Age of Adepts

Chapter 181 Lava Battlefield

The final battlefield was chosen in a slightly flatter valley.

Of course, such a venue is not an ideal place for a duel, but it is already the best Grimm can find between the Knights of the Hunt and the Wizards' Camp.

As a result of repeated harassment by vampires and mutant insect herds, the Knights of the Hunt traveled at a tortoise speed in order to avoid the formation being too scattered and seized by the enemy. But even so, just as the sun rose to Jomtien, they appeared on the battlefield.

This is a slightly smooth forested area with high, low and undulating mountain creeks on both sides, shattered mountains and mountainous cliffs, so you want to head north, this is the best place for big troops to move.

But at this moment, this is a desperate and dangerous Jedi!

A terrible lava volcano blocked the way forward for the Hound Knights.

This is an artificially engineered lava volcano that, although not comparable in its power to those in nature, can still have a terrible effect on such a small local battlefield to reverse the war.

Two tall flame figures stood shoulder to shoulder in the valley, and their bodies on the great shore were made entirely of black and red lava flints. Strong high temperatures and heat are accompanied by bursts of red light coming out of the body, baking the lava on the body surface into semi-molded magma.

Their legs, thick as a fire column, were inserted into the lava pool beneath their feet, surrounded by a slow flowing magma of dark red within 100 meters. And the green grass and tall ancient trees around the lava pool were also lit, baked, withered, scorched yellow, cracked in the terrible heat, and then lit a little spark of stars...

Focused on lava pools, the entire valley is now a scorching earth, where grass ash on the edge of the site can flood people's ankles.

Though forced to fight a hard battle with the Knights of the Hound, Grimm, who has battlefield dominance, still has to choose a terrain that benefits him. Needless to say, the steep terrain on both sides is not conducive to the horrific siege of the Hound Knight.

If the Hound Knights dare to hoard around the lava pond, Grimm doesn't mind telling them how terrible it is to meet an elemental wizard on the battlefield with horrible witchcraft that lays heaven and earth!

Such a strange battlefield, such a creepy enemy, makes the first Hound Knights to witness a similar scene seem a little overwhelmed. Although this is not the first time they have fought the evil, every time they have been hiding in the past, they have to be chased by the poor mountain water before they can turn around and start a mad dog repercussion.

But… as before, the wicked show up on the battlefield as a strong man, fighting them all together. This is a totally fresh war experience!

But fresh and fresh, but the enemy's death trap is a veritable terror.

Looking at the lava pool, which continues to spread outward, looking at a scorched black dead tree that has been burned into wooden stakes, the hearts of every hunter's knight are sinking.

If they want to launch an attack on an enemy like this, don't they have to drive the colt into a lava pond and try to walk 100 meters in a horrible lava to get close to the enemy? It may only take five to drive 100 meters, but can they run on that soft, flowing magma? How many mornings and evenings does it take to pay for the lives of your companions to pave the way to the skeletons of your enemies?

Countless doubts have surfaced in the minds of the crowd, which gives the knights of the hunter who slowly infused the valley a touch of sadness and sadness every time they move!

Fourteen lawbreaking knights slowly stood before the battlefield and gauged the enemy's chosen terror battlefield on top of the colt.

This is a new enemy!

Together with the two enemies that have appeared before, this also means that three evil men have so far revealed their true identity.

Neint stepped forward and calmly measured the tall figure standing in the tumbling lava pool. Two great firemen, one evil, and the other evil puppet he summoned.

It has to be said that the evil man in front of him is more appreciative and more terrifying than the two evil men who were before him.

Without even starting a war, this guy succeeded in using the special battlefield he had created to severely suppress the morale of the Hound Knights. Though all hunter knights are fearless and willing to sacrifice when they think of themselves as a stepping stone to pave the way for others to strike, a sad atmosphere clearly replaces the heat and excitement needed to fight hard.

All hunter knights are no longer echoed by generous and fierce battle shouts, but by a low, sad and powerful indignation of all their companions at the expense of themselves!

When a warrior steps onto the battlefield, he thinks not of how to make a fierce battle, but of how to make a glorious victory out of a bloody battle, but of how to sacrifice himself. This... this is not high morale in any case!


Neint reached out his hands and clapped his hands with metal gloves for the foe's bizarre psychological tactics.

The murky metallic symphony, with its iron blood and arrogant smell, also drives away the fantasy of the Hound Knights. All the hunter knights looked up and put their eyes on this great leader who led them from victory to victory, and the sorrow and sorrow in his eyes faded away, replacing the harsh and iron blood characteristic of the noble knight.

Even if they are destined to die today, they will die proudly with the nobility and dignity of the Hound Knight! After all, it is the pride of all the hunter knights that leads them, the breaking knight Niet!

Seeing the momentum that inspired his companions, Niinte sighed and commanded: "Alvara, you lead a team to the left to stand... Anthony, you lead two pairs to the right to stand... Note that watch out for those two undisclosed evil men who sneak up, all based on guard and defense, do not easily chase down enemies! ”

“Yes!” Two broken knights bowed to their orders.

“Benson, you lead teams 3 and 4 to cut down the trees and fill the roads immediately. Be quick...”

“Yes, I'm coming!” A rugged knight with a particularly strong body shouted his destiny and jumped off a colt leading a group of hunter knights into the nearest forest.

“Edward, you, Daniel, and Joseph each lead their own team in the back when the opportunity to attack appears. I will fight with the rest of the lawbreaking knights and kill this unselfish evil man! ”

“No, Niint, let me lead the way! The Knights need you to stay behind and let me fight better!” Edward opened his eyes and argued without hesitation.

The rest of the broken knights have also spoken, please fight!

“No, I have to lead the charge!” Niyinte reached out and stopped the crowd: "Once the war started, there was no need for too much command in the ensuing battle. The enemy's tactics are obvious, and this evil man is trying to confuse us in front of him, forcing us to detour or split up. That's the only way to give those two wicked people a chance to sneak up on us!

That's why the guy in front of us is the leader of them and the shield in their hands. What we need to do is puncture their shields with the most ferocious and fierce assault and let their blocking tactics fail.

At that time, the two evil men they ambushed in the dark lost their power and were forced to join the battlefield to save the defeat. That is the moment for you to strike and siege them!

So, I ask you, let me take over the responsibility for the attack! ”

After listening to Niet's explanation, people exchanged a brief look with each other and nodded to agree.

To break the contradiction, it does take the Hound Knights to come up with their sharpest and sharpest team combination. Eyes on the whole Knights of the Hunters, the most powerful of the Knights of the Breaking of the Law, the most aggressive attack of course belongs to Niinte, otherwise he would not have been the leader of this Knights.

With Niet's assignment, the Hunter Knights, blocked in front of the lava pool, were immediately reordered. The detachment is responsible for the detachment, the tree filling is responsible for the tree filling, more demon hunters roam on the battlefield to guard against the movement of the tall fireman in the fire sea.

Nine lawbreaking knights, led by Neint, concentrated directly in front of the lava pool, holding their breath and waiting for their momentum, looking like they were about to launch a decisive assault.

After all, their tactics are only a one-sided plan, and the bizarre nature of the battlefield is far above their estimation. With Grim's mighty power, they will not do anything to destroy the home of war they have created!

When those hunter knights took off their heavy armor, dragged heavy trees and pushed huge rocks to the edge of the lava pool, Grimm and the Flame Lord raised their hands simultaneously to launch a combined fire witchcraft - the Meteor Rain.

Driven by them, a huge tumbling cloud of fire suddenly gathered over the valley, then a large black tailed fire meteor fell from the sky, pointing directly at the hunter knights whose defenses were greatly diminished.

“Defense, pay attention to defense...” A loud, broken knight drank loudly.

Then more hunter knights grabbed the front side and pulled the figurine bow full circle in their hand, stopping the fire meteor from falling head-on with a flaming arrow.

Most of the fire meteors were fireworks that had been fired into the sky by flame arrows before they had landed, and the broken flames, while forming a larger sea of fire, were extinguished from the horrific physical impact of the fire meteors.

With the basics of the Hunter Knights, there's nothing wrong with resisting this low intensity fire!