Age of Adepts

Chapter 1356 - Butterfly Effect

The wizarding world is a wonderful place.

With the expansion of the wizard community, the wizard civilization had spread to thousands of oddities as the great wizards moved on and grew there.

In the Wizard World, due to the restriction of the 4th level threshold, Wizards of 5th level and above had been pushed out, and could only make a living and sharpen themselves inside the vast sea of stars and the endless void. Compared to the large number of great sorcerers, the 4th rank in the Sorcerer World was nothing at all.

However, considering that the three 9th rank great sorcerers in the Sorcerer Civilization all originated from the Sorcerer World. Therefore, the Witch World that could only hold 4th rank power in the district became an extremely special existence. Not only was it recognized as the origin location for the witch community, even the witch civilization as a whole was rooted in it.

And this also created a very strange phenomenon, that is, everything that happened within the Wizard World would attract extra attention and then be amplified and exaggerated by layers and layers, thus creating an exceptionally odd ripple spreading effect.

For tens of thousands of years, there had only been three major sorcerer organizations in the Sorcerer World, and behind them all loomed a 9th ranked Grand Sorcerer who could guide the direction of the entire Sorcerer Civilization.

Although the central part of the continent is the most vast, the richest in resources and the most densely populated, it has only served as a buffer zone for a long time, enduring the constant erosion and attacks of the three major sorcerer organizations.

However, the uniqueness of the Tallinn of Sandi has also created its strange status. With the three major sorcerer organizations holding each other back and pulling each other, no one can invade and occupy this rich territory.

Thus, a bizarre system structure that built a balance of power between multiple parties emerged!

But nothing in the world is truly fixed forever, and nothing can never be changed.

The Shanti Tallinn, where the power of the sorcerers had historically been weak, was stunned by the appearance of a powerful sorcerer, and the speed and ferocity of the change was beyond the limits of anyone's imagination!

An 'ordinary' wizard war that had erupted between the Dennel Clan and the Crimson Clan had actually burned into a super war that had swept through the entire Scattered Tower Forest in just over a month's time. Such a bizarre change I'm afraid that no one would have been able to predict it beforehand, let alone foresee it.

In the Battle of the Shattered Stone Canyon, the legendary Fire Witch Grim defeated two superpowers in succession, and such terrifying results directly dashed the confidence of the old guard in their attempts to fight back.

For a time, the central part of the country trembled, and all the witch clans were on edge!

And just when everyone thought that Grim was also seriously injured and could no longer lead the Crimson Family in the short term, the dreaded Crimson Fleet took the initiative to attack the family nest of the old guard's core figure, the 4th rank sorcerer Freed.

With the aid of powerful war demons, Fried, who had chosen to unite with Kirthlin Castle, was no match for the Crimson's attack. And in the final moments of the battle, even Freed suffered from the terrifying repercussions of the alchemical life Kirthlin.

And the end result was that not only did Fried himself suffer from the backlash, but also the entire Jomo Family sorcerers hiding in the Kirthlin Castle became the blood sacrifice of the new forbidden life Kirthlin.

Taking advantage of Kathryn's slumber to digest the power of the Blood Sacrifice, Grim and Mary joined forces to break into the Nightmare Frontier and take control of the evolved Kathryn's soul core. As a result, Mary, who had been in an awkward position as the Blood Queen, was also salty and had a castle home that was able to make full use of her terrifying battle power.

The appearance of the second pseudo-superpower instantly became an important bargaining chip to overwhelm the balance of power in the Scattered Tallinn!

At this point, the entire Scattered Earth Tower Forest could no longer find an equivalent power that could check and contain the two Crimson Giants. The confidence of the various 4th rank forces that had planned to delay the change was completely lost, and they finally bowed their heads to the legendary Fire Witch who was proudly roaring across the middle of the continent.

On the fifth day after Mary took down Kirthlin Castle and renamed it Nightmare Castle, the 4th Order Witch Mira announced on behalf of the Kunis family that she had joined the Horton Witchcraft Academy....

On the 7th day, Roderick, a 4th rank wizard, announced his acceptance of Crimson's leadership on behalf of the Shire, and sent a large number of witches to the Horton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry....

On the thirteenth day, an extraordinarily large news that shocked the whole of Scattered Tallinn was released: the Gold Clan leader Monash Gaia, who had recovered from his injuries, secretly sneaked to Nightmare Castle to pay a visit to the legendary fire witch Grim, and then publicly announced that they had formed an alliance to jointly advance the wizard prosperity in the middle of the continent....

This news was a shock to all the Central Wizards, immediately making them understand the trend. The scattered Tallinn of the past had become a thing of the past, from now on, a new and powerful wizard power had finally taken root in this land and grew rapidly.

And so, with the fall of one of the most important faces of the deck, the entire central part of it fell like dominoes in a clattering sequence.

The Arden family of Andrews, the Smiley family of Ashton, the Menso family of Arisa, the Clare family of Adria... In one fell swoop, many of the 4th rank forces expressed their willingness to join the Crimson Alliance and accept the direct leadership of the great legendary Fire Witch Grim, and contributed a portion of their family power to represent the future of Central Horton Witchcraft Academy.

As such, only Milva, Nicholas and Matthew were left in the entire central part of the country still hesitating.

However, there wasn't much time left for them!

On the 27th day of the destruction of the House of Jomo, the Crimson Fleet once again drew anchor and sailed slowly towards the three wizarding territories. Faced with the imminent crisis of annihilation, Matthew was the first one who couldn't hold out any longer and surrendered halfway through the Crimson Fleet, followed by Nicholas.

As for the 'Vice President' of Mirwa who held on until the end, he also voluntarily surrendered the moment the Crimson Fleet flew to Annemdor Academy.


Academy of Annemdor.

Located in the southwestern corner of the Ellacia region, surrounded by the Griffin Cliffs, the Serpentine Swamp and the Horned Wolf Wilderness, there was also a passage to the Underworld within the Academy's control domain.

It was safe to say that this region was worthy of being one of the best trial locations in the middle of the continent, and Annemdor Academy had become one of the famous sorcery academies in the middle of the continent due to its expertise in possessing magical items.

However, all this was in the past the moment the Crimson Fleet arrived in the sky above the academy, and a new chapter was opened.

On the golden square in front of the academy, Milva led all the academy's witches and apprentices to line up to greet him, gazing in a complicated manner at the floating giant ship that was slowly falling into the sky before his eyes.

The five hundred meter long and one hundred meter wide floating giant ship was a mind trembling giant no matter where it was placed. The bright silver smooth and flat hull, the towering towering smooth lines that resembled a steel beast, and the hidden cannon pods that covered both sides of the ship.......

When such a steel beast descended from the sky, it cast a shadow large enough to cover nearly half of the golden square. The overwhelming sense of oppression and the unique aura of a golden horse made every sorcerer in the room feel like they were having trouble breathing.

However, the Steel Beast was not just a mere steel beast!

The violent magical energy hidden within the ship's hull surged and distorted the space structure around the floating giant ship, forming a strange magical protective force field. Anyone who wanted to attack the giant ship would first face the problem of how to break through this incredibly strong magical force field.

Although Mirwa's confidence had been lost, he still had his eyesight.

Based on the degree of space distortion around the floating giant ship, he was able to estimate that the approximate energy level of this Magic Ability Field was 2000 degrees. This meant that apart from 4th rank witches, it would be difficult for witches below 3rd rank to break through this magical defense even if they gathered even more.

However, the good news was that this magical ability field could only be used to defend against long-range sorcery and could not prevent entities from passing through. Therefore, boarding attacks were undoubtedly the best way to destroy these floating giant ships.

But considering the densely packed battle magics and crimson sorcerers on the huge flight decks of the floating giant ships, this was also clearly not the most appropriate way to break through them....

As he rambled, Milva lifted his head and watched silently as several familiar figures floated down from the giant ship.

Grim, Clara, Alfred, Declan, Monash Gaia, Andrews, Roderick...and at the back of the long line, Milva also saw the figures of Matthew and Nicholas.

The three men's eyes flew apart as soon as they touched.

Somehow, even Nicholas, who had always been happy and angry, felt a bit oddly embarrassed at this time, and his withered old face was a bit hot.

However, it couldn't be helped, at their age, there was no longer one or two people surrounding them, but a huge family that numbered in the thousands. The majority of the clan did not have the talent of a sorcerer, and could only rely on the shade of the family and the support of the worldly territory to live an extravagant and drunken life.

Those clans that had the talent of a sorcerer, on the other hand, enjoyed unimaginably high quality resources, and thus were able to explore their natural potential to the fullest.

It was thanks to such huge Sorcerer Families that they were able to support the 4th rank forces that ruled all the major regions in the central region, and allowed their bloodline inheritance to spread like a leaf.

But success or failure of a family!

At the moment when Milva wants to make a final decision, the noisy and wailing Bloodborne clan influence also interferes with his choice.

He can be stubborn to the end, and then the whole family will go down with him!

He could switch gateways, and all three major witch organizations would welcome him with open arms. But the entire clan was so huge, how could they take it all together. Besides, thousands of years of prosperity, everything of the clan was closely tied to this land, how could these things be cut off just by saying so?

And it was precisely this that caused Milva, Nicholas, and the others to want to fight and not dare to fight, to want to walk away... to be in a complete embarrassing dilemma of being in a dilemma and having no way out left or right.

Faced with this Grim who came over with a gentle smile, Milva finally lowered his head and managed to squeeze out a smile on his face, muffling his words.

"Welcome! Welcome to Lord Grim's grand visit..."