Age of Adepts

Chapter 320: Divination

This is an empty magic chamber.

Apart from that conspicuous mysterious witch formation on the ground, there is nothing else in the Chamber of Secrets.

“Don't even leave me the chair...”

Alice mumbled and slowly walked to the front of the Witchcraft, looking down.

It is a purely guardian witch array, and once activated, the entire secret room will be sealed off. Then you don't have to worry about getting disturbed by the outside world!

Alice branded her witchcraft imprint into the Guardian Witch Formation according to a fixed ritual, so that even Grimm, the owner of the Chamber of Secrets, would never know what was inside.

Everyone has their own unknown secrets, even if Alice has recognized Grimm as the owner, which does not mean that she is willing to give up her rights and privacy.

The Guardian Witch Array slowly began to operate, and faint fluorescence began to emerge on the walls, floors and ceilings of the Chamber of Secrets, severing all communication between here and the outside world.

Sitting in the middle of the secret room, Alice began to place the resources and props needed for the promotion ceremony at her side. With her intelligent mind and strong memory, she remembers exactly where each item is placed.

Everything is within her reach for easy access.

Most of the medications placed on the left side are required before the ritual takes place, and there are about seventeen or eight types of forest. It is used either to strengthen the body or to strengthen the spirit, or to stabilize the mind… In short, every item, every drug has its own unique use, which can help improve the chances of success in promotion.

Most of the items in front of them are related to the ritual of promotion, most notably a crystal altar, next to some of the wonders that need to be used in the sacrifice.

The group of witches has been derived from savage and obscure witchcraft since ancient times. Although modern times have undergone tens of thousands of years of improvement and transformation, the legacy of ancient witchcraft remains in many details.

At that time, the wizards moved to perform an extremely brutal and bloody sacrificial ceremony, killing all the spirits of the rival tribes and pouring their bodies with their flesh in order to gain a powerful and strange ability to impose.

Now that it has become much more civilized, some powerful wonders are commonly used to replace living flesh, but sacrificial rituals have largely been preserved.

On the right side, some restorative foods and medicines are placed.

After all, the promotion ceremony is a huge and long ordeal for most people, and the guy who can successfully cross the past is basically out of gas, not to mention heavy energy damage. So afterwards repair and restoration is also a matter of caution!

Once everything is in place, Alice gently removes the robe and reveals herself below.

The transparency of her body has spread to her chest.

While the area below the chest can still be perceived and driven by her, it is invisible and not even touchable by the probe. At the edge of the chest, the skin has become translucent, and the blood vessels, muscles, and bradycardia are visible.

Meanwhile, the intrusion of energy into the void stone continues, even with hints of acceleration.

Alice has no information on what happens when she is completely infected by a void stone. However, since obtaining a special magic tattoo, the fate of the past has become clearer.

When Alice was thinking that these invasions were harmless to herself, a sense of malice surfaced. Alice can even feel that the world is creating an exclusion against herself.

That's probably the most obvious clue fate has given her!

Since it has been determined that the current changes are detrimental to oneself, there is no need to hesitate, and the process of changing one's own form of existence must be interrupted by the ritual of promotion.

So Alice didn't hesitate to eat or drink the sea.

Sarogo, protozoa, groundfire slurry, Fergus medicine, purple aquatic mushrooms...

Alice couldn't help burping after eating a bunch of crap.

Powerful medication begins to seize and stimulates her flesh * and spirit gradually increases. Alice squeezed her little fist, silently enduring a raging life torrent that began to buffer into her body.

Blood gradually begins to boil.

Alice's little face held red and the bean-sized sweatballs rolled down, looking unsupported.

Her loss was due to the fact that her initial physical condition was too low, and even if driven by many precious resources, the energy fluctuating in her body had far exceeded the limits of her mental capacity. Therefore, in addition to the inexhaustible sense of false power, the body's organ is constantly damaged and repaired.

Alice grabbed a bag of crystal powder and spilled a magic circle around her side as she endured the shock of all the rage in her body. The crystal altar was then carefully moved into it, and four candles were lit in all corners of the altar.

When everything is settled, Alice kneels before the altar, silently begins to communicate that deeply obscure law of destiny.

The Magic Circle exists to isolate the interior and exterior.

It has neither begun nor ended, and to that end represents immortality. The edges of the inner circle are considered to be outside ordinary space time, and the rituals performed within the circle have their own spatial time structure.

Alice has the blood of a Destiny Witch, and the source of her power is not a god or a powerful wizard, but a branch of her destiny that is fully integrated into the laws of the world of wizards.

To be more straightforward, the bloodline power of the Destiny Witch comes from the Moon of the Qin ‘Meiyao'.

Back then, the King of Witches led thirteen powerful witches to create the Northern Witch Organization, resolutely leaving the ice and cold places of the northern part of the Wizard continent. It was there that the thorns were cut, the soil was cultivated, and countless witches took a piece of land from the horrible jungle creatures, monsters, mutants and polluters with their lives and blood, and erected a tower of witches before the later kingdom of the Northern Witch.

Later, after undergoing the "Wizard Changes”, all the great wizards above the 4th level were forced to leave here, and they could never set foot in the world of wizards again.

And as an exchange of interests, the world will of the wizard world is also limited to opening up some world rules, allowing the great wizard to reach a certain level to leave his own brand in it.

In order for the power of the Northern Witch to last forever, while the King of Witches leads many high-ranking witches out of the world of wizards, some of them choose to remain, and then the whole body and soul are incorporated into the rules of the world.

Thus, the inheritance of the thirteenth branch of the Northern Witch becomes part of the rules of the world, and there is no need to worry about inheritance extinction anymore!

So Alice wants to advance, and she's not on the path of a normal wizard accumulating knowledge, strengthening herself, and then condensing the wizard's heart and communicating the laws of position. Witches follow a completely different inheritance path!

The knowledge and abilities they need are in the rules of the world of wizards, and all they need to do is seek the recognition of the rules of the world in their own veins, thereby obtaining the recognition of the will of the world.

So after Alice's pious prayer, she took out a crystal dagger from the ritual prop, stabbed it in the palm of her hand, and held her hand flat in front of her chest, leaving the blood of the tick to stain the crystal altar.

As soon as Alice's blood touched the altar, the brilliant silver flashes lit it up.

Magic circles made up of crystal powder have also begun to burn.

In the void, countless silver chains slowly burst out and began to wrap around half of Alice's body, which had disappeared.

Alice trembled and her whole body began to tremble violently.

Inside the invisible nothingness of the naked eye, vast amounts of knowledge and witches pass through the chain of modern laws and flow wildly into the sea of Alice Consciousness. The momentum is so strong, there is a tendency to blow her up instantly!


Alice's lean body trembles like a sieve bran, her eyes cry blood, and her facial muscles are distorted by pain.

In her space of consciousness, a vast scale of silver brilliance gradually emerged, majestically standing before her.

In the void, an unusually magnificent and loud voice rang out.

“Destiny!!! Fate!!! Fate!!! ”

“By obeying the rules of destiny and the ancient covenant, I will show you the inheritance of destiny. ”

“And you, what are you going to trade for this part of the inheritance? ”

When the loud voices appeared, countless books and knowledge crystals appeared at one end of the scale, which instantly turned to one side and curled up the other.

Alice's fictional figure of a girl appeared in front of the scale, looking at the vast, mountainous body of the scale, nailed to pieces and said: “I am willing to trade it all for mine. ”

The next second, her thin body appeared on the edge of a high, soaring scale.

Unfortunately, she appeared as if she had pressed a goose fur and the unbalanced balance had not even moved.

“Your power can't take away this knowledge, so...”

As majestic voices emerge, books and knowledge crystals at the other end of the scale begin to diminish at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

However, when the item at the other end is halved, the balance of heavy mountains remains intact.

Items continue to decrease…

With each reduction, Alice's heart feels the same pain and anguish as a knife, but there's nothing she can do.

Soon, there were only a dozen books left like the hills.

At this time, the huge scale shivered slightly, and the two ends began to move slowly.

11 bottles…

The pointer in the middle of the scale is moving...

8 bottles……

The scales' pointers are still moving, not a short distance from the balance point...

4 bottles…

The hand of the scale gradually begins to approach the balance point...

Come on, come on, come on...

Alice clenches her fists and begins to work hard.

Finally, Alice's spiritual space brightened bright silver as the vast scale returned to its original balance.

“Congratulations, Destiny Candidate, you have successfully received the gift of Destiny. Please accept it below! ”

And by this time, there was only one book left alone on the tray at the other end of the scale.
