After Becoming The Tyrant

Chapter 77 Iron Emperor

The prince of Will is called a priest.

He looked at the Duke of Platinum and the Duke of Platinum, with the royal family, burn it in the born fire of the war angel before him. The biggest fear in his life is in that moment, there is no depression - no one in the Duke of Buckingham, no one can make him fear.

The ancient ghosts arrived as scheduled, for cautious, Will Princes arranged ancient cavalry as a Chinese army, used to defeat the main force of the Rodon Army.

When arrived at the battlefield, the prince of Will saw the bloody king flag fluttering in the middle of the Rodge, there was a place where the Rodon monarch is located.

The Prince Will has full of grasp.

Even if the cavalry led by the Duke of Buckingham, it is unbearable to resist the monsters of the ancient Euron 's cavalry, let alone a royal cavalry that is just a young junior set up at the end of last year? When the Gurden's heavy cavalry rushed into the opposite China military battle to launched the massacre, we also let the young Rodon king died under the trunk, the rebellion of the Northern Land won!

They can even be swept all the way, just like milled, the land that belongs to the rose family is.

The ancient cavalry has launched a charge.

The prince of Will also crossed the main force of the rebel army to embark on the battlefield - he wanted to tear an open left wing of the Lugerans, and then he was brought by the ancient ride, and thoroughly stranded all the power of Rodon!

There is a shadow of the Rodon cavalry in front, and the other party's army is not one-third of them.

"Kill them!"

The prince of Will did not put this no banner, the extraordinarily low-key army - Generally speaking, being placed in the left and right wings, all the troops of the second level, and they are the main force of anti-rebels .

The desolation of the corner of Wil is in the air while the prince is ordered.

Their enemies and Will princes also got up the charge of the charge, and the number of cavers who were far less than the anti-rebel army sounded at the angle.

The wind is scraped from the Rodown army, accompanied by the horse's pentium, and the wind is highly raised in half. The mirror of the cavalry was covered with a fog, and they couldn't see their specific appearance. They can only see the shadow that the horse is getting faster and fast.

The prince of Will suddenly felt that there was not right -

Ordinary cavalry has not so fast!

This idea has just flashed, the distance between the two sides has been sharply narrowed, and the order is not changed.

At this time, the middle of the cavalry came with the sky, and the hundreds of banners were raised at the same moment.

The church of the red scarlet flag is blooming in the blood.

On the same moment, hundreds of Wangqi is in the same moment. It seems that a bloody anger is placed in an instant.

The anti-rebel army has too deeply memorant memories of this blood!

In the past few days, the fallen imperial lion is a blood tide we wrapped in such a blood, and rushed into their army and launched a buzzer!

"Duke of Buckingham ?!"

The prince of Wil is almost out of mouth. At that moment, those bloody banners seem to become a bad ghost in his eyes, whistling to bite toward him.

He simply thought that the ecstasy in the past few days was just a dream, and the soul of the Duke of Platinum was unsatched.

However, soon, Will Prince wakes up.

The Duke of Platinum is dead! People killed by angels must never appear on the battlefield again!

"No! Middle school!"

The prince of Will suddenly woke up.

In addition to the Duke of Bucking, there is a person, a team will use this banner -

That is the king of Rodon! There is also a rose iron ride that Kings just formed last year!

They were cheated!

The bloody king flags that have erected in front of the Rodlang position are just a means used to deceive them! Rodon's real elite is not arranged in the Chinese army at all! The king personally led the rose iron ride to the fragile left wing, waiting for their attack!

I was late at this time.

The military of both parties has hit together.

The iron figure, the Grano met, almost in the moment, blood flew over the sky highfully.


The front of the Rose Iron ride is a young knight, he horing him.

The wind scraped the helmet of the knight, and he was armed by the cold armor in a majestic iron emperor. He took the first horse hit the iron gun against the rebel army, the sword in his hand cracked out a curved meniscus, and the enemy in front of him was unrestened to cut the throat.

The iron emperor-like knight led his army, such as the violent lion cracked into the anti-rebel army.

A bloody battle broke out between the transstraints!


On the battlefield, the right front line.

"Block! Block!"

The deputy header is full of sweat.

With his roar, the long arches will take a bow again, start shooting. The angle is echoing in the valley, and the new slaughter starts again.

Rodlang's long bow is famous in the world, in which they can shoot in the lock.

The king put all the long comments in the Pioneer Army allocated the right wing of the army. What they have to do is to stop the anti-rebel army with the landing of the anti-rebel army. Do not let the anti-rebel light cavalry get a chance to bypass the battlefield to support Will Prince.

The deputy will dig three trenches on the hillside on the right side of the battlefield, and put a root pile into the ground, form a protection line, and finally arrange the long arches in the way in the slope. On the top and bottom, the light cavalry who attacked them once again shot again and again.

With a dense arrow, the departure successfully arrived in the first two cavalry charges.

The long archers have limited anti-cavalry, but for the light cavalry, there is a killing force that cannot be underestimated.

The Light cavalry's locked armor did not have a heavy cavalry. This means that they can't be as easy as heavy carars. On the other hand, there is no armed protected light cavalry that will often be fatal damage under the rain.

A match horse in the arrow fell to the ground, and the anti-rebel army on the horse was fell heavy, and tightly took away the falling knight life as the arrow. There are also many knights who are trampled and died under their horseshoe because they were hurt by the horse. In an instant, this hillside was reddish.

For the first time, the second charge was taken down.

But this did not end.

The anti-rebel army was forcibly launching a charge with a few times of troops. During the sacrifice of life, there is still a lot of light cavalry rushing on the slopes occupied by the Rodlang's right wing, and the long bow after the simple branch is launched.

At this time, both sides have a lot of casualties.

After the second charge was pressed, the anti-rebel army was back and retracted.

Caught this short timing, the deputy command to drag the soldiers to drag the bodies on the ground and near the near slope, and build a new protective wall to block the enemy's third charge.

This is probably the most terrible protective wall ever.

It has built it with a comrades and enemies. Those bodies were still drowning down, and each head was full of blood and mud.

The horn is blown again.

Deputy General took the lead in pulling the bow, he almost shouted the scorpion: "Block! Give me a stop!"

They must resist this charge again!

At this point, on the battlefield on the left side of them, the Gurden's heavy cavalry has rushed into the Chinese army.

In the face of the top combat power of the Knight's Age, the new knights of the China army did not fight. Under the leadership of the front Rose knight, the middle army took the flight to the oblique, and saved hundreds of people every second to drag the footsteps of the ancient bottom heavy cavalry. Ancient Caffer.

Pay so much life, they are absolutely not allowed to fail!

Their King is in the left-wing to fight against the main force of the rebel army. If they are dying, they have to fight for the king to fight for this batch of light cavalry, for the king to get enough to kill Will princes!

As long as the prince of Will is dead, this war is over! Without the mercenary of the employer, there is no reason to participate, and the anti-rebel army that has lost the main army and the marshal will also collapse!

So, you must block!

"Archery! Archery!"

The deputy headed, his hand has been cut by the bow, a wound.

The cavalry slammed the rush, the long arches, the stress of the horse, the string of the horse ...

The battlefield has become a huge mill, and both sides will put life into the war in everything.


At the ancient cavalry chased the retreat of the middle army, when he held a knife, the battlefield where the king was also in the battlefield of life.

Here has become a huge stringer.

The body is overlapping, and the living person just falling is still a gas, and the new body has been repeated. The snow has become a swamp mortar, and the blood is like a river. People and the horse are killed in the blood river. Both sides have fallen into a glue.

People have become the most worthless money at this time.

The madman's rose iron roller is dragged several times the main force of his anti-rebel.

Indeed, the king led this rose iron rider just in less than a year, and they are far more than the experienced royal family who leads to the Duke of Buckingham. But at this moment, the rose iron ride was encouraged by a fanatics. This kind of enthusiasm is from their king.

- The king gave a corporate in the heart of killing.

The king visited the battlefield, pressed his skull with all the warriors!

His surrounded blood quarter splashed, from the opposite side of the arrow, through his shoulders, his sword broke the arrow, and it was ignored to his injury. No one can stop his footsteps.

When the prince of Will slammed out from the fight, he couldn't help but hit a cold.

That a nightmare is overlapping in front of him.

The young king stratets the horse to the blood sea, cutting the entire battlefield, and flipped toward him. All soldiers blocked between two people were killed by the king. He is the most terrible knight on the battlefield. When his long sword waves, the brids on the sword are flying into the fan-shaped arc.

The same silver hair blue, the same madness.

The arrogant shadow of the Rose Family Genesis was in that young king.

He is blood, it is unstoppable.

"Bowman! Bowman!"

Will Prince Treal.

At that moment, he found that the shadow of the rose family did not disappear with the fallen of the Duke of Platinum. It was finally firmly enveloped on his head.

This damn mad family!

The prince of Will commanded the archers to give up other goals, and the king of the battlefield center is fully refunded. He didn't dare to kill again, but shouted the shield knight around the command to gather, protect yourself.

It is clear that he is in the thousands of people, but he has no sense of security.

He can feel that the eyes of the young king have always fallen on him, and the cold eyes are like a sharp knife, closely sticking on his neck, and always cut his head.

At this time, the battlefield battle has been extremely bloody.

Whoever can't tell which party is in the upper wind, everyone is fighting fierce. The archer gathered, but I didn't know how to shoot it. The king also had a lot of anti-rebels his own warrior. They ghed together, quickly moved to rotate, it is difficult to lock a single person.

"Don't take care! I killed him!"

The prince of Will roared.

The archer got orders, no longer hesitating, giving a string for the increasingly near the battle.

The iron arrow broke out and the voice was scream.

In order to protect the anti-rebel knight of Will, he heard the routing of the rain behind, and lifted the shield while looked back - they saw the archer under the command of the prince of Wil, A scene shot in your own.

The anti-rebel's knights widened.

Some people in them were shocked by Zhang Da, but an arrow broke into his mouth, directly penetrating his skull.

The king is in the center of the anti-rebel knight.

At this time, his enemies be reversed into the wall of the rain of the rain. He took a shield and guarded most of the arrows, and some of the remaining were also under the long sword.

The anti-rebel army's knights can't help but scatter the king.

"His Majesty!"

Three rose knights held by the shield arrived from the blood in the blood, they gathered around the king. In the rain of the sky, they protect the kings forward, straight to the central position of the rebel army - there is a big [1] is fluttering.

Prince Will is under the banner.

The Prince Will realized the intention of the king, madly urged the bow archer to prevent the king from approaching the king.

The remaining rose knight on the battlefield always maintained a distance from the king. At this time they were fighting for a few knives by the enemy, and Qi Qi went abandon his enemies gathered.

Rose iron riding once again broke out a charge.

This time, the charge penetrated the battlefield blocking between the Prince Wilong and the king, and sent the king to the front of Will Prince.

In the face of rose iron riding, the anti-rebel army's archer broke out in front of his life and death.

In an instant, the arrow is like the rain.

That is, the three shield knights roared, and I have formed an indestructible shield wall.

They lifted high shields, let the arrows of all sides will shoot themselves into a hedgehog, making the king to make the chance of the deadly hit.

Through the cover of the three shields, the king hit the archer's defense, rushed to the banner of the white dragonfly.

The Prince Will saw his enemies at this moment.

His cold blue is no feelings.

The young king was murdered with a team of murdered teams, and he finally slammed his corpse. His armor showed a dark red because of too much blood. He is an angry emperor, and it is here to cut down the enemy's head.

Dr. Wil issued the final order from the throat and shouted to protect the surrounding shields.

The shield hand inserted a high huge shield to the ground, and wanted to block the charge of the charge around Will Prince.

The war horse turned to the front, but the shield did not meet the impact of the expected.

At that moment before rushing into the shield, the king released the reins and jumped from the horse back - this is an equestrian used to dazzling skills on the grassland. At this time, it was used in the battlefield. His figure is fierce and beautiful in that moment, as if it is a gossic, and the eyes are consciously chased his figure.

The king changed to his hands in the air.

The long sword is high, and the sun falls on the sharp edge of the sword. It is bright to be a magicalur in an instant.

The prince of Will premedited.

"Do not--"

He wanted to go back, and he wanted to hide. But his side is a shield hand that protects him, he has no way.

The light that lights up to the thorny is obliquely from the half air.

A piercing blood is accompanied by a high skull.

The shields don't believe in their own eyes - Rodon's king kills the Prince of the Towers!

The king breathed from the air, half slammed in the chariot in Will, the blood, and blood drops down with his somewhat broken helmet.

The shields are staying on the spot, but the rose iron ride is not stunned.

Through the enemy because the prince of Will is killed, the rose iron ride broke through the archer's defense. The group of horses were squatting, and violently opened the shields around the king. Some shields have a faster reaction, escaping next to it, some reactions are slower, and they are trampled by iron hooves into new blood.

The battle of the king rushed over with it.

It stopped at the king.

The king reached out the reins and turned over to the horse back.

Waiting to the king, the knight is re-forward. The war horses galloped, and the king gripped in the moment, the king held the sword.

The size of the white background is broken.

The author has something to say: [1] Daxie: The flag of the logo army center position. Dachang fell, it means that this army was defeated.