Age of Adepts

Chapter 1485 - Destroyer.

By the time Grim arrived at the outskirts of the battlefield, the battle here had long since ended.

In the middle of the jungle, there were withered trees and the remains of more than ten times their number of witch beasts. Most of them were shattered, and many of them had even been rammed and hammered into indistinguishable purple and black meat paste.

The entire battlefield was a mess, and traces of oddly shaped corpses and rampaging sorcery could be seen everywhere.

Grim was dressed in a tight black leather jacket, covered with an exquisite purple and black patterned robe, and two long strands of dark red hair fluttered out from his hood, further accentuating his sturdy and heroic posture.

Grim trampled on the black smoke-filled ground, crossing the battlefield step by step.

Only after another five miles of walking did he see a huge cave hidden behind dense mountain vines and green plants beneath a cliff.

It was a dark and deep cavern.

The ancient tomb passageway slanted downwards, and at a glance, one could not see the bottom at all.

The shamans passing in front had already placed a piece of lighting stone on the rock wall on both sides of the passage, and the faint milky white light dispersed the darkness inside the cave, illuminating every inch of space beneath their feet.

Along the way, the horrific remnants of the magic trap's detonation could be seen almost everywhere, the bottom of the passageway rustled from stepping on it, and in addition to dust and gravel, there seemed to be some more grayish-white bone residue powder.

Not long after moving forward, one arrived at a small cave.

The space here was a little more spacious, and thus there were a few different things to see. Bone dragon remnants, large pieces of bone dragon remnants....

The ground and stone walls of this place could be seen everywhere with the scars left behind after the fierce battle, a bone dragon of no less than 3rd rank had been dismantled by the witches into scattered pieces of bone, sprinkled all over the entire battlefield like a heavenly flower.

And in one corner, Grim also saw the nearly dissolved remains of a bone dragon. The entire wreckage was immersed in a puddle of sticky, fishy green liquid that was slowly corroding and melting.

Looking at the appearance, the manner, it was exactly the Poison Spirit Remy's attack technique!

Grim casually picked up a meter long thick keel, and with a sweep of the chip blue mane in his eye pupil, he was able to detect the basic data of the keel.

"Drop, third spine on the right side of the back of a low-ranked bone dragon, hardness 2nd rank, ductility 1st rank, anti-magic attribute 2nd rank, elemental precipitation 1st rank... Preliminary judgment, the bone dragon was a 2nd rank white dragon before death, low intelligence, dragon's breath spitting mainly ice wind..."

"In addition, the Bone Dragon's concoction technique was simple and crude, and its skill level was apprentice level... Due to the inappropriate concoction technique, the Bone Dragon lost all of its living magic skills and lost 40% of its individual base combat power..."

Ugh, looks like Chip has a pretty low opinion of that dragon witch!

That's actually right.

A closed and self-contained Dragon Wraith, lacking a source of knowledge, would have to do whatever it was that he did himself, figuring it out from scratch. It was normal for such a situation to occur.

Casually throwing down the dragon bones, Grim led a group of elite men to the end of the cave in faith. There were three identical passageways lined up, with three bizarre symbols spelled out in white bones above them.

There was a young male witch waiting in front of the cave entrance, and when he saw Grim and the others arrive, he hurriedly bowed and saluted.

"They're all in already? How's the exploration going?" Grim asked bluntly.

"Back to my lord, Lord Remy took this passage in the middle, Lord Gull took the left with his men, and Lord Tahir took the right with his return yet!" The young male witch replied respectfully. Being able to get up close and personal with a super-ranked Grand Sorcerer, this male witch's face was flushed red, and he was clearly in an extremely excited mood.

With a sweep of Grim's ringed eyes, a powerful spiritual wave swept out from within his body, filling the three passages before him in a split second... burning and agitated, which was even more imbued with threads of fury, and that faint air of arrogance!

The spirit fluctuations ignored the barrier of the rock wall, ignored the presence of the protective force field, and flowed and conducted throughout the vast tomb passageway like mercury, instantly passing over the several teams that were struggling to move forward and rushing into the depths of the tomb.

There, the vast restraining magic was touched, and a cold, deadly spiritual wave likewise rose to the sky, living against the extension of Grim's spiritual tentacles.

"Regardless of where your Excellency comes from, strong man of the Otherworld, please leave! This is the Tomb of the Dragon, the resting place of the Ancient Dragon, and will never accept a visit from any existence outside of the dragon race... Whatever Your Excellency's intentions are, please turn back!"

Two immense and incomparable spiritual wills collided and vibrated in the tomb space, and the unleashable power even shook the entire wall, causing the tomb passages to shed countless ash dust.

"Leave? Hehe, I'll leave when I've cleaned up everything here... However, I'd like you to accompany me when I leave... I'm short of some suitable men right now, and I think you'll be perfect... ....... "Grim absently laughed while striding through a twisting and turning underground tunnel.

Seemingly enraged by Grim's arrogance, the cold and deadly spirit wave Ug shouted violently, actually gathering the strength of his whole heart and soul to pounce at him through the air.

"Hmph, how dare you!" Grim grunted furiously as the frenzied and unparalleled Burning Will detached itself without reservation and hit the swiftly pouncing Yin Death Will head-on.


An invisible and insubstantial shockwave spread out from the spiritual level, encompassing all the witches and spirits within the tomb. No matter where you are, no matter what your individual level is, the moment the spiritual shock wave arrives, your body will be shaken, your spiritual will will be disorganized, eyes, ears, mouth, nose and nose will be flowing fine blood snakes at the same time.

Some shamans below 2nd rank even fainted on the spot, unconscious!

Even the 4th rank wizard commanding right behind Grim had to grimace a bit before he survived the excruciating mental shocks.

"5...5th're...5th rank?" Naturally, this kind of fancy-free spirit collision always disadvantaged the weaker one. Grim's spiritual power had already reached a realistic level of toughness and solidity, how could it be compared to a 4th stage peak Dragon Witch Demon squatting in the nooks and crannies of the world?

It was only until this moment that the careless Dragon Witch Demon had truly felt Grim's true strength.

Tier 5... the intruder was actually a Tier 5 Grand Sorcerer!

No matter how regretful that Dragon Witch Demon was right now, Grim was still striding through the depths of the Dragon Tomb.

Before that Dragon Witch Demon's hoarse voice could be silenced, it instantly erupted into another scream, "Bastard! Get the hell out of the Dragon's Tomb..."

After a few strange clicks and pops, that dragon witch demon's spirit fluctuation suddenly weakened and hissed, "Impossible... how is it possible that even your contracted servant is a 5th rank... I'll spar with you..."

The mental fluctuations came to an abrupt halt at this moment, and in its place was the strange and vicious mental whispers of Poison Spirit Remy.

"Master, that dragon witch demon has already been beaten down by me, you should hurry over and take a look!"

Well? The one that could make even Poison Spirit Remy feel so surprised must not be an ordinary mortal... Grim arrived in the depths of the Dragon's Tomb with full curiosity in a figure like lightning.

Passing through a layer of grey and strange light film, Grim instantly arrived at a strange space that was almost independent of the Cauldron plane.

This was actually the real Dragon's Tomb!

Inside a large space, the sky was grey and densely covered with a cold and gloomy death. The earth was black and sunken, and the soil here had been permeated by dense death qi, which in turn had turned into a land of gloomy death.

If the soil here was brought out and casually sprinkled into any cemetery, it would subconsciously transform the bones there into mid to high level undead.

On top of the earth, on the other hand, there were hundreds of dragon's bones densely placed.

The small ones were only ten meters long, while the big ones were like a giant mountain that couldn't be reached at a glance. Although they were of different races, they had all buried their bodies and souls here after death.

Therefore, the death aura here was so dense and wild that it was simply astonishing.

As if sensing the presence of living spirits, the dense dead air within the dragon tomb began to shake and boil. From time to time, puffs of gray mist transformed into the appearance of a giant dragon with furiously spreading beard scales, emitting a deep dragon's roar that was refreshing to the bone marrow.

The entire cemetery seemed to become somewhat revitalized with Grim's arrival!

And in the center of the cemetery, on top of a four-squared dragon bone altar, a dragon witch demon collapsed on the ground in great pain. The bones on its insect-eaten tattered body were cracked, and its joints were spewed with a sticky green liquid, making it difficult to move a bit.

In the green mist, the Dragon Witch Demon struggled, but it was still difficult to get rid of the strange creature that stepped on it - Poison Spirit Remy.

Is this the Dragon Witch Demon who just had a head-on collision with him with his mental energy?

Grim couldn't help but repeatedly glance at it with amusement.

This was a pure-blooded Dragon Wraith!

In appearance, the Dragon Wyrm is a large lizard with an upright body. Its rickety and curved spine makes it only 2 meters tall vertically, with a dark-colored bony dragon tail trailing behind it, and its long, narrow head hidden in the gray mist, making it difficult to see its ugly and hideous true face.

The Dragon Witch Demon, as a powerful caster that had basically degraded its physical combat abilities, had its mental strength multiplied.

Unlike ordinary Wraiths, Dragon Wraiths were mostly constructed from dragon bones, thus largely retaining the dragon spells from their lifetime. Although the undead body was no longer able to perform dragon language magic, it allowed it to master most of the dark spells without a teacher.

Curse spells, instant death spells, dark summoning spells... as long as the type of spells were driven by negative energy, it was able to master them all with ease, even to the master level!

But unfortunately, this unusually powerful and high-ranking undead dragon race was now a captive of Grim, and there was no hope of escape anymore.