After Coincidentally Saving the New Transfer Student’s Little Sister, We Gradually Grew Closer
Episode 149: Just the Two of Us
The moment I saw the smile of the future, chills ran all over my body.
I can see that my body is reacting with rejection to the girl in front of me.
He didn't even want to see my face that much.
"Long time no see, bright man. Besides, thank you very much."
The future smiled at me, then lowered my gaze towards Charles and bowed my head.
I questioned that behavior. I turn my gaze to Charles, too.
"Have you seen him before?
"Yes, because I had come to your house a while ago, bright man. Evening."
I carefully bow my head and say hello to the future. Side by side, I think about what the future is meant to be.
The same is true of the fact that you are smiling at me now, but I was concerned about visiting my house before.
Me and the future can't even be good brothers and sisters to flatter.
I should have kept my distance because of everything.
Honestly, as far as I was concerned, I meant to cut off the edge when I left the house.
What brings you to me now...
"If you were on business, you wouldn't have bothered to call me."
That's what I tell Charles about the future he's staring at.
Then, as a surprise, Charles and Emma came looking at my face.
Apparently, I didn't want to face the future. I accidentally said it cold.
Emma doesn't understand Japanese, so maybe her voice felt cold or something.
Don't be careful or you'll scare the both of us...
"My phone number, you're rejecting incoming calls, right?
"... right"
Does knowing about it mean that you've called before?
Was it just too mean?
"So what can I do for you?
"There's something I'd like to talk to you about, but I'd like to talk to you alone if I can..."
You mean it's hard to talk in front of the Shalls?
Alone with the future...... I don't like that.
In a situation where there are no third parties, I might hit a curse when I'm bad.
That's all I hate about the future, and there's something I can't forgive.
Nevertheless, I don't want to get the Shalls involved in a family rub.
So we should be thankful to accept future offers here.
"Okay, let's talk in my room. I'm sorry, Shall. Emma and I were wondering if you and I could go out for dinner."
"Are you okay......?
Charles looks anxiously at my face.
I guess you know enough that me and the future are a sinister friendship.
I felt lonely earlier, and now I'm making you anxious.
It's something that wants to make Shall happy but doesn't work inside.
"It's okay, don't worry"
As atonement for making me anxious, I stroke Schal's head softly.
The future was staring at my face whenever I told it, but I don't care what they think now.
"Mmm! Mmm!
As I stroked Shall's head, Emma, in her arms, somehow began to rumble.
And he grabs my right hand, which was stroking Shall's head, and tries to pull it to his own.
Apparently, Emma wants you to stroke her head, too.
"Eh heh."
I stroked your head as you requested, and he smiled happily.
Next to that, Charles is staring at my face like he wants something, but now he's not wearing either arm, so there's nothing I can do.
My left hand is holding Emma up, and my right hand is stroking Emma's head.
It's just impossible to stroke Shall in this situation.
Instead, I'll ear slap him and tell him I'll spoil him if he puts up with me till night.
Then Charles nodded cocklessly with joy as he turned his face bright red.
Her cheeks seem to loosen unexpectedly on her very cute look.
But I could hear a cold voice breaking such a soothing atmosphere.
"- It's kind of me, haven't they forgotten...?
It is, of course, the future of my sister-in-law who spoke out.
The future was made earlier. The smile is staring at us with eyes that have lost light.
The expression was as faceless as a doll with no emotions.
"No, I haven't forgotten"
I really forgot, but if you mouth that, you'll just get angry, so I'll mislead you.
Honestly, I'd like you to leave now, but I'm in trouble if you come back and I'll have to listen to you.
- Then I left Emma with Shall and invited the future into my room.
You'll need to follow up with Emma later because she was a little hard to cry about when she deposited her.
I'm definitely in a bad mood for Emma, and I'm sorry for Shall leaving that opponent to me.
Well, I hope it's a meaningful story - eh...?
I walked into the room first, and as I turned around, I saw an unexpected sight of suspicion in my eyes.
Too unexpected a development I lose my word and stare at the sight for a little while.
And a few dozen seconds later he returned to me and opened his mouth in haste.
"Hey, what are you doing, the future...?
- Not only did I put my hands and knees on the floor, but I also put my sister-in-law on the floor in front of me, and I just made a bewildered voice.