Age of Adepts

Chapter 505 Black Sun

To be fair, the basic strength of this Mechanical Squad is still possible.

Members have the base strength to reach the rank of old wizard, and their captain, Tigul, even possesses the strength of a second-degree wizard. However, their strengths and weaknesses are more pronounced.

Drivers of combat magic are well-trained geomechanics who hide in cramped compartments, and there are still numerous blind spots in areas that can be observed through the lens. And they themselves are still too weak, and once the enclosure of the magic is broken, they tend not to withstand the wizard's casual blow.

But the thing that most constrains the power of magic is that they lack enough ferrous alloys.

They build battle magic using the most robust classo alloy in the geotechnical surface, which has reached remarkable levels of firmness and flexibility. Too bad, the anti-demon attribute is too weak!

The spermatozoa lack magic creatures, so they don't invest in a superior ferrous alloy for a handful of monsters. This leads to battle magic being easily punched through metal shells by wizards when subjected to excessive witchcraft attacks.

The combination of so many factors has caused the collapse of the Mechanical Corps in front of us.

The Tigul is quite powerful, but lacks the means to hold the wizards captive.

The red coat, the witch with the manta wings behind her, seemed weak, but moved quickly to make Tigul sweat. If you want to kill her, Tigul has raised the limit of speed, and you can only eat the dirt behind each other.

The evil wizard, who was good at repelling insects, was even more cunning, and whenever Tigul tried to get close to him, he would blow up the scorpion and flee all over the place. Although Tiqoul was able to burn a batch with a spray gun, it did not seem to have any effect on that bug witch.

Soon, those fleeing scorpions will regroup to look like wizards elsewhere, and then continue to direct the swarm to submerge one battle magic after another.

As for the Evil Sorcerers' leader, the enemy, who is overflowing with flames, is even more difficult.

Flame jumps every three seconds allow him to appear anywhere on the battlefield at any time.

He seems to have abandoned direct killing of the members of the Magic Corps, but has frequently exploited his displacement and fierce flame attacks to easily smash the energy shield of the battle magic outside the body. As for the battle magic that lost its energy shield protection, he would throw it directly at the other two wizards with his flaming hands, while he focused on crushing the hard shell outside the walnut.

With their good cooperation, the number of members of the Thirteen Mechanical Mechanical Regiments continues to decrease.

And that glitchy Tikool couldn't do anything but roar and chase behind them.

In all seriousness, Tikool still possesses a wealth of metallic goblin magic fighting methods, with ultra-range goblin missiles and rockets, remote burst guns, intermediate-range spray guns, and near-range steel-body iron fists. With such strength, even against a second-degree monster, you can fight.

But how many evil sorcerers come across these tricks?

Sorry, the technique is still too single, there are still too few means that can pose a serious threat to wizards...

Yet at a time when the Mechanical Warriors were being bloody slaughtered by Grimm and others, the distant floating giant ship, high above the dome, was also slowly leaning towards the battlefield.

Through a giant crystal lens, countless goblins are watching evil wizards slaughter their peers' live broadcasts' in anger in the battle hall.

Watching a fellow warrior manipulate the battle magic was defeated by the wizards by various means, then easily penetrated the metal deck to kill the goblin mechanic inside, the atmosphere in the field exploded instantly!

Hundreds of fiercely angry screamers, one fiercely demanding battle from the Commander of the Captain, all of whom are elite mechanics trained by the Empire of Terrestrial Strength.

“Wait… wait… wait… what are we waiting for?” A goblin mechanic dyed a yellow hair jumped on the table and growled angrily: “Our partner was massacred down there. We have hundreds of battle magic here. Although we can't beat them one-on-one, they can also be stacked to death. So what are we waiting for now? ”

“Yeah... why didn't you order us to fight? ”

“We demand war…”

A pointy roar echoed here in the war hall, and the emotions that had just been suppressed were ignited again.

“Because this is the order of His Royal Highness Prince Gazrovi!” Giant ship commander Tortoise is in full uniform, cold lane.

It was like a cold wind suddenly shaving from the hearts and minds, and the battle hall on the hustle and dust was dead again. All the geotechnical mechanics sat silently down and dared not make a scene anymore.

At this time the great empire of the Goblin, the name Gazruwi, is a totem and a symbol, representing the future of all the goblins and the hope of the rise of the great empire of the Goblin. So even at this moment they still don't understand the orders above, but after hearing this name with a special meaning, they can only sit down one by one and wait for the orders with humiliation.


The Chamber of Secrets in the Heart of the Giant Ship.

Old Prince Gazruwi is watching the battle on the ground with fanaticism.

Watching that infinite layer of flaming witchcraft, watching the strong witch of half a man and half a bat, watching the weird insect repellent witch, although it was their own Magic Corps that was frantically softened by them, Gazruwi, instead of showing enough excitement and enough madness.

Since becoming a prince, it has taken off its ugly white trench coat, but the goblin multifunction detection glasses on the right eye have not.

At this time, it's interesting to observe the way the witch fights, while measuring the energy level of the witch attack with different instruments.

When an amazing number is projected onto a one-sided lens, the old goblin can't help but shout.

Especially when its one-sided lens locks the Fire Witch, the opponent raises his hand and throws enough to unleash a Witchcraft energy level that is always in the state of a power explosion table, and every number that rolls on the lens is bloody red.

“Tortoise, prepare the magic cannons, I want to see how powerful these wizards can be!” The old goblin grabbed a golden horn and screamed loudly.

“Yes, Lord Prince! ”

As the order was issued, the position of the floating giant ship, the metal deck split left and right, and a one-meter diameter black-hole cannon opening was detected from inside. Then, as the hull trembled violently, a massive amount of magical energy was transferred from the hull's power compartment into the sperm cannon, the mouth of the cannon gradually lit up a glowing, blind, terrible black light.

In the Chamber of Secrets, the old geisha manipulated the cannon, pointing the pointing cross a little bit at the tall standing fire witch. Through a giant lens, the old goblin was able to clearly see the fire witch raising her head and burning the eyes of a deep red flame colliding with its gaze over thousands of meters.

“Taste my goblin cannon… invaders!” The old goblin slapped the crystal button on the tabletop after a high-pitched scream.


A floating giant ship shook and a thrilling black column of light shook lightning fast * towards Grimm.

The anomaly in the sky, Grim, was already aware of it.

That extraordinary amalgamation of powerful magic energy is like a round of rising black sun, making it difficult to ignore its existence.

Grimm bounced all his enemies off his side by a resistance ring, which led him to stand tall and look up and feel the intentions of the other side.

This is a group of unmodulated magic energy, immersed in the chaotic magical nature of the void, which should be extracted directly from the void energy inside the space furnace.

From this point of view, there must be a stable operating space furnace in the core area of this floating giant ship.

The Goblins do not possess elemental talent, and therefore it is difficult to convert the energy of void into magical sorcery in all its forms. So they can only amass void energy, and then they can use it in the most rudimentary way possible by firing it directly.

Void energy, however, possesses the properties of annihilation and chaos and is also a tremendous destruction for the elemental energy of stability in the wizard. So the goblins used a simple, crude attack, but it had a lot of power.

Watching the black sun shine at the other side's gunpoint, watching the other side's hull tremble violently, looking at a black light column pen coming straight into the air, the target facing his chest...

Blacklight is not fast, but the void energy engulfed therein can obviously disrupt the balance of elements within the surface. So everywhere the black light goes, the void on the surface becomes trembling, and the air is ringing, and the energy of the crackling element is ringing, and the chain reaction is ringing.

A black column of light, originally less than a meter in diameter, had diffused into a giant column of light of twenty metres square by the time it lashed halfway. And when it hits Grimm, the columns are a hundred meters wide, and the attack intensity of the unit area is thousands of degrees.

It's not a thousand degrees, it's a thousand degrees of energy attack!

In the dark of his heart, a flame jump from Grimm flashes out the furthest distance. Mary, who was on the brink of a black light attack, fled at a terrible rate that the naked eye could not discern.

This time it was bitter without the manipulative witchcraft of the bug, Billis.

Once he was frustrated, the whole person went underground as a tide of worms. And the dozen scorpion warworms flocked wildly elsewhere, gathering on top of their heads a layer of overlaid black worm shield.

But thousands of degrees of Void Energy Attack isn't so easily digested.

The next second, Billis pays a terrible price for his arrogance!