Age of Adepts

Chapter 1318 - Fred's Card.

The Crimson Fleet was slowly closing in on Kirthlin Castle.

Each of the seven floating giants possessed smooth lines and a large, majestic head. As they leapt out from the horizon, all who witnessed the sight could not help but feel an icy chill that secretly spread from their hearts.

Above the ground, the goblin chariot, the eyeball fighter, the battle demon armor, and the huge demon armor puppet dragon converged into a torrent of steel, curling up a huge cloud of smoke and dust all the way to the ground.

This was an army of terrifying Demonic Armaments that numbered nearly ten thousand!

Compared to them, the small castles and fortresses that the Entom Family had placed along the way were like low mud walls in front of earthmoving trucks, destroyed by ferocious artillery fire and successive high-energy beams without even being able to block the opponent's advance.

This was already the core territory of the Entom Family.

Having operated here for hundreds of years, it had naturally established a powerful and perfect defense system and raised an equally powerful army of sorcerers.

Unfortunately, they were flesh and blood after all!

No matter how powerful the Sorcerer troops were, their fortifications would be reduced to ruins by the overwhelming artillery bombardment, and their figures that rushed in with their last shred of blood courage would be smashed to pieces in the dense, rain-like high-energy beams....

The difference in strength between the two sides is too great!

It was so large that it was no longer possible to compensate with skill and experience.

Whether the guy was hiding underground, hiding in the dense forest, or hiding his form, he couldn't avoid the full-field scans of up to thirty wave frequencies above the floating giant ship, nor could he avoid the dense locust-like eyeball fighter detection.

Those hiding underground, a gravity boundary crushed over, and the enemy's flesh and blood would explode into blood and mud, mingling with the crushed stone and dirt, never to be distinguished again. Those hiding in the dense forest, a wave of artillery rained down, and they crumbled to pieces along with those ancient trees, no longer able to be put together in one piece.

As for the guys who dared to stealthily approach the fleet, they would be beaten into a sieve in the torrential rain of high-energy beams before being crushed into mud by the legions of Demonic Armaments that followed close behind.

The murderous Magic Armament Army strictly carried out and obeyed the orders given by the floating giant ship, keeping all the enemies a thousand meters away. And this, was the best distance for the magic cannons to exert their power!

The Entom Family, as the leader of the 4-stage forces that dominated the Scattered Tallinn, naturally had more hidden power within the family than that.

From the moment the Magic Armor Legion stepped into the core territory, all kinds of traps, ambushes and special sorcerer forces began to repeatedly harass and impact the Crimson Fleet.

The Demon Armor Corps was responsible for clearing the ground of all hostile forces, while the protection of the Crimson Fleet was left to the formed goblin organ warlocks.

They formed a mobile patrol squad that patrolled the deck of the floating giant ship day and night. Once a powerful wizard or creature invaded, they fought valiantly to keep the enemy out of the ship's hull, along with the combat magical weapons that acted as fixed guard posts.

The Crimson Family's Sorcerers of various ranks also boarded the ship, becoming an integral part of the defense system. They were scattered throughout the various entrances and exits of the ship, strictly controlling the portal that led to the interior of the floating giant.

It was thanks to their combined defense that the Crimson Fleet was able to beat back the enemy's swift counter-attacks step by step, and thwart the enemy's attempts to seize the ship again and again.

Finally, after two days of arduous trekking, the Crimson Fleet crossed this last hundred miles and appeared in front of the towering Kirthlin Fortress.

The Crimson Fleet soon came to a halt, towering above the clouds, using the clouds to conceal its shape, revealing only the small half of its lower silvery white body.

The Magic Armament Battle Group that followed them also arrived slowly, and was slowly spreading its formation, facing off against the Entom Family's sorcerer troops from afar. The Demon Armor Puppet Dragon's hundred-meter tall body was mixed in behind the Demon Armor Battles, living like a clawed mechanical dragon.

Without having to fight it, just looking at its huge and heavy body gave a deep sense of despair as if it was trapped in an abyss.

Seemingly sensing this sense of danger, the earth shook violently, and then the towering Kirthlin Castle began to transform and revitalize in front of many Crimson Sorcerers.

Kirthlin Fortress.

At this time, the Kirthlin Fortress was no longer the silent and stable five-story fortress of the past, but had become a monster.

A real monster!

Fort Kathleen is trembling and shaking....

Its outer walls, some of its less-than-sturdy rocks and bas-reliefs were peeling and rolling away in violent tremors. And yet the massive main building of Keslinburg was struggling and writhing like a monster, struggling to pull its stony body out of the crumbling earth.

Its movements were so urgent and violent that the entire earth was trembling and shattering. From afar, Keslinburg looked like a terrible beast that had crawled out of the ground, its entire body flowing downward in a sandstorm.

Hundreds of years of silence and immobility had accumulated too much dust and debris on its body. At this moment, all of this accumulated dirt was flowing downwards as fast as the river was flowing down, gradually revealing large chunks of huge blue-gray rock bases.

The surface of these rocks was somewhat rough, and even appeared to be pitted. However, within them, powerful energy torrents similar to life energy were slowly flowing.

It was these energy torrents that firmly glued a piece of giant steel rock to Keslinburg's huge mountain-like body, allowing it to squirm and struggle like a real life form that had broken free from the bonds of the earth and slowly stood up in front of everyone's eyes.

Almost in a flash, the Kirthlin Castle revitalized into a strange and hideous beast with a giant steel rock as its body and the main body of the castle as its head. On the periphery of its massive body, a layer of extremely powerful and distorted force field also silently appeared.

"Grim, you think you're the only one holding a card in your hand?" The giant beast stood tall, and from within the Kirthlin Castle came Fried's distorted, old voice, "Jie Jie Jie, since you're here, I'll give you a taste of the power of the revitalized war castle!"

"It's just a revitalized war castle!" The air also suddenly rang with Grim's calm and cheerful voice: "Why, Fred, is this the last card you want to use against me? If so, then you've disappointed me!"

"Well, don't you underestimate my Kathryn... Today, I will put an end to your footsteps here once and for all! The central part belongs to us, to all the wizard families, and a guy like you shouldn't have been born in the central part at all... Therefore, I order you in the name of the president of the Scatterland Tallinn Association..."

"Get out of the territory of the Scattered Tarin and get out of the middle of the continent!"

As Freed roared, the revitalized Kirthlinburg also shrieked like a hideous beast, the thick pillars of rock that served as limbs even smashed two deep holes in the earth.

In the next moment, it roared up and grabbed two mud clumps from the ground, and with a flash of yellow light, the clumps turned into rock as hard as steel.


The fierce wind whistled.

Two rock cannonballs smashed like meteors into the Crimson Flagship Vassero ten miles away, high above the clouds.

The Keslingborg itself that had been activated into a giant beast was a thousand meters in size, and the rock mass it had condensed into was tens of meters in diameter. The boulder rubbed against the air violently, igniting a dazzling fire at the periphery of the rock block, as if two fire meteors had rushed up into the sky.

Although the floating giant ship was known as a giant ship, its head and tail together were only two hundred meters long. If it was hit by such a huge rock block, not to mention being broken into pieces, it would at least be stopped at the waist and crashed on the spot.

"Counterattack... counterattack..."

"Hold up the shields..."

"Artillery fire!"

The seven floating giant ships struggled to dodge in mid-air, and the command halls of each of them resounded with noisy, piercing roars.

A full-coverage shield held up, and due to their homogeneity, these shields even fused with each other, and the area protection level was significantly increased.

At the front of all the hulls, the dense magic energy cannons instantly lit up, firing out a dense, rain-like fireball of energy*. The rain of fireballs and fire meteors collided together halfway, instantly exploding into a dense sea of fireworks and fire.

By the time the gigantic fire meteor passed through the martyrdom zone, it had become fragmented and exploded into a rain of meteorites that splashed in all directions.

Without the threat of their enormous size, these scattered meteorite rains hit the shield, causing no visible damage to the Crimson Fleet other than ripples of stars.

However, the falling meteorite rain caused considerable collateral damage to the Entom family's ground structures and fortifications, as well as the uncovered armies of magic weapons.

Grim stood tall within the flagship of the Vassailor, silently gazing at the hideous beast with claws and teeth, and above the projection of the retina, the three-dimensional image projected by the chip was rotating slowly.

According to the chip's energy level, this Strange Activated Beast already possessed the terrifying power of a 4th stage advanced. In this regard, it was far higher than the Demonic Armament Puppet Dragon that was no more than a 4th-grade elementary.

And more importantly, it was larger and more powerful. If the Demonic Puppet Dragon were to fight it alone, I'm afraid that in less than half a quarter of an hour, it would be skinned and dismantled and smashed into scrap metal.

However, based on the chip's projections and estimates, it seemed that this wasn't the end of the beast's strength in front of it. If... if that Freed was ruthless enough and was willing to merge with the revitalized Kirthlin, then the behemoth in front of him would even be able to exert the peak power of the 4th stage.

In other words, Freed could also temporarily exert no less formidable power than the Super Powers!

Super strong?

It seemed like the super-strong were getting less and less valuable these days, and any guy who popped up dared to call out to be compared to the super-strong.

Grim threw up in frustration.

Honestly, it was enough that he was the only 'pseudo-super-strong' in the entire middle of the continent. Having a Gold One Monash earlier was enough to bother him, but now even Freed dared to transform into a super-strong person.