Age of Adepts

Chapter 109 Voodoo Volume

Grimm hesitated for a moment and waved his hand to make Rock Python spit out a large amount of dirt, sandstone, grass scraps, cane fragments and other residues at the corner of the cave. He searched through it carefully and tried to find some of the witchcraft left behind by the fire quasi-woman.

Goblin Kabi woke up early and squatted beside him to help Grimm through all this dirty work.

The entire pile was searched and a total of 3 witches were obtained.

One is a necklace that can instantly spark fireballs, one is a bracelet that promotes fire-based meditation, and one is a fire coral wand.

The effects of these three witchcraft are effective against fire apprentices and also for Grimm, but with the Flame Lord scepter, their role is not so great.

As soon as I bit my teeth, Grimm put these 3 witches on the Book of Demon Spirits.

“14 o'clock.” The number reported by the Spirit made Grimm bite his teeth.

Almost there!

Grimm flipped through the storage belt and lumbar bag and couldn't find the right item. As for the rest of that stuff, he'll be heartbroken no matter which one he gives up!

When he hesitated, an egg-sized protein stone landed on a pile of stones.

“At 15 o'clock, the maximum limit of the Book of Enchanted Demons has been reached. Now the Book of Demons begins to be sealed!” The ghost face of this moment gave rise to a slight horror of ancient demons. As an array of witches emerged on the cover of the book, these arrays collapsed again in a whisper if nothing else. And one of them disappears with magic gems and witchcraft that act as substitutes!

When the ghost face faded from the cover of the book, the true appearance of the book of witchcraft was revealed.

Grimm glanced at Kabi, the goblin with a sore face, with a slight smile on his face. Nodding its praise, Grimm shifted his attention to the book of witchcraft.

Previously, this book could only be called the Book of the Spirit, and the entire book was covered by the Guardian Spirit until the basic conditions for reading had been met. And now, with the fulfilment of reading conditions, and in keeping with the ancient covenant, the Spirit has disappeared into the world with a trophy he deserves, and this book of witchcraft is only fully presented in front of Grimm.

This is a leather book roll with a black leather cover with a metal frame on the corner of the book roll, which makes it look thick and rustic. Grimm, at best, is only twenty or thirty pages long, but it weighs six or seven pounds.

When Grimm's fingers gently touched the slightly rough hard skin on the cover, a string of book titles emerged from the pyramid fire. The title is written in Ancient Emma: Voodoo Scroll.

Since Grimm uses the highest specifications to seal the book, when he holds it, a sense of blood contiguity becomes oily. He didn't even have to flip the pages with his hands, and when his spiritual power penetrated the voodoo scroll, the book automatically flipped and stayed where he was interested as his mind moved.

Grimm read it briefly and was immediately deterred by the contents.

The whole voodoo scroll is a complete encyclopedia of voodoo collections collected by ancient voodoo wizards, from the origins of voodoo, to the prevalence of voodoo, to the rituals of voodoo, and the detailed production process of voodoo puppets… this book documents them in detail.

In addition to the vast amount of voodoo knowledge, it also contains many strange voodoo curses of ancient times, such as Plague Pot, Blood Curse, Great Plague Collapse Technique, Death Kiss, Plague Poison Spirit… These are cold and chestnut voodoo techniques that only listen to the name, but they are extremely easy to apply, and the materials they use are not rare resources and expensive materials, but… people.

Precisely a lot of people, their souls and flesh!

From beginning to end, the whole voodoo scroll seemed to be teaching people how to make the pot of plague in the easiest way, and then using the Great Plague Collapse technique to make the plague of terror enough to wipe out a continent. Then combine the collected Plague Fae to form a powerful Plague Poison.

And this plague poison will be the most powerful warlord under the owner of the secret scroll.

As long as you send it out, everywhere, the plague is ravaging, and death is everywhere, any creature lacking witchcraft protection will have difficulty resisting this plague, which mixes a few rules of the origin of witchcraft.

Since ancient times, this plague poison has been the best tool of warfare for wizards against the low levels of recalcitrance. In a small position, throw in a plague poison and you can safely and boldly go in and harvest it in a month. The world's roaring crying souls and the material resources seized by the world are far less expensive than sending a large army of wizards to clear the enemy and suppress constant indigenous resistance day and night.

However, such tactics are too vicious and often subject to a strong rebound in situational awareness of the invasion. After all, situational consciousness is the collection of all substances and living spirits in the position. When all situational life is extinct, situational consciousness disappears with the smoke cloud. So the owners of the plague spirits are easily cursed by extinct situational consciousness, and thus become enemies.

Once a wizard is labeled as an enemy, he will be disgusted by all sides, including the origin of his birth and growth. Once such a guy enters a certain position, it is furious, all the spirits in the position will go to the rear, and he will be sieged without fear of death until the death!

So even Grimm becomes unsettled with such a big killer!

Grimm worked hard to connect the voodoo scrolls, copied the contents of the book into the chip, and then left it to the chip to sort out and analyze to see if it could sort out something suitable for its own use from these ancient voodoo techniques.

And when Grimm established a deeper spiritual connection with the voodoo scroll, he was surprised to discover that the voodoo scroll could still be used as a voodoo book, storing six shaped spiritual models in the book's secret space. It also means that he has 6 free witchcraft available for instant use as long as he holds the poison in his hand.

Of course, these six witchcraft spiritual models need to be stored in advance.

Shit, this isn't a little chip space for the Fae Realm!

As a result, Grimm had to admire the ancient wizards. Though they are fighting alone, not as slowly accumulating superimposed knowledge systems as the Earth of previous generations, they can also create this mysterious space filled with intense high-tech flavors with a single glimmer of ingenuity.

Grimm had to say a capitalized word for it!

Though I thought solidifying the mental power model in my mind was my unique technique, it now seems that there is an entirely similar technique in this mysterious alien world. However, this mysterious space storage mental power model will collapse once it has been used, and must be refilled again before it can continue to be used. At this point, it is not as cost-effective as its own chip space.

Looks like you're about to come out with an extra piece of witchcraft equipment, an extremely powerful witchcraft sequencer!

Enemy encounters in the future, without even a trace of Grimm's own spiritual power, can be exploited by an instantaneous advantage of a witchcraft sequencer to carry out a frantic bombardment of the enemy.

Thinking about it, Grimm couldn't help but get slightly excited.

To show his love for this voodoo scroll, he deliberately found a half-metre long silver chain in his storage belt and tied the voodoo book to his belt. Demonstrated several times and he was very satisfied. As soon as his heart moves, the book of witchcraft will automatically fly into his left hand and automatically roll over, positioning the page above the witchcraft he needs.

As for confidentiality, Grimm is not worried.

The book is completely under his control and almost always has a hidden connection to his spirit, even if it does fall into the hands of outsiders, it is nothing more than a page of completely blank parchment paper. Without Grimm's permission, no one would have crossed his sight of the contents of the volume.

This is probably the biggest significance of the highest spec opening!

Just as Grimm loved the book of witchcraft, Goblin Kabi was not idle either, constantly searching in the dirt scum thrown out by the python. But don't tell me that Kung Fu has not failed the hearts and minds, but it has actually found something unexpected.

Some fragments of the Spirit Body!

In a wrinkled piece of bark, there is also some sticky turquoise juice and strange fragments similar to human visceral organs. It appears that this spirit itself has undergone some unexpected variations in its evolution.

However, Grimm caught the chips in his head as he carefully held them in his hand.

“Drops, special blood genetic active molecules detected, documented...”

“Drop, a special blood genetic active molecule has been detected, documented...”

“Drops, special blood genetic active molecules detected, documented...”


A string of chips hinted at Chegrim's brain, also sending unseen horrors through his eyes.

These hints are not chip dead, but repeated over and over again, and every hint means that it discovers a new blood gene in these Psychic body fragments. The discovery of up to 27 novel blood genes in the anterior and posterior regions has also made Grimm acutely aware of inappropriateness.

Where does a monster chief in a trapped square, who can access and devour so many blood genes? You know, these blood genes are a priceless treasure in the wizard apprenticeship community! With a vial of purified and extracted ancestral blood, any apprentice could step onto Kangzhuang Avenue as a blood wizard.

Twenty-seven new bloodline genes also mean that the Horror Spirit once devoured 26 creatures with xenobloodline genes! Do 26 blood apprentices belonging to different systems run to the demonized jungle to die?

Of course it's impossible!

It is to search the entire Dagon region for blood apprentices, and it is not necessarily as good as 26.

So how does this horrible spirit do something that even a full wizard can't do?