Age of Adepts

Chapter 187: Reinforcements Coming

Victory Sorcerer Camp appears to be very busy.

A winged dragon knight slapped wide wings and landed in the middle of the camp, sending the captured Hound Knight back in succession. Upon entering the camp, these wonderful trophies are sent to the lab of the Kogan Wizards, who will await the terrible nightmares they have never experienced in their lives!

Grimm actually saw that Aboriginal teenager again in the busy queue. He is now a good assistant to the Kogan Wizard, helping to do some ancillary work in the transformation of the Witch Beast.

When Grimm returned, Kogan, who was taking stock of the fresh “material", handed the job over to the teenager and stepped forward.

“You did a great job this time! Even Lord Salupo mentioned your name earlier, it looks like the grownups have been watching you!” Cogan couldn't help clapping Grim's shoulder and shouting encouragement.

I can see that for Lord Sarubo, the Wizard of Kogan was deeply in awe and worship.

But when you think of anything you do in this wizard camp, you will be perceived by the enormous and meticulous spirit of Lord Salupo, and Grimm will have to straighten his hair. But in the face of the proactive proximity of the Kogan Wizard, he could only try to squeeze out some kind of benevolent response, even choosing to ignore the blood mark on his shoulder.

“Why is that little guy still alive?” Grim asked curiously.

The last time I threw this boy at Kogan, Grim thought he'd find his shadow on some witch's body next time he came back!

“We are here to stand on our feet for a long time, so indigenous puppets are also necessary. His talent is not bad. If we modify it, he can become one of the best performers in the world. A lot of things will always be better for him than for us to do it ourselves.” Cogan's cold face revealed a slight smile.

“How are the resources in this position? How much will it benefit us? ”

“Analysed from the current information, the most strategically valuable positions are White Star Potatoes, Fire Dragon Grass, Royal Blood Grass, Sea Soul Star, Vacant Stone, and Reproductive Flowers. ”

“There are empty stones and breeding flowers in this position?” Grimm had an incredible look on his face.

Essentially, any material level has grown from a blind halfway point, and every further move will take more than a dozen or hundreds of thousands of years. So over the long period of its growth and fertilization, the interior of the surface is likely to contain void stones that float from the depths of the stars and oceans.

Vacant stones are one of the main materials used to build long-distance teleportation witch arrays.

Even in the resource-rich wizard world, this kind of thing is the top strategic resource that senior wizards strongly control. Normal wizard families and other idle resources are difficult to get involved in.

As for breeding flowers, it's another interesting thing.

It's a special plant, and it's a special magic potion.

Using breeding flowers as the main ingredient, alchemists are able to formulate a mysterious drug that will allow powerful wizards to give birth to normal offspring. You know, in the history of witch development, it has become quite difficult for higher-ranking witches above 2 to have offspring.

One is a high-ranking wizard and the other is an ordinary human being, and the chances of having a normal offspring are difficult. If both parties are high-ranking wizards, the chances of success are even more tragic.

After all, the group of wizards, in the process of repeated promotion, transforms the body to the same degree as monsters, and is still a chaotic and disorderly natural variation. So don't look at the high-ranking wizards. Most of them still hold their human form, but a closer look at the origins of the body, and the origins of the human race, are no longer significant.

There are also many high-ranking wizard variations that are more thorough and may have changed even the soul's origins. So there's almost zero chance that such high-ranking wizards, men and women, will ever come together to have a normal human baby.

To be honest, they have a greater chance of having a monster than they have of having a human baby!

So why does the wizard family attach so much importance to the continuation of the family bloodline, and even encourage low-ranking wizards to leave their bloodline earlier? That's the main reason!

Once some talented wizard appears among the descendants of the extended family, even if he or she does not bother to find it, the family actively searches for beautiful women of all kinds, or heterosexuality of some strange race, for their enjoyment.

This is both a welfare and a means of family bloodline continuity!

It is against this background that any means or medication that aids fertility becomes the hottest and rarest resource among high-ranking wizards. And breeding flowers are this amazing plant that perfectly blends the superior life factors of both parents to produce a baby with a powerful wizard gift.

As for the fact that this baby is not in the human category, no one really cares!

So we found traces of the reproduction flowers in this disgraceful cavalier, which will undoubtedly bring tremendous positive benefits to the Sarubo family. And when the water rises beneath the boat, they will surely get huge rewards from the family.

These award-winning veteran wizards may not care, but for a new wizard like Grimm, who just got promoted to no home, it means he won't have to go out and collect resources for 100 years.

Grimm also has at least two hundred years of leisure time to accumulate witchcraft knowledge and study his future directions without the pressure of promotion.

After a few more conversations with Kogan, Grimm returned to the platoon and found a room to rest. This battle of valley resistance, from the initial inducement of enemies to the mid-term defensive counter-attack to the final comprehensive counter-attack, he was involved and played a middle-class role.

Corresponding are massive mental depletion and incalculable mental “trauma”. These losses will not self-recover and can only be repaired by a long sleep!

After surrounding the Hound Knights, there are no hidden dangers around the Wizard Camp that could threaten them, at least for a while! As for when the next enemy will appear, this is beyond Grimm's control.

So with this in mind, Grimm let go of everything, summoned the Lightning Giant to defend herself, and lay on the stone bed in the deepest sleep.

While he was asleep, Mary also returned to the camp and brought back the bodies of two crumbling knights. Although the residual value of such loot for extraction is no longer significant, the Kogan Wizard is happy to accept it.

After all, compared to Ntik, Mary brought back something, and Ntik didn't even have a dry body left. Behind him, however, was a group of strange black beetles the size of a basin, about 21 or 2, which looked like his latest harvest.

The Kogan Wizard is an old brand wizard who has been promoted for two or three hundred years, and can quickly tell by the strange appearance of these black beetles alone, they are a bunch of rotting corpse beetles! Though only young creatures, they still possess appalling powers of terror.

Corpse beetles can also be a horror monster of the herd type.

They have a hard shell that is no less colourful than that of a refiner wizard and are capable of flying, drilling the ground, relying on sharp fangs and sharp limbs to attack enemies. Mature corpse beetles also possess exceptional magic resistance, and witchcraft attacks below 100 degrees are difficult to damage their bodies.

Together, these strengths are enough to make the rotting beetle herd an easy target for official wizards.

The scorpion that Ntik used to feed with his flesh and spirit was too poor to stand up for him and was not suitable for fighting among wizards. But now the emergence of decaying beetle larvae means that Ntik has finally raised the evil bug colony to a level that matches his witch hierarchy.

By the time these rotten beetles have reached their infancy and begun to mature, Ntik will also be an important and terrible figure in the ranks of the 1st Wizards!

Marie wandered outside Grimm's rest door and bit her teeth off.

An entire battalion of Hound Knights has been destroyed here, and if the news is not blocked as soon as possible, I'm afraid the entire province of Duran will blow up the pot. That's why Mary was anxious to get back to Blue Hill City and use her dark power there to extinguish all possible troublesome scourges into the bud.

And Ntik, who also had an important mission, did not stay in the camp long enough to enter the mountain forest. He needs to set up swarm traps at key points in the mountain as soon as possible to avoid accidental leakage.

Two hill villages on the edge of the Greenland Forest and a small town, he took down only one village of Kokal. If a hunter or adventurer breaks into a town in the remaining village and finds something, then those cover-ups before become meaningless.

It happened that a group of rotting beetle larvae he had just hatched were in dire need of a lot of blood nourishment, so this time out of the camp, Ntik had decided to take down the rest of the village and town. This blocks the source of possible leaks and improves your strength. Why not?


It took Grimm four days to sleep this time!

He didn't want to wake up so early, but the strange energy fluctuations around him made it difficult for him to sleep, so he had to wake up early.

As soon as Grimm opened his eyes, he sensed a strong spatial fluctuation.

This spatial fluctuation is so familiar and so memorable that Grimm almost instantly judged its nature.

Cross-plane ultra-long-range transfer!

The last time they were brought from the half-faced barrier of the Sarubo family was this ultra-rear trans-faced transmission. That transmission tore Grimm half to death, refreshing his memory!

But just figured out the nature of space fluctuations, Grimm got deeply confused again.

According to the Kogan Wizard, the second batch of reinforcements should be here in a month! But now... Grimm looks at the hint of the chip, and it's only 18 days, 11 hours, 33 minutes and 31 seconds before they get to this cavalier.

Grimm's doubts just rose, and the spin turned into a slight smile.

It's a good trick to play with a great 6th level wizard!

It's a month in advance, but the time it takes is only 18 days. In this way, even if there are bad intentions in Grimm et al., or if they are caught by native indigenous peoples by mistake, the information they reveal will be difficult to influence the follow-up too much due to serious distortions.

I'm afraid that Lord Sarubo's projection of consciousness has fooled even Cogan!