Age of Adepts

Chapter 1164 - Meeting of Fates

Lucia woke up in a trance and disorientation.

When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw were the beautiful bands of light that were floating all over the world.

These ribbons of light were woven and danced under the dark and deep vault of the sky, freely flowing and flowing like a poem, like a dream, like a song, like a fantasy, making people almost think that they were in a completely dreamy and bizarre world.

Lucia's consciousness hesitated to wake up, and just stared at these constantly changing colors and forms of light bands, unconsciously, a tear rolled down the corner of her eye.

It was because she perceived a hint of the familiar scent of her mother's body from these bands of light.

And as her consciousness emerged, this familiar scent was still slowly dissipating, as if a kind and gracious mother was snuggling up to her dear child to say goodbye.

That warmth, that scent, that feeling... had always haunted Lucia's mind, making it one she would never forget!

The Morion bit is destroyed....

It was only after a long, long time that Lucia slowly climbed up from the stone platform, her eyes falling on a beautiful woman in a purple star gown.

It was a beautiful woman who was unforgettable at first sight!

She had long silver hair as smooth and silky as satin, and her face was unusually soft and serene, but the pair of azure eyes in her long and narrow phoenix eyes gave people an unusually voluptuous and mysterious taste.

On her shoulders, there sat a beautiful elf who emitted fluorescent light all over her body and had a pair of thin cicada wings, resembling a miniature human girl.

When Lucia's gaze landed on the elf's body, the other party was also tilting her head, biting her fingertips and examining her curiously.

"Who are you? Where is this place? How did I... come back to life?" Lucia's one word was authentic Morian bit of common language. And Alice and little Helen obviously couldn't understand it.

Alice smiled faintly, raised her hand, and a small star flew out of the coiled and flying ribbon of light into Lucia's body. Immediately, some strange and mysterious knowledge flooded into Lucia's mind.

"What have you done to me? ......."

Taken aback by a small star hitting her on the head, Lucia also took a few steps back, wary of the others. But before the words left her mouth, she was horrified, realizing that what she had just said was not a language from the past, but a whole new language.

In her mind, an answer surfaced on its own as well.

The Universal Language of the Wizard World.

What she had just said was actually the Sorcerer World Universal Language! So...naturally, this is the Wizard World!

However, just as Lucia suddenly realized this, endless remnants of broken knowledge suddenly rolled out from the depths of her mind, instantly overwhelming the fire of her weak and frail soul.

Lucia covered her ears, held her head, crouched on the ground, and screamed miserably as she tilted her head up.

In this instant, countless images of characters shook before her eyes, countless strange sounds exploded in her ears, and countless strange sensations trickled through her heart... Lucia screamed in pain and despair as if she was going to burst from these things in the next moment.

In her most miserable and desperate moment, a cold, slippery hand was placed on her forehead, instantly driving away all the strange sensations for her.

Lucia regained her serenity and half-kneeled on top of the cold stone floor, not caring that her fully mantled body was exposed, staring dumbly at Alice.

"Will you become my disciple..." said Alice softly.

Unfortunately, before she could finish her sentence, Lucia interrupted her dumbly.

"I don't want to!"

"Inherit my..." and here Alice came to an abrupt halt.

Now it was her turn to stare blankly at this weak and beautiful young woman.


"For I have sworn an oath that my whole life belongs to the Orb! Only the arcane is worth following for the rest of my life!"

"But...but I saved your life!"

"You can take my life back if you like!"

"I saved your life! Aren't you...aren't you going to repay me?"

"I can repay you in my own way..."

"In what way?"

"When you avenge the Austrian Empire in the future, you will not be included!"

Alice was completely speechless.

She stared straight into Lucia's determined and persistent eyes, completely able to perceive that every word the other party said was sincere, without the slightest hint of false pretense.

But just these sincere words, they were too hard and coarse!

It really was worthy of being the purest and cleanest soul among the planes, with all sorts of wondrous mysteries that no ordinary human could understand or accept.

Alice also dispensed with the intention of 'coaxing' the other party around, and began to talk to her in another way.

"My name is Alice, and I am the leader of the Fate Witch clan among the witches of the Wizarding World's Northern Lands. Weren't you just wondering why I reanimated you?"

"It's for the Morian bit of destiny, isn't it!" Lucia lifted her head and gazed up at the ever-drifting and shifting bands of strange and beautiful light with a deep affection, "You used my identity to abduct such a huge force of destiny from the Morian Plane for the feedback from the Wizard World to your world, didn't you?"

Alice was once again startled.

With the other party's status and talent as a mere arcane apprentice, it was impossible for him to grasp and comprehend such profound and mysterious bit plane knowledge. Then the only possibility was that when she was holding the astrological ceremony, the dying Morian bit origin consciousness not only bet some of the fate power over, but even brought some of the fragmented bit knowledge over as well.

That dying bit consciousness, when it realized that its calamity was inevitable, also unsparingly rolled whatever it could give to those fleeing bit beings. In the process, Lucia, as the son of the throne, had undoubtedly acquired much more than the others.

Therefore, at this moment, the talent and potential of this beautiful girl named Lucia was absolutely overwhelming to any genius in the Sorcerer World. What was the purpose of the original consciousness of the Sorcerer World using its own hands to create such a 'pervert'?

At this moment, not to mention Lucia, even Alice was a little confused!

"I'm glad you understand!" Alice said calmly, "I brought you back to life in order to use your identity to 'lure' a part of the Morian Plane's Destiny before its destruction. Now, the power of fate is in your hands, so you don't have to be grateful to me or feel guilty about it, it's a clean slate between us!"

Seemingly not expecting Alice to admit everything so bluntly, Lucia, stunned, finally looked at Alice squarely and said, "Thank you."

"Since you've brought me such great benefits, I naturally won't treat you badly. How about this: You can be nominally my disciple, but I won't interfere with anything you want to do later. You are free to browse the books in my pagoda, and you are free to use the resources in my pagoda. In short, everything here in my place is open to you!"

The other side has put forward such generous conditions, Lucia is not a brawler who will not turn back without hitting the south wall, a simple contemplation also nodded and agreed.

After reaching an agreement, Alice once again waved her hand, and a huge amount of magical energy gathered on Lucia's body, condensing into an exquisitely chic purple gown that covered her beautiful and flawless body.

"Elemental energy materializing..." enviously, Lucia bit her lips lightly.

In her mind, there was suddenly a lot of inexplicable and odd knowledge and strange insights, giving her a glimpse into the workings of the world as well. However, limited by this 'simple and crude' body, the vast majority of the contents were a bit too advanced for her, and were simply not what this current level, this body could endure.

Thus, to have a shelter, a dwelling where she could grow up in peace and quiet, was already invaluable to her!

After all, this Lady Alice had made it very clear that she had already reached the power of fate, and her own value to her was already dispensable. Therefore, at this time, she, a small arcane apprentice living in a different world, could only 'stoically' survive in the palliative.

Seeing the beautiful girl who was born from the 'essence of heaven and earth' walk out of the astrology hall under the leadership of the elf Helen, Alice turned around and began to deal with the power of fate gathered within the tower.

She could perceive that the Bit Consciousness of the Sorcerer World was always attentive to her, and clearly expressed her infinite delight in this foreign force of fate. Furthermore, the bit-consciousness seemed to be paying attention to this young girl named Lucia, showing a hint of wanting to assimilate her over.

It was precisely because she perceived this slight change in the bit consciousness that Alice Fang tried her best to keep it by her side. Retaining Lucia, that is, retaining the favor of the bit consciousness, this was all sorts of light and dark benefits for a Fate Witch that were simply countless.

However, it would take some time of observation and comprehension to figure out the true intentions of the bit consciousness, so Alice also put her main focus on dealing with these Fate powers.

Alice let go of the Fate Gauntlet, and these colorful bands of light floating within the Astrological Hall slowly spilled out, silently dissolving into the hazy, gray sky of the Dragon Bone Wilderness.

It was as if a crack had suddenly been poked in the sky, and a ray of warm and soft daylight penetrated the dark clouds above the Dragon Bone Wilderness, pouring endless light and heat, as well as a good mood onto the Tower of Destiny.

The entire Tower of Destiny was trembling gently, bathed in sunlight, reflecting radiant light in all directions!

And what came with the sunlight, besides the warmth, was an indescribably wonderful physical realization. All the individuals within the High Tower of Fate, whether they were apprentice witches or full-fledged Fate Witches, felt their spirits slowly growing and their soul consciousness floating in a wonderful ocean.

Almost at the same moment, there were a number of witches within the tower who had directly advanced, and even more Fate Apprentices had profoundly comprehended the power of Fate.

With this realization, they only needed to go through another period of spiritual accumulation, and the path to advancement to official Fate Witch would be unimpeded along the way.

Berserk Witch Sophia promoted, Level 2....

Ice Maiden Shepherd promoted, step 2....

Samantha advances, step 2....



Alice, the leader of the Witches of Destiny, advances to Level 4!