Age of Adepts

Chapter 115 Cumulative Strength

In recent days, Grimm has been studying that hot field in depth.

He has completed the prerequisite knowledge related to high temperature fields and is now able to maintain the presence of high temperature fields for 10 minutes. But there are quite a few challenges that need to be solved when it comes to the fusion of the body of the fire and the high temperature field.

Grimm's best idea is to extend the passive trigger flame backlash of the body into the force field junction. As soon as any enemy enters his high temperature field, it will continue to suffer from the flames of the void. This is already a small flame line!

Grimm has estimated that in order to fully master the flame line, it is probably at least possible that he needs to be promoted to full wizard. And now he's trying to speculate, using the fusion of a body of bath fire and a high temperature force field, to achieve a flame-like effect from the side.

To achieve this, however, he also needs a great deal of witchcraft knowledge that needs to be analyzed and, more importantly, further optimized for node control in high temperature fields. In short, most of the energy in each day is left to the heavy computation of the chip, while Grimm can only do some simple reading, meditation and magic puppet restoration.

Grim's puppet squad was badly damaged during the last Battle of the Demonized Jungle.

Lightning Giant loses two accessory nuclei and can regain its power immediately by simply adding. And three rock python puppets, two of which are already directly obsolete, cannot be repaired. So for some time, Grimm spent almost the rest of his time in the alchemy lab, except hiding in his residence and studying witchcraft.

Those magic gems captured from the underground were enthusiastically marketed by Kabi and have been successfully redeemed to Grimm for a large amount of magic crystals and witchcraft gear.

Grimm is also a brand new, battle-powered explosion.

Name: Grim

Race: Human

Attributes: Strength 7.32 (1), Agility 7.51 (1), Physique 9.47 (1), Mental Strength 16.67 (3)

Occupation: Wizard Apprentice (Advanced)

HP: 3434

Profession Experience: 8711000

Status: Healthy

Vocational Skills: Scroll Scroll Copy, Magic Reading, Magic Puppet Production (Intermediate), Skilled Method

Personal Skills: Bathing Fire Body (Passive), Burning Hand (Cured), Flame Arrow (Cured), Flame Spear (Cured), Flame Shield, Flame Reaction (Near Passive)

Witchcraft Equipment: Flame Lord Wand, Storage Belt, Voodoo Scroll, Aristocratic Head Ring (Spirit 1), Einstone (Spirit 2), Boots of Speed (Agility 1), Brute Force Protector (Physique, Strength 1), Undo Wand, Healing Wand, Prophecy Wand, Green Fairy (Curse Resistance 5), Screaming Tree Branch

With so many magic crystals thrown out, Grimm finally realized the huge power gap between bird guns for guns. Among the gems brought back from the ground was the Eloon Star, which was cut by the Gemstone Master and received an Eloon Stone with 2 Spiritual Strength. Plus the old 1 Spiritual Aristocratic Head Ring, although Grimm now has only 16 Spiritual Strength, he is now capable of 19 Terrorist Fights.

This means that if Grimm releases his hands and legs for a big fight, he can already drive six Python puppets or two Lightning Giants and one Python puppet at the same time.

However, building a lightning giant requires the core of a quasi-worm-class storm giant. This contraband can be encountered and undesirable, so Goblin Kabi ran almost all over the chambers of commerce and commerce around the Wizard Tower, and didn't acquire a second one.

In this period of time, the name of Goblin Kabi has rang in the middle and lower levels of the Wizard Tower, and almost all of the Wizard Family Chambers know it exists.

You know, almost all the high-end materials and resources are monopolized by these sorcerer family chambers of commerce in this part of the Dark Grotto. They acquire almost all of the dark geographic specialties on the market and then sell them elsewhere, earning the most from geographic price differences.

Other ordinary businesses or homeless businessmen, while willing to do so, do not have the same economic strength and access to the entire Wizard continent, so they cannot compete at all. And Cabi quickly won the hearts and minds of these small chambers of commerce and stray merchants by selling only one night stone and one water pole.

Perhaps cautioned by the forces behind it that Kabi had not been struck over their sale of high-end materials and resources, which also increasingly laid the mysterious and tall image of Goblin Kabina. Most of the mysterious equipment Grimm needs comes from these bottom-line stray traders.

Grimm has the clearest idea of his power. Most of his strength is now concentrated on the Magic Puppet, and he can only rely on the Magic Puppet to maintain a strong attack power, at least until the architecture of his fire-based witchcraft is completed.

There was no need for him to worry about the attack, so Grimm moved the center of the study of fire witchcraft to defense. Whether it's a flame shield, a body of bath fire, or a high temperature force field, these are defensive fire witchcraft. As long as he does not encounter powerful opponents of the wizard class, even a quasi-woman, trying to break his layer of fire system defense under the siege of many puppets is also difficult.

However, there are many types of witchcraft, and many low-order witchcraft are invisible and unprotected. So in order to avoid falling in the ditch, Grimm went mad and bought some high-quality wands and sticks.

Unlocking the wand removes some of his own bad conditions, such as poisoning, retardation, freezing, paralysis, etc.

Healing a Demon Stick can heal some obvious bodily harm.

Prophetic wands can predict the direction of danger in a limited amount of advance.

Had it not been for the Dagon area, which was not a well-supplied area, Grimm intended to prepare a set of means of prevention or cure for all possible attacks on his witchcraft in the shadows. Be prepared, this is Grimm's unfailing creed of life!

With such an armed force, even those who are quasi-woman powerful, Grimm is confident in fighting one. Of course, you can't be the best man like bald Alfred! Demon puppets made of advanced crystal nuclear refinement are still too fragile in the face of the most powerful men like Alfred, and it is difficult to use the properties of Elemental Demon Puppets to annihilate his power.

If Grimm really wants to fight Alfred, he'll need to raise all his puppets to the Quasi-Witch level at least and have 2 Lightning Giant levels of primary combat power. So with the current strength, Grimm still lacks the certainty of winning, even though he has been able to threaten Alfred!

As for those below Alfred, Grimm is not arrogant, and if it is a fair fight, no Wizard Apprentice is his opponent anymore!

But watching his strength steadily improve a little bit, Grimm would never dare to go into the dark hole again. Nothing more, for the last Battle of the Demonized Jungle, the Fallen Associated Witch died and was seriously injured, and the City of Eternal Love has issued a hunting order against Grimm. As long as he dares to enter the dark hole, Eternal City will kill him at all costs!

It also means that there is a high likelihood of fallen wizards appearing in the queue halfway through.

So when I heard this news from the Angus Wizard, Grimm was completely speechless and had to shut himself down honestly and never step out of the Wizard Tower again.

Although surface wizards dominate the region, there are naturally hundreds of ways to accomplish it when fallen wizards sincerely want to kill a wizard apprentice. So after offering Angus some of his most precious stones, Grimm was finally relieved of his compulsory labor and training camp assignment and was able to hide in the Wizard's Tower until the end of this compulsory assignment.

Who called this Angus Wizard the expert on their Mandatory Trial Mission?

Grimm and Mary could hide, but the rest of the team with them would be miserable. The battle killed two senior apprentices and left Grimm and Mary. The remaining team of six wanted to recruit temporary teammates in the Wizard's Tower to assist them in their task. Unfortunately, no one was available.

They had no choice but to carry themselves into groups, running day and night between the five mission points. For each 15-day assignment, they need 11—12 days to be able to run across 5 mission points. And I haven't been back for two or three days, and my next assignment is here.

Especially after the collapse of the Fallen Quasi-Witch, the incursions into the upper surface of the city have become more frequent. Their six-man team is subjected to ambushes or reckoning, either explicitly or covertly, almost every day, and if not for the strength of the three quasi-warriors, it would be difficult to resist such recurring terrorist attacks.

But don't say that the strength of the six members of the squad is also growing rapidly after such a high level of battlefield grinding and witchcraft. Compared to when they first arrived here a few months ago, the hierarchy remained unchanged, but real power doubled.

Especially as chief Sabrina, there has been a hint of the brutality and ferocity of the mafia Kevin when he first met.

Grimm and Marie also met in the Wizard's Tower with members of the team returning from the mission, and hostility between the two sides has reached a point where there is no need to hide.

Though Grimm was told that Grimm had shown incredible combat power here, once he had drunk an advanced bloodline quasi-woman, he bullied himself and others to experience a dramatic increase in combat in the underground world, so the two sides almost wiped out the spark of battle as soon as they met.

The two sides met just outside the Angus Wizard's residence, Grimm and Mary came to ask for some witchcraft questions, while the team had just completed an underground trial to deliver the mission items.

Several members of the team, who had suffered greatly, looked angrily at the two and only the team leader, Sabrina, smiled and said hello to Grimm and Marie.

As the two disappeared into the floor, Sabrina was still watching them disappear for a long time, silently thinking about what.

“What's the matter, chief? What do you care about those two bastards? Our trial mission wouldn't have been so difficult if they hadn't quit halfway!” That Ray was a witch, Leo, and came down to the bass. From the tone of his speech, it can be seen that he has sincerely compromised Sabrina.

Sabrina's mechanical eyes hidden under the silver mask emitted a glow of green, cold-blooded: “You haven't noticed? They already have one as a quasi-witch and one as a senior apprentice! ”


Several of the surrounding team members were stunned.