After Coincidentally Saving the New Transfer Student’s Little Sister, We Gradually Grew Closer
Episode 76: Eliminate the Escape Way
I get stared at with hot eyes and I respond nervously.
Mr. Charlotte, don't you forget this is inside the department store?
It's like you're going to do something to your lover.
"- Could you take one more...?
"... Huh?
"Um, one more thing..."
Because of me listening back, Mr. Charlotte starts to get very, very mozy.
I don't know what to do, it's so cute to look at, but I imagined a different meaning to you, and I feel like I want to go into a hole out of guilt and embarrassment.
Mr. Charlotte, don't do me any favors with those eyes because I'm mistaken...
"Uh... okay, but wasn't one enough?
"One thing, maybe Emma will take it... I'll give you something else, but I don't want to give you just this..."
When Mr. Charlotte says so, he hugs the cat stuffed animal even more tightly as it looks important.
Might be a sign of intent not to give it to you.
I watched and thought the bullying was so cute.
"Yeah, I get it. Should I take another one of the same?
If you take another, it's possible Emma wants more of the stuffed animal Mr. Charlotte is holding.
Then I thought the problem would be solved if it was the same thing...
"Oh, uh... I think that cat would be fine"
You hated being the same thing, Mr. Charlotte pointed to another stuffed animal.
That stuffed animal looks just like the cat Emma used to adore at the zoo.
Because it is easy to take in position, there will be no problem.
- Immediately afterwards, I got the stuffed animal I wanted and gave it to Mr. Charlotte as it was.
Then Mr. Charlotte gets a bag from the game center clerk to put the prize in, and only puts the cat stuffed animal for Emma in the bag.
"Do you want that stuffed animal over there?
"Yes, this child is fine"
Mr. Charlotte hugged the cat stuffed animal tightly and she hugged me again in my arms as well.
Apparently the rest of the time he walks with a cat stuffed animal in his arms the whole time.
I'm so glad you like it, and Mr. Charlotte is so cute holding the stuffed animal together like it matters.
Occasionally, he laughs and plays with his mouth against the back of the stuffed animal's head, and he's kind of too cute already.
I wish this time would last forever.
Looking sideways at Mr. Charlotte like a child, I thought I was happy.
"Aoyagi, may I take a look at your clothes because it's a corner?
Charlotte asks me if I was any more than satisfied with the stuffed animal and back to normal.
Because it's a corner, or because I originally meant to, but I was stopping by too much for something else.
When I snort, I take Mr. Charlotte to the store where he wants to go.
Later, all you have to do is praise her as she watches what she has chosen.
That's what I thought - the other guy is Mr. Charlotte.
I wasn't the one to whom such sweet thoughts were allowed.
"What kind of clothes do you like, Aoyagi?
Words cut out as soon as they entered the store.
All of a sudden, it's something I've been told.
I'm not sure what clothes they like to ask me.
Sensei Aki and Miyu don't know about a girl's personal clothes - no, that guy's not a girl.
In the meantime, I've only seen about Aki.
I've also seen Mr. Charlotte and Emma's lately, but that's also a pole part of the clothes.
You don't know much about girls' clothes, but you can't possibly know what they like when asked.
"Eh, I guess you like the clothes that suit that person"
I don't see the answer, I use a convenient escape word.
Really, these abstract words are handy.
"Then what do you think would suit me?
If you think you got away with this, Mr. Charlotte blocked the escape route as if to say you wouldn't let him get away.
I even feel like I strangled myself, this.
Or is he cute as a grown-up Charlotte now, but I want him to go back to being a childish Charlotte a few minutes ago.
Because I honestly don't know, I'd like to call the clerk and leave it to him, but he doesn't want to imitate it because he's asking me on purpose.
So I'll seriously think about what would suit Mr. Charlotte.
"Damn, I'm embarrassed to be staring at you so much..."
Staring, as usual, Mr. Charlotte began to light up with Mozimoji.
Still, if I don't take my gaze off, I push my face against my arm to escape my gaze.
I don't know, this cute creature.
I guess I'm ashamed to be able to stare at you for so long.
But I don't know what would suit me if I didn't.
... Well, I don't know from looking at it.
"In the meantime, why don't you put on a bunch of things and show me?
I'd rather pick something I'm actually glad to see than imagine.
That's what I suggested - for some reason, Mr. Charlotte nodded cocklessly as he turned his face bright red.