Age of Adepts

Chapter 445: Dark Tides

Fei Denan City, Mage Tower.

Meryl left the Fergan Wizard's lab angrily.

Today is the opening time, a crowd of sorcerer apprentices rushed to the Witchcraft Hall with their books in their arms, and met Merrill Wizards, who had always been generous, hurried to hide on both sides of the corridor to bow and give their gifts.

If placed in the past, Meryl would certainly smile gently. But today she was in such a bad mood that she couldn't keep her smile on her face and returned angrily to her residence.

The anomaly of Merrill Wizard obviously also aroused the concern of many Wizard Apprentices. After she rushed away, they gathered together, and you whispered my words.

Most wizard apprentices certainly don't know anything about what's going on out there, but there's always some sperm in there. Even though they did not see it with their own eyes or hear any definite news, they could always deduce the whole thing by the traces of the spider.

Listen, they swore to Dandan that they would have to admire what they said about catching the wind with their noses and eyes. Sometimes conspirators don't know how big or how strong or weak they are, and counting people is always the way to go!

Just as they were talking about the heat of the day, the Kogan wizard, who taught today, had appeared at the end of the corridor.

“It's almost time. What are you guys doing here? Why don't you go to class..."

In the reprimand of the Kogan wizard with his face on his face, a group of wizard apprentices immediately broke up as birds and beasts and bowed away.

After all the apprentices had left, the Wizard of Kogan suddenly sighed and slowly walked to the Witchcraft Hall.

As the core wizard of the family, he may not be the strongest of the formal wizards, but he has sufficient loyalty to the Sarubo family. Of course, he knew what was happening between the top of the family and Grimm, but he couldn't change anything.

Cogan had the most contact with that Grimm, especially for their planning and strength. And the other two wizards promoted with Grimm, Mary the Bloody Witch and Entique the Evil Worm, are also talented generations. If those two weren't in an ectopic battlefield, I'm afraid their prestige in the family wouldn't be weaker than Grimm's.

If the Sarubo family is able to keep these three newcomers in full hands, the strong expansion of the family on the Wizard continent is a predictable thing. On that basis, if that Sanazza could advance to rank 4 within a hundred years, the Sarubo family could even jump to a smaller and smaller family in the central part of the continent.

At that time, the Salubo family would be able to occupy a fixed seat in the Scanditalin Wizards' Association and no longer be the players and chess players who could only bow their heads for orders.

But a powerful wizard must have a strong ambition!

There are signs that the Grimm wizard is clearly reluctant to suffer from the Sarubo clan. Although he and Lord Sarubo signed the centenary, what he did was clearly paving the way for a future fight alone.

This… will undoubtedly provoke discontent and repression at the top of the family.

Whatever happened in the distant city of Gilnice, he receives countless pieces of information every day and is well aware of the developments there. It's a swamp of nightmares enough to swallow any genius, and it was created by the deliberate and unintentional push of the family at the top.

Whether or not Grimm gets into the game, I'm afraid waiting for him will be a series of repressions already arranged by the top of the family.

If he is captured by the Yanu family, the family will surely borrow the downhill donkey and ‘redeem’ him back in open exchange. In this way, the powerful image that Grimm has been operating has collapsed dramatically.

That should strangle his ambition to go out alone!

Even if he did not enter, the situation in the city of Gilnice as a whole would be completely devastated, and he would not be able to escape the challenges and sanctions within the family. A ‘Fear of the Enemy' name rests on him and is enough to keep him breathless for decades.

Strong hitters like Grimm don't have to give up, but they can't let him do anything about it, so the necessary repression is still needed. However, the intensity of the oppression needs to be just right, otherwise it can easily lead to grievances.

Merrill had just gone to see a Vergan wizard, and Cogan could have guessed eight times nine even if he wasn't there. And you can see from Merrill's reaction what the Vergan Wizard said. However, he clearly disagreed with the brutality of the Vergan wizard.

Since Merrill cared about her teacher, she wanted to ask for backup in Gilnice City, so why not just say yes and let her take a few apprentices? This will also alleviate each other's ‘family's reluctance to reinforce' concerns!

As a new wizard, Merrill had little combat experience and would not be able to help Grimm, but would drag him seriously. Why not do such a good thing?

Unfortunately, the Furgan wizard is too old and rigid to know anything but the firm implementation of Lord Sanazar's instructions, but not the alteration. In this way, is it true that the Grim family is intentionally targeting their 'rumors’?

So, even if they succeed in suppressing Grimm in the future, they will willingly extinguish their ambitions?

I'm afraid you're hiding a lot of resentment in your heart!


As he pondered silently, the Kogan wizard shook his head away.


Gilneas City.

If the distant city of Federnand is in a dark tide, then the city of Gilnis is already on fire at this moment!

Resident apprentices at the Iron Ring Excavation Site and Level 2 Resource Points have returned to the Blue Stone Tower with sustained injuries, excluding Grimm's four apprentices. As for the two apprentices, only one Yuri returned, and the apprentice Morse, who guarded the resource point, disappeared with the fall of the resource point.

As the apprentices returned to the stone tower, there was also a small box containing a bloody human amputation. The apprentices identified it as one of Grimm's apprentices.

Although no deep feelings were developed with these apprentices, even if they were all killed, Grimm would not shed half a tear. But this blushing move still profoundly stimulated him.

Even in this situation, Grimm returned to the second level of the stone tower alone, after having briefly received and reassured the apprentices, without mentioning a word of revenge and revenge.

Looking at Grimm's distant back, the group of wounded in the lobby on the ground floor or lying or lying down had to complain. A couple of tempers are more than enough to whisper: “Fire demon... Fire demon... hey...”

Sabrina, who was helping them deal with the injuries, looked calm and seemed to have no idea, but young Billis obviously couldn't take it all. The angry defense said: “Adults also have adult difficulties, which is obviously a conspiracy against each other. What's the use of complaining like this? ”

“Conspiracy? What conspiracy? There was only one water wizard who tormented us from beginning to end, and we didn't see any other wizards.” Yuri is the prospective witch, and here he is the only one qualified to teach Bilis a lesson: “The enemy sent only one witch, if Lord Grimm wanted to come forward, how could he not let him take the pit and the resource points...”


“What are you...” Several apprentices with mutilated limbs had to waste a lot of magic crystals, hence a bad tone: “What were you doing hiding behind us when we vowed to die in the front and the enemy? ”

“Yeah! He's so tough, just send him to the resource point...”

“Don't dare fight the enemy, but accuse us here, huh...”

Faced with the rumors and gossip of the apprentices, Billis' face rose red and he could only try to justify his idol: “Lord Grimm is not who you think he is, he will surely come up with a way... you wait...”

“Wait… now that the pits and resource points are lost, what are we waiting for? ”

Sabrina gently dropped the cure in her hand, stood up and glanced in a cold sweep with a scarlet mechanical eye until the apprentices clasped her mouth before she returned and dragged Billis out of the lobby.

“Sabrina, do you believe them too? Do you think Lord Grimm is one of those frightened men? …" Billis remained angry and could not help but whisper.

Sabrina did not turn back, untied Billis and walked herself to the spiral stone ladder.

Before approaching the stone steps, she stopped, as if she were answering or complaining to herself: "They are witches!” Just say it and don't go back.

“Wizard? What happened to the wizard?” Billis is still confused: “Are wizards different from us? ”

Unfortunately, no one can answer that question.


The disturbances downstairs certainly do not hide Grim's spiritual perception.

The apprentice was full of impatience and anger, he could ignore it, but he couldn't feel it!

These Yanu wizards have gone too far to force themselves to do anything to take over the resource points. It is important to know that the families of the two sides, although somewhat obscene, have not declared war. The other side won't sue. It's a big taboo in the middle of the continent!

The Yanu family would certainly have to pay the price if the Sarubo family had worn this face and the people of the Lalai Dittalin Wizards Association had come to comment on it. In this way, however, the Sarubo family has declared their weakness to the entire dispersion Tallinn region, and even the enemy's attacks cannot be repelled and require outside interference.

This, no doubt, is a tremendous creation for the Sarubo family's prestige!

So his recklessness also left Grimm with no choice but to make him hate himself.

“Chip, how long will the data model take?” The Grim tone of the questioning was also accompanied by a hint of coldness.

“Di, 7 hours 23 minutes 15 seconds...”

Grimm punched him hard on the stone wall and chewed his teeth with a grin: “Then I'll give you another day of arrogance...”