Age of Adepts

Chapter 3: Knowing Yourself

After a long wait, the Biological Assistance Chip finally completed its first self exam with difficulty.

Soon Grimm's own underlying properties were projected into his mind.

Name: Grim

Race: Human

Attributes: Power 4, Agility 4, Physical 3, Mental 8

Formation: Lawful Neutral

Occupation: Wizard Apprentice (Junior)

HP: 1111

Profession Experience: 6141000

Status: Healthy

Vocational Skills: Scroll Scroll Copy, Magic Reading

Personal Skill: Burning Hand

In their world, every normal human being is born with some basic physical attributes. Through the exploration and sorting of successive wizards, these physical attributes are gradually grouped into four categories: strength, constitution, agility, and spiritual strength. And basically all the wizard advances revolve around these four basic attributes.

Strength attributes quantify a person's muscle and physical strength. This attribute is particularly important for near-war wizards. Power attributes affect basic damage inflicted when using Melee weapons and can affect Melee strike hits.

For ordinary people, it is normal to have 3—5 points of strength, and 5 points of strength is already a strong adult.

Agility attributes quantify hand and eye coordination, flexibility, response, and balance. This attribute is important for fighters who are usually wearing light or medium armor, or thieves wearing leather armor, as well as anyone who wants to be a good archer.

Physical fitness indicates a person's health and endurance. Physical added value increases a person's vitality, so it is important for all professions.

Resilience Exemption Test for use against toxins and similar threats.

Focus on verification. Focus is a skill that is important to the practitioner, with physique as the key attribute.

The human body is at least 1, any human less than 1... will die!

Mental strength determines a person's ability to learn and deduce. This attribute is very important to wizards because it determines the number of witchcraft they can perform, the difficulty of resisting them, and the power of witchcraft.

Animals have a spiritual strength of 1 or 2 and human organisms at least 3. Normal people want to become wizards, the basic spiritual strength attribute is at least 21 points.

Analyzing the extent to which these attributes play a role in the wizard profession, the most important attribute of mental strength for Grimm at present is. Because as long as Grimm reaches 21 spiritual properties, he can step into the ranks of the official wizards.

And the only way he can improve his mental strength is through constant meditation exercises, reading witchcraft books, or witchcraft notes and hearts and minds of old wizards.

But these are always out of sight!

Because in this cold, cruel world of wizards, knowledge represents power, and to gain it comes at a high price.

Why do so many wizard apprentices remain here despite their peril, knowing the dangers inside the Wizard Tower? Because all knowledge and resources are available only here. Step out of this tower of sorcerers, and in human society you will possess the wealth of enemies, and it will be difficult to find the inheritance of this systematic witchcraft knowledge and experience.

In the terrible world of wizards, all the extraordinary techniques and precious knowledge of magic are monopolized by the wizard community, and ordinary mortals have no possibility of touching them at all!

Knowledge and resources therefore become the two wings necessary for the wizard community to pursue its dreams. The future of a wizard will only be bright if these two things are actually held in your hands!

After looking at the basic attributes, Grimm focused on the skill bar again.

Grimm's vocational skills include both Scroll Scroll Copy and Magic Reading. This is also the most basic vocational skill for the Wizard Apprentices.

One allows apprentices to make a standardized transcript of the witchcraft knowledge they need, while the other is the basis for reading witchcraft books.

Without magic reading this vocational skill, ordinary people, when they come into contact with witchcraft books, are bewildered by the words with extraordinary powers attached to them, thus making some frightening moves. Only a wizard apprentice who has gone through strenuous spiritual exercises can overcome this hallucinogenic effect by truly reading the knowledge of witchcraft contained in the book of witchcraft.

The only “burning hand” in the Personal Skills column also identifies Grimm as the only witchcraft attack known to the Wizard Apprentice in six years. Burning hands can attach an elemental flame to their palms, turning all those who dare to touch their palms into roasted pigs.

There is no way, Grimm, who is still just a sorcerer apprentice, could not have driven any sorcery completely. You can only choose the right basic particles based on their own element affinity. Playing with some of the cool looks is a very common element application.

And Grimm's most affectionate basic particles are, of course, fire elements!

Such a gift is not very good in a marsh tower. Because it is well known that Master Anderson's elemental affinity is dark and wind particles, the so-called dark and wind elements. Grimm's number of paths and mentors are incorrect, making it much harder to get guidance from each other, and in many cases I'm afraid I'll have to rely on myself.

This problem has indeed been plaguing Grimm in the past. But now, with the launch of the biochip, Grimm is confident that in the future, he will be able to find a way for his wizard.

As for the section on professional experience, Grimm also had a preliminary understanding after reviewing the chip-related information. By organizing Grimm's past memories and knowledge, biochips have identified two prerequisites for the advancement of witches.

Firstly, of course, the original attributes of the wizard. The spiritual strength must meet the standards.

For example, Grimm now has 8 points of mental strength, which means he is already a “smart man" of far more than normal people, but there is still a 13 point gap between the 21 points required for advanced official wizards. But these can be improved by reading a lot of witchcraft books, I'm in no hurry!

Secondly, one's own knowledge system must also meet the standards.

This also means that Grimm needs to upgrade his current professional experience to a full level before he can officially advance, both of which are indispensable.

And the way to get experience is a lot more diverse. For example, copying scrolls, reading spells, practicing magic, making wands, analyzing witchcraft objects… In short, any accumulation of knowledge involving the field of mystics can bring a certain amount of professional experience to Grimm.

It sounds relaxed, but it's not easy.

Because only a successful process can gain experience. A book of witchcraft can only truly get world feedback if Grimm really understands it. Otherwise, it's just a simple breath and it's still useless.

So it's easy to understand, even with the aid of a biochip, Grimm still has to work extremely hard.

Just as Grimm thought infinitely, footsteps were heard in the outdoor corridors.

“Grimm, get out of here, it's time for us to do our job!” As the rough voice rang, a heavy hammer struck the wooden door.

Here comes Tony, a wizard apprentice of Grimm's stature.

Underground apprentices like them need to visit the perimeter of the marsh tower every seven days and properly harvest some witchcraft material. This is also one of the day-to-day tasks that the master of the tower has developed and entrusted to the apprentices.

Grimm responded by simply cleaning up the house and removing the black overcoat from the wall before walking out of the house.

Tony had wide shoulders, a vicious face, long hair and scattered around, and looked more like a barbarian. He is said to be from a certain part of the Green Highlands, where people do have rumours of thin barbarian descent.

After the two met, they did not have extra words to talk to each other and turned their heads towards the stairwell along the dark corridor.

Though the time is daylight, the place where they pass seldom sees the apprentices. Although there are at least 50 formal apprentices in the Swamp Tower, for most of the day apprentices are either busy practicing their witchcraft or preparing for all sorts of strange witchcraft experiments, with few people wandering around in public.

This is also a major reason why swamp towers are usually cold and refreshing.

Through the dark corridor, along the spiral down the stone staircase to the floor lobby, the popularity is slightly more active, as this is the living area of some apprentices.

Most of them are between the ages of 8 and 14 and number around 20.

These little guys from all these distant places come here with the dream of becoming great wizards, but they have no idea how difficult and terrible the path to becoming wizards is, and what lies ahead for them in the future.

There is also a strict hierarchy within the group of high tower apprentices. Crudely speaking, most of these children are convoked between 3—5, so they are not really Wizard Apprentices yet, so they can only be called Apprentice Apprentices.

The apprentice completes the language and script study here. Once the meditation has passed, it will be possible to climb to the second floor to become a full Wizard apprentice when you perceive the affinity of your elements and gather them together smoothly. And those who never meet the requirements will be eliminated.

And assisting these little ones in their meditation, teaching them to learn language and script, instilling in them the basic rules of the wizard world… these low levels of work certainly cannot be done by the great wizard lord, and therefore become the high tower of the official wizard apprentice.

But it is clear that such an easy day-to-day task can never fall on Grim.

Greeting Valence, who was teaching an apprenticeship language class, the two ignored the enthusiastic and hot eyes of these little guys and walked straight through the hall to a closed stone door.

Tony put his right hand on the stone gate and whispered, "Kurim Aida."

With the completion of the witchcraft phrase, the old stone door slowly unfolded to both sides, and a dark, dark world outside the tower appeared in front of the two of them.