After Coincidentally Saving the New Transfer Student’s Little Sister, We Gradually Grew Closer
Episode 110: How You Feel
"Come on, come on! Cat! '
It wasn't the stuffed animal I gave Emma that made her look so happy.
Dongyun gave it to Emma because she would be free to fix the stuffed animal.
Of course, this is also handmade by Mr. Dongyun, and the appearance and the like are very elaborately crafted.
The fabric is fuzzy and pleasant to touch, and looks like it's properly packed with cotton inside for a comfortable hug.
Thanks to you, Emma is in a perfect mood.
One thing that bothered me was that there were a lot of other stuffed animals in the room Mr. Dongyun brought me.
Honestly, I don't think I can afford to spend money on a stuffed animal...?
"- Hey, Dongyun."
After wondering if I could ask, I decided to ask far away so she wouldn't dislike it.
"Huh...? What's the matter...?
"I have a lot of stuffed animals, but this is all handmade?
"Ah... about 80% of the time... The rest... I'm making a stuffed animal next door... what your sister gave me... The ingredients to make the stuffed animals... my sister... is giving me the amount that I can no longer use in the store..."
I see, because my neighbor's sister is giving it to me, it costs little for the materials?
If it's costly, it's about yarn and needle.
If you take a closer look at the cat stuffed animals Emma got, they are subtly sewn together with different fabrics.
Probably not enough ingredients to make one stuffed animal because they're just getting the fabric separated that's no longer needed.
The comfort of the fabric and similar shades seem to be used to make it less noticeable.
The seams are also sewn to hide in stuffed hair to make it as discreet as possible, and you're a clever kid for what you look like.
"- Oh, yeah. I thought I had to buy some ingredients to fix the stuffed animal. I was hoping you and Mr. Dongyun might want to go buy one, but could you pick one with me next door?
Very convenient if your neighbor is a plush shop.
Mr. Dongyun will find it attractive if I just get it all the time, and I'll have to buy it once in a while.
"There are lots of ingredients..."
But Mr. Dongyun shook his neck sideways at my words and took a lot of stuffed dough out of the break-in.
There are so many fabrics that I really don't know why there are so many.
"Sister... it will do you good... I'm storing it... Thanks to you now... for the ingredients... no trouble..."
Dongyun will gladly say, is this really all for the rest of the time in the store?
Inside, I feel like your sister is lying and giving Dongyun something she bought herself.
Otherwise, there won't be more fabric left than this.
Apparently I know a very sweet sister.
And the sister must like Mr. Dongyun.
Otherwise, you wouldn't give me things like this.
"But that's what you use to make Mr. Dongyun's stuffed animals, isn't it? We'll buy our own..."
"In the first place... fabric... I don't need it..."
When I heard what Dongyun said, I remembered that cat stuffed animals had a beautiful way of taking their ears off.
I don't need repair fabrics or anything because it hasn't hurt the fabric nearly as much, so I think I'll just have to re-sew it.
I don't usually overlook this, but I was a little too distracted by other things and the cat stuffed animal thing was a blur.
"Aoyagi... unexpectedly... hey..."
Mr. Dongyun loosened his cheeks a little fun.
I'm being laughed at, but I don't feel bad about it.
I'm not laughing with a smile that makes a malicious fool of me, because Dongyun is laughing with a smile that's friendly and accepting.
If you can smile like this in your class even if you're hiding your eyes, your classmates can accept it...
Well, that, too, could be right over one hurdle.
Staring at Mr. Dongyun's smile, Charles, still holding him in my arms, leaked a dissatisfied voice.
Look, my cheeks are swollen.
"Uh, what's going on?
"... lonely, it is..."
"- Oh! Oh, shit, I'm sorry."
I thought it would be deluded to say "Nothing..." again, but I was surprised because Charles had honestly said how he felt.
Maybe what we talked about at the nursery school is making a difference in the shalls.
When I stroked Shull's head in a new mood, he rubbed his cheek against my arm with joy.
I'm ashamed to have Mr. Dongyun in front of me, but maybe this is a good idea because Char seems happy.
Or because the current char is too cute, I was more satisfied with it.
"Mr. Charlotte... you've become a sweetheart..."
To what Mr. Dongyun groaned, Shall bright red his face and pressed his face against my arm.
Apparently he's trying to hide his face.
"Cute... I think..."
"Mr. Dongyun, stop. Maybe you're following me, 'cause I'm in pursuit of Charles."
When I stopped, Mr. Dongyun tipped his neck strangely.
It was nothing else for this kid, and I guess it was a sincere word he said.
But Charles is bored with embarrassment.
I want to be cute and a little mean, but I put up with it because I feel sorry for him.
Emma hasn't stopped worrying about her sister or anything, and she's obsessed with the cat in her arms.
Don't you need this stuffed animal I gave you anymore...?
"Well... you start sewing..."
"Yeah, nice to meet you"
"Thank you..."
Apparently, Charles still cared and asked Mr. Dongyun to keep his cheeks bright red.
Then, surgery begins for a stuffed animal by Dongyun.
Mr. Dongyun immediately began sewing threads through the needle after securing his ears with a pin.
Should I still say that, Mr. Dongyun's arrangements are used to sewing more and more stuffed animals.
I'm not in a hurry to do it, but rather it looks to work fast despite being carefully sewn, I guess because there's no waste whatsoever in her movements.
I learn a lot from watching.
- Even so, I could just sew up the ears that were about to be removed, so Mr. Dongyun's work was done quickly.
I wanted to remember because I never sewed a stuffed animal, but I'll tell you another time.
"Mr. Ming Man... He was eagerly watching Mr. Dongyun... Again..."
"Yes, Shall we wait a minute? You don't have to tell me the rest of it."
Perhaps Charles tried to say, "I'm still younger..." or "I'm still younger..."
As always, the Loricon suspicion persists, and Mr. Dongyun looks very young for the purpose he saw.
If this hadn't hidden my eyes, I'd probably be able to go wrong with elementary school.
… with the exception of some.
It's better not to touch the child face thing because it's possible that Mr. Dongyun cares, and most importantly, I had a nasty feeling and wasn't staring at Mr. Dongyun.
That's why I stopped Schal immediately.
"I was just watching and learning Mr. Dongyun's sewing skills."
"Look and learn, is...? Is it called comic books, the guy who says look at technology and steal it?
"I don't know if I can compare it to a comic book... maybe there is. The first thing a good person does is look and learn. Then you actually try it yourself, decide if you want to imitate it, adjust it. Because each person has a different physique, it's often better to imitate it as it is."
I guess it's really best to be taught, but not if everyone tells me politely.
Some people will be mean and won't tell you, others will teach you lies.
In particular, I have heard that there are many people in society with artisanal temperaments who are told to look at their backs and learn.
So first, I tried to see and learn if anyone could set an example.
Then I ask by character or explore it myself.
"Ming Man, you are really amazing..."
"Nothing. It's not great. Because I just couldn't rely on you around."
Again, I can be seen with color glasses when I'm from an orphanage.
Naturally, a lot of people were mean to me.
I really don't know what would have happened by now if I hadn't met that sister...
"Huh...... Emma... go ahead..."
As me and Charles were talking, Dongyun, who had finished cleaning up yarn and other things, offered Emma a cat stuffed animal.
I was just surprised earlier, and I don't seem to be afraid of Emma.
... Well, if I'm scared of a toddler girl, I can't hit her in the hand anymore...
"Cat......! Thanks.........!
Perhaps Emma doesn't understand what Dongyun said, but she was happy to receive that a stuffed animal was offered to her before her.
What a great kid to be able to thank properly.
I'll stroke Emma's head good and good, and she'll rub her back of her head happy again.
It was so cute to be holding two cat stuffed animals like it mattered.
... To be honest, I'm glad you didn't tell me you don't need the cat stuffed animal I gave you anymore.
It was broken once, and I got an even better stuffed animal, so it wasn't possible.
But Emma was apparently unnecessarily worried because she happily began to cheek on the cat stuffed animal I gave her.
"- Aoyagi... how can you be so... good at handling children...?
As she stroked Emma's head, Toyun, who was looking at her in front of her, asked strangely.