Age of Adepts

Chapter 394 Tracing

The dark forest beneath the night remains a magical place filled with fantasies and strange smells.

Under the cover of layered leaves, the pure moonlight of the large moon plates in the sky is transmitted from the gap, forming a beautiful column of light in the pitch-black forest. In the moonlight, plants with intense magical flavors exude strange fluorescence that is invisible to the naked eye.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the black forest is permanently covered in darkness. But for the wizards who have mastered the power of the elements, it's like daylight, with strange fireflies everywhere.

Walking between an ancient tree of nearly 100 metres in height, Grimm couldn't help but admire the magic of the wizard world.

Quite a few ancient trees can be seen everywhere, and the building has three people hugging each other thick. Beneath the tall ancient trees are dense and numb bush jungles and mushrooms of all colours. Pine mushrooms, mules, shiny mushrooms, white-headed mushrooms, fluorescent mosses… all the mushroom mosses are silently glowing in the dark, or red, or green, or purple, or blue, or gray… colourful and varied.

The snake-like curling and twisting vines wrapped around the trunk, dense and numb, layered, and the end of the vine never fell into the tall crown, making it impossible to see.

This is a glorious world, but full of vitality!

Sabrina walked carefully behind the two wizards, trying to keep them at a distance, a distance not far from each other. It's too far away for her to get help from each other in the event of an accident. And if it's too close...

At the side of the two wizards lies a hidden shield that is difficult to see through the naked eye. They are usually invisible, but as soon as an object breaks in, it triggers a witchcraft effect.

Lord Grigg's field effects outside the body are highly toxic and poison plants and organisms directly. Sabrina had seen several fluorescent maggots touch his periphery, and then the light of life went out and fell.

As for Lord Grimm, the field effect in vitro is the flame junction.

Any substance, alive or dead, will suddenly spontaneously ignite as soon as it enters the flame junction and then slowly spill into piles of ash.

Where he walked, there was a path of ashes behind him!

With these two wizards, Sabrina would never dare take a wrong step. If they missed their defensive field, I'm afraid it would be difficult to retreat with her quasi-woman power.

The Grigg wizard had a compass-like wizard in his hand, and a horse walked in front of him first. Every time he looked down at the wizard, he would fix the way forward once, seemingly tracking something.

The dark forest under the curtain of night is also in danger!

The three of them have met those strange monsters more than once.

These monsters walk like ghosts in the darkness, quietly passing between the bushes and the vines. When they discovered the three Grimes, they immediately lurked in the shadows and followed them silently.

But the smarter monsters quickly perceived the power of several people, and then disappeared silently. Only demons who are too bloodthirsty or intelligent can withstand the temptation of flesh, howling and rushing up.

These short-sighted guys are all cooked by Sabrina.

Quasi-woman power is nothing to the wizards, and it is more than enough to deal with these monsters, who generally have only advanced apprenticeship power.

Grimm stood silently in the dark, staring silently at Sabrina's way of fighting.

By replacing parts of the body with machines, Sabrina has a unique and extremely efficient way of fighting.

Her mechanical eyes, hidden beneath the semi-silver mask, obviously have a special visual capability and are not affected by the strange environment here. The left hand of the machine hidden under the cape is not only her weapon, but also her shield.

A night leopard burst out of a tree trunk more than 10 metres high by means of a shadow dive, but was punched out by Sabrina's indestructible left hand. Watching hundreds of kilograms of heavy body hang from each other all the way out, countless vines flew away, heavily smashing into a bush jungle, Grimm frowned slightly.

3: 00 Strength!

This Sabrina, though still an apprentice, is no less powerful than herself. It is polite to say that Grimm could not hold her back, at least in strength, if she did not transform herself into a flaming demon.

The black body of the night leopard covered in a strange demonic pattern slowly emerged from the turbulent bushes, and the beautiful black hair was covered with broken grass scraps and moss of green oil.

Obviously, that one hurt him too!

It slowly roamed around the three of them, screaming low in their throats.

The Grigg Wizard had to grunt impatiently.

Sabrina had no choice but to approach each other in great strides in order to put an end to the fighting quickly.

Mankind's provocative provocation also apparently provoked the Night Blade Leopard, which bowed down slightly and left traces of paws on the ground in its thick and powerful limbs. And its flexible body turned into a shifting black light, rapidly pounding on Sabrina.

This time without choosing to punch each other out, the robot on Sabrina's left suddenly ejected and grabbed the night leopard still in the air. She then shot seven or eight half-moon blades through her body, spinning wildly into each other's bodies.

After all, the Night Blade Leopard is only an agile monster, most of its abilities are on the Shadow Dive and Rapid Claw, and the defense of the body surface cannot resist this strange mechanical witchcraft attack.

pū pū pū...

Seventy-eight large bloodbloodblossoms erupted on the surface of the Night Blade Panther. Before waiting for a painful roar, it was stabbed through its mouth by a gyroscopic mechanical tentacle.


A bloody gyro tip cone penetrates straight from the back of the night blade leopard's neck, and the tip cone's front end is still whistling wildly, spilling purple blood beads everywhere.


The leopard's remains were thrown aside, and Sabrina gasped with difficulty.

The battle just a few moments ago, although the Night Blade Leopard did not touch her body, the fierce demon's strong physique and violent impact still made her suffer, and several internal organs hidden pain again.

“Let's go!” Already waiting for some anxious Gekko witches to walk ahead once again.

That damned demon, he has dealt with him many times, each time because of some accident, let the other slip out of his hand. Though he had the heart to invite several wizards to help him capture this sleazy Lin demon, he feared that he would find it difficult to compete with the greedy wizards from his family.

So he couldn't wait to extend an invitation until he met a witch like Grimm who was planning to break into the Black Forest alone.

And the price he has to pay for this demon is...


Lin demon is not a more powerful monster, it's just weird ability.

So they rarely have a fixed territory, but rather wander freely between other monster territories, searching around for souls that can be swallowed.

And Geg Witch tracks this forest demon with a great deal of wisdom, and it can even set traps for Geg Witch to step in and put him in the pit unwanted.

Last time, the demon lured the Grigg witch into the predatory area of a large crowd of earthworms. Had it not been for his luck, he would have been swallowed up the other day. However, he was also seriously injured, and it took him six months to regain his strength.

This time, the Grigg witch looked down at the witch in her hand, and a pointer on a compass disk spinning wildly.

“Damn...” the Grigg witch whispered: “That bastard is doing it again. It deliberately leaves its breath everywhere in this woodland, leaving us unable to grasp its direction. Then, when we are upset, lead us into the land of some monster. Hmm, I won't fall for it again this time...”

The Grigg wizard harshly stamped away his witchcraft and gently stamped his feet, magically drilling out of the shadow beneath him a mysterious black cat filled with bright greasy hair.

magic pet?

Grim looked slightly.

Magic Pet is a magic pet that allows every wizard to enter into a partnership contract, not only expanding the talent of the wizard, but also becoming a great helper. In Grimm's view, however, the increase in abilities brought about by Magic Pet is simply not enough to offset its deficiencies.

Once a demon pet dies, it is not only the loss of a helper that brings to the wizard, but also the loss of the spiritual power of the sacrifice. Grimm's spiritual strength is now 7 o'clock, and if he instantly evaporates 2—3 o'clock spiritual power, that's enough to seriously damage his spiritual space.

So Grimm was never willing to let himself come out with an irreparable flaw until he had the right person. After all, not every wizard can arm himself as tightly as he is!

And vagrant wizards like Grigg, who have a black cat pet, take it for granted.

The black cat jumped gently, squatted on the shoulder of the Grigg witch and spoke to him head to head.

“Come on, Grigg, what are you going to do this time calling Ben Meow?” The lazy black cat stretched out a lazy waist and beat another lazy, unwilling to ask.

“Help me find that demon, I'll give you two Demon Flame Fishes! ”

“Che, the last promised Gesango has not yet been fulfilled! This time I want to lie to Ben Meow..."

“Go... go... this time I promise to cash it! Be careful, don't let that Lin demon spot you...”

“Got it, miserable master... it's bad luck to meet such a stingy guy!” The mysterious black cat with a humanized face whispered in pieces and quickly jumped off the shoulder of the Grigg witch, and a few flashes disappeared out of sight.