Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 259 ends discussion

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"That is, you have replaced the confidential person when you claim, and then the confidentiality rebelliously killed your friend. As a result, you thought that the traitor killed, and ran to the prison, and then found The traitor will come out to kill him. Is this? "

After listening to the narrative of the little Wingly, the company quickly filled the relationship of the relationship: "Now, the biggest problem is that most people don't know if you have replaced the confidential person, so you are now in everyone. The eyes are traitors, what can't be done. "

"Yes, it is like this." Xiao Tian Wolf gazing at the whispering of the company, "If you can help me with the pet mouse of the Wesley home child, I will be grateful to you. "

"You know, I am now the last heir of the Black family, so if you are willing to help me, I am willing to pay half of the wealth of the family as a reward."

It seems that as a member of a pioneering family, Xiao Tianfu is unknowingly contaminated many pure blood habits. So even if the state is not very good now, he also knows that it is necessary to use the interest to temptation the company.

"Sorry, I can't promise you at this time." After Xiao Tianfu said, the company gently shake his head. "Because I need to find a way to determine what you said is true."

"The traitor is Peter -" Listening to the company, Xiao Tianfu immediately struggled, but he was still a petrochemical curse by the company yet.

"Listen to me, I used to be an Ao Luo." Looking at the little Wingly Wolf star who was moving, the company nodded and said. "So I won't believe in any party before the investigation."

"Of course, given you that you have been wanted now, once you are arrested, it is likely to be directly executed without trial, so I don't plan to give you directly to the Magic Ministry or even a soul." "

Miss Harcy, I have to say that you should be a good Ao Luo. It is only like Mooddi's neurotic. "Enterprises have lifted the limit on Xiao Tian's Wolf star, Xiao Tian wolf starred voice.

"Since you don't plan to give me directly to those damn soul, then now you should put me away."

"No, I certainly won't let you go." The company shook his head again. "You just said that Harry, in case you really have to enter the school to kill Harry, then my mistake is too big.

"I am Harry's godfather, how can I -" After listening to the company, Xiao Tian Wolf star roared once, but the company just lifted his hand and raised the poor stick, he suddenly sat quiet.

"Learn to stay quiet is a good thing." The company smiled and said. "So the next period of time, I need to stare at you to ensure that the situation is controlled, of course, this may be slightly grieved -"

So five minutes later, the company took the door of the Nimghus form that was put into the magic cage in the door of the counterattached store. Unlike the previous black dog, the company dyes a small gorus star with a pile of colors.

"Remember, you are hurt now, you can't move." The company said to Xiao Tianwei, who was wrapped in a circle of a bandage. "The female boss that is a good person, so they should be willing to pay you."

Because of the pass of the governor of the network, she quickly put the little Sirius installed in the cage in the warehouse against their hotel, then the wind is fired to return to Hogworth Castle.

"How, what is found outside the castle?" The company just entered the castle, and Professor Macques came down from the stairs and asked.

"There is a little bit." The company took a piece of buzzard of a small slap in the private sector from Xiao Tianful, said. "This is found on a branch I have access to Hogmad Road."

After passing the only trophy this evening to Professor McGe, the company has begun to patrolling in the castle in the castle.

According to Professor Dumbledor, professors will not only search the entire castle, but also need to enter the auditorium inspection every hour to confirm that the students are safe.

"I have already handled things all." When I rushed from Trigui, the company had gotten the network with the incompetence of the network.

Xiao Tianfiri has been placed in the store against them, I believe that they should be able to watch him. As for Peter, I think it is time to find a chance to catch it out. "

After you have completed the scheduled plan this evening, Hugo quickly closed his eyes and fell asleep in the prompt of the three fate. Early the next morning, he knew another thing that happened last night.

It turned out that in 3:00 am, Hogwarts Castle completed all search work. Whether you are searching or the clothes found by the company, it shows that Xiao Tianfu has left the castle.

Only when the professors finally concluded, Sneps always thought that Lu Ping helped Xiao Tianshi to mix into the castle, but Dumbledo did not agree with this allegation.

"The soul monsters outside yesterday are actually going to come in." Just on the road to the classroom to the classroom, the company said through the introduction of the network, "It was refused by the principal of Dumbledo."

"As long as it is a normal principal, it will refuse this." Yuyu passed through a group of Ppaqi and said, "The monster's impact on ordinary people is too big, no one will take the entire British magic world. Gamble this thing. "

In the next few days, the content of the gossip of the whole school is basically unified, and in this information spread, various conjectures are becoming more and more bizarre.

It is a routine conjecture like a phantom touch, flying in or through some kind of camouflage climbing. It is an endless idea that Black's intention to become a pleasant flower like Hanna Aibo.

But very fast, another message has flowed in the castle. That is the reason why Slitlin team has exchanged the Query Competition with the Ricin Ribly wound.

"Malford's last small wounds could not be used in such a long recovery time." In the library, Harry pressed the raffle of Hugo, Hermione and Vento whispered in front of him. "His that is in dress."

"You are right." Looking at the surrounding confirmation of the lady did not have, Venus said helplessly. "But at this point, we have no way at all."

"According to the record I found, the Sletary Liti Team is very good at using a variety of disc trisss to enhance their advantages. At least five or six years ago, they still have a team member deliberately Pharmacy then escaped in bad weather. "

"The game in the school is to use this dirty means?" Hermione put down the book. "This game is just a competition for honor. It should be honored by such means should be honorable."

"This is only the case for us, and it is not the case for Sletlin." Hugo has also joined the discussion. "They are more concerned about the results of things. Not how to achieve the process of results -"

After complaining, Harry seems to have suddenly thought about what. "Right, if you have time, you can help find Ron's mouse spotted."

"I know this mouse, I heard that Ron's brother is circulating to him." After hearing the news about Peter, the Weishi Trust is inadvertently asked. "What happened to the mouse?"