Age of Adepts

Chapter 1151 - The New Steel Capital

Gazluvi squeezed out the spatial rift with almost milking strength.

And right behind it was a steady stream of magical armor bodies that seemed endless and never ending.

As soon as these magical alloys emerged from the spatial rift, under Ghazluvi's control, they began to flow rapidly through the area Grim had chosen to station in, assembling into a strange and strange-looking metal building.

The magical alloy was still pouring out in a steady stream....

One part merged into the main body of the building and began to rise up in the distance, forming a tall factory and workshop; while the other part burrowed into the ground and began to dig and drill deep foundations beneath the camp, and continued to advance towards the core of the giant rock.

In barely half an hour, a fearsome city made of steel was rapidly forming before Grim's eyes!

Grim took a glance at the gigantic foreign brain floating in front of him and couldn't help but sigh lightly, "Every time I see you casually shaping and transforming these magical alloys like a clay pincher, I can't help but marvel at the subtlety and mystery of the multiverse. If you were given endless energy and inexhaustible magical alloys, in my opinion, the guy who would finally rule this multiverse would definitely be you!"

As if a small mountain of flesh, the alien brain trembled slightly, talking to Grim in mind-talk.

"Ruling the multiverse? Such a thought would only be possessed by those childish guys who never stepped out of their place. When they see the power of the Titan Clan and the terror of the Calamity Lords, I'm afraid they'll be ashamed of their simple-mindedness!"

"Tell me, why have you suddenly become so brave this time?" Grim smiled, "I thought you'd only send that split-brain Sock over to deal with it, but I really didn't expect it to be your own body that came over..."

"I'm learning that from *you* too!"

"Study me?"

"Yes! When we first met, it seems that my lord was still just a rank 1 wizard, right..." here, the foreign brain paused for a moment, seemingly sobbing a bit as well. But it quickly adjusted.

"By the time I joined your lordship's camp, you were already a rank 2 sorcerer. I...on the other hand, was a 3rd rank Brain Monster. It was this difference in strength that made me see an opportunity to escape your control. But...while I took many chances, your power progressed far beyond my estimation."

"When you became a rank 3, I was unconvinced, but I still retained a hope of success in my heart! However, some time ago, I heard that you had become a 4th Order Wizard. It was at that time that I realized for the first time that I might never be able to escape your control...and what caused all of this was my conservatism and reticence."

"So many opportunities were once in front of me, but as soon as the slightest possibility of a threat to my true nature appeared, I would instinctively choose to back down and give up... It is my personality that has caused me to have no way out now, so I'm going to take a risk and chase your footsteps least to keep you from leaving me too far behind!"

"This is outside the domain!" Grim looked at the xenobrain with some surprise, "You may encounter far more risk here than inside the bit. Are you sure it's appropriate to place the On-Beam here?"

"Don't worry, Master! I've left a part of my brain body sealed in the Eternal Capital. If my original body is destroyed, that part of my brain will spontaneously grow up and become a new 'me'..."

After all, an oddball is an oddball, possessing life forms and reanimation methods that humans would never be able to!

Grim no longer asked anything, but quietly and silently examined this new steel capital rising up before his eyes.

Due to the peculiarities of the outer domain, ordinary creatures could not survive here at all.

Even creatures of the 2nd or 3rd level were nothing more than a bunch of cannon fodder to be waved away at a moment's notice here.

Therefore, when Grim wanted to establish a place of roots outside of the Domain, the first thing that came to mind was the Isobrain Ghazluvi.

Only the Ectobrain with the Super Magical Furnace, with a constant stream of magical energy and a large number of magical alloys supported by Grim, was able to create a safe dwelling from scratch in this barren and desolate barren land at such a fast pace.

The magical alloys used to build the Steel City were already initially enough, and what followed from the cracks in space were all kinds of supplies and resources.

No matter how powerful the foreign brain was, it was impossible to turn the magical alloy into food and drink, and into magic weapons.

Therefore, Grim used his authority as the head of the family to move almost half of the Crimson Family's resources to this place, before filling up one of the storerooms that this Steel Capital had dug out underground.

After 2 hours of uninterrupted operation, that Teleportation Witch Formation had finally come to an end.

It was at the end of its life!

As the magical nodes on top of the witch formation ruptured one after another, the spatial fissures also dissipated in a violent shock and distortion.

At the last moment when the teleportation was coming to an end, a hundred high-ranked Demonic Armament Warriors drilled out of the space rift and lined up in a neat formation on the metal square in front of the entrance to the Steel Capital.

This was a Magic Armament Praetorian Army that the Different Brain had created for itself during this time, and even the ordinary members possessed the basic strength of a 2nd rank intermediate. As for the five Demonic Armament captains, they each possessed a powerful 3rd rank primary strength.

"Master, the Capital of Steel has been built, and I'm going to start working on it!"

Isobrain and Grim greeted each other, and floated into the interior of the Steel Capital under the protection of a hundred Magic Arms Praetorians.

And as soon as Isobrain and the Super Magical Melting Furnace it rolled up with entered the Steel Capital, the iron frame that was deadly one moment was immediately revived the next.

Countless metalworking plants and smelting rooms were activated.

The rock fragments dug out of the ground were put into the crushing plant, where they were stirred and crushed into fist-sized particles of ore. They were then sent to the Ore Sorting Center, where the ore particles rich in metallic components would be sifted out and sent to the smelting workshop, while the useless ore residue would be compressed into giant rock bricks for the construction of the Steel Capital's outer buildings....

It only took two quarters of time for the first batch of refined exotic metals to converge and compress into a single ingot, which was sent directly from the conveyor belt to the metal storehouse.

Grim had also received a list of metals from the foreign brain.

It had to be said that there was no trash in the ores that could be found outside the domain!

Just a piece of barren giant rock that no one cared about, inside it, a whopping 37 rare metals and 164 magic alloys were sought and refined. All possessing some unknown magical properties!

This was actually conceivable.

After all, those broken bit continents were caught in the Void Storm, and the ordinary bit essence would have been eroded away by the violent and ferocious energy tides long ago. Only these bit essence could carry the ravages of the energy storm, and coincidentally were drawn into the eye of this calm as ever storm.

What's more, they had been immersed in the eye of the storm for so long.

Even if it was just an ordinary piece of steel, after such a long time of energy infiltration and immersion, I'm afraid it would have to mutate into some strange magic alloy that was hard to find in the outside world!

Using such a rare metal to create an ordinary magic weapon warrior would be a bit too extravagant.

Therefore, the newly refined metals were deposited into the warehouse, and Isobrain moved the ordinary magic alloys he had brought from the Eternal Capital onto the assembly line and began rumbling to build batch after batch of metal magic weapons.

The first batch to come off the assembly line were three hundred engineering magic weapons, which were also the tentacles and engineers of Isobrain's control over the entire Iron Capital.

With their addition, the full vitality of the Steel Capital was unleashed.

All of the factories, all of the smelting rooms, all of the conveyor belts, all of the processing plants... they all began to operate at full capacity.

A huge metallic roar instantly resounded through this world.

This was, after all, the territory ruled by human sorcerers!

Just five hours after the Steel Capital rose from the ground, a squad of standardly equipped wizards appeared in the darkness near the giant rock.

They were covered in colorful energy hoods, shimmering and glowing in a 'soft' tide of energy.

In the meantime, the 4th rank sorcerer leading the group whipped off his hood and looked remotely at what was happening on top of the giant rock, and couldn't help but pull out a sorcery crystal from his bosom, silently communicating something to this headquarters.

"My lord, is it a foreign race?" A 3rd rank white-robed woman behind her asked in a low voice.

At her waist was a jade-white compact wizard staff with a glittering and beautiful series of ice flowers swinging from it.

"Well, it looks like it." The 4th rank witch frowned, "I seem to have heard of such metal beings somewhere, they seem to feed on metal, wandering around in the depths of the Star Ocean, searching for metal veins."

"Regardless of whether it's a metal life or not, it's already trespassed into our Wizard's territory, just banish it!" Another coarse and bold man who seemed to be a rank 3 Body Tempering Sorcerer shouted with full carelessness.

One by one, the five rank 2 sorcerers following behind the group peered into the astonishing scene before them, not daring to participate in the conversation of several higher ranked sorcerers.

While a few people were still discussing, the red light over the giant rock crumbled and a shadowy figure emerged not far in front of them.

The squad members immediately prepared for battle.

The surface of that rank 4 wizard's body also glowed and was instantly covered with seven different spectrum energy shields.

However, it was only when they saw the strange man who appeared from the firelight and the golden wooden sign he was holding in his hand that they relaxed a little bit.

The 4th rank wizard leading the group was a male with a dark, slim face and an unattractive appearance.

He looked at the golden wooden sign in Grim's hand and took out a wand from his bosom and shook it, immediately projecting a pattern of a burning iron fist and a long series of golden runes above the sign.

"Grim, 4th rank Fire Witch, Elder of the Scatterland Tallinn Association, Patriarch of the Crimson Family..."

The male wizard muttered the golden runes and recited them, and as he did so, the look he gave to Grim became extremely odd.

"So your Excellency is the Grim Sorcerer!"

Hearing the name Grim, the entire squad members looked a little strange.