Age of Adepts

Chapter 521 Night Camp

This is a typical Goblin Civil War!

Civil wars are modest owing to site constraints, but the course of the fighting has been exceptionally harsh and bloody.

Both heads of State are trapped in a metal ore storage warehouse measuring less than 700 square feet, with a steady influx of peripheral troops. This also allowed the bullet land to instantly become the Shura slaughterhouse, where the two main players were killed and hanged.

The position of the Royal Guard to protect the princess at this moment is extremely embarrassing.

There were twenty or thirty battle magic machines in front of them, while enemy death squads were wrestling each other, and they were caught in the middle of them, losing data. I don't know where to run for a while.

After all, the town of Goblin belongs to the royal territory, where the number of Goblin fighting troops accumulated undoubtedly far overwhelms the recruited Gazrovi militia. But unfortunately, it is precisely because of this obvious quantitative advantage that Princess Winnissa and the Secretary of State relaxed their vigilance.

They can't imagine this arrogant Gazruwi daring to commit such barbaric robbery on their land.

At a time when the Evil Wizard was flourishing in the geographic position, the old magician not only ignored the olive branches thrown by Her Highness, but put forth a posture that would rather provoke the civil war of the goblin than take the princess into his hands. This… this brainless behavior is clearly beyond normal thinking!

Therefore, Princess Winisa muttered painfully as the guards retreated: “Crazy... it must be crazy...”

Even smart as she is, it's hard to understand the madness of a dying old goblin. Especially when this dying old goblin still sees himself in his heart as the future and hope of the great empire of the earth, and when his life reaches its final end, how strong is the yearning for survival that has surfaced!

If the Great Empire of Earth cannot rise under its leadership, it would rather sink with it all!

The battle is still going on...

As the main offender, the old geisha secretly brought in no more private armies than the local army, but they were far above the Royal Guard of the Long Away Front, both in terms of equipment quality and combat quality. And before coming, the old elite seemed to have set a goal for the trip.

So their target was clear, the battle was rational, and almost immediately after the start of the war, they burst into control of all the strategic locations around the warehouse.

The Royal Guard in the warehouse, while still struggling to resist, is at a clear disadvantage. Under each other's purse, the number of Royal Guard fighters fell dramatically, quickly from the initial hundred to less than ten.

As for the royal garrison, it was difficult to get close to the periphery because of a sudden incident that had been blocked by a magic unit. So at the same moment, inside and outside the warehouse, there were battle magic and goblin warriors who were fighting against each other.

Magical weapons, alchemy weapons, and gunpowder weapons are everywhere on this battlefield, and have been transformed into terrible weapons of murder by the wise goblins. At every moment, dozens, if not hundreds, of sperm fell painfully, falling victim to this chaos.

When the last goblin guard was sieved by a random gun, there was only Princess Winnissa left on the field, and a piece of magic alone in Tigul. What they need to face is double-digit combat magic and three-digit goblin mercenaries.

There are as many as three enemy first-order sperm mechanics of the same order as Tiqoul, and they are also mastered by the clear second-degree magic.

After a bloodbath, Tikool's spider magic was also scarred and his combat performance was greatly degraded.

Eight feet spread evenly across both sides of the body, with only five left at this moment, and the rapid firearm firing matrix, which was heavily surrounded by spider bodies, was also smashed for the most part. Even the high-radiation flamethrower on the back of the metal body of the spider is long gone, leaving only a half-cut metal base there...

If those are the only problems facing us, the battlefield in front of us will still not be able to trap Tiqoul, who has the courage to kill. But Vanessa, who lost her guard, hid behind her, which also deprived Tikool of the possibility of high-speed displacement to evade the enemy's mechanical attacks.

Often it even had to actively use its metal body to shield Vanessa from stray bullets and 'accidental injuries'. Thus, even Tiqoul, invincible as he faced a loop of slowly approaching enemies, had a hint of ‘heartbreaking' frustration.


When countless black-hole gunshots drove them to the center, Tiqoul threw away his hand and tore it in half with first-order magic, giving up his resistance in darkness.

So close, like so many enemies, it's impossible to hold the princess safe any longer. If we continue, any random stray bomb could be fatally harmful to Princess Vanessa. At that time, even if it killed more enemies, it was doomed not to save the princess's life.

And losing a princess is an unbearable nightmare for a vast empire of geodesy!

So the princess must live!

When Princess Winnie fell completely into the hands of the old goblins, the fighting in the periphery stopped.

All Royal Goblin commanders have become overwhelmed, wondering whether to continue the offensive or move into immediate negotiations with the enemy. Under the mouse whiskey, even the old goblins wrapped around Princess Winnissa and boarded the sperm boat that came to pick them up. The Royal Legion of the Goblins did not dare launch an indiscriminate attack and could only watch them leave the battlefield.


The battle, which took place near the Royal Castle, began suddenly and ended suddenly.

Without Mary's prior 'eyeliner’ inside the goblin, I'm afraid the wizard side had no idea that the heads of the two forces in the goblin had met secretly.

Owing to the very tight information blockade on the part of the geologists, Grimm et al. received specific information only three days after the incident. At that time, the old goblin Gazruwi had already returned to the Iron and Steel Capital with his‘ spoils'.

It was originally the capital of the great empire and belonged to the power of the Goblin royal family. But with the rise of the radical forces of the geologists, the Iron and Steel Capital gradually became a meeting place for all the major treasury valves and groups.

Especially in recent decades, as the study of magic has deepened, a great deal of wealth and resources has rapidly gathered in the hands of a venture capital firm led by Gazrovi. As a result, these radical goblins were recruiting and buying horses and producing magical weapons on a large scale, quickly forming an ever-larger geological organization dominated by armed chambers of commerce.

The heads of these parishioners are businessmen, financial valves, and powerful armed bandits.

Under their compulsion, conservative traditional geodesic forces could only withdraw overtly from the Iron and Steel Capital, the centre of power of the Enlightened Empire.

So now the Iron and Steel Metropolis is the home camp of the insanely old Gazrovi!

Grimm received very vague and disorganized information about the fighting that broke out between the traditional and radical forces of the geologists. So Grimm still can't figure out what that crazy old goblin is thinking?

Wealth and resources? For a small indigenous population, Gazruwi is only one step away from the first. Rationally, it should no longer be so radical as to provoke the rage of the traditional faction!

Then the only thing that can explain its behavior is a rumor that spreads across the geological spectrum. Rumor has it that the world's smartest goblin is now the only thing to consider is eternal life. And all the crazy things it's doing right now could be related to a plan called "immortality."

Just as Grimm and others gathered in a hidden hillside, their camp suddenly had a mysterious guest.



Night curtain is low.

Below the beautiful sky is a forest of tranquillity and darkness.

Tiqoul was a lonely enclave of sorcerers and then submitted to Grimm a draft cooperation agreement with the Royal Seal of the Goblin in front of a bright campfire.

As the head of the wizard, Grimm was of course the first person to browse this bizarre agreement.

After watching this agreement with a weird look on his face, Grimm stuffed parchment into Alice's hand and silently looked across the campfire at the weary, spirited Goblin Warrior.

Alice quickly read it and passed it back to Mary...

Then, in the shortest period of time, all the wizards sitting around the campfire circulated the agreement over and over.

While Grimm was taking a serious look at Tiqoul, the Goblin was also sneaking up on every mysterious witch in the camp.

It has to be admitted that in appearance alone, this group of exotic wizards does deserve their name, mysterious, weird, evil, and unexpectedly powerful.

According to Tiqoul, when these wizards first appeared, there seemed to be only one, the weird bug witch, whose whole body was wrapped in a thick black robe. His power, as bizarre as his form, not only drives terrible scorpions, but even his body can turn into tens of millions of scattered invisible black beetles.

With this weird and powerful ability, it is very difficult for the goblin to really hurt his body with the weapon in his hand. It is said that this dreadful bug witch did not die even from a shelling of a geotechnical cannon during the war against Prince Ghazrovi.

At his next appearance, the Goblin could not even find any signs of weakness or injury on his body.

An evil sorcerer who cannot be killed in any way!

This… is one of the most fearsome opponents for Tikool, who knows the power of the Magnificent Cannon!

Yet it is such an evil sorcerer who is clearly marginalized in this sorcerer's camp. This can be seen in the order in which protocols are circulated.

Although the wizards in this camp seem to have good relations and are able to share valuable information in such an enlightened manner, there is still a very marked hierarchical gap in status between them.