Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 55

You can search "Hogwarts' Admiral Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Why did you give me the money from Veneto? I'm not afraid that I will swallow the money." Hugo asked jokingly after putting the money away."There can be more than 100 gallons in it, which is a lot of money from any angle."

"I don't think you dare." Fred said, Hugo has recognized his identity through observation at this time."Don't forget how the lady broke the troll's leg. I guess if you swallow the money, your head will be cracked like an egg."

"You're right, I don't dare." Hugo said with a shrug, and then he asked, looking at the two Weasley twins who were a head taller than him."By the way, I remember you guys also made a shot, how is the situation?"

"Hey, we are neither as rich as you nor brave as you, so everyone only earned one gallon and seven sicos." George shrugged at this point."After all, there are not few people in the three colleges who are willing to support Gryffindor with friendship, so the odds are really not very high. In addition, each of us at the time took about ten Sico's capital, and we could win this. A lot of money is pretty good."

"At least now the money is enough for us to buy a batch of materials to continue our experiment." Fred continued."Thanks to your thoughts last time, I think we can now try to make some experimental products."

"Sounds very good." Hugo said as he took out ten Gallons from his wallet and put them in the twins' hands."Like you just said, since I have a copy of this research, I should also make some effort."

As he said, he waved to interrupt Fred who wanted to say something, and then looked at them seriously."If you really treat me as a partner as you said, just accept the money. After all, as a partner, you should be equal."

"I may not be very useful in this combination because I am too young and have too little knowledge. But I think I can use some of the money to make up for these shortcomings." Hugo smiled."What's more, the money was only obtained after you told me about this, so it's reasonable to give a part of it to you."

"Well, we'll accept the money." Fred said that after taking the ten coins, he realized that Hugo was serious about it, and it sounded reasonable.It even made him feel that if he didn't collect the money, he would look down on Hugo's partner."We will use the money well."

"Yes." George also nodded. "If we can open a store in the future, your money will be our first investment." Having said that, he also took out a small book. In Fifty and Ten, he carefully noted Hugo's name and the ten Gallons invested today.

"Then I wish your future store will be prosperous." Hugo said with a smile. At this time, he should be the one who is most confident that two people can open a store. At least the current Weasley twin brothers treat themselves There are still some doubts about whether to open a store.

After a few more greetings, Hugo and the Weasley twins bid farewell to each other.Then he turned left and right to another unmanned classroom on the first floor below, where fireflies with double pony tails were already waiting for him.

"Brother Hugo, you finally came." After watching Hugo walk in, the firefly rushed up and hugged Hugo. After a while, he let him go, then took out a wallet from his body and handed it over. come."By the way, this time I won so much money thanks to your guidance, so the money is for you."

Unlike Hugo and Veneto, as a girl with a straightforward personality in everyone’s eyes, Firefly took out 12 Gallon all-in Gryffindor to win and Harry will in one go. Caught the Golden Snitch, so got 144 gold coins.And now the wallet she gave to Hugo contained 100 gallons that she had said before.Literary Theory

In fact, both Veneto and Firefly planned to give the money to Hugo at the beginning.After all, as the admiral Hugo himself belongs to the weakest link in the entire system, it is most important for the ship mother to strengthen the strength of the admiral Hugo at any time.

On the other hand, if it weren't for the information about the plot provided by Hugo, neither Veneto nor Firefly would have obtained this wealth.Therefore, the two ship women thought that the money should belong to Hugo.

The most important thing is that all the ship maidens basically recognize everything about themselves, including their own admiral when they need questions, and this money is no exception.However, Hugo still persuaded them to let them leave some pocket money with them on the grounds of always carrying some money in the school.

After chatting with Firefly for a while, the two of them went to the auditorium to have lunch together.After lunch, Hugo did not practice with Veneto as usual, but stayed in the dormitory.Because today is Saturday, his roommate went out to relax, and he was the only one left in the room.

"Okay victory, how do I acquire skills?" After confirming the safety of the room, Hugo immediately contacted his most important system assistant Victory through the admiral network and asked this important question.

"This matter is very simple. You lie down on the bed first." Shengli said, "Because the process of instilling these skills may have a certain impact on your body. If you stand, it is likely to be directly due to these problems. Falling to the ground, in case of injury, it will be bad."

"Okay, I'm already lying down." Three minutes later Hugo lay on his bed as required, and then said to Victory through the admiral network, "What should I do next?"

"You only need to choose. Every ship maiden has his own power. The 300 gallons in your hand can get three common skills belonging to the ship maiden."

"Normal skills?" Hugo asked strangely after hearing the words uttered from Victory's mouth."Do you mean that there are some higher-level skills?"

"Of course, my admiral." Shengli said, "Skills are divided into two levels, one of which is ordinary skills like you, you will get the skills themselves. For example, the foreign language ability of the ship maidens and some fighting skills. ."

"Others are powerful skills worth 3000 gallons. These skills not only require more money. They also require you to unlock certain avatars to strengthen your body before you can learn."

"For example, there is a skill called Fatal Impact among Firefly's skills. After choosing this skill, you will be able to learn a set of extremely powerful melee combat, which can cause damage to your opponent by colliding with each part of your body. But if your physical strength and power are insufficient, this set of moves will not only not have the original powerful lethality, but it will even hurt yourself in turn."

"It turned out to be so, I understand." Hugo can also understand this limitation. After all, many of the skills of ship ladies are based on their powerful bodies and cannot be used with human flesh and blood.Therefore, he gave up those high-level skills that seemed to be eye-catching and looked at ordinary skills.