The exam was very fast, and the exam was finished in only one day, but the study time in the evening was occupied, which made it impossible for the students who live on Friday evening to go home. An Ran and the others got up the next morning and had to come home on Sunday afternoon. .

Su Xingchen returned to the dormitory but did not stay. She, who had been at school the previous weekend, unexpectedly, like Shan Qing, pulled out her previous luggage and went home.

Shan Qing has always been the most positive person to go home. She had already taken her things and put them in the class. After the exam, she immediately went downstairs and went back.

Her family had already been waiting for her outside the school gate in a car.

When I left, I asked Su Xingchen, if he could not go back, Su Xingchen said to go back, she said readily, "Why don't I see you? It's convenient anyway."

Su Xingchen smiled and tilted his head in the direction of Cheng Kangyao beside him.

Shan Qing understood in seconds, smiled and said, "Okay."

After being forcibly stuffed with dog food, she waved decisively: "Then I'll go first, see you next week."

As soon as Shan Qing left, An Ran and Zhang Yingying were the only ones left in the dormitory. It was too late and no one came to pick them up. It was not safe to walk at this time, so they did not leave.

An Ran and the others knew that Su Xingchen had a house, but they didn’t know if Su Xingchen would not return to Su’s house, only when she was going home like them, they also smiled and said, “I thought you didn’t like to go home. Reconcile with your family?"

Su Xingchen just smiled and said nothing, An Ran thought she had acquiesced, and was quite happy for her.

She is a girl who is very safe at heart, and has a very harmonious relationship with her family. She always hopes that the relationship between her friends and family will be close and harmonious.

Su Xingchen is glamorous outside, others don’t know her details, but An Ran, who lives in the same dormitory with her, have seen Su Xingchen’s white or even deformed underwear. Su Xingchen never talked to them. Su Xingyang and Su Xingyue, even if she and Su Xingyang are classmates with him, they rarely see them talking. Her attitude towards him seems to be no different from other classmates, so it is better to be close to Cheng Kangyao.

However, Su Xingyang could see that he liked Su Xingchen a lot, and he had been actively drawing closer relations with her. Most of the time, he was taking the initiative to talk to her.

But his personality is also quite passive, sometimes he doesn't know what to say, he smirks at her, and she smiles back.

They were not in the same class with her, but they ate in a canteen. They had never seen her eat with Su Xingyang or Su Xingyue, especially between Su Xingyue, and meeting with strangers was no different.

In less than a month, Su Xingyue is about to take the college entrance examination. At this time, Su's father and Su's mother have no time or energy to pay attention to Su Xingchen. All the eyes of the whole family are on Su Xingyue, and they cook various soups for her every day. Drink, Su Xingyang followed.

Su's mother also went to the mall to buy Cordyceps, and let Mrs. Su cook the soup, fearing that it would affect her college entrance examination.

When Mrs. Su got the Cordyceps sinensis, she wanted to hide it and only drink it to Su Xingyang. When she was discovered by Su's mother, she muttered, "Where do they young people need such a good thing?" Sorely: "Your dad and I haven't eaten it yet."

After the soup was simmered, he brought a large bowl to Su Xingyang. The essence was in Su Xingyang’s bowl, and the rest was Su Xingyue’s. Su Xingyue looked down at the pile of Su Xingyang, and dropped his chopsticks. A push in front of him: "Yangyang, let's change."

Su Xingyang was unwilling. This was not the first time. She had developed such a habit and ordered him with an imperative tone.

But he still changed.

He knew that grandma was partial to him.

Mrs. Su scolded when she saw it: "Then a big bowl is not enough for you, and you still miss your brother's bowl. Isn't it in the pot?"

Father Su hurriedly said, "Yueyue will take the college entrance examination right away, so he eats more and consumes more."

Old Mrs. Su also knew that she had less than one month to take the college entrance examination, and she didn't say anything anymore, and went to the kitchen angrily.

Even if Su Xingyue won, he didn't know why, but he was still full of depression.

She actually wants to get a recommendation or go abroad, but she doesn't have any other specialties that can be obtained, nor does she have any provincial or municipal awards experience, and her family does not support her going abroad, only the college entrance examination.

Su's father insisted that only the college entrance examination is the right way. Although the Su family is not short of money for hundreds of thousands of millions of tuition fees a year, after deciding to buy a villa, there is really not much money left in the family.

Moreover, he is very confident in Su Xingyue and will definitely be admitted to a good school.

He didn't know that his natural attitude made Su Xingyue more irritable and depressed. She just felt that they could not afford to give her money to go abroad. If Xingyang said that she would study abroad, the whole family would definitely have to hesitate. No matter how much money they spend, they will be happy.

Why?Is he a boy?

The bottom of her heart became more and more depressed, and the whole person had a bad temper. During this period of time, her family had tolerated her. Just like during the rebellious period of Su Xingchen, she threw chopsticks and doors at home, giving everyone a cold face and treating Mrs. She was so angry, but she couldn't say anything about her.

As soon as she was about to speak, Father Su would come to the end, citing Su Xingyue's pressure on the college entrance examination to make her family understand her.

Mrs. Su accumulated a lot of anger, angrily waiting for the end of the college entrance examination.

Su Xingchen and Cheng Kangyao both pressed the road for more than an hour. He kept dragging her suitcase, but he didn't feel tired. When they walked to where she lived, it was past eleven o'clock, and the two were still happy. .

Being in love is really interesting. Su Xingchen doesn’t know what love is. For her, love may be a feeling of being needed. It’s easy to be by his side, and I want to spoil him. he.

This is the feeling she has never experienced with anyone except Cheng Kangyao.

She hasn't been here for more than 20 days, and her house is still as clean as new.

She turned to look at him, there seemed to be a big tail wagging behind him, begging for praise.

Cheng Kangyao came over and picked up her luggage, put it in the trunk, and took her to the door without going in.

Before leaving, he kicked the floor mat below, "Don't you give me a hug?"

He looks like a coquettish little wolf dog.

But Su Xingchen just ate him, turned around and smiled and hugged him gently, then he folded his arms and hugged him.


He held it for a long time, and then asked her happily, "Are we reconciled like this?"

He sent her home, but didn't go in. The whole figure seemed to be flying up and going downstairs home briskly.

Because I like it, I cherish it and care about the feelings of the other party, and don't want her to be misunderstood and gossip.

Sensible and considerate is not like a killer Matt.

When returning home in the evening, Cheng's father and Cheng's mother had already stopped, and only Aunt Liu was left.

When he got home, his excitement and joy unknowingly dropped. Sometimes he felt that he and his parents lived under the same roof, but they felt like renting together.

Of course, he has never experienced co-renting, but he doesn't know how to describe his inner feelings.

No one greets him, nor does he need to greet his parents, go upstairs and return to his room.

He habitually wrote the question until twelve o'clock, Aunt Liu sent supper up there, had a supper and took a bath, and then said good night to Su Xingchen Video.

Early the next morning, he thumped downstairs and took his breakfast to Su Xingchen.

On weekends, he was busy giving Su Xingchen'make up lessons', and the teachers were busy correcting the test papers.

Su Xingchen did not return to school on Sunday. He ran directly on Monday morning. Almost every first and second high school student who came to school had to look at the bulletin board. Even at this time, the bulletin board had not yet got results.

But they are still full of expectations, full of apprehension, and even a little absent-minded in the morning reading. They look down through the windows from time to time. When they see the teachers take out the printed A4 red paper and open the glass window of the bulletin board, they will get the results. When the watch was pinned to the bulletin board with a pushpin, many people finally couldn't help but stand up slightly and look down.

Zhong Zizhao's back table bit his ears with Zhong Zizhao, "This time Su Xingchen is not here, the first thing is that you are Zhao Minzhi."

Zhong Zizhao lay down once with the gun. Although there was a little expectation in his heart, he was still calm on the face, "Why is she not? Read it early, stop talking." The person who said that he ignored the back table, read it early, actually he thought about it. Flew to the bulletin board below.

It's pretty miserable. Since entering high school, they have never taken the first place exam again. Many people called Zhao Minzhi the second and third in the world. I thought Shen Jinghong had chosen the liberal arts. The first and second is the competition between him and Zhao Minzhi. How can I know that Su Xingchen was killed in Hengkong, and they were still the second and third in ten thousand years.┭┮﹏┭┮

Thinking of this, he has no expectations for his own results. If Zhao Minzhi is the first, then he will be the second in ten thousand years, and this hat will be on his head.

If it's him first... his heart jumped.

The one who was called the second child of ten thousand years became Zhao Minzhi, after all, he broke the curse.

After class, everyone ran to watch the rankings. He actually wanted to go, but he just pretended not to care at all. With casual movements, he packed his books and went downstairs with his best friends Go for breakfast.

His friend also asked him: "Zizhao, don't you look at the results?"

Zhong Zizhao pretended to be very indifferent: "If there is anything good, you will know it later anyway, let's go, otherwise the cafeteria will be lined up for a while."

His friend thought he was right, and flew downstairs to eat breakfast.

Zhong Zizhao:...

Zhao Minzhi also cares very much.

He was different from Zhong Zizhao. He cared what he cared about, and didn't care what others thought. When he went downstairs, he went down to take a look, and then he saw that the top one was still Su Xingchen.

As expected, but also as unexpected.

After watching him, he went to the cafeteria to eat. As usual, he was still silent and expressionless.

Someone who did not go to the list saw him eating in the cafeteria and asked him loudly: "Zhao Minzhi, have you seen the list? Who is the first?"

Many people looked at them, mostly in Class 1 and Class 2.

They are concerned about this issue, mainly because they want to know whether the first is the first class or the second class. Anyway, it is not Zhong Zizhao or Zhao Minzhi.

Zhong Zizhao's hand holding the chopsticks also stopped, and his ears stood up involuntarily.

Zhao Minzhi pursed his lips and glanced at the man: "Su Xingchen."

After Zhong Zizhao heard the answer, he was okay, eating as if nothing had happened.