Age of Adepts

Chapter 1420 - An Unexpected Decision

The central witches were not stupid.

Naturally, they could see that the Inkwell Valley there had clearly gone beyond the ordinary bit invasion and had somewhat slipped into the flavor of a rule war.

The biggest difference between a rules war and a bit war was that it was purer and more direct.

Whereas a surface war might involve very much a struggle for profit, resources, population and knowledge, a rules war was purely a battle of camps.

Although within the entire multiverse, the sorcerer civilization is also considered a source of evil, along with the creatures of calamity, the abyss, the subterranean, and the undead. However, at their essence, the two sides were still in completely different camps.

Wizards and undead are seen as representatives of orderly evil, acting by any means necessary and seeking only the end result. Within the group, however, there is a strict hierarchy, with those at the top of the hierarchy having a weak duty to protect and care for the weak when there is no direct conflict of interest, and those at the bottom of the hierarchy being expected to properly follow the wishes of those at the top.

As for the creatures of Calamity and the Abyss, they were the typical representatives of chaotic evil. In their camps, the superior had absolute dominion over the inferior, and the inferior did not have any individual power. The two sides are in the position of domination and domination of the barely-perfected.

And there are no rules for chaotic evil creatures to act, even they sometimes don't have full control over their next possible move.

At least the witches still followed basic rules such as 'fair trade and equal exchange', but the Abyssal Demons and Calamity Lords both believed in the bloody and barbaric law of 'whoever has the biggest fist takes everything', and would not make any deals or negotiations with anyone else at all.

Killing and plundering had taken over almost all of their hearts!

Therefore, when the Abyss invaded the surface world, there was no possibility of bargaining between the two sides, with each side taking a step back. They didn't care how much land they occupied or how rich the land was in resources...they risked their lives at great risk to break into other planes for the sake of killing and plundering.

Killing all the objects they could and plundering all the resources they could plunder!

From life to soul, they wouldn't spare a single one.

Until the place became a paradise of death, even the Origin of the Plane was plundered. Eventually, the ruined bitter continent would also be dragged back to the Abyssal Plane by it, becoming part of that vast and extremely large Abyssal World.

The Calamity Lords were also no different from the Abyssal Demons in general.

They liked to invade one bit after another, using their powerfully evil consciousness to contaminate the bit origin there, thus tainting it into a new territory of their own. The tainted source loses its control over itself, and twists and turns all living beings within it into terrifying, alien beasts.

By doing so, the Calamity Lords would have an entire new source of bit-gen!

They then drove these new underlings to invade more and larger bit worlds, expanding the territory of the Rules of Chaos like a snowball.

So, the reason the Calamity Lords chose to invade the Wizarding World came down to a collision and struggle between the rules of chaos and the rules of order!

A single powerful sorcerer might choose to join forces with certain Calamity Lords to seek some great benefit together. But when faced with this kind of rule-level collision and invasion, there was no room for both sides to turn the tables, so they could only fight each other to see whose fist was harder in the end.

In the face of the Calamity Invasion, although the Central Wizards were not enthusiastic about reinforcing the Wizard Association, they were unable to resist the Wizard Will's hatred and fury towards the Calamity creatures.

Therefore, under the encroachment and guidance of the bit consciousness, all the witches hated these calamity creatures from the bottom of their hearts. Coupled with the proper inducement from the Association, 8 out of the 13 Central 4th ranked witches chose the aid plan.

The ones who were adamantly opposed to the reinforcements were Andrews, Milva, Mira, Ashton and Adric.

At a quick glance, the opponents were Heck, they were all guys who were facing great challenges within the family.

The fact that there was such a big gap in Andrews' territory meant that he was bound to be trembling during the entire magic tide, not daring to slacken off.

Milva was no better than Andrews. His Annemdor Academy was at war with the Underworld at the moment. The evil creatures that had been hiding in the deep and dim underground space all year round were affected by the tides of magic and also wanted to run to the surface to plunder it.

The Annemdor Academy, which blocked the exit to the surface, naturally became their primary target.

It was said that the two sides had already fought two or three fights in the shallow surface of the ground, and both of them had suffered considerable losses. However, relying on the sorcery facilities and dense sorcery traps that had been carefully built over the centuries, Annemdor Academy was able to keep the underground creatures at bay.

Only, relying on one's own strength to fight against the entire underground world, how much longer the Annemdor Academy would be able to last, outsiders never knew.

As for the other three, Mira, Ashton, and Adric, they were the unlucky ones whose family territories were facing a serious beast tide or an alien invasion. They obviously didn't want to bet their own power on the eight-hundred-year-old Murky Vale before putting out the internal fires.

A calamitous invasion? Then let them invade!

Anyway, with the Sorcerer's Association holding up the front, no matter how terrifying those Calamity Lords were, it would be difficult for them to run through the hundred thousand miles of Black Forest to wreak havoc in the middle.

It was such a dark mentality that also made them make this choice that was in their best interests.

Eight of the thirteen 4th rank wizards chose to be willing to fight, and five opposed. Then the remaining choice fell to Grim and Mary.

As the leaders of the Central Wizards, they also had great strength that overshadowed everyone else, so naturally their choice could truly represent the entire Central.

Grim's gaze crossed the faces of the many witches in turn, and a strange expression that seemed like a smile appeared on his face. He knew that I'm afraid that nearly half of those eight witches who had agreed to fight were also indiscriminate.

They didn't really want to help the Sorcerer's Association, but rather, they thought they knew Grim and thought it was impossible for him to agree to the Association's conditions. Thus, even if they beat their chests and stood out, they would not have to go into battle because of Grim's veto.

Such a two-sided fallout would undoubtedly bring them additional benefits!

Grim laughed dumbly, then looked dumb and said in a deep voice, "Considering the development of the Wizard World, it is clearly not in the interests of the overall Wizard Civilization to indulge in the invasion of the Calamity Creatures. Therefore, I have decided... to send troops to reinforce the Sorcerer's Association!"

It was like dropping a giant explosive bomb inside the Cold Pole Abyss, and the faces of the many witches in the arena changed in unison.

"Since most of them agree to fight, I'll do the task assignment..."

"The great rift in space can't be without strong men stationed here, and during the time I lead the war, Mary and Andrews will be in charge of this place to ensure the stability of bit space..."

"Milva, I don't care how well you fight the Underworld, I will not allow any underground creatures to appear on the central surface at least while I'm out on the warpath..."

"Yes! I will guard the exit!" Milva quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling a bit glad that he hadn't chosen to fight because of the temptation of profit.

The situation at Annemdor Academy was not too promising lately, the underground creatures were like crazy and kept hitting the surface exits. If he, the mastermind, was transferred to the east again, I'm afraid that the entire academy would no longer be able to overpower those crazy and restless dark creatures.

"Mira, Ashton and Adric, stay in your own family territory and continue to resist the tide of beasts, they must not be allowed to break through your defenses and wreak havoc throughout the middle..."

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" The three of them nodded in unison, their foreheads equally dripping with cold sweat.

"Monash Gaia, you have chosen to go to war, but the central part of the country can't be without a strong man sitting there now. While I am away, you are in charge of coordination and security for the entire central part of the country. I will have Meryl and Emelia cooperate with you!"

"Yes!" This Golden Patriarch stepped forward and nodded his head in agreement.

"As for the rest of the witches... "Grim looked around once more and said calmly, "Since they are all so enthusiastic, come with me to the battle!"

The many wizards looked at me, I looked at you, and could only bow down to their orders.

Among the crowd, the weaker Matthew, Nicholas and others all had bitter faces as if they had swallowed a bitter gall, the unspeakable indignation and frustration burning their hearts like wildfire.

If they were given another chance, they wouldn't be greedy for that 'insignificant' small profit and put themselves in the middle of a terrifying collision of rules.

I pooh...that bastard guy Jermaine has screwed me over!

By the way, doesn't Grim have a grudge against the Coven? Why did you agree to give them a helping hand? Is there something hidden inside that we don't know about?

"Everyone get ready, we're leaving tomorrow! All right, you can break up..."

Hearing Grim's order, the many Central Wizards could only bow and salute, returning to the Witch Tower one after another. Just by looking at their bitter and exasperated expressions before they left, it was obvious that all of them were eager to 'treat' the Jermaine wizard who had lured them into the pit properly.

As for the few witches with ulterior motives, they were obviously doubly curious about Grim's sudden move. As soon as the meeting adjourned, they secretly gathered together, repeatedly examining and discussing the deeper meaning behind Grim's move.

Was Grim a fool?

If Grim was a fool, then wouldn't the central wizards who were crushed to death by it be a bunch of fools who were worse than fools....

Are the benefits offered by the coven lucrative enough?

As long as Grim wasn't crazy, then he wouldn't give up this good opportunity to dissipate the overall power of the Wizard Association because of the external interests of the district....

What's profit in the face of power? Even if the Wizengamot moved mountains of magic crystals, treasures, and resources, it would be no match for the historic opportunity of sitting back and watching its power diminish greatly, and then the rest of the houses rise to power while it lasts!

So, left to their own analysis, they could never find a reason strong enough to make Grim change his mind about going to the aid of the Coven!

For what exactly...all central wizards are in agony....