Byfly's powerful propaganda capabilities and nearly 200 million viewer base, coupled with the television drama itself, are enough for classic drama. After the Bloodflesh Wall flower was uploaded, the Internet suddenly boiled.

The first responder was still a Tao Twilight fan.While the minds of other passers-by and audience remained immersed in the plot, the ceramics of facial and acting control began to excitedly promote Tao Twilight's acting and appearance.Like the constant tap water, the sprinkling beauty of the ocean instantly fills the entire flight information network and other entertainment gossip platforms.

Ceramics' high profile has also drawn resentment from some netizens.First and foremost is Shen Yu's fan.

“Oh, you can see the act by cutting a flower?This filter is too deep, isn't it? ”

“I looked at it and didn't think it was any good.I just think the next few scenes are ugly.Nothing compared to the classic look of the little prince in "The Roller" and "The River and the Lake".How dare you blow 360 degrees without blind spots?Do Tao Twilight fans see too little or blow blindly? ”

“You don't think you've actually experienced it?I don't really believe it when I think of Tao Wei who used drugs before.Now look at Tao Twilight's performance in the plot... ”

Tao Twilight's fans are falling into a kneeling orgy.When I heard these rumors, I stopped.

Not surprisingly, the two fans pinched again.

“Become a street rat, a fake fan and a spare time to watch my Twilight?Is everything all right? Have you solved the problem of the scholarship of the fake prince? ”

“Shen Yu powder sourness, dare to blow" The Roller "and" The River and Lake "?You fake princes are about to turn these two plays into PPTs, can you see the professional critics' comments sober up a bit? ”

“Wake up by dumping a real-time box office of" River and Lake. "Because of the scandal of your fake little prince, the whole movie was boycotted by women netizens and feminists, the box office plummeted, investors and producers could not find a way to cry.I don't suppose anybody will ever ask your fake prince to play a movie again.”Except, of course, those donated by the Shenzhen Group.

“Speaking of which, I think again of the naive weakness of the fake little prince, and indeed of the cold blood.Take the Shen family's money, enjoy the Shen family's resources, and pretend to be fine. Let the Shen family help him.Sure enough, it's a tall little prince, with no human taste at all... ”

So the negative story that was crushed by the Shen family was once again promoted by the ceramics.

Tao Twilight's scolding fans have always been famous for the fighting power of explosive watches, which is the main reason why fans are unwilling to target Tao Twilight.It's not just because Tao Wei holds the flying wire, but more importantly, in addition to being an actor, Tao Wei likes to be an investor.Moreover, Tao Twilight seldom receives endorsements and announcements, and there is almost no conflict with other families in terms of resources, so fans do not bother to offend such a big man for no reason.

Of course. Fans of the Shen Yu family are forever excluded.

While his fans and Shen Yu's fans were caught in a new round of scolding, Tao Wei also took the members of the production team of the "Great Wall of Blood" and other actors to run around and interview the veterans who were still alive after the resistance.

“… if we kill an R. ourselves, we will sacrifice four fighters.Poorly equipped to carry it with her life... out of ammunition, biting her teeth and rushing up.Hold R herself... and die together... ”

“I was sixteen when I joined the army. I didn't know anything. I couldn't read a word.I knew we had been bullied by R. There was no way.The battle is about to end, the battle is about to end... At that time, the Commander-in-Chief of the Sichuan Army said, "Resist the war, always do not persevere, the enemy does not leave the country one day, the Sichuan Army does not return home one day"... We joined the village together with five old townships.Four people died in a battle... I don't dare to think about surviving tomorrow.You can't even see the enemy on the battlefield, and you're probably hit... ”

“Too many people have died. A fellow soldier who smokes in a trench during the day may disappear at night...”

“In the face of tens of thousands of Rwandan troops, our troops fought for three days and three nights, until the last one was gone, no one surrendered and no one retreated.Even the division commander died in the country.I was removed from the corpse by the army that passed by later... ”

Looking at military-related historical information, there has always been the term "no-chun army".This phrase actually originated from the War of Resistance. After the Lugou Bridge incident, the Sichuan Army, which had been far from the war, offered to resist the war. The seven Sichuan Army groups together numbered more than 400,000 people, and went to the front line of the War of Resistance to fight in blood.Since then, a large number of young adults have been transported to the frontline every year.Eight years of resistance totalled more than three million troops.It still accounts for more than one fifth of the country's total military strength.

In other words, almost one in five of the troops who took part in the resistance at that time were Sichuan.That is why there is the term "no army in the river”.What is most noteworthy is that when the Sichuan army volunteered to fight in Sichuan after the outbreak of the war, the National Party's official army at the time could not see the force at all.The Sichuan army is considered to be the worst local force, poorly equipped, poorly disciplined and poorly qualified.At that time, the commander of the First War Zone went so far as to say, "I don't want this rotten army”.

Throughout the resistance, however, the army, the lowest quality in the eyes of the troops of the same period, fought without regret and never surrendered.

During the Battle of Shanghai, more than 4,000 members of the Sichuan Army's 26th Division left less than 600, with more than 85% of casualties; during the Nanjing Defense Battle, the 145th Division of the Sichuan Army's 21st Division was emptied of grain, and the division commander reported his death to the nation; during the Teng County Defense Battle of Taizhuang, almost all of the Sichuan Army was killed, and none of them were captured...

The historical background of the TV drama "The Great Wall of Blood" is that during the Battle of Shanghai and Shanghai, the main character was a Sichuan military officer who graduated from Huangpu Military School.So Tao Wei led the production team of "The Great Wall of Blood and Meat", and the first stop of interviewing veterans was in the Sichuan Shu area.

Veterans who survived the War of Resistance are basically in their 90s.Crane-haired chicken skin, frowning teeth, blocky old spots on his face, he couldn't even speak clearly.

Yet when they talk about the past during the war of resistance and about their comrades who died on the battlefield, the past accompanied by blood and killing is still in sight.One of the veterans even cried that he remembered where every comrade was buried.

Others showed the old photographs taken at the time, the various medals awarded during the war, to Tao Twilight and the people on the production team.

The old black and white photos were slightly yellowish as the years passed, and the corners were worn out with some scratches.There were five teenagers standing side by side.They are all 15 or 16 years old. They are now, that is, they just went to high school. Every day, they still have to finish their homework and learn and skip classes to go to the internet cafe. Early love is told parents and fans to pick up on the internet. They have not picked up such trivial issues.Yet, decades ago, in an era of aggression against nations, they had to carry inferior equipment to the battlefield and fight with the aggressors.

The old man said, “This is a picture of the five of us in the village when we joined the army.”After the war of resistance, however, he was the only one who could return home alive.But the old man didn't always have to come back, and one of his arms was broken during the war.

“When I recovered, my superiors said they were going to assign me to local police stations.I said I lost my arm. How can I help people catch bad guys?If I can't catch the bad guys, how can I be a cop? ”

“I was luckier than my comrades who died in the war when I survived and returned home to reunite with my family.I don't want to be a burden on the country.Our motherland has not yet become stronger, and more useful people are needed for more important positions. ”

“Motherland, stronger is needed.Only more powerful will not be bullied by other countries.”His comrades didn't die for nothing.

The Great Wall of Blood and Meat is a typical war drama, in other words a man's play.Female characters do not play much, even if it is the female lead and the female number two, the total number of plays is not much.

So it's mostly men who come with Tao Wei to interview veterans.For example, War Bin, who is nearly forty years old, and several other old drama bones who are also thirty or forty years old.

However, even these iron-backed men, when they heard the veterans recall those experiences, they couldn't help but cry.Not to mention the few women who survived.Two or three packets of paper towels have been consumed.

Outside Sichuan Shu, Tao Wei then turned to Xiangzhou Province, Yunnan Province and Gui Province to interview Xiangjun, Yunnan Army and Gui Army officers who survived the resistance.

They interviewed many veterans of the war, shot many precious old photographs, and polished shing medals over time.They also went to the local Museum of Resistance and to the Martyrs' Cemetery.When I finally returned to Yanjing, Director Zhou Hung said to Tao Wei with red eyes: “I am particularly glad that I filmed such a TV show with my heart.We finished this work with the best state, with the most serious attitude, with the highest level of acting.I hope our efforts do not embarrass them. ”

“I hope that our efforts will live up to that history.”

There is no dramatic divine plot, there is no hip-hop obscenity to weaken the aggressor, there is no concern about the so-called market demand and audience taste, but instead, with an attitude of reflection, every effort is made to restore the history of that gunfire and bullet rain.

Let more people understand that one inch of mountain and one inch of blood, veterans do not die, resistance is not easy.