Age of Adepts

Chapter 18 Outsiders

Perhaps seeing these hired mercenaries no longer cope with the monsters and the dead, the three hidden wizard apprentices finally broke off their hood capes and revealed their true faces.

Headed by a strong young man with red gold hair scattered over his shoulders, the mysterious headband on his forehead was not a human being at first glance. He was wearing a fine skinny leather coat and a giant sword on his back. Just look at the size outline of the giant sword. Without extraordinary power, I'm afraid I can't dance at all.

The man on the other side is dressed as a nobleman and the gorgeous garments are impressive. But what's even more impressive is his head, his dark green skin, his long, thin, pointed kiss, his constantly swallowing snake letters... he actually has a snake head.

Standing between them is a little girl in a light yellow dress with a doll face. She was not tall and held a golden birdcage with her hands. Instead of having any fear of the bloody scene in front of her, she looked at something with a lovely smile on her face and looked like a curious baby.

Grim's pupils suddenly tightened.

Through elemental vision, he saw fragments of elemental fluorescence and near-tidal spiritual fluctuations in the three Wizard Apprentices.

Based on the strength of the chip, the three men, if not quasi-witches, are powerful among the senior apprentices. Either way, Grimm, the lower apprentice, can't handle it.

What's a powerful guy doing in a swamp tower all of a sudden? This is Lord Anderson's private wizard tower and one of the many resource points under the Sarubo family, where almost all visitors are denied visits except for the annual fixed resource handover.

Grimm was therefore somewhat curious about the intentions of the three outsiders.

But Grimm's curiosity was instantly extinguished with the hands of three sorcerer apprentices, leaving only a deep fear.

These human mercenaries usually deal well with warcraft, but when they encounter monsters like Baby Monsters and Necromancers, they quickly become pigs and sheep to be slaughtered. Once the simple shield is broken, the monsters that swarm begin to kill.

The flying Baby Monster's scream curses the constant erosion of their fighting power and uses the cover of the grass to knock them down one by one, with scenes of human mercenaries struggling all over the field. And the horrible dead spirits that circle in the air, when they can't move, grab the human mercenaries and tear them apart into scattered flesh.

And in this chaotic battlefield, a facial distortion of the ugly Necromancer swept down, pointing straight at the three strange, idyllic guys.

The headstrong man and the little girl have not yet waited to make a move, and the apprentice with a pair of snakeheads took the lead.


A powerful green venom arrow actually penetrated the body of the dead and burst directly into its body. A venom arrow with strong acidic rot properties instantly corrodes the core of resentment in the Dead Spirit, turning it into a cloud of soul ashes in an infinite, terrible and painful howl.

Grimm noticed that the venom arrow was not triggered by the normal application of the serpent apprentice, but was sprayed directly from the head of the serpent.

The blow was just the beginning. The serpent's first apprentice never stopped doing two things, but the faucet opened wide. One breath even fired seven or eight poison arrows like beads and arrows, each of them accurately eliminated a horrible death spirit with intermediate apprenticeship power.

Blood Warlock!

This is definitely the blood sorcerer mentioned in the book!

Among the vast and complex development systems of the world of wizards, the four most dazzling factions are haematologists, alchemists, rule-wizards, and Ory wizards. It can be said that the vast majority of the wizard system is growing in these four main directions.

A haematologist, a bunch of lunatics who pursue pure blood and empower themselves with blood power. They tend to select some powerful alien creatures as their source of blood, continuously improving their purity of blood, and retroactively acquiring powerful and terrifying forces. Their ultimate quest is often to recreate the glory of the ancient creatures.

And the Alchemist is a bunch of crazy, flesh-enhancing lunatics. In their eyes, any resource is just a medium, a consumable that strengthens and stimulates their bodies to remain strong. To stimulate the continued strength of the flesh, they can soak themselves year after year in poison canisters, they can sew the horrible meteorites of high radiation into the flesh, they can tolerate the worst and most horrible natural environments… all to make the flesh so strong that it cannot be shaken.

Seriously, rules. Wizards are the mainstream system of the wizard community. Whether it is an elemental wizard who pursues the power of the ultimate element or a black wizard who kills an intangible wizard by cursing, or who pursues the pleasure of killing and is good at harnessing the power of his soul and emotions, it falls within the purview of the rule-wizard. What they do seems very different, but in the end, it is inevitable to integrate their efforts into certain laws of position or rules of the universe.

They belong to the group of people who use the rules to pry elements into conservatism.

And Oui Wizards is the purest group of wizards. They are reluctant to “pollute” their own veins in order to gain powerful power, to become slaves to the rules by coupling them with the laws of position, or to become worshippers of physical power. They gather knowledge, gather it together, then arm themselves with it, and from the side they become a group that focuses only on the collection and expansion of knowledge, ignoring their own strange group.

Using these four systems as the backbone, the wizard world has developed a strange and characteristic wizard. Their expropriation, their usurpation of resources and knowledge and their enslavement of thousands of faces are the dominant forces in the expropriation of the entire wizarding community.

These are the sorcerer system information that Grimm gathered and summarized through the chips of this period. Since his contacts were too narrow and much of the information gathered was not comprehensive enough, there must have been a huge deviation. However, even though the information is modest, it also largely outlines the vast and daunting contours of the current world of wizards.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have guessed his number of paths at the moment the serpent apprentice made his move.

But what surprised Grimm even more happened when he implicitly speculated that the blood of the serpent's first apprentice might be inherited from that serpent beast.

That cute little girl is on the move!

A flying baby monster with his hands peeled at the three of them, rushing all the way to them, making ugly twisted, scorched yellow fangs with tiny mouths that constantly spiked and launched a spell attack on them.

Its actions undoubtedly provoked the little girl.

Instead of being angry, her tender green face revealed a sweet smile. Seeing her lift up the toy-like golden silk bird cage waved towards the baby monster, silently, the void shadow swayed, and the baby monster, who was twisting his body and running, strangely disappeared in place.

Meanwhile, Grimm at the tip of his eyes found a pocket version of the baby monster suddenly appearing inside the birdcage that the little girl was carrying. Its head is only the size of a slap and the entire shape is exactly the same as the baby monster that just disappeared.

Obviously, the pocket baby monster was also mysterious about his sudden changes, and a second later, he was stunned by the ferocity of the out-of-the-cage little girl and constantly crashed into the cage. Just no matter how it hits or squeaks, you can't get out of that seemingly rough birdcage.

space magic?!

Grim kept his hands on his mouth so he didn't wake himself up.

Of all the rules of witchcraft, although the ultimate in each rule is so horrible, it really needs to be divided into 369 classes, then time and space witchcraft are undoubtedly the top of the list. But as Grimm knows, these two top witchcraft systems are the weakest in the witchcraft world power system. Nothing else, just because these two major witchcraft systems are the most talented.

Even if the finest wizards can destroy the heavens and the earth, they don't have to pause time for a second. But some guys who are born with this gift often don't learn anything about witchcraft and can easily do things that no top wizard can do.

It's because these witchcraft systems are weird and indescribable, and they eat the most talent. Without this talented wizard, it's hard to figure out what you're talented for. So without the enormous underlying roots, time and space witchcraft systems are hard to come up with stunning and stunning top wizards.

So Grimm couldn't tell for a while whether this little girl was capable of taking advantage of her enemies' natural abilities or relying on that weird witchcraft.

At this point, Grimm, who thinks he has a deep understanding of this bizarre world of Gauguin, also has to admit that the real world is still crazier and weirder than he thought. The three foreign wizard apprentices across the street, even if they do not reach the level of quasi-witch, are probably among the most powerful among the advanced apprentices. And if they did, they would die for nothing with that two-legged, low-order witchcraft.

So I dared not look any further, and Grim quietly returned to the Wizard Tower on his way.

Back at the main gate of the Wizard Tower, waiting here, in addition to Alan, the new apprentice chief, there are three powerful men: Eagle Eye, Evil Worm, and Mad Woman.

Grimm glanced at Alan in confusion and immediately wondered what had happened.

Only the special witchcraft in Allen's hand can receive the witchcraft message he just sent. When he heard that three powerful wizard apprentices had invaded the Magic Swamp, he must have known that his strength was not sufficient to expel or capture these outsiders. So before Grimm came back, Allen had done the ideological work of the Three Powers ahead of time.

I just don't know how much he paid to get the Three Powers involved!

But when I think about what I just saw, Grimm doesn't dare to have too much faith in the three powerful people in front of him. The three outsiders, in all respects, were only strong and not weak. Trying to take them down by force may just be Alan's wish.