
- Yes, please come inside.

When I knocked on the door of the student club three times, I heard a voice as beautiful as a bell from inside.

With permission from the Lord of this room, I slowly open the door, which is only a little heavier over time.

"I'm back now"

"Welcome back, Ming Man."

When he returned to the Student Council Room, he turned to me with a warm smile and was the most popular student chairman in this school - Himeyagi Hanayin.

And as conflicting as it sounds, the other student council officers are turning their nasty gaze at me.

There are two sophomore student council officers, including me, and the other one, not me, is a female student.

All the rest are in third grade.

There will be one third grade man and one woman who will be the same vice chairman as me, and the others will serve to put together some sort of committee member, such as the chairman of the sports committee.

Apparently, I'm hated by everyone but the chairman before I know it.

"What's going on? Please do not stand at the entrance and take your seat"

You must have wondered about me, never trying to get to your seat.

Or maybe the other student council officers cared because it's what they stare at me for.

The chairman is aware that he doesn't like me, but he never said anything to the other officers.

They just don't like me on one side, and I've never been harassed before.

You can't blame someone for not doing anything wrong.

I guess it replaces that.

The chairman always leaves me alone.

If anything happens, the chairman will speak to me first.

And my seat is right in front of the chairman, and he let me go as a priority when I needed to go outside, etc.

I guess he's taking into account that he doesn't feel bad about being in the uncomfortable student club room and making sure he doesn't have to stay as long as possible.

There are some parts of the outing that I asked for. [M]

"Chairman, I need to talk to you. Excuse me, may I have a moment?

I tell him what I want to talk about outside by shifting my gaze from the chairman to the hallway.

The chairman smiled and nodded, then slowly stood up, but...

"Hey, Aoyagi. The chairman is busy. Let me talk to you instead."

- I was interrupted by an interrupting bug.

Standing in the way of me and my chairman is the three-year vice chairman of Robust Eyeglasses.

"Excuse me, seniors. Senior, then you're underpowered."

"Become -!"

When I smile and tell her I'm useless, the solid eyeglasses will change as I look at your complexion.

What I need now is women's clothing, which is difficult for the boy to prepare, and I don't think Hanasawa's rubbing makes me count on it.

I was going to briefly convey his intentions, but I think he has a slight or too low boiling point.

"You, the chairman's favorite, keep up the good work."

- Please don't.

The voice of restraint I heard when the vice chairman left it to anger to try to grab my chest.

It was unusual for the chairman to have an angry look if he turned his gaze to you.

"Also, sorry!

You bow your head to the chairman, a solid eyeglass who immediately realized his own failure.

They seem to be able to relate up and down completely even though they are in the same grade.

"Student council officers must not complain of violence."


"You go back to work. I'll listen to you, Ming Man."

I guess the chairman won't get his head up.

The majestic figure I showed earlier disappeared without shadows or shapes, and a weak boy student sat down in a chair with his shoulders dropped.

I don't think anything has to be that depressing...... but there is a verse here where students see the chairman as a little sacred.

I guess I was shocked that the chairman pissed me off.

"- You too, think of a few more ways to put it. Even though it's true, it was a little terrible earlier, wasn't it? And... if I hadn't stopped you, what would you have done?

As the chairman walked up to me, he pounded in his ear with a small voice that no other officer could hear.

You didn't like how the admirable chairman slapped you in the ear, and the other officers will stare at you again, but I don't feel bad.

"Nothing, I was just trying to defend myself. And the chairman is terrible inside."

All I tried to do was twist my third grade arm trying to grab the chest barn.

They seem to have spotted the matter, so they let me change the story.

There was something that just seemed out of the way.

The way I put it earlier is that the chairman also said that the vice chairman's boy for three years was powerless.

"Wow, I have a proper analogy (...)...!

"Yes, yes, that's right"

"Oh, Ming Man, you are a mess......!

He slaps me with a somewhat obstinate look, but shouldn't the student council officers have been violent?

Well, it's a very weak force, and it doesn't hurt, so I don't mind.

It's just... I can't solve (relieve) the increased stare on the student council board.

- Whoa, he left a wet flower in the hallway.

If we don't get back soon, she'll really catch a cold.

"So, what's the story? Could it be a confession to me?

"Say your bedtime words after you go to sleep"

"Ugh... they don't deal with me at all..."

The chairman has a grudge. He looks at me like he has a grudge, but if he reacts to this guy's tease all the time, he won't have it.

She's sweet and ladylike, but she actually has the side of teasing.

I don't know how much you know about that fact, but I wanted you to stop making fun of me.

This guy is a really persistent guy because he's coming no matter how long it takes.

"Sorry, not if I'm kidding right now. It's been a little rough..."

"Trouble? - I see..."

When he went out into the hallway and spotted the wet Mr. Hanasawa, the chairman nodded with a strange face.

He seemed to understand in an instant that this wet state did not just get wet in the rain.

That's right, the chairman talks fast.

"- I didn't know you had such a hobby..."

"... I'll bump you, won't I?

"I disagree with violence!

When I glanced at the chairman who had spoken of the mess over the course of this period, I waved my hands like a panic and refused.

You probably tried to soothe the place, but it's terrible to dash me nonetheless.

Let's take revenge on Hanasawa when she's feeling better, who just laughed a little.

"Can I get dressed?

"There are gymnastics clothes that I don't use, right?

"No, that's just the chairman's..."

I glance at the chairman's body.

To be honest, the chairman's body is fleshy in the incredibly feminine part of middle school.

Plus, it seems to be a tall 160cm unit for women, and I wouldn't be able to wear it for a slender Hanasawa with or without a 130cm height.

"... eh"


"You're staring at my chest, Ming Man."

"Oh, it's a misunderstanding!

I rush to deny the Chairman's words as he turns his white eyes to blame.

That's natural to deny if you can suspect that people were losing their lust and staring at the chairman's body.

Hanasawa's kind of looking at me with blame, too, and I'm really scared of the misunderstandings about women.

"That's what you're allowed to do after dating...?

"No, so no! And yet how can you start dyeing your cheeks red and mojimoji!

It's no exaggeration to say that the chairman, holding his own chest with both hands, somehow starts to shake Mojimoji and his body in front of me.

If anyone sees a sight like this, it will only be misunderstood, so I would like you to stop immediately.

"- Kushi-kun!

Hanasawa sneezed adorably staring at me as I was trying to solve the Chairman's misunderstanding somehow.

I guess my body got completely cold because I've been wearing wet clothes.

"Look, Mr. Hanasawa is going to catch a cold because the chairman is doing something stupid!

"Hih, it's terrible! Originally, Ming Man, it's because you've been staring at me with such nasty eyes!

"Something's not exaggerated!?"

Soon, the eyes I was just staring at had been replaced by nasty eyes.

I feel like a few minutes from now, they're going to say, "I tried to touch you."

"More than that, Chairman, get your clothes ready for you soon!

"Ugh... I'll have you take responsibility when things are done...?

"Oh, my God! Come on, come on!

Angry that he couldn't keep up with more and more escalating stories, the chairman walks over to his third-grade classroom with a more depressed look on his face.

I know you probably went to your own classroom to pick up gymnastics clothes, but I don't think you have to be that depressed about anything.

If the chairman, who is always smiling and soothing everyone, finds out that he looks like this, all the students at our school are going to be so worried.

"... Chairman, don't be so depressed because you're not angry. Sorry, I said a little too much"

"Oh yeah......!

When I apologize, the chairman has looked at my face with a bright look at Paa.

This guy usually haunts the adult atmosphere, but you're really childish at times like this.

Well, maybe that's a good thing about the chairman.

You're relieved to find out I'm not angry, the chairman starts walking with his spine stretched out beautifully, as usual.

The graceful footsteps that made no noise were so beautiful that I thought they were really ladies.

"- Oh, yes."

Staring behind the chairman walking away, he turned this one around as if he had come up with something.

"What's up?

"As it is, you will find other students weirdly attracting attention, and you will need to talk to them somewhere, so you, Ming Man, go to the staff room and borrow your multi-purpose classroom keys."

Oh, I see.

Did you turn around to say that?

"I just told my advisor that I need to talk to Hanasawa, so I borrowed my keys at that time. We're on our way to multi-purpose classes."

"You're still working fast...... Okay, I'll be on my way."

That's all the chairman said, he started walking for his own classroom again.

Well, we can't stay here forever either.

Student union officers inside may come out, and let's move before someone finds us.

"Let's go too."


When I told her I was moving, Hanasawa nodded cocklessly.

The path she walked and where she stood is getting wet with water, but I'll wipe it as soon as I join the chairman.

... Maybe it's quicker to spot a water buildup in a student council member, so I need to think of an excuse appropriately...

I'm the one who brought her here wet, so she won't have a choice but to complain.

Well, I hope I'm so used to it...

I wanted to sigh a little while I walked beside Hanasawa dripping water.