Everyone on the finish line was looking at Su Xingchen. They wanted to tell themselves that Su Xingchen ran very hard. After all, looking at the three people next to him, they did run very hard.

Then the teachers on the finish line heard the students from the surrounding schools shouting collectively: "Su Xingchen! Come on! Su Xingchen!!! Go! Go! Go!!!"

It sounds like I really want to be able to take possession of Su Xingchen and charge directly for her.

Su Xingchen has the illusion that he is embarrassed if he doesn't rush.

In this huge sound of'Su Xingchen, come on', some'Chu Yunzhi!Come on!''Manana!Come on!''S voice, but this sporadic voice was soon drowned in Su Xingchen's huge support.

Teachers from three other schools: ...this must not be a student in our school.= =

In the end, the three of them almost reached the finish line at the same time, and they crashed into the finish line together. Behind Chu Yunzhi was a dozen students who had exerted their energy prematurely and exhausted their energy in advance. Towards the end.

They didn't want to run like this, all of them were disrupted by the three of Manana and Su Xingchen, which gave them a lot of pressure.

They did not expect that the two girls in front were so fierce that they could run faster than their boys and had better endurance.

Now in their hearts, Su Xingchen is not a star, and Manana is not a girl, they are all livestock!Livestock!

They thought sadly.

After Manana and the others ran across the finish line, all of them rushed to the three of them, especially the students from Class 16, rushed to catch the three.

The main thing is to catch Manana and Cheng Kangyao, because Su Xingchen didn't seem to need them to pick him up at all. Even when they came to help her, she smiled and waved to them with a relaxed smile, indicating that she didn't need it, and then pointed to Manana. , Let them go and help her down.

They also wanted to help Cheng Kangyao, but Cheng Kangyao directly reached out to Su Xingchen.

Su Xingchen happened to be standing beside him, what can he do?I can only help him and ask him: "How do you feel?"

Cheng Kangyao felt okay. He usually ran 5 kilometers. Today, he ran for more than 6 kilometers. He ran a little faster, and kept chasing her pace and back. He didn't feel too tired. Until then, he finally ran. At the end, tiredness seems to be overwhelming.

He imagined that as usual, he was very awkward, pretending to be cool and arrogant, but he really couldn't pretend, he simply pretended to be weak, and the whole person was pressed on Su Xingchen.

The physical education teachers followed and shouted: "Don't hug, let them walk slowly for a while!"

The pressing Su Xingchen kept yelling Curly to them: "Curly, Dahua, come and pick him up!"

Curly is so cunning. When I saw Cheng Kangyao like this, I knew that he was mostly pretending. I immediately called his friends over and took Cheng Kangyao away. "Brother Kang Kang, come here, we will help you. !"

An angry Cheng Kangyao stood up straight, pushed them away with one foot, and looked back at Su Xingchen with eyesight.

Manana was surrounded by everyone, handing water, and asking for warmth. Although she herself was tired, she felt extremely satisfied and happy psychologically. It seemed that the exhaustion of the whole body had disappeared, leaving only excitement and glory.

She raised the mineral water in her hand and looked for Su Xingchen in the crowd. It was easy to see Su Xingchen who was fanned by the murdered Matts, and she shouted: "Su Xingchen!"

The voice is a little dull.

Su Xingchen looked up and saw her smiling face that was hotter and brighter than the sun. He also raised the mineral water bottle to respect each other!

Manana was very happy, first took a big sip, then poured mineral water directly on her face, shaking her wet hair, very happy.

She likes to run, likes sports, likes to be the focus of everyone, enjoys shouting her name and all the cheers.

Because Su Xingchen, Cheng Kangyao, and Manana almost pressed the line at the same time and ran across the finish line. After a brief discussion with the leaders and teachers of the four schools, it was decided that the three of them were tied for first place and Chu Yun was the second. First, the other male student in the back is third.

In short, I took the top ten.

Otherwise, the first, second, and third places are all foreign language high schools. If the other three schools come over, is it important to participate?It was too embarrassing, and following the principle of hello, me, everyone, so Su Xingchen and all three of them were honored to take the first place.

After that, many people will come over to take photos with Su Xingchen and Cheng Kangyao.

As for why Cheng Kangyao wasn't taking a photo with Su Xingchen alone, but Su Xingchen didn’t understand it anyway, so the two stood on the roadside and took photos one after another. Cheng Kangyao was almost impatient, so he just pulled her up. go.

In the end, the teachers directly dragged all the students who participated in the marathon to a huge open space by the South Lake, with their backs to the South Lake, and a long banner in their hands. The banner said'The Fourth High School Student "Spring Marathon Run Around the Lake", came a big group photo.

Then each school and each class lined up to present awards.

Television reporters interviewed several award-winning students, focusing on three of Manana, Su Xingchen, Cheng Kangyao, and Chu Yunzhi.

The award platform is set on a huge arch bridge in Nanhu. The deck is very wide, about four lanes wide. Down the bridge, there is a long embankment, which is also four lanes wide, and there are huge lawns on both sides. On the other side of the lawn is a sidewalk for pedestrians and visitors to view the lake, about one lane wide.

Now this long embankment is full of students from various schools. They are lined up in squares, wearing their own school uniforms, standing on one side of the road, and on the other side for vehicles to travel.

Fortunately, today is a working day, there are no vehicles passing by at this time, otherwise it may cause traffic jams.

Su Xingyang stood in the crowd, looking at Su Xingchen and others who were standing on the stage to accept the award.

Twelve people were clearly standing on the stage, but in his eyes, he could only see Su Xingchen.

He didn't know if she was really so dazzling, or because she was his second sister, he felt that it seemed that the entire spirit show of Nanhu had gathered on her alone, and all the others were foils and backgrounds.

He is also the background.

Although he was also one of the people who participated in the marathon, he watched her back all the way and watched her run in front of everyone with great success.

Su Xingyue was also standing in the crowd, raising her head high, looking at Su Xingchen aloft.

As if unconsciously, she had reached a height beyond her reach.

There was an inexplicable panic in her heart, but this panic was quickly suppressed by her. Su Xingchen was just a high school student, so what was beyond reach?Even if she really became a star, she would not see it in her eyes. Is it really that good to be a star?It's just the scenery before people.

If the Su family is just an ordinary working-class, Su Xingyue may have some other emotions, but Su Jia has only seven little toe shops, and each store has three major facades. All these facades are Su family's own, although these facades are all It's not in the bustling and downtown area, but in this city where every inch of land is rich, these facades are already worth a lot.

This is also the reason why Su Xingyue looks down on Su Xingchen as a small star. Besides, she is not a star yet. Waiting for her to become a star... She doesn’t know what happens when she becomes a star, just looking at what she is now. Su Xingchen, Su Xingyue suddenly felt that she was very far away from her.

In the afternoon, we will continue to return to school, and in the evening the students will pack their bags and go home.

Because of the TV station interviews, Su Xingyang is likely to be on TV at night. Even if there is only one shot, it is enough for the Su family to stay in front of the TV, just to see that second shot on the TV.

More than that, Mrs. Su also called all her relatives, friends, and neighbors at home: "The "News Sixtieth" on Life Channel at 6 o'clock this evening is our life channel on City H. We may be on Yangyang. TV chat!"

"Marathon, long-distance running, we Yangyang also participated, I heard that a TV station came to interview!"

"Six o'clock, don't forget!"

When it was six o’clock, Mrs. Su, Su Xingyue and Su Xingyang were sitting on the sofa at home. Father Su and Su’s mother were in the store and turned on the TV. Old Man Su was in another store and turned on the TV. I gave it to my apprentice and watched by myself watching the TV.

The news on the Life Channel of City H is at 60 minutes. Every night from 6 to 7 o'clock in the evening, some news of the city will be broadcast, which are closely related to the lives of the citizens of this city.

Citizens in this city may not go to the provincial and Taiwan news or CCTV news, but most of them prefer to watch "News Sixty Minutes", even on the buses at this time of the day.

Mrs. Su sat in front of the TV and waited and waited. After waiting for more than half an hour, she finally waited for the broadcast of the Spring Marathon. There were only twenty seconds of the broadcast. Half of the shots were on Su Xingchen, and Half of it was a long shot of everyone. The roadside cheerleader frantically called Su Xingchen's name, interviewed a citizen, and finally three people rushed to the finish line. The reporter interviewed Su Xingchen, Manana, and Chu Yunzhi.

Mrs. Su was in front of the TV, her eyes widened, but she didn't find Su Xingyang, and she was completely brushed by Su Xingchen.

After watching, the old lady almost died of anger. After watching for another ten minutes, there was still no marathon interviews, and she turned off the TV angrily: "A reporter, I can't shoot at all, what are they filming? !"

She looked at her grandson, who was so handsome and tall, that she didn't take pictures of her grandson, to see who they were.

Don't watch it!I won't watch this broken show from now on!

Su’s father is the same. He also expects his sons and daughters to be on TV. Although his son is not on TV, he is a little disappointed. But seeing his daughter on TV, Su’s father is also with You Rongyan and said to the store staff: Look, this one who ran first is our star!"

Most of the employees in the store are young people, especially a few apprentices, who are quite fashionable. Seeing Su Xingchen in the news, I can’t help exclaiming: "This is not that...what is it called, Su Xingchen? Huh? Boss, her name is really similar to yours Su Xingyang and Su Xingyue, but if you say it is your daughter, I disagree!"

The other employees also laughed, thinking that Father Su was joking.

Father Su:...

Mother Su looked at him, sneered mockingly, turned off the TV, and sneered coldly: "The cars are here, and if you don't want to go out to see, what are you doing here?"

Cheng's family, Cheng's father, Cheng's mother, and Cheng Kangyao were also in front of the TV on time. Cheng's father and Cheng's mother were very busy, but they knew that their son might be on TV. Even if they didn't care about this son too much on weekdays, Cheng's father and Cheng's mother still adjusted After a period of time, I specifically watched today's news.

Then I saw that my son was the background board next to Su Xingchen all the way, only in the last sprint, he was taken by the camera for two seconds, and there was no him in the last interview.

Cheng Kangyao's image is probably not in line with the mainstream values ​​of society. Although he was included in the two-second clip of the running, the interview session that was broadcast directly cut him out.

Father Cheng looked at the green prairie above his son and smiled directly.

In the evening, one of the largest online forums, Haijiao Forum, there was an extra post called "Little Junior Brothers and Little Junior Sisters of the Stars Sect, the benefits are coming, there are tons of photos of the stars and the emperor!".

Then the host said that their school held a marathon with four schools including Su Xingchen’s school this time. They guessed that Su Xingchen must have participated in this marathon, so they searched for Su Xingchen in the crowd, but couldn’t find what to do. ?At this time, they suddenly saw only a shining green light in the crowd, Dangdang, it was our head wife, Emperor Lu, classmate.

A single photo of Cheng Kangyao walking towards the front of the team. The expression of Emperor Lu in the photo looks very serious.

"Following classmate Emperor Green, we finally found the head of the Astral Sect. At this time, it was probably the teacher in their school who found classmate Emperor Green and wanted to pull him away from the head [picture], but how did this teacher pull him? Don't leave the emperor green classmate."

First floor: eat melon.

Second floor: Mrs. head hhhhh

Third floor: The lady in charge is a real beacon!

After a while, I have already replied to more than a dozen floors below, and the host is still posting: "The photo of Emperor Lu and Su Xingchen standing with the head of Su Xingchen. Classmate Emperor Lu is looking down and saying something in the ear of the head of Xingchen [][]"

As soon as these two photos came out, the following went crazy.

"Emperor Lu's expressions are so gentle when he talks with Su Xingchen!"

"My God, when I speak with the head of the stars and the wife of the head, my face is so spoiled!"

"I was stuffed with dog food at night!"

After that, Su Xingchen and Cheng Kangyao ran side by side. Su Xingchen took the water without drinking it, but handed it to Cheng Kangyao. The last three people sprinted to the finish line. When Cheng Kangyao ran through the finish line, he fell directly on Su Xingchen...

The last picture shows Su Xingchen, Manana, Chu Yunzhi, and Cheng Kangyao standing on the podium. The other three people are looking at the stage. Only Cheng Kangyao's eyes are always looking at Su Xingchen.