Age of Adepts

Chapter 480: Strong Descent

Fighting continues under the night curtain.

True fires have been fired by both sides of the fighting and, despite the heavy toll of casualties, they persist.

Overall, the Abe bee side still occupies the battlefield initiative, and the bee warriors attacking in squad mode cannot resist attacking a single ogre with a quenching bow and arrow. Ogre warriors, on the other hand, adhere to their rough, resilient ethnic characteristics and have no fear of sporadic poison arrows, instead roaring at the Abe bee man with a gripping stone the size of his head.

In the jungle, soaring poison arrows and howling stones staggered each other, and bee warriors were smashed down into the canopy. The cannibal demon with hard skin, accompanied by Zach's wizard's bloodlust, emitted a photographic red light on the surface of his body, waving a stick against a dense poison arrow and impinging on the line of defense made up of bee warriors.

The individual power gap between the two sides is too great, and three or two bee warriors are not rivals of the ogre at all. Had it not been for the absolute predominance of Abe Bees, more than forty Ogres, led by double-headed Ogre Wizard Zach, would have rushed into the hive.

Each of these wild ogres is more than three meters tall and physically strong like a wildling man. They never wear armor and have no protective gear to cover their body or lower body except for a rudimentary animal skin around their waist.

Whenever Zach's wizards roared angrily behind the front, these ogres shouted loudly and shook hard at the bee front waving a wooden stick. Faced with the dense arrows of bees, they did not shy away, covering their vulnerable heads with thick left arms, waving their simple weapons and washing away.

Quenched and highly toxic wooden arrows are shot at them, most of them directly collapsed by hard skin, and only a few are able to penetrate the skin nails and hang on them. With these sporadic poison arrows, the Ogre Warrior has no concern at all and is still flying inward.

Strong bodies bring tough physique, and these poisonous arrows that can defeat ordinary jungle beasts can make Ogre Warriors feel stunned at best. When the bloodthirsty red flashes of the Zach wizard covered their bodies, the burgeoning body and resistance were immune to even this slight vertigo.

All Ogre Warriors storm wildly, attack wildly, and Bee Warriors in front of them are smashed into a bunch of blood sauce by wildly waving sticks.

Only two strange freaks can fight Ogre Warriors.

These two freaks look like locusts and bees, more than two metres long, with two pairs of translucent wings behind them. And the most impressive thing is how fast they fly like lightning, and that horrible giant jaw at the front of the wormhead.

They fly faster and lighter, carrying a red line and storming into the eyes of the Ogre Warrior.

Their sharp forelimbs, like knives, can directly penetrate the Ogre's crude arms. Once they are nailed to the enemy, they will then cut the Ogre Warrior's throat directly with the giant insect chews in front of his head.

If they continue to resist, they can also bite each other's necks directly with horrible mouthpieces.

Ogre demons, though powerful in resilience, cannot withstand such insane destruction.

So only in the jungle, two red lines flashed, and every time two different insects appeared, there was bound to be an ogre warrior suddenly falling in a shocking howl and growl.

Eating Demons Slaughter Bee Warriors is not slow, while Blood Locust Bees Slaughter Eating Demons is faster.

It was like a killing match between the two sides, and a violent storm broke out in the middle of the jungle.

Each of the two Blood Locust Bees has up to 11 points of strength, 8 points of health, and 13 points of agility. Without losing any Ogre, that horrible 13-point agility is enough to crush ordinary Ogre Warriors.

But they also obviously know the horrors of the double-headed Ogre Wizard Zach, so every time they strike, they target an ordinary Ogre, but only evade Zach's location. And while Zach is also known as a sorcerer, he unfortunately belongs to the power system.

Hemophilia, acceleration of attacks, or brute force technique all belong to the category of close assault witchcraft. Without catching up to two bloody locust bees, it's empty with horrible brutality, but it can't do anything about it.

As a result, Zach's raging rage as a bronze ravine growled from time to time in the battlefield.

And just as Abe Bees and Ogres fleshed, in a bush in the distance, an obscene shadow was crawling in the shadow of the woods, watching the flesh battlefield excited.

Billis, after a period of bloody killing, is also growing wildly in strength. Now he has reached the peak of a senior apprentice, one step away from a quasi-woman. So even knowing that he was here would be a certain danger, but out of his desire for strength, he still walked into the flesh battlefield, and while both sides of the battle were not ready, he quietly did what he did to steal chickens and touch dogs.

He kept a close eye on the battlefield and, once an Ogre Warrior had fallen, he commanded the Scorpion to dig from the ground. On time, while no one noticed, the scorpion burst out of the ground and dragged the body into the underground wormway.

Stealing corpses!

Things like this can only be done by guys like Billis who are completely distorted in heart and personality. If you switch to another sorcerer apprentice, you will never make this dangerous gesture of licking blood from the knife's mouth.

But just as Billis was cheering up, he suddenly struck a spiritual and turned to the southwest.

Just now... just now, a strange figure was suddenly captured by a strange bug's eyeliner placed on the periphery.

The red coat, the manta wings of Fu Zhang, the figure of Hannah, and that arrogant gesture of a lifetime.

For no reason, at the moment of seeing the red figure, an unknown palpitation and tremor suddenly erupted deep in Billis' heart. As if to see his natural enemies, Billis suddenly trembled beyond his control, from body, mind and soul.

Who's the other side?

I know I don't know her, but why is this body so afraid of her?

Mary came with her four men on the battlefield at a time when Billis was stunned and elusive.

With a thundering tsunami, accompanied by drifting branches, Mary patted the wide manta wings behind her, descending from the sky like a beautiful goddess of battle, in a lightly suspended position 5 meters from the ground.

Behind her, three tall knights with full armor stomach stood silently, scarlet eyes sweeping fiercely at every life in the field, behind the black bottom red edged knight cape high and flying.

And Old Fox Winrill is still a middle-aged aristocrat costume, tall on a large branch in a tree crown, staring at the battlefield with excitement. In his eyes, every life on the battlefield is a good ‘blood diet’.

“Human sorcerer, you crossed the line!” Faced with a few powerful arrivals, the double-headed Ogre Wizard Zach couldn't help but roar at Mary.

“Cut, you monsters always learn to play by the rules. Remember, this is the Black Forest. Whoever has a big fist is the truth!” Mary Scarlet's eyes grew brighter and brighter, bleeding mist from her body.

“Monsters, tremble! Scream! I... Mary will be the master here from now on! ”

With the proclamation of a declaration of war, Mary Manta's wings converged and her entire body turned into a red light, instantly falling to the side of the double-headed ogre Zach.

Never knowing what fear was, Zach roared and the red light appeared on his body, and the thick wooden stick in his hand hit the red light with a whirring wind.

With the aid of accelerating attacks, Zach moves nearly twice as fast as before. But in the face of Bloody Mary's hypersensitive figure, this is still not fast enough.

Red flashes through the bars almost millicentimetres apart, flashing against Zach's right rib.

Thirty meters away in a wooded space, the red flashes and the figure of Marie Fischena appears. When she lifted her hands and licked the blood on her sharp, bladed claws, the crowd suddenly realized that Zach had been hurt.

Ten deep and shallow scratches emerged on Zach's right rib, and the original tough and bovine skin was clearly irresistible to hand claws with blood energy, leaving Zach with ten minor and insignificant wounds.

This kind of injury, with the strong body of a double-headed cannibal demon, is really nothing. Normally, it only takes three to five seconds for the wound to shut up and then calm down in half an hour.

Surprisingly, however, the wound that appeared on Zach's body at this moment hinted around silk and blood, depending on how Zach provoked it, the wound just healed would burst again under the erosion of blood gas.

“Damn, what is this?” Zach roared angrily, the wooden stick waving the tiger breeze, and a bright red halo began to burst on his body.


Attack accelerated!

Brute Force Technique!

With these auxiliary sorceries, the power of the double-headed Ogre Sorcerer Zach is spreading wildly. Once again, it roared at the enemy that made it furious!

But this time standing with it is not Mary, but Soros, a blood knight with a full stomach.

The 2nd Order Knight, though some of his names were untrue, had a strong body. Thus, in a tough battle, the double-headed ogre Zach was defeated by his opponent in his best field.

3 Tier 2 knights from the exotic side, can only play 1 elite strength in the wizard world. But enough is enough to clean up these crude wild monsters!

As Billis hid in the dark and watched Mary and the three Blood Knights turn the battlefield upside down like a cyclone, chopping down a tall, powerful Ogre Warrior like a chopping melon, his heart palpitated more and more.

Maybe it's time to escape!

Billis was secretly thinking.

But when he came back, the evil smile of old Fox Winrill appeared in front of him.