After Coincidentally Saving the New Transfer Student’s Little Sister, We Gradually Grew Closer
Episode 85: Defeat Since Before You Fight
If she can, it all feels right.
At least, that's what I was feeling.
But of course, it can't all work out.
Now I was realizing it.
But - I can't believe I feel sorry for that with the least possibility...
"Hey Aki... is something wrong...?
I spoke to Aki without concealing my confusion.
The reason is the test results, as you can imagine from doing the test.
In mathematics, a simple miscalculation that is never possible for a normal subage.
Even in English, spelling errors that are impossible if they are normal.
Mandarin, society and other specialty memorization subjects are all correct because they have accumulated so far, but if you tell them to learn something from now on, they probably won't even remember half of it.
I don't care what you think.
"Nothing... nothing..."
Says there's no problem, but obviously there's no hegemony in the voice.
If Dr. Meiyu was here, I might be able to ask what happened, but Raw Hate that guy was out to the convenience store.
There will be no abuse because of the popular Akichi... but it can also be assumed that something has changed since I graduated.
For once, there are anxiety elements in Aki's school...
But I don't know that unless Aki talks to me either.
Because there are few things you can grasp even if you are careful from the outside.
"I want you to tell me what happened. If you're in trouble, I can help you."
I spoke in as gentle a voice as possible to avoid putting pressure on Aki.
Then Aki slowly looks up and looks me in the eye.
... I didn't notice until I met him.
In Aki's eyes nowadays, tears accumulate for some reason.
"What the hell is going on? Are you having a hard time at school?
I step in and ask, but Aki slowly shakes her neck to the side.
I can't tell if this is really different or if I'm hiding it.
Yaki's school has juniors from when he was in the football club, so do we have to hear from them......
When I tried to force him to stop listening out of Aki, Aki muttered about me in a small voice.
I wait for her words in silence.
"... the seniors... she's... are you there...?
"... what?
Too many unexpected words popped up that made me sound bare.
"Because... from the senior's right arm... I can smell Mr. Charlotte... I will..."
Oh, hey, wait a minute.
Is that what you know about smells like?
Besides, they've even identified him...
"Hey, what's going on?
"Even if you delude me... it's no use... Such a strong smell... if you don't hold it... it won't come with it..."
Aki is listening with certainty.
Even if I don't know what a man is, does Aki know what she is?
... No, how are we talking about this in the first place?
I should have asked why Aki was crying...?
"You don't care about that now, do you? More than that, why are you crying?"
"- It doesn't matter to me!
A loud voice that is always unusual for a gentle and gentle subage.
What the hell are you getting emotional about?
"What are you mad at...?
"I'm not mad!
"No, you're angry no matter what you think."
"No! I'm not mad at you!
You're mad...
If, on the contrary, you say it is not angry, what are you angry at?
I couldn't hide my confusion from Aki, who looked at me in tears.
Aki is never staring, he's just staring at me, but I can only assume he's angry that he's going to be so loud and emotional.
I've never seen such an Aki before, and I can't even see why.
"- Hey, what the hell are you shouting at?"
Then, uncommonly, Professor Miyu showed up at a very good time.
I want to thank you so much right now for showing my face when I don't need it these days.
"Hey, what are you making Aki cry?
- The situation was not good, even if it meant changing the air.
My sister is crying - that's how Miyu sensei decided to grab my chest.
"Hey, listen..."
"There's no way Aki's gonna cry unless you do something about it, is there? Was I buying you too much?
I'm not waving violence.
He was just staring at me as if he could see even the person who killed my parents.
It's unusual for this person to fail to grasp the situation.
I guess that means you care so much about Aki that you forget me.
Usually you're scared of the angry Aki, but when you look at places like this, I knew these sisters were close.
- Nevertheless, I have trouble getting the misunderstandings to be solved.
"Ma, wait, sis! Because nothing has been done to seniors!
Aki interrupted me from the side as I tried to get Miyuki's hand to listen to me.
Aki desperately tries to take off Miyu-sensei's hand grabbing my chest barn.
So you must have realized you were mistaken about something.
Dr. Meiyu let go of my chest barn with an awkward look on her face.
"Well... I'm sorry"
"Yes, no, it's okay"
I respond with a bitter laugh because my butt looks bad.
I just knew that Miyu Sensei would never wave violence, but she had such powerful eyes that it would not be strange for a small person to faint.
Now there will be no human being who can keep his normal mind.
"Well, let's have some extra luxury later to apologize. More than that, if Aoyagi didn't do something to you, why were you crying?
Dr. Meiyu, who has calmed down, tries to keep abreast of the situation as usual.
Even I didn't quite understand why Aki was crying, so I wouldn't argue here.
Aki, who gathered the gaze of both of us, began to wander his gaze unspeakably.
- And you made up your mind, your eyes turned to us a few dozen seconds later.
"Because... I have an exam... I've been patient... and if I lost before I fought because of it... I'd want to cry too..."
Words Aki spoke to me interruptedly.
But I wasn't sure what Aki meant by the words.