Age of Adepts

Chapter 529: The Resurrection of Gazruwi

Ceremony Hall.

Even if it's bloody rain and foul winds out there, it's still a busy and lively scene.

A geotechnical researcher in a white coat rushed in and out, commanding a geotechnical technician to inspect metal pipes and control hubs stretching several kilometres in the mountain belly.

If the Iron and Steel Capital is activated in the future, these 3-meter diameter metal pipes will become the blood vessels of the Great Emperor's mechanical life, and that huge space furnace will become its heart. As for the old goblin Gazrovi, he will also be resurrected in the body of the Titan giant of the Great Emperor and become the true master of this enormous thing.

Yes, that's the real plan of the old goblin Gazrovi!

Neither the ritual of immortality nor the encroachment of wizards and dragon men are only part of Gazruwi's own 'Titan Plan’.

Using so many means, Gazrovi finally concentrated all the people and resources he needed inside the Iron and Steel Capital. Although wizards and dragon men are still free to move and are not under its control, as long as they are here, everything is enough.

The enormity of the Iron and Steel Capital is something that everyone has seen. To activate such a huge steel city into a magical life requires so much life and so much soul that it is beyond everyone's imagination.

So Gazrovi's design introduces elite combat power to all geological features. At that time, not only will 120,000 goblins living in the Iron and Steel Capital become sacrifices, but their own private armies, the Royal Legion, the Wizard and the Dragon Man will also become the nourishment for the resurrection of the demon Titan.

And it, the most intelligent goblin in the world, will blend with the power of this exuberant life into the steel capital of the past to become the everlasting four-stage demon Titan.

By that time, the geological location will also be the pedal on which it rises, making it a new generation of demons in the transverse world. And it will add a new species to the multiverse, magical life!

Until then, however, it needs a great deal of vitality to blend itself with the Iron and Steel Capital.

Inside the ceremonial hall, Gazruvi's aging body lay flat on a metal operating table and his skull had opened like a petal. As for the brain, it was carefully removed by loyal magicians and placed in a giant glass jar, 10 meters in diameter and 50 meters high.

The glass can is filled with light green nutrients at this moment, and Gazruvi's only human fist-sized brain swims almost like a tadpole. A dozen tentacles float beneath the trembling brain, and it is their swing that gives the gray brain basic mobility.

As the fighting progressed, a dead dragon man was sent into the ceremonial hall, and their bodies were thrown into several small lymphatic pools next to them. Their bodies, their souls, everything they have, will melt into a pure solution of life that will be infused into a glass jar and become a nourishment for the continued growth of Gazruvi's brain.

So an hour after the battle, Gazruvi's otherwise tiny brain had grown into a three-metre diameter brain worm and started swimming happily in nutrient fluids.

The growth and development of the brain has also enabled the spermatozoa known as magic insulators to acquire some strange psychic powers. Without even having to rely on those technological instruments, Gazruwi also has the ability to communicate with the outside goblins.

And as the brain continues to expand, this psychotic energy is constantly being strengthened, and some spiritual witchcraft in similar fields is gradually emerging.

Psychiatry, Spike, Psychiatric Whiplash, Psychiatric Shock, Psychiatric Control, Hypnosis, Psychiatric Hallucinations...

Poor thing, one has never heard of the constant emergence of spiritual and psychic witchcraft that has never been touched, which also makes Gazruvi, who has never experienced extraordinary power, inexplicable. The giant brain worm wandered through the glass jar, and then repeatedly inspired these strange witchcraft abilities.

Overall, those shallow psychic powers can be applied with skill almost immediately. However, some slightly more complex psychotic powers, such as mental control, such as a mind explosion, have been repeatedly applied and remain unavailable.

After all, these things are not acquired through hard learning and study, but through the constant growth of the brain's spiritual power, and when it grows to a certain extent, it is as if it can hear and see some mysterious pieces of knowledge from outside.

In many cases, these psychotic abilities, the gifted abilities that come with a certain degree of mental strength, are almost impossible to master without learning. The essence of Gazrovi is undoubtedly too low a spiritual origin for many gifted instincts to grasp successfully.

Yet, at a time when Gazrovi was not happy to play, outside fighting had developed to the point of desperate heat.

Old Goblin, no, the geological defense line of the brain worm Gazruvi is no longer resistant to the attacks of wizards and dragon men, many key narrow-minded defects and massacres of goblin militias and mercenaries.

But instead of paying any attention to it, the brain worm Gazruwi gave his own men a most brutal massacre order, inspired by his heart.

So when Grimm and Alice stepped onto the road to the space furnace, a bloody massacre took place in the steel capital, thousands of feet above.

The Iron and Steel Metropolis, as a geotechnical city, also has numerous gardens and squares.

At this moment, these public areas are already occupied by a large number of geogenic slaves.

One by one, they were tied to a rope and knelt on the ground, while the surrounding streets had been blocked by goblin chariots. A live geologist mercenary highs over the surrounding geologic buildings, pointing a gun in a black hole at a geologist slave in the field.

As the order was given, the gunpoint of the black hole ejected a long flame of rulers, and the stormy metal barrage fell into the 'crowd’ like a rain spot. A goblin slave tearing his heart apart crying and crying can still do nothing.

The goblins in a square were killed locally in a combined killing by goblin chariots and goblin mercenaries. Their bright red blood flows happily out of their sieve-like bodies, converging into a stream on the metal floor, and then through the sewer system into a giant wave of blood, straight into the core of the underground system.

In the ceremonial hall, a blood tank is kept full as a large amount of blood converges. And the glass jar where the brain worm Gazruvi was sitting became scarlet, and the thick blood gradually devoured its‘ body ’.

Although it is difficult to spy on the changes taking place in the tank from the outside, through the flickering and shaking of the blood waves, it still appears that there is a massive struggle in it. From time to time, one or two terrible one-meter thick tentacles thump hard against the clear tank of the glass tank, where they wriggle and a bowl-sized suction cup is clearly visible.

It seems that danger is perceived to be approaching, and Gazruvi's evolutionary journey has clearly accelerated, and the number of geodesies at blood sacrifices over the city has quickly peaked. With more than 120,000 inhabitants of the Iron and Steel Capital and civilians captured from the vicinity by Gazruwi's private forces, the number of blood-saving sperm reached a record 150,000.

Such a vast force of life, as the blood is introduced underground, serves as a catalyst for Gazruvi's fusion with the Iron and Steel Capital, and makes the entire underground space wicked and weird.

Gazrovi's mental strength continues to grow and has penetrated the glass tank, beginning to penetrate in all directions. Metal components, alchemy machines, control platforms, battle magic, magic weapons that would not otherwise have any vitality… As long as they are within the confines of Gazruvi's mental power, there is slowly starting to be a hint of spiritual awareness feedback.

Where Gazruvi's spiritual power extends, it shines a bright light and begins to undergo widespread distortion as Gazruvi's spiritual consciousness unfolds.

In just a minute, Gazrovi activated the ceremonial hall as part of his body. And with the madness of life, its consciousness began to extend along ubiquitous energy pipelines and control systems to other areas of underground space.

Soon, the whole underground space became part of its body!

However, the assimilation of space furnaces in Gazruvi is extremely difficult compared to the assimilation of unconscious metal and alchemy machines. The fierce magic energy of flickering vibrations in the space furnace is like hot magma, and every touch can bring it to life in pain.

In the past, Gazrovi will certainly leave the space furnace at the end and do everything possible to expand his area of consciousness within the Iron and Steel Capital. Unfortunately, time is too tight for it!

In its spiritual perception, the front door in the lobby began a new wave of oscillations, as if there were new movements in the dragon face. If backup arrives, it can have an unpredictable impact on Gazrovi's resurrection plan.

So Gazruwi has used his power to cut off all the energy pipes leading to the sitting hall. But the dragon men seemed to have another source of energy, and by themselves supported the operation of the front door.

As a last resort, Gazrovi had to redeploy a reinforced Magic Corps of the Goblins from the outside, allowing them to make a shortcut to the Front Lobby to stop the transmission of the Dragon Follow-up Army.

In addition to the dragon side, Gazruwi found more than a dozen foreign invaders in his‘ body ’. The most frightening of them all, the Horror Witch, had taken a witch with her and unknowingly dived very close to the space furnace.

This… is causing more and more vigilance on the part of Gazrovi!