Age of Adepts

Chapter 432: Tickets

How horrible is a second-degree blood knight who retains all his intelligence and memory?

If you replace it with another guy, you'll only run into a bunch of scavengers, slaughtering enemies with your fiercest killing moves. As for your damage, ignore it at all and only think about evading when your life falls to the line of danger.

For a guy like that, as long as Ntikshead sets a trap, it's easy to get them into the horrible siege of a corpse herd.

But this Soros is completely different, and he almost blends the fierceness of the Blood Knight with the cunning of mankind. Under his command, most dangerous livelihoods were handed over to other blood knights, while he fully exploited the unmatched assault capability of the 2nd Knight, causing horrific death and injury to the rotting corpse herd with his own blood sword.

Yet every time Ntik prepares to surround himself with a herd of insects, Soros learns to send two first-order knights after he breaks off, while he leads most of the clusters. In this role alone, Soros traded the deaths of two first-order blood knights for the mature corpse beetle of Ntik 14.

This enormous loss is nothing more than what Ntik hates about Soros!

But in the face of the combination of Mary, the second-degree Soros first-order bloody witch, the evil worm Ntik had to endure.

But the problem is he can't stand it. Mary the Bloody Witch seems to have decided to leave him here. Therefore, under the direction of her sitting town, the constant blood-sucking bats combined with the powerful Blood Knight, the vampires stuck to Ntik's insect herd and took the initiative to wage a heartbreaking war of consumption with him.

As a result, two months of struggle between life and death and the pursuit of escape, Ntik finally depleted all the worms and even his own body was severely eroded by bloodline witchcraft.

Needlessly, Ntik had to hide in the east and turn to this nursery he had laid down earlier.

This was supposed to be his backhand preparation for the big outbreak of his future strength, but now he's at a disadvantage, and he can only force it to start.

As nearly 500 decapitated beetle larvae swallow each other, fewer and fewer individuals survive in the field, but the ability to survive rapidly climbs. By the end of the reciprocating ritual, all the larvae disappeared, and six black armor green wings appeared on the field, in the state of the elite decaying beetles.

In a sharp whistle of Ntick, the six elite men immediately pounced on him and devoured Ntick's bloody dark spots with sharp insect cheeks and ragged mouthpieces.

They are worthy of elite decaying beetles, and the blood spots caused by this bloodline witchcraft do not erode their flesh and stomach at all, but are absorbed directly by them.

The process of devouring one's own flesh, though horrible and painful, Ntik's ugly insect face is filled with the colour of comfort and enjoyment. Finally get rid of the maggots that haunted him for 7 days, even at the cost of a little pain!

But that was the delay, and in the dense forest above the pit, there was already a blood-sucking flock of more than twenty manta. Black and bright short plush, scarlet eyes, moring-white fangs, and basin-sized bodies… they are like a bald eagle searching only for prey, hovering around the woodland.

Whenever traces of spider silk are found, a bloodsucking bat suddenly turns into a lean, pale-faced human being, lying on the ground for careful investigation and examination.

The ancient trees that had arranged the secret gates of witchcraft were finally discovered after their intense tracking of the mercury lagoon.

However, without waiting for them to find a way to open the secret door, the roots of the ancient trees burst from the inside.

Horrible shockwaves sandwiched with thousands of pieces of ancient wood debris and dirt scum, paving the ground and turning the three vampire derivatives gathered near the cave into a sieve of sores.

Even with the longevity of a vampire, it cannot withstand such a heavy blow that three vampire derivatives died instantly. And the rest of the vampire derivatives immediately squeaked strangely and turned into a bloodsucking bat, slapping its wings into the surrounding mountain forest.

Although they fled, they did not go far, and many clever blood-sucking bats even hid in the densely ventilated canopy, peeking at the subsequent movements of the ancient trees.

When they saw the dark, oily human body of the evil insect Ntiknau, and the weird guy behind him who was more exaggerated than the mature rotting beetle, they immediately sent a long and strange ultrasound into the distant jungle.

At this time, the jungle is filled with flying whistles scattered by the bloody witch Mary, who, thanks to the ultrasonic ripples that outsiders have difficulty imitating and mastering, can quickly spread the news from one layer to the next.

So, a moment later, at the top of a tall ancient tree seven miles away, Marie turned around and looked through a layer of lush forest sea, falling far from the source of the message.

“We've got a trace of Entique. Let's go!” Mary, wearing a bloody armor, has undoubtedly lost her delicate body: “Soros, you're still in charge this time. Be careful, don't consume all my knights...”

By this time, Mary was no longer the lonely, slightly reckless and grumpy bloodsucker. Throughout the years, she struggled to run her own army of vampires in this exotic world, and the evil worm Ntik was entangled with each other's life and death.

This kind of experience makes her more and more of a leader!

At least in front of these vampires, she's their king, and she's their leader. Any vampire, even the second-degree Soros, lived or died between Mary's thoughts. And the entanglement of roots deep in the bloodline makes all blood slaves and derivatives absolutely faithful to Mary.

This is actually the scariest thing about vampire creatures!

“Yes, master!” Soroswen bowed herself to Mary, quickly turning into a giant blood-red bat with the three remaining blood knights, slapping their wings and gliding towards the distant mountain forest.

“Well, is the peripheral arrangement in place?” This time, instead of being a pioneer like before, Mary stood still and looked down at the jungle that sent the message.

The first batch of bloodsucking bats have rushed in.

The battle of your death and my life has broken, and the jungle of silence and tranquillity has quickly become a hustle and dust. The ancient trees soaring in the clouds trembled violently, and the plunging leaves and branches swept high by violent shockwaves.

And just for a moment, the first 45 vampire derivatives were all dead, which caused Mary to stand back a little bit unexpectedly.

“It's arranged, master!” It was the old fox Winrill, famous for his' intelligence ', who was on Mary's side at this moment, looking handsome, thin and tall, like a different man compared to the old man's previous look: “A legion of derivatives is in place in the periphery, and they will all swear to fight for you when you give your order! ”

“Then let them go!” Marie coldly said, "Anyway, I'm tired of this inferior world, and I'm just leaving after this war. Tickets to get out of here are too expensive for me to take that much waste. But if this is a good fight, you must have a ticket! ”

Mary's words, though light and flimsy, can fall in Winrill's ears, are no less than thunderbolts on sunny skies. Though he had a hunch and hidden guesses of what he had, he was still stunned by what Mary had written down today.

The Vampire Corps, now formed by Winrill with Marie's help, has reached an astonishing 2,000. And such a powerful legion made it difficult for Winrill to fall asleep for a few exciting days and nights.

But now, it was such an army, and it seemed like a gust of wind could blow away in Marie's mouth.

A powerful corps of lower worlds could not have taken such a place in Mary's heart. This… clearly goes far beyond the limits of Winrill's personal perception.

What is the master's world like?

Doesn't your struggle here make any sense?

What will happen to me if I am not seen by my master?


The more you think, the more panicked Winrill's heart is.

For the first time, he felt his past pattern was too small and too small to really keep up with the owner's footsteps. A man like him with no strength and no strength, if even his head is despised by his master, then what will be waiting for him?

“Master, I'm going to go over it again and make sure it's safe! The evil worm Ntik, will never let him escape our network this time..." Wenlier is almost swearing by biting his teeth off.

With Mary's consent, he quickly turned into a gray bat, squeaking towards his own men.

Tickets! I must get a ticket!

Although Mary didn't say what would happen to those who didn't get tickets, Wenlier dared swear by his life that it was not a simple break-up.

In the distant battlefield, a series of bursts erupted, and a raging torrent rammed wildly between the woods. Ancient trees crumble, the forest sea is turbulent, and masses of blood-sucking bats clash left and right in the dense forest, avoiding the energy debris that splashes wildly.

In Mary's perception, within twenty or thirty miles of each other, an unmistakable covert net has been formed and is slowly gathering around the battlefield.

As for Soros and other blood knights she had previously sent out, she had already lurked near the battlefield. As long as the evil worm Ntik dares to reveal his flaws, the commando team of the 2nd Knight will definitely leave him with memories of the horror he will never forget!

Well, finally, it's my turn!

With a slight smile, Mary's wings rose and her entire body turned into a red meteor, rapidly approaching the fierce battlefield.

A battle for the life and death of a worm ghost is about to strike!