Age of Adepts

Chapter 1167 - Plague Trap

Enemy sighted!

As soon as they received this information, the team of trolls that were still trudging 70 miles to the rear immediately quickened their pace.

A grass-green silhouette wove its way through the dense jungle, running at full speed and disturbing the entire jungle with fear. The jungle creatures, both carnivorous and herbivorous, clenched their tails and hid in their lairs, whimpering and shivering, none of them daring to come out and check out the situation.

With a clear target in mind, the Troll Legion's movement speed was also extremely impressive!

It took less than half an hour for the leading few troll leaders to arrive at a forest clearing and see the troll hunter who was covered in yellow-green smoke.

The other party was already somewhat dying at the moment, lying on a withered grass, its body rickety and coughing violently without stopping. The purple-black plasma it coughed out, whether it landed on the verdant grass or the lush green shrubs, would rise up into a dense cloud of smoke.

The surrounding plants began to wither at a visible speed after coming into contact with this smoke cloud.

Several troll leaders could not help but retreat in succession.

A particularly tall and strong troll lined up and shouted in a low voice, "Quickly go and invite Master Sanger!"

The next few troll warriors were ordered to turn around and move into the jungle.

Soon after, the sound of breaking branches of shrubs was heard, and a small, weak, human-like old man, Master Sanger, appeared in front of everyone.

Compared to other trolls, Master Sanger was too elusive and thin, and his body was severely rickety, leaning on an ebony wooden staff that was taller than his own head. The staff was full of strange decorations hanging from it, including animal teeth and polished stones, but more than that, it was a miniature creature's skull soaked in herbs.

Master Sanger was a 2nd rank witch doctor, and its prolonged exposure to various poisonous substances had also cut its constitution down to an extraordinary degree. It was clothed in an old and crude animal skin robe, and its exposed chest and face were covered in strange patterns painted with indigo paint.

Once on the scene, Master Sanger's eyes were drawn to the dazzling cloud of poison.

"Stand back, all of you, and be careful not to touch these fumes. They are imbued with a terrible poison..."

"Master Sanger, do you see that these toxins can be removed?" The leader of the troll team was an exceptionally strong 3rd ranked hunter. It was reasonable to say that it was of a higher level than the old witch doctor, and should be able to give its orders directly.

Unfortunately, in the troll kingdom, due to the scarcity of spell casters, witch doctors with a handful of elemental spells and poisoning abilities had become meat and potatoes, and everywhere they went, they had to be treated with courtesy from the top.

Therefore, a 3rd level troll hunter facing a 2nd level witch doctor would have to be polite and courteous!

"I'll try!" The Sanger Witch Doctor frowned, "The toxins used by the enemy are of a different kind we have never seen before. They are not extracted from plant sap or animal venom glands, but... but rather an extremely tiny and terrifying living creature..."

"A living thing? Master, are you saying that these poisonous clouds are all alive?" Several of the troll chiefs were startled at the news, their faces full of incredulity.

"Yes! These things that look like smoke are actually made up of groups of tiny poisonous insects, which is why they're extraordinarily difficult to deal with." At this point, the Sanger Witch Doctor pulled out a musk-like pine branch and lit it on fire, and the light thin smoke that drifted out immediately drove those yellow-green poisonous clouds away into the distance.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Sanger Witch Doctor bent down to the side of the troll hunter infected with the 'malady', and trustingly took some pungent smelling grass cakes and blackened poisonous scorpions from the pottery pot at his waist and chewed them in his mouth.

The crust shattered and black blood spilled everywhere.

The Sanger Witch Doctor spat out the sticky paste that formed from the chewing of the poisonous scorpions and grass cakes, dipped his hand in it and began to draw a strange pattern on the forehead of the troll hunter. This rune form was far from a circle on the outside, an inverted triangle on the inside, and a weird eye-shaped pattern at the center of the triangle.

Strangely enough, as soon as this bizarre rune was drawn, it lit up with a dazzling fluorescence, lighting up every line and every pattern. This fluorescence seemed to have a strange high temperature, burning the troll hunter's skin, and the location of the lines and runes began to slowly depress downwards, as if it was etched into its skull.

The original dying Trollhunter Steelde jumped up from the ground with a shriek, tilting his head back and opening his mouth wide, a terrifying cloud of poison spewing out of it. It took a full dozen or so flexes before the cloud became a little thinner and faded in color.

It took another seven or eight quarters before Steelde, which had spewed out all the toxins, trembled and fell softly.

Although its breath was still weak, its vitality was in the midst of a slow rebound.



Several of the troll leaders had joy on their faces at the same time and nodded their thanks to the Sanger Witch Doctor.

"Take it down and tune it up! The damage those toxins did to its body is difficult to recover from in the short term, and it needs some time to rest before it can continue fighting!" The Sanger Witch Doctor ordered in a low voice, and a few troll warriors stepped forward to lift Steelde and send it to the rear.

Unlike the few troll leaders who were smiling with joy, the Sanger Witch Doctor's face was not smiling at all.

It was a terrifying toxin it had never seen before, and a hint of magic could be faintly perceived within it. If the intruder could easily cast it on a large scale, with its poison dispelling techniques, it might not be able to protect the entire troll army.

However, just as the Sanger Witch Doctor was worried, the shouts of the Troll Hunters suddenly came back from the distant jungle.

They were catching up to the enemy's ranks!

The troll warriors were rapidly moving through the jungle in pursuit, emitting all sorts of disturbing and bizarre whistles while sniping from a distance with their precision throwing spears.

In front of them, more than a dozen vampires in the form of blood bats were dodging the fearsome spears of death as they moved through the forest. Unfortunately, allowing them to flee madly and crazily, the number of troll warriors chasing after them grew.


A throwing spear seemed to strangle trees, shrubs, and vines into pieces like black lightning, and green sap flew in the sky. Several blood-red bats that couldn't dodge were impaled on the tree trunks, twisting and struggling wildly.

More spears and pike darts then flew over, piercing them into pitiful skewers of flesh.

After a puff of bloody smoke passed, the dead blood-red bats transformed back into their human forms, revealing their true colors.

Green skin, fierce and vicious faces, terrible fangs, and strange patterns painted all over their bodies....

The troll warriors couldn't help but drink curses, they could tell that these dead bats were once their companions as well. They just didn't know what methods and tactics those damned enemies had used to transform them into their current ugly appearance.

"Chase... spread out and chase... can't let these invaders escape..."

The low, hoarse roar of the troll leader resounded through the jungle and was answered by dozens of his companions' whistles.

The strong and elite troll warriors pursued the few remaining blood red bats and quickly surged into a small basin.

Here, the strange whistles of the troll warriors could be heard from all over the jungle.

Judging from the sounds, they could tell that they had managed to surround the enemy within this basin.

However, where did they know that just a dozen miles away at the top of a cliff protruding above the forest and sea, Mary, Solus, Poison Spirit Remy, and many vampires were all entrenched here, watching the battlefield from afar.

"The enemy is already in ambush! Remy, it's up to you below... "Mary nodded at the poisonous Remy, who immediately laughed cruelly.

Remy slapped his mount and the giant arrow poison frog climbed forward a few steps. It stood pinned on top of the other's back, hands spread wide, and let out a silent whistle into the distant jungle.

A strange sound wave traversed ten miles away and began to reverberate above the Basin Battlefield.

In the middle of the jungle, a squad of troll warriors pulled away, holding their throwing spears high, carefully searching inside the basin. As long as there was any movement of the wind in the surroundings, their spears and pike darts would rain down on them.

With their strength and precision, no prey would be able to escape their hunting and pursuit!

A small group of troll warriors had just searched past the edge of a shrub, and the ground they were walking on cracked open without a sound, from which a faint yellow smoke drifted out.

The yellow smoke wasn't dense, and mixed in with the mist between the jungles, it was almost undetectable.

And there were hundreds of such plague drops inside the entire basin jungle, each set up in the bushes or at the base of tree roots.

There was no wind inside the basin.

The pale yellow clouds of poison lingering in the forest were inconspicuous at first. But as they gradually began to thicken, there were trolls who noticed something was wrong.

A troll warrior spear pierced through the bark of an ancient tree and picked out a large maggot-like insect that was spewing yellow poisonous mist from a small hole.

When the troll warrior picked the foreign insect up in front of his eyes for a closer look, it unintentionally got a trace of that yellow poisonous mist, and it immediately felt dizzy, and its entire arms and legs were somewhat numb and weak.

"Trap... it's a trap! Back up, back up!"

In the next second, the troll warriors' terrified roar resounded throughout the jungle.

Unfortunately, they were too late to notice!

At some point, the entire basin had been completely enveloped by a terrifying poisonous cloud.

Sounds of trolls coughing violently were heard from all over the jungle.

"Exit... all of you, back out of the basin!" The leading troll leader tugged at his voice and yelled.

Under his command, the troll warriors who had rushed into the basin fled out again.

Unfortunately, every troll warrior who escaped from the basin was surrounded by a lingering, terrifying cloud of poison. As soon as several overly poisoned troll warriors rushed out, they strangled their necks with both hands and fell to the ground, shrieking in pain.

The trolls were indeed tough and strong enough. Unfortunately, facing a terrifying plague set up by a 3rd stage poisonous spirit themselves, they were still unable to tough it out.

For a while, the forest floor was filled with pitiful figures roaring in pain and rolling all over the ground....