Age of Adepts

Chapter 170: Small Village Worm Shadow

Based on information gathered by Grimm and others, coupled with the exchange of projections between Kogan and Lord Sarubo, they quickly confirmed that this is a small material level with a power level of up to Grade 4!

Lack of magic.

The mystical system is incomplete.

The magical character of the entire face is manifested in the obstruction of the implementation of the magic, which also means that much more must be done to successfully carry out witchcraft than before. But even so, there is still a considerable failure rate!

This also makes it difficult for powerful element controllers to maintain their professional advantages in front of those physics professionals due to difficulties in imposing them. This is why the Hound Knight completely crushed the impostor.

A bunch of “savages” dressed in heavy armor, holding metal shields, crossing horses with swords, all over the world hunting down great practitioners?

Though the wizards in this room have no sympathy for the practitioners of this position, the thought of their “kind” being hunted down by a bunch of knights playing with barbaric powers like hunting beasts, everyone's mind kindled a flame of anger!

Thinking of the low power level of the position here, Grimm couldn't help but worry and ask the Kogan Wizard: “Lord Kogan, this position can only accommodate the power of level 4, then Lord Sarubo...”

Grim didn't finish, but everyone here understood.

Lord Sarubo is a terrible six-class wizard, and with his strength can he really get into this position?

Without waiting for Cogan to answer, a low, gentle voice suddenly sounded in the hearts of people.

“Of course not! It is impossible for this face to accommodate all my strength.” It sounds exactly like the voice of the great wizard of Salupo: “I'm not going to project all my power in either, just part of it. All you need to do now is guard this place and wait for the wizards to come.

They'll build a wizard tower here.

Once the Wizard Tower is built, within the confines of the Wizard Tower, it is possible for me to project all my strength into it. At that time, if the so-called strong men of this position dare to come, I will be able to keep them forever! ”

Grimm bit his teeth and hesitated, “So why don't you let a fourth-level wizard try to break in here first? Must be easier for him to come in than you! ”

“Class 4 wizard? Hahahaha... Little guy, you underestimate the suppression of wizards. To maintain the Void Vortex is not bridged by the self-healing instincts of space, on the one hand, and the fluctuations that suppress the Void Vortex are not perceived by the outside world, on the other, and then counteract the powerful situational consciousness. You think a fourth-level wizard could do that? ”

Several wizards nodded silently.

They feel so much better these past few days, they are in an unfriendly position world, the discomfort caused by the position suppression is driving them crazy!

If Lord Salupo's position were to be replaced by a Class 4 wizard, would he still be able to maintain his level of combat under this heavy repression and entanglement? Can a hard-working Class 4 Wizard continue to maintain his power advantage in front of his enemies once he encounters a Top Strong Attacker in this position?

For a while, everyone on the field became silent and chewed repeatedly to taste the deep meaning leaked from the Great Wizard's projection discourse.

If they heard correctly, this outpost camp should be the safest place in the area. At least for them wizards!

Once they encounter irresistible and powerful enemies outside, they can be brought here to destroy them with the power of the Great Wizard's projection. But this should be done after the Wizard Tower is built. Until the Wizard Tower is built, the power of the Great Wizard Projection to differentiate is limited, after all, and cannot be used indiscriminately.

Although everyone wants to ask, at what level of power can the Great Wizard project differentiate at present? But this is absolutely the core secret of this invasion. Asking randomly will only elicit suspicion from the Great Wizard, so everyone can only be right in silence.

The Great Wizard has already divulged a lot of information when he leads them into a one-month buffer period to lead the second batch. So a few smart wizards are hiding in their hearts, but they're starting to change their minds and talk about some sorcery issues.

Subsequent mission arrangements continue to follow previous practice, with four family wizards in charge of the construction and improvement of the main camp, while the three Grims remain in charge of the perimeter. But this time it's no longer limited!

Before leaving, the Kogan Wizards demanded harshly from the three Grims.

The predominance of lurking in the early stages is not to alarm the snakes, especially not to draw the enemy's attention near the camp. In the meantime, the three wizards must use all means necessary to place the necessary gaze on indigenous peoples and use the power of the enemy to place all areas potentially close to the camps under surveillance.

If there is a small group of enemies, the three may secretly hang them, as the case may be. If the enemy is large, try to lead them elsewhere. At least until the enemy has an irresistible second class, the three will not be able to receive any support or assistance from the camp.

There was no reason to complain about the three men. So after a night of grass rest in the camp, they embarked on a journey again!


Kolka village, a small village near the Greenland Forest.

There are still a number of such small villages in the entire Greenland Forest, which can see all the dwellings at the end of the village, with a total population of less than 60.

Due to the number of beasts in the mountains, the village is dominated by hunters. Years of hunting have sharpened their ability to circle with beasts, especially bows and arrows and traps.

How early does the village sleep?

The lights are already rare in Koyama Village just after the blackout.

In a cabin close to the edge of the mountain village, seven or eight hunters dressed as strong men were heating up around the fire pond, and the warmth of the wooden cup in their hands covered the grief on their faces.

“You can't go on like this! Haven't seen a giant beast in over half a month. Today I went to the beast clip on the east side to look at it, and there was no gain at all.” A hunter with a scar on his face opened the talking box first.

“Yeah, this has been weird for a while, as if all the beasts were hiding...”

“My side too... has been deep in the mountain forest for more than 30 miles. I didn't even notice any wild chickens or rabbits...”

“Yeah, yeah...”


Everyone was talking, and the words were full of confusion and suspicion.

“Isn't there some terrible monster here?” A little hunter asked coldly.

Everyone immediately fell into silence.

There is nothing worse than encountering monsters for their group of hunters who seek to live in the mountains. Don't watch them deal with jungle beasts, but encounter monsters, I'm afraid they don't even have a chance to escape!

“Most of those monsters are in the deep mountains, and they have their own fixed land, and they don't come out so easily, do they?” A young hunter couldn't bear to ask.

“Clustering, avoiding evil, failing in a community struggle, or coming to a more powerful monster… these can transform those terrible monsters into living areas…" coldly said an experienced old hunter.

Everyone was silent again.

“Why don't we get together tomorrow and look deep into the mountains? You can't just wait...” a hunter probed.

His proposal was immediately echoed by all, and the discussion was immediately revitalized.

Yet, at a time when the heat of discussion was rising, the doors of simple wooden doors suddenly heard the banging of "steadfastness”.

Everyone is stunned!

It can't be the people in the village, otherwise pushing the door directly in is, who would be so Sven standing in the cold wind knocking on the door. Their little mountain village is situated on the waist of half a mountain, the mountain is steep, the sheep intestine trail is rugged, how is it possible for someone to break into it after dark?

You know, in case the beasts break into the mountain village in the middle of the night, there are many clips and traps on the outskirts of the village!

“Who?” the owner of the cabin stood up and sighed.

No one talked, but the knocking on the wooden door still didn't stop.

At a time when the hearts of the people were slightly cold, there was a hint of noise over their heads. Then tap, something weird falls off the roof and falls on them.

“It's a scorpion...”

Some pointy-eyed hunters faintly scream, followed by constant pounding and shaking, trying to chase away these black scorpions they've never seen before. But with a slight tingle in the body, the hunters are stiff, and a feeling of paralysis that has never been experienced is rapidly spreading in their bodies.

The hunters who were punctured by scorpion tail needles were stiffened in place, their tongues trembled slightly, and their eyes reflected fear, but they lost their ability to move.

A strange scorpion, raised with a high belly bladder, appeared in the wooden house, climbing to their face along their rigid bodies, watching with horror. Spread their mouths with sharp, sharp limbs and the weird scorpion went in without hesitation.

Each hunter looked at his nearest companion in horror, and they could see very clearly that a bulging mass was sliding down the esophagus hard. And they themselves, in their throats, had heartbreaking lungs, and their esophagus and trachea were all broken by foreign bodies. That terrible scorpion is still stuck digging down!

They wanted to scream out loud for help, but their throats were blocked. They wanted to pull that horrible scorpion out with their hands, and unfortunately they couldn't even move their little fingers.

Such a frightening scene frightened all the hunters, one eye turned white and fainted in pain. Only Hank, the strongest body, barely stood up, without coma.

So he had the privilege of seeing the behind-the-scenes envoy.

Somehow, a strange cloak man had walked into the cabin and slowly sat by the fire pond.

In the gloomy light, Hank saw those two gloomy green ghost fires under his hood and an ugly scary face that didn't dare look directly at him.

Is this a bug or a person?

Hank's consciousness descends into eternal darkness with the last boring thought!