After Coincidentally Saving the New Transfer Student’s Little Sister, We Gradually Grew Closer
Episode 93: Lie Down on the Ground
"Good morning, Mr. Dongyun"
"Good Morning"
Me and Charles say hello to a girl like a little animal, even though she's a little surprised.
Usually Mr. Dongyun said hello back to me with great pleasure just because we said hello to him.
This kid is about to cry just watching.
But there was something I had to worry about because of her appearance.
Normally, Mr. Dongyun is also a girl, so he's the one to whom the promise to Charles applies.
I have to keep my word because the thing about Charles is the most important thing... but then Mr. Dongyun will be alone again.
Although they are moving to try to get along with the award somehow, the two of them have yet to solve it because few days have passed since we started talking.
Charles also cares about Mr. Dongyun, but if Charles tries to talk, the other kids will follow him with him, and because of this, Mr. Dongyun is frightened, so he shows a no-touch attitude.
If you left me in the meantime, Mr. Dongyun would return to being alone.
We only think about ourselves and make Mr. Dongyun feel hard - I don't like that.
But it's out of the question to break your promise to Charles...
- That's okay.
When I was bothering my head with a situation I couldn't help, Charles came out with a gentle voice and put his strength into my arms.
The fact that you spoke in English, not Japanese, is a concern for Mr. Dongyun?
'From now on, I can be beside you, too, bright man. Perhaps, but you will all be mindful of me when I'm with you, bright man, so you won't frighten Mr. Dongyun either. So stay with her, too'
The power I can get into conveys the feeling that I really don't like it.
Still sweet, she chose the option of enduring herself.
... If I were a little stronger, I would have prioritized Charles here and cut Mr. Suppari and Dongyun off.
But I can't cut it that far.
Because I'm sure if you see one lonely Mr. Dongyun, he'll crush you with guilt and regret.
... but it can't be roundly sweet, either.
I can do it now, let's do the best we can.
"Thank you, Charles"
When I gently stroke her head with tenderness and thoughts of others, I see Mr. Dongyun looking up at our faces.
Boys screaming because of the stroke on Shall's head and girls yellow voices ringing their way to school, but now they ignore.
"Mr. Dongyun, maybe you'll see, but I'm supposed to hang out with Shall. So when we're going to be interacting with each other in a message, we want to be a group of people who have exchanged shalls."
First, get rid of the part that Charles most anxiously sees.
She'd be anxious too if she was interacting where she didn't know, and reassured where she could see it.
If other humans aren't involved in it, Shall can get along with Mr. Dongyun.
Shall be satisfied with this, and Dongyun, who wants a friend, will be happy.
"What... we were dating..."
Ah... this kid, you didn't think he was dating even looking at our situation.
How ugly...
"Yeah, that's right."
"Oh well... congrats..."
I'm blind, but I can see Dongyun celebrating us with a smile from his loose mouth.
While I remember being tickled by what you could celebrate, me and Charles told Dongyun how grateful we were.
I think Dongyun's feelings are greatly appreciated due to all the opposite feelings being bumped around him from earlier.
I'm really avoided from the looks and atmosphere, but I'm pretty sure this kid is a good kid too.
So let me help you make friends properly so that school life will be fun for her.
To do that, I need you to do your best for the last piece...
"- Did you call?
"... not calling"
Even though I appeared naturally, I took a nasty stance on the award to hide my surprise.
No, but... I showed up as soon as I thought of it in my mind, and I said, "Did you call me? Everybody would be surprised if they told you, right?
"Damn... I was just kidding... what a cold guy she would be if she could...! Is that what the bright man was...!
What the hell are you thinking, Chang gets to the ground with a play chatter.
Because Chang suddenly behaves weirdly, both Charles and Dongyun were hugging me as frightened, and about half of them looked at him with eyes that hurt when it came to the gallery.
The rest don't even look at me like an award, they give me a tough look at me.
My gaze on me got even tighter, probably because Mr. Dongyun hugged me even though there was a Shall.
Why did Chang do this?
If Dongyun hugged me, I would have broken my promise to Charles...
Besides, the awards are being seen with weird eyes from around - ah... is the awards purposefully attracting my attention?
He's trying to reduce our burden by gathering the gaze on himself that I and Charles see as giddy.
"Chang, you don't have to worry about us. It's just not good for you to be seen with weird eyes."
Even so, in school, awards are some celebrities.
That's naturally because you're in youth in football, but I'd have trouble with this if rumors spread that Nishien Temple is a freak even if football is good.
"... he seemed that painful...?
I asked anxiously if I didn't mean to be that bad myself, the award with my face up.
In contrast, me and Mr. Dongyun nod instantly.
Only Shall turned away at first sight.
I guess the gentle Shall cared about the award.
But - that care works best for the award.
When I saw Charles' face, I lay down on the ground again. I wondered how I would sound.