Directly quoting some videos from the charity dinner, inviting the big guys from all walks of life to string "Fashion Clouds" in this way, and causing the media and melon audience to be stunned. This kind of gratuitous publicity gimmick made Tao Twilight taste sweet.

So, in the next screenplay shoot, there is a plot that the male lead and some Internet entrepreneurs who know online face to face, talk about the ideal career plot, Tao Twilight directly invited the founders of those Internet projects that Xiaojian capital investment, hoping that they can go to "Fashion Wind Cloud" for guest strings.On the one hand, it gives the crew more publicity gimmicks to enhance the audience's sense of representation, and on the other hand, it can also publicize everyone's projects.

Some of the founders of these projects will become the most famous big players in the Internet industry in the coming years, while others will fall into the sand in this growing Internet wave and eventually lose their message.I'm sure that a few years from now, people will look back at the plot with a different emotion.

Members of the Fashion Cloud production team can also experience the fun of Tao Twilight arranging this egg.Director Kung Po suddenly wondered, originally thought of several scenes of the drama, he actually asked the prop team to temporarily set up a venue, set up a large Internet industry entrepreneur face-to-face foundation.The new Internet dignitaries invited to participate in the guest string originally wanted to shoot a few shots, so it's okay to give investors a show.Nevertheless, I didn't expect Director Pod to arrange the live meeting with the players of online games, and during the shooting, he generously expressed that everyone should take this shooting as an Internet industry meeting. Whatever they want to say or do, they don't need to be bound by the script.You can speak freely.

As far as photography is concerned, the cameraman will look for the camera himself.

At first, everyone was quite modest.I don't know how to talk - everyone has not forgotten that there is a camera next to them, and subconsciously wants to look in the direction of the camera, and not dare to talk, afraid of being careless and leaving a bad image in front of the camera.

Bersensen, who played the main character, stood up and threw bricks to draw the jade.According to the script line, first describe the project of combining the fashion magazine with the online shopping platform: “... the reader can browse the fashion magazine on the app, we will embed a link on the photo of the product description, if the reader is interested, you can click on the photo to jump to the online shopping platform to place an order.We work with Li Tao online, all products must be genuine, and from time to time we will launch the latest season's new products, even showcases... ”

The male lead even introduced his idea of having models broadcast live on Flight Wire and Barrage to sell women's clothing and cosmetics.And it means that this model comes with a good amount of stock.

Ten years later, this promotional model to promote groceries has long become a means to suck on the streets, and even some major international brands will invite fan-rich broadcasters to promote it.In 2009, however, the model was relatively novel.Tao Wei did not falsely write this plot. To be precise, however, Tao Wei wrote his own outline of the plot and related planning plans, including lines.There are a lot of cases in my mind. Tao Twilight's script is very worthy of emulation, both in terms of authenticity and in terms of warfare.

The real Internet entrepreneurs sitting on stage listened and forgot that it was actually an idol play.One or two of them came forward to question or supplement the male lead's project, and began introducing their own project.The atmosphere is gradually becoming lively and professional.

The bear bud that's been in front of the monitor doesn't interrupt you.Remind a group of cameramen to follow all the people filming and sweep the venue with them.At the end of the clip, pick up the most obvious Internet entrepreneurs and clip into the plot.As for the rest of the information, Tao Wei was about to leave.

He was going to leave the egg, and a few years later, when the internet companies stood out, he was going to post the video on the bullet curtain.Rub the bosses' heat.

After the broadcast of this plot, some fashion magazines were inspired, and actually took the initiative to find Feixin and Litao, discuss the creation of fashion magazine APP, and then cooperate with Litao.

In other words, I would like to ask the technical department of FXN to help fashion magazine to create an app. If readers jump from the app of fashion magazine to order products from Litao, Litao will share the product with fashion magazine.As for why fashion magazines are not co-branded - mainly because of unsupported technology.

It was an unexpected pleasure.After discussing it with Mengqi and the management of the two websites, Tao Twilight felt that this was a very good cooperation model and promotion model.As for the specific division of cooperation and other terms, they will be negotiated slowly by the teams on both sides.

It reached the end of September, and the "Great Wall of Blood", which was advertised for more than a month, finally officially opened on the evening of September 28.Thanks to strong publicity and classic and compact drama, the maximum rating on the day of the Great Wall of the Meat was more than 5%.As soon as the data came out, the whole industry was shocked.

The next day, however, the premiere rating of The Wall of Blood and Meat did not make the headlines in the entertainment section, and everyone was attracted to another powerful story.

Last night, at three o'clock in the morning, a recording was posted on the flight network.This recording was transmitted to Shen Yu and Yan Sheng's flying messages, and then became afraid of not attracting the attention of online friends. It was also transmitted to the official flying messages of "Star gossip" and several other gossip magazines.You know, online friends who pay special attention to entertainment magazines and gossip newspapers are basically the favorites.

Nobody noticed the recording at first.Until someone with a curious mind opened the key, Shen Yu himself exploded the love of the material and immediately let the melon eaters smell the smell of the annual melon.The recording was uploaded online around 3: 00 a.m.This time is when the human biological clock stays asleep, with the exception of some night owls who don't sleep at night, who are resting.This has led to many people not responding.Until the next morning, when the working and student parties got up and washed their toilets for school, the recording was fermented online.

Yan Sheng and Shen Yu's fans also ripped off online.Yan Sheng's fans scolded Shen Yu for disgrace and paranoia. A three-tier fake actually dared to imagine that Yan Sheng was his boyfriend. It was like a toad wanting swan meat.Salmonella in broad daylight.Thinking of red and wanting to go mad, he actually rubbed his family's heat.Even Yan Sheng's dead loyalty powder coldly and nobly threw the most classic line when fans picked up: “Who is Shen Yu? We don't even know him.”

“Third-class stars don't touch our Shadow Emperor. We're not dating.”

“Shen Fake be a person!It's not enough to hurt Shen Yeon, and now he wants to hurt us Yan Sheng.Is this fake poison?Whoever's good to him, who's good to him?"If he had to complain about all the pits, would he be happy?”

Shen Yu's fans are also scolding Yan Sheng. They think their little prince is a beautiful and kind white lotus flower.He thinks Shen Yu is so innocent, he is still a 19-year-old child, how can he be salivary syndrome.It must have been Yan Sheng, an old man, who seduced their little prince and tried to abandon him all the time. The little prince couldn't help but cry with his friends and was recorded and posted online.

“The scumbag always refuses to admit it!”

“A nearly thirty old man is dating a nineteen-year-old boy who just went to college.The love affair exposed how to insult a nineteen-year-old boy.Someone's a real fan.Sure enough, the powder follows the righteous Lord. Ha ha! ”

Of course there's a part of CP powder in the party.Hidallap's messages are all over the place to celebrate.They had long felt that Yan Sheng and Shen Yu were a natural couple.Now it seems that the official authorities are forcing the same person to death.

One is the domestic entertainment circle interchange praise, the actual envy of the double golden shadow emperor; the other is scolding, people set to collapse, the passers-by corrupt traffic star.The fact that the two people were mixed up in one gossip also sparked a rave in the domestic gossip media.

All entertainment media split up with passionate soldiers earning year-end prizes, flocking to Yansheng and Yan Sheng's mansion in Yanjing, wanting to interview their clients about online gossip.

As a result, neither Shen Yi nor Yan Sheng were interviewed.These gossip media also did not care. On the one hand, they sent someone to guard the gate of Yansheng Film School and the gate of Yansheng's neighborhood. On the other hand, they sent someone to collect stone hammers everywhere according to the clues Shen Yu gave in the recording.There were even reporters who scraped their cocoons, found the house Yan Sheng rented to Shen Yu, and went to interview the landlord.

There is also part of the entertainment that focuses on the person who uploaded the recording.Everyone thought it was Shen Yu or Yan Sheng's opponent who uploaded the recording, but it turned out that the person who uploaded the recording was actually Shen Yu's newly hired assistant.And this assistant is now in detention on charges of theft.

Shen Yu hired a person with a history of theft as an assistant, and this person also uploaded Shen Yu's recording online?This operation is really too annoying, eating melon netizens shocked again.

Yan Sheng's fans directly deduced that all this was Shen Yu's self-directed director.Shen Yu deliberately exploded the material and deliberately smeared Yan Sheng. As for Shen Yu, why did he do this?Some people analyzed whether Shen Yu wanted to rub Yan Sheng's heat bundling marketing, or deliberately planted Yan Sheng.Because the rumors that Yan Sheng had exposed before were all rumors about female stars.As expected, Yan Sheng is not gay at all.If he's not gay, how could he like Shen Yu?Besides, even if Yan Sheng is gay, he won't be too blind to like people like Shen Sheng, right?

Yan Sheng's fans despise Shen Yu's character.Rather than refusing to believe that Yan Sheng was gay, they simply couldn't accept that Yan Sheng was dating someone like Shen Yu.Of course, even if the object of the rumor with Yan Sheng is a female star, Yan Sheng's fans should tear it.

Some of the extreme fans immediately rushed under Shen Yu's flying signal and yelled at him.While saying that the Shen Yu slut shamelessly slandered Yan Sheng by rubbing his face against the heat, he accused Shen Yu of being unworthy of Yan Sheng by being tangled with black material.

Shen Sheng, who had been silent for a long time, finally couldn't help but rebut Yan Sheng's fans on the flying signal.Crying meant that they didn't deliberately smear Yan Sheng. They were already in love.

There were also Yan Shadow students who stood up and said that Shen Yu could enter Yan Shadow. All of them were mediated by Yan Sheng.It also exploded that Yan Sheng intended to shoot a TV drama to carry Shen Yu's news.It is also confirmed on the side that Yan Sheng and Shen Yu really have a relationship.

As to whether it is a relationship or an arrangement, it is not certain.However, regardless of the relationship, it does not seem to be accepted by both fans at this time.

It was at this point in time that there was a sudden explosion of sound recordings coming out of the Internet.Similar to Shen Yu's explosive materials, they are Yan Sheng's authentic boyfriends.Said that Yan Sheng pretended to be a dog in front of the media and fans, but he was actually a bloody scum.Some people also exploded in the audio that Yan Sheng was dating them while maintaining physical contact with other men and women.There are even people who explode Yang Sheng sleeping powder in the name of Yang Sheng fans.

Some media reporters followed the clues of these pop-up audio and were surprised to find that the timeline of the pop-up stickers was very consistent with Yan Sheng's itinerary.There are even media comparisons of the timeline, and it turns out that some of the breaking news was actually Yan Sheng's time with several other female stars.

It could be called Yan Sheng's hammer.

This instant can stab the horse bee nest, Yan Sheng painstakingly operated for many years good man image instantly collapsed into slag.A large number of fans defoamed and the powder turned black. I didn't expect Yan Sheng to be such a person.

Overnight, Yan Sheng almost got beat up as a rat across the street.Until then, Yan Sheng had not come forward to give a proper explanation on the matter.

Many people think it's because of Yan Sheng's lack of heart.Shen Yu's fans jumped the most, wandering around the Internet, dragging passers-by like his sister-in-law Xiang Lin, trying to explain that Shen Yu's family was innocent.It was Yan Sheng, an old man, who bullied their family Shen Yu. Knowing that their family Shen Yu was pure and kind, he deliberately hooked him up.As a result, Yan Sheng was really a slag with a fancy heart.Later on, Shen Yu's fans even started stepping on the story of Yan Sheng.Both of Yan Sheng's movie emperors came from the water. Yan Sheng's acting skills were not so good at all and were blown out by the media.

The first thing I couldn't see was Yan Sheng's friends and partners in the circle.Especially the old Shangcheng skeletons who were in Black and White together.Actors in the movie "Jianghu" also saw with their own eyes how Yan Sheng took care of Shen Yu.How did Shen Yu stick to Yan Sheng on the set?

And from the perspective of these two people in the world, Yan Sheng is humble, likes to carry new people, is still a box office guarantee in the eyes of investors and producers, and when filming, he is diligent, he never plays big cards, and works very well with the director and other actors.Private relationships are also doing well.Even the crowd actress feels that Yan Sheng is understated and is a rare star with the same words and deeds in front of the camera.Unlike some people, there is one face in front of the media and fans, and another behind.Don't even think of group shows and assistants as people.

Shen Yu's reputation is quite the opposite. The artists who have cooperated with him, especially the female stars, have very poor perception of Shen Yu.It's not long since Shen Yan incited Shen Yan to bully Liang and laugh at the news. All the internet friends remember how Shen Yan played tricks.Even feminists launched various boycotts against Shen Yu, even the film "River and Lake" was implicated.

In contrast, Yan Sheng exploded so many slumber scandals after Shen Yu unilaterally exploded the material. The obvious person knew that someone must have deliberately been Yan Sheng.As for whether it was Yan Sheng's opponent or Shen Yi himself, it is not known.

However, from the point of view of vested interests, after a blast, everyone shouted at the heat of the star and turned around and became a victim...

In the way of identity, the star who helped Yan Sheng speak did not make irresponsible guesses.It's just that Seung Sheng, who they know, can't be that kind of person.Moreover, the so-called blast material on the Internet is just a recording, and the so-called stone hammer is just a story made up according to Yan Sheng's itinerary.No pictures, no truth, not even a picture of the PS.Isn't this stuff a little uncomfortable?And it's well known that the stars' itineraries are already public.Fans know, families know, organizers know, few people don't know.

Most ordinary people follow blindly.Previously, Yan Sheng was shouted at and killed by the online rhythm. At this moment, he heard so many star gangs talking to Yan Sheng. Instead, he took care of the customers.Discussion began as to whether someone had deliberately discredited Yan Sheng.

Yan Sheng's faithful fans couldn't lift their heads when they were suppressed by online entertainment. They watched Yan Sheng's fans peel large pieces of powder, but it couldn't be undone.At this moment, public opinion is finally a little loose. Whether it is the truth or not, these fans immediately pointed their guns at Shen Yu, unified caliber, forced to press the head. These explosive materials must be deliberately smeared by Shen Yu.

As for why Yan Sheng was not involved in deliberately smearing fish in the family, mainly Yan Sheng's dead loyal fans know that Yan Sheng has many fans in the family. Once involved, Yan Sheng fans now have the scale and combat power, afraid that both fists are hard to beat.

So the best bully Shen Yu was scolded online.There are even extreme fans of Yang Sheng who want to rush into school to give Shen Yu a good look.It was promptly stopped by Yan Sheng's brokerage team.

Shen Yu certainly can't back things he hasn't done.She cried to explain that she had not deliberately framed Yang Sheng and did not know where all the online materials came from.There were online friends and media reporters who questioned Shen Yu about his assistant's initiative to explode materials online.

Shen Yu confronted everyone's interrogation, and his head was blank.Only subconsciously argued: “That Cao Cao and Tao Wei came out of the same orphanage...”

After learning that Cao Cao's assistant had uploaded the recording and was detained for theft, the media reporter did not look into the assistant.Instead, the focus was on Yan Sheng and Shen Yu.As a result, Shen Yu actually exploded that this assistant and Tao Wei were from an orphanage.

The internet buddy is raging again. Shen Yu fans who were defeated and unable to fight back also appeared to have caught the life-saving straw and immediately jumped under Tao Yu's flight signal to denounce Tao Yu's vicious tone. He actually intentionally sent someone to lurk to Shen Yu's side to explode the sinking black material.

Some media reporters followed Cao Cao's line of investigation and were stunned to discover that Cao Cao had already been detained when the recording was uploaded.In other words, the recording uploaded on the flight network was not actually uploaded by Cao Yu himself.Reminds me that the Flight Information Network is Tao Wei's industry, and the imagination of network friends in the sky once again plays a role.

As soon as Tao Twilight saw the online explosion, he let Yao's father investigate the whole thing clearly.The Philatelic PR team is also ready to respond once Shen Yu throws the pot of dirty water over his head.

However, without waiting for the public relations team of FX to come forward and make a statement, Sheng Sheng, who has been silent, came forward.

Yan Sheng held a press conference at which Yan Sheng himself admitted the fact that he was dating Shen Yu.In addition, Yan Sheng admitted that the recordings and transcripts that defamed him were made by himself and had nothing to do with anyone else.It has nothing to do with Shen Yu, and it has nothing to do with Tao Wei.

Even shouted across the air at the press conference: "Relationships are between us, and I hope you don't spread it to others or involve innocent people.In fact, we already know Cao Cao's background.I'm dating Shen Yu. I can't let an unknown stranger become Shen Yu's assistant.”So when I found out that Cao Zheng had been a thief, I called the police on my own initiative.

“Cao Yu sold the recording to a gossip magazine for 100,000 yuan.Published by my brokerage team.After Cao Yu was detained, in retaliation for my detention, he bought a fellow inmate to log on to his flight information network and upload the recording online.It's all about me and Shen Yu and the assistant, the three of us.It has nothing to do with outsiders. ”

Needless to say, Stargossip, which was almost invisible throughout the whole process, was also a very professional and ethical partner.After receiving the sealing fee of 10 million, "Star gossip" actually handed over all the recordings to Zeng Yiheng. Even after the recording was exploded again, "Star gossip" did not fall down the well.But there are still reports from the wind.After all, "Stargossip" is also an entertainment media, so powerful things can't be left unattended.

Now Yan Sheng voluntarily exposes this stubble.Suddenly the reporter got excited.

“Teacher Yan, what you mean is that you investigated Assistant Shen Yu, did you inform Shen Yu of the results of the investigation?”

”" Yes, "replied Yan Sheng.

“That is, Shen Yu found his assistant to talk to him knowing that his assistant had a history of theft and that his character was unreliable.And then they record it, sell it to a magazine, and then send it online? ”

”" Yes, "replied Yan Sheng.

The reporter was even more excited: “That is, Shen Yu was subjectively intentional. Want to blow up the news about you two together?”

Yan Sheng silenced for a moment and said: “This is also my fault.When two people are in love, there is no need to cover it up.I have been hiding it from the outside world because I am concerned about my image and career development.I admit that this is a very irresponsible approach.Things have come to this point, and my fault is the greatest.Shen Yu is only a nineteen-year-old child. He can't think so much. I can understand all his thoughts. ”

“Here, I want to apologize to all.Because of the two of us, so many people saw so many bad things.It also makes my friends, fans and people who care about me sad, sad, worried about me.I didn't think about it. ”

“Here, I want to thank my friends and fans who have always believed in me.Thank you for your support. In the next few days, if possible, I will continue to dedicate more wonderful work to reward you. ”