime minister's stomach, don't compare it with me. ”

He knew too much about his cousin's sexuality - knowing that Princess Ting had an interest in him and that he was kind to her, didn't he give Princess Ting hope? That's why his cousin was so disrespectful to Princess Ting.

However, Ankang really thinks this Princess Ting is good. She's a good person to talk to. She's also from a good background. At this time, we do not know what is happening between Yunnan Congress and Daliang. If Daliang can marry Yan Guo, under strong alliance, Yunnan will not dare to do anything!

Seriously, this mountain is not his now, and it can't be his in the future. He is so worried about who it is for!

No conscience!


Tomorrow moon woke up, he Zhizhou boarded her carriage and never came down again.

He's going to teach her to eat with a spoon or chopstick next month, and she's not going to be caught again with her hands.

“Sit down and don't let anything get upside down. See how this king uses a spoon...” He Zhizhou held next moon's shoulder and sat her down before demonstrating the action.

He sat up straight, his fingers squeezed a third of a spoon, and not a drop of soup came out when scouring. Fearing that he would not understand tomorrow's moon, he stared into her eyes, spoke slowly, his voice was soft and pleasant, spit word for word out of thin lips, and sent the red bean soup to his mouth with grace.

Tomorrow the moon opened its mouth and waited for him to feed it. At first sight, the sweet red bean soup went into the mouth of He Zhizhou, and immediately quit, frowning mouth will jump to rob.

He Zhizhou steadily lifted up the soup bowl, opened her hand and left the soup bowl in the car window like in the morning, silently and insistently looking into the eyes of next month.

Tomorrow the moon will understand. She screamed and looked at He Zhizhou and looked at the red bean soup that would be knocked over by He Zhou at any moment. Her eyes were wet and her eyes were wet. She hummed so hard that she was reluctant to sit down.

He Zhizhou looked at her bigger eyes than before, her heart couldn't help but soften acidity. She didn't know how many sins she had suffered this trip. There were some fat little faces of babies that were now almost shaped. The thin chin could be used as a dark device to poke people, and she didn't know how long it would take to grow them back. By the time he thought about it, he had put the red bean soup back in and spoiled the soup himself into the mouth of the moon.

Tomorrow's moon was still unhappy. As soon as she drank the boiled soft, hard, suitable and sweet red bean soup, she immediately satisfied herself and bent her eyes. There was no dissatisfaction in the eyes of Ha Zhizhou. If she had a tail behind her, she was afraid to shake her tail towards Ha Zhizhou's unstoppable head.

Happy to see her eat, He Zhizhou couldn't help feeding her another spoon.

The Regent, who had never killed a trumpet, had two little men fighting in his heart at the moment.

One said, "Didn't you teach her to eat herself? Why did you feed it? ”

One said, "Now she knows what it's like to feed her like a child, so what? ”

A sneer rebutted, “Just because she knows how to be a child, you have to teach her. Can't you feed her every time you eat? She's not a real child. Let her learn this for her own good! ”

A dissatisfied airway: “Even if she doesn't learn, the person who serves her can arrange as much as she wants, even if she changes it once a day. There are also people who serve her, and she doesn't have to learn to eat with a spoon of chopsticks. ”

One more rebutted: “She's going to be the Queen Regent in the future. Should she be made to laugh at the Queen Regent as a fool who can't even eat? ”

The disgruntled little man was snapped out.

He Zhizhou dropped the soup bowl and handed the spoon to Ming Moon, "Try it yourself. ”

Feeding was interrupted. Though she was somewhat dissatisfied with the moon, she was curious about Hezhou's passing the spoon to her. She looked at Hezhou and looked at the spoon.

He Zhizhou handed the spoon to her again, "Good boy. ”

Try and reach out next month and take the spoon.

He Zhizhou took out another spoon, "See how I eat it. ”

Said, demonstrated again.

Tomorrow moon's fingers were stiff with a spoon, stiff to scoop the red bean soup in the bowl, hands shaking, the red bean soup in the spoon sprinkled normally, she left her mouth, obviously unhappy, but still learned to put the spoon in her mouth like he Zhizhou. Due to improper force, a spoon fell on several tables.

Suddenly the frustrated moon turned red, and I had to reach out to grab the red bean soup in the bowl, and my mouth screamed, and it seemed like it was going to stand like that bowl of red bean soup.

“Don't be ridiculous, sit tight.” He Zhizhou shouted in silence.

I can't hear you till next month, and I've turned on the woo-woo cry mode again.


Ankang looked at Princess Ting in amazement and listened to the noise of the barracks coming from the front carriage. She couldn't help but cover her eyes with pain.

They used to be ashamed of themselves in front of the guards, but they wouldn't dare say anything anyway. But now this face is embarrassed in front of outsiders, Ankang just feels like his face has been disgraced.

Princess Ting seemed hesitant to tangle before asking: “Princess Moon... has this been happening since last night? ”

Anyway, his face has been disgraced, Ankang put down his hands to cover his face, sighed heavily, bite his teeth cut hatred: “It is all Yuwen Fu's fault that the despicable thief, if he hadn't made a mistake against the Princess of the Moon, the Princess of the Moon would not have fallen into this state. ”

Princess Ting sighed: “Yuwen restored to the Princess of the Moon... I watched him take care of the Princess of the Moon. He often lives with the Princess of the Moon. Even if he doesn't get the Princess of the Moon in the end, he will not be able to take a hard hand on her, I didn't expect..."

Ankang's eyes were wide open, "Yuwen Fu lives with Princess Ming Moon? ”

Princess Ting revealed the uneasiness of the wrong words when she stood up. "Even if... even if we lived together, we wouldn't want to do anything rude or excessive for Princess Moon. Me, I pretend to be a maid, I always stay outside the door, and I never hear anything strange. ”

She said this on her mouth, but her divine color was quite uncomfortable. She seemed to think of something bad, and a slight red spot appeared on her miserable white face.

The more she hid herself, the more angry she became.

Suddenly there was a sharp cry in the carriage ahead, followed closely by the utter scorn of the House of Happiness.

Princess Ting glanced at the curtain, “Brother He seems to be struggling. ”

Ankang's mind stopped at the words of eating and living with Yuwen in the next moon. He was distracted and nodded: “Yeah. She can cause many of these things when she is well, and now she is like this, I don't know how many jokes will be made in the future. ”

Princess Ting said with envy: "How is Princess Moon treating her better than before? Brother Ho has been so affectionate with her, so enviably tight. In this world, there are a handful of men as consistent as Brother Ho, and Princess Ho is lucky to meet Brother Ho next month. ”

She said that, very suddenly and lost her sigh.

Ankang returned to God and looked at Princess Ting as astringent and obnoxious. She hurried to comfort her: “Princess Ting doesn't have to envy Princess Ming Moon. Although there are not many people in the world who are as affectionate as His Royal Highness, Princess Ting is kind, but one day she will meet a good person who is always good to you. ”

Princess Ting had a hard time going down and had to smile: “Then borrow Prince An's good words. ”

Ankang saw that she was still depressed and rushed to change the subject. "What are Princess Ting's plans in the future? ”

“I will go back to Yan when the wounds are well nourished.” Princess Ting laughed lightly, "I can't keep bothering you and Brother Ho. But when I think about it, I think it's worth it. ”

“What did you say?” Ankang is unknown so.

“This way, I can follow you to the capital in the name of injury.” Princess Ting laughed naively and satisfied. “Brother He and Princess Tomorrow Moon are about to get married. It was unfortunate that she could not go to see the ceremony herself. Now we have a ready excuse to see the ceremony? ”

She said, "It's good to see them happy with your own eyes. ”