Age of Adepts

Chapter 1208.

It was a dark and deep mushroom jungle deep inside.

The towering mushrooms held up huge umbrellas, blocking out the dark and gloomy watery sky, and making the light in the forest even darker and darker.

The colorful fluorescence of the light mushrooms and mosses all over the jungle, coupled with the fluorescent spores flying in the sky, gave this mushroom jungle a treacherous and evil smell that could only be found in fairy tales.

Looking through the luxuriant mushroom jungle, one could see some exotic spore-like plants growing in the large open valley. The rhizomes of these plants were sturdy, and the fruits on them were so huge that they were out of proportion to their petite size.

Since the fruits on the head stalks were so huge, several meters in diameter, these plants were bent over the stalks. In the spore field, a single spore man, no more than a meter in size, is busy.

From time to time, they tilled the soil, watered the green sap, and carefully looked after each plant with its huge fruit, just as patiently and meticulously as if they were their own children.

Whenever a fruit was ripe, the huge clusters of fruit would break open, from which would flow out a thick and sticky fruit juice. Along with the fruit juice, there was a weird fetus with its eyes closed and squeaking. Every now and then, the Spore People, who were responsible for taking care of the spores, would gather in groups.

They would carefully wrap up the fetus and send it back to the village to be raised. And as the spore forest matured, one after another, the birth of magic spore babies also kept them, the nurserymen, so busy that they had no time to rest.

On the outskirts of the spore forest, a tall fungus giant could be seen constantly patrolling. On the shoulders of each fungus giant could be seen an even more petite figure of a spore man, and the spore man's hands and feet were inserted into the fungus giant's body as if they had melted, just as if they had become one with it.

Because of this strange ability of the Demon Spores, they were able to occupy a place in the monster-infested wetland swamp with their weak body and strength, and slowly invade the territory by implanting spores.

The Demon Spores were not monolithic, but were divided into two classes: nobles and commoners.

The so-called Demon Spores actually referred to the nobles, who generally possessed all sorts of strange magical abilities, and could gain some magical abilities after infesting swamp creatures. Ordinary commoners, on the other hand, didn't have such abilities, and thus were commonly engaged in the hard and tiring jobs of nursery workers, planters, and outlying scouts.

Emelia waited anxiously in the middle of the mushroom jungle until a sneaky, thin figure appeared before her.

"Uncle Naru, how is the situation there in the Holy Land?" Seeing the other party appear, Emelia inquired urgently.

"Faunson has already left... I heard that there was a problem there at the ogre camp and it rushed to deal with it! Currently only Theo sits there in the Holy Land, but there's a legion of giants with it, and it's very difficult for you to sneak in!" The one known as Naru was an old-faced male spore man, and by the looks of it, it seemed to be nearing the end of its life, and it couldn't stop breathing even with the effort of saying a few words.

"What about the secret passage? Does the secret passage that my father secretly dug still exist?"

"That secret passage is still there... However, your last escape with the aid of a secret passage has aroused Farneson's suspicion, and it has been searching for that secret passage as well. For that reason, it has also set up numerous devices and traps inside the sanctuary, many of which even I couldn't detect..."

"Uncle Naru, it's been hard on you. You've always been the most loyal to our family, and I've grown up watching you. If... if things go more smoothly this time, you'll leave here with me!"

"Princess, are you already planning to abandon the ancestral heritage of the Magic Spore clan?"

Emelia sighed grudgingly.

"Naru, you have never been out of this swamp and have no idea of the vastness and immensity of this world. I'm a wizard now, and the wizard world is also a civilization more glorious than the spirit world. The so-called 'business' that we of the Demon Spore clan have been operating for an even number of centuries seems to me now to be a ridiculous farce. Leaving this closed and old-fashioned world, our Demon Spore Clan will definitely develop and grow better and faster..."

"By the way, Uncle Naru, I asked you to secretly gather some old clan members who would follow me, I wonder how well you're proceeding?"

"Your Highness, you've been gone for far too long... Many of the old clansmen have died one after another. And just to be on the safe side, I didn't dare to test them out indiscriminately, so I only brought in seven of the most trustworthy guys!"

Emelia's eyes lit up at Naru's reply.

"That's enough of that! According to the plan, I will sneak into the Holy Land to retrieve the things that belonged to my father. You and the tribe you've gathered will prepare more seeds, all kinds of seeds, to take with you... Remember, when you see the Holy Land ablaze, return here with your tribe. At that time, I will bring you all back to that new world together..."

After another brief instruction, Emelia sent Naru away with this.

Only then did Emelia put her hood back on and quietly slipped away to the holy land in the distance, looking up at the dim sky and sensing the message from the Lord of the House from afar.

The Holy Ground of the Magic Spore Clan was located within a huge, twisting and turning cave.

If you entered from the front, you would have to encounter countless guards and sentries along the way at almost three paces and five paces. Thus, even with the magical power of the Swamp Wise Moat, he could not extend his perception and eyesight to this place.

Naturally, it would be impossible to know what the Moat Spore clan was up to in the back!

However, the founder of this sacred place was not Faun Sen, but Emelia's father, the last leader of the Mjolnir clan. Therefore, Fahnsen, who had conspired to usurp the throne and power, naturally did not know that there was a hidden passageway leading to the outside world in the heavily guarded Magic Spore Sanctuary.


The battle on the battlefield is still very, very intense....

Gore Faith, who had lost his war hammer, was like a heavy bear, tired and futilely chasing after the tall flaming giant, but could hardly get close to it.

The flame sorcery that Grim wielded in faith brought an unimaginable disaster to Gore Faith and the entire ogre camp!

Obviously, it was the ogre side that occupied the numerical and geographical advantage, but when placed on the battlefield, it was Grim who tyrannized over the entire Anglosh ogres alone.

And just as Grim was frantically ruling the battlefield, the first batch of reinforcements hurriedly arrived.

It was none other than the Swamp Wise Moat and that Water Prophet Lorence who had come all the way here by virtue of the Water Mist Teleportation.

They didn't bring any reinforcements, but just by virtue of their rank 4 status, they were able to instantly crush the battle.

The desperate Gore Firth fled into the camp with his head in his hands, never daring to fight again, allowing the Flame Giant incarnated by Grim to frantically harvest the lives of his people.

Grim waved his hand, and the swarming flame creatures rushed into the camp right behind the defeated ogres. For a moment, fires were lit everywhere and the sounds of fighting and shouting were heard everywhere.

Seeing that the ogres were no longer able to fight back, that Prophet of Water, Lorence, slowly stepped into the battlefield and faced off with Grim.

"The Angrosh ogres have lost the courage to fight, outsiders, you can stop now!" Lorence said calmly, no expression visible on his face made up purely of the light blue water element, "We will take over the following battle, you must stop the killing immediately!"

Huh? This water elemental is not from your side?

Grim was so disturbed by the other's hostility that he couldn't help but look suspiciously at Moat.

With a bitter smile, Moat felt a small silk braided pocket from his bosom and tossed it to Grim.

"This is the reward you deserve for your previous mission. As for the battle here, you'd better slow down for a while! Our target today is that Faunson, and this Golefuss...let's try to recruit and surrender!"

"Recruiting surrender?" Grim laughed coldly, "That ogre chieftain hasn't even been captured yet, and you're thinking of surrendering it? If we don't take this opportunity now to destroy the entire ogre camp in one go, I'm afraid it will be too late to do so after the other party's reinforcements arrive later..."

"Human sorcerer, take note of your identity..." the Water Prophet Lorence for some reason had no affection for Grim upon meeting him, "What to do with this ogre chieftain is a matter within our wet swamp, also It's not your turn to be told what to do by an outsider!"

Hearing Lorence's reply, Grim's flame-filled face expression stiffened in Woodland, and his eyes stared coldly at the Water Prophet, finally nodding, "Good... very good! Since this is an internal affair of your wet swamp, it is fitting that I take a break."

With that, Grim stretched out his hand, and the Witch Staff flew over from the side of the Flame Gate.

Losing the sustaining power of the Sorcerer's Staff flame, the Gate of Flame collapsed inward without stopping in a loud rumbling sound, finally collapsing and crumbling into an overflowing sea of fire. The flaming creatures that were still fighting on the battlefield also quickly dissipated one by one and soon disappeared.

For a time, only the twelve swamp giants were left on the battlefield, still chasing the routed ogres around, while the rest of the region was inexplicably deserted.


The Water Prophet Lorence did not care about Grim's performance.

It stood pinned in a tumbling and boiling pond, and with a quick muttering of an incantation, a waterman above the surface of the water quickly rose up, surprisingly summoning a huge army of water elements in an instant.

Most of these water elements were no more than 1st or 2nd rank, yet they were superior in number.

They quickly moved across the water, quickly filling the battle vacancy that had been created after the disappearance of the flame creatures, once again forming an overwhelming numerical advantage over the ogres.