Age of Adepts

Chapter 531 Mouse Eradication

Gazrovi's brain is moving at high speed.

Everything that just happened in a minute went through its mind like a playback video.

From the witch being put down by the fire witch to her carelessly wandering through the rays of energy in the sky until she bypassed herself and went through the iron gate guarded by the heavily guarded soldiers behind her into the pit of the space furnace... the whole process was clear and intuitive, and even suddenly seemed plain, nothing to pay attention to.

But... this is the battlefield at the moment of life and death!

Gazrovi's extremely strengthened brain and spiritual perceptions throughout the Iron and Steel Capital, how could there be such a big leak that a terrible witch walks around with herself?

This is something that should never have happened... but it just happened!

Even if the situation was remembered retrospectively afterwards, Gazruvi still did not understand why he had turned a blind eye to an enemy witch and left it to the core.

It's not stealth, it's not visual evasion, it's not a phantom body... after all, any witchcraft is inevitable to have slight fluctuations in technique. And what kind of witchcraft can Gazrovi's current spiritual power hide from its spiritual perception?

Think and think, Gazruwi can only blame the witch for her gifted instincts.

The witch seemed to possess a strange ability to make herself ‘invisible', allowing all enemies, friends, and subconsciously to ignore her existence. And this, like the natural enchantment of enchantment, the natural kinship of elves, is a gifted instinct, without witchcraft fluctuations. So it's easy for ignorant people to suddenly meet each other.

Understood that the coming giant brain immediately poured bright lights around, ready to instantly move to the space furnace and kill the strange witch by the quickest means possible. But at the moment when the giant brain was about to start, a flame of flame broke out beneath it, interrupting its behavior.

Grimm used the flame to jump off the clamp of the metal tunnel and came to the side of the giant brain, tying it with a giant flame cage. Despite the fact that the flame cage only existed three times and was overwhelmed by a sudden outbreak of mental alienation, the intention of the giant brain to move away was also dashed.

The anxious giant brain waves angrily down the ganglion, exciting * the light of mind in different colors.

These spiritual lights are not only ready-to-play, difficult to escape, but also have a completely different tactical effect than ordinary witchcraft. Without letting these lights strike you, I'm afraid it's difficult for anyone to judge its efficacy solely by its surgical appearance.

Like these soul lights, some fall on you and turn into a curse effect similar to 'weakness', some fall on you and turn into a direct attack effect such as' spiritual whip ’, and others fall on empty ground and open a portal, pulling distant hands directly to the scene...

Ever since I transformed myself into a giant brain, this former Gazruwi has become a strange one with three levels of strength. Without a strong body, coupled with the fact that it does not seem to be familiar with this new form of survival, I fear Grimm will struggle to resist the infinite array of psychotic powers and constant reinforcements.

Nearly insanely summoned by the giant brain Gazruwi, a portal opened, pulling up a team of sperm squadrons of up to 200 people on the field.

200 goblins, sounds pretty daunting. But if each of them is fitted with a battle magic or a goblin chariot, then this group of individuals, no less powerful than a junior apprentice, will be enough to temporarily retreat a second-degree wizard like Grimm from its flashes.

Even among the goblins, Grimm saw two familiar figures.

Sabrina the Mechanical Wizard and Tigul the Goddess of Goblin Warfare.

They seem to have lost control of their bodies, mingled among a group of goblins, launching waves and waves of heavy attacks against Grimm. Especially Sabrina, who not only opened the fire, but also traded Grimm to her wizard puppet growler.

Faced with these two powerful opponents, coupled with a stormy magic weapon attack, even with Grimm's strength, you can only frequently jump flames to avoid being caught by each other's fire. And every time a flame jumps, Grimm takes the time to launch a large-scale flame witchcraft that strives to reduce the number of Goblin squadrons.

And while his men were grappling with Grimm's gap, the giant brain Gazruwi finally successfully launched the space transmission and moved himself into the pit where the space furnace was located.

Numerous geotechnical researchers in white coats are busy surrounding a tall, raised metal tank in a huge pit filled with thick metal lines. They maintain a variety of geotechnical instruments at all times and constantly regulate the valve sizes and switches of the diverting pipelines of each metal pipeline, closely observing the energy and pressure equilibrium within the metal tank.

This is not a battlefield, depending on how busy they are, but not less than a thrilling battle!

On the front line, the Goblin warrior's small mistake could lead to the loss of a life. But here, the mistake of any geotechnical researcher could lead to a pressure imbalance in the space furnace, triggering a crackling terror explosion.

Once upon a time, the explosion of a space furnace on a floating giant ship more than 10 times smaller than here could trigger a dramatic change in natural disasters within dozens of kilometres. If the space furnace explodes here, no one can imagine the catastrophic consequences.

Yet among these busy geological researchers, there is a mix of high-profile and clingy figures. From time to time, she couldn't help but look at her work silently in front of a geological researcher and look very interesting.

As for the huge tank that stood in the middle of the hole, the exterior was completely obscure and it was connected to various pipelines, large and small. The pipeline runs halfway across the earth into the walls of the diamonds and does not know where it leads to the Iron and Steel Capital.

And at the bottom of the tank, it's dense and numb with a lot of ugly patches. A sudden glance would make one think that it was an inferior and humble geotechnical creation, and it would be difficult to associate it with that tall, upper-space furnace.

However, such a broken toy, which resembles a cluttered splicing of small sperm, represents the highest level of alchemy at the geological level. And it has entrusted the geogenic dimension with the hope of escaping from lower civilizations and jumping to higher levels!

The metal tank in front of you appears to be plain and ordinary, but the body is made of an extremely sparse quillas alloy. Not only is this alloy surprisingly ductile and resilient, it also possesses anti-demonic properties that other alloys in the geostationary plane do not possess.

If you compare its antidemonic properties with the witchcraft materials of the witchcraft world, you can also rank in the top ten. This is already incredibly expensive for a small position!

And more expensive is its output.

Even if Gazruwi's rights swept the empire and searched the entire geological spectrum, it would have earned only 200 tons of Queras ore. And Queras Ore is one of the most important raw materials for making Queras alloys. As for the space furnace in front of you, you need at least 30 tons of Queras alloy to build it.

So, even if the Empire were to do everything in its power, it could only create 6—7 space furnaces of this size. Once Quitra alloys have been depleted and they are unable to acquire new sources of ore, the footsteps of geophysical expansion can only come to an end.

Highly confidential like this, even in the Gazruwi camp, only a few goblins knew, but Alice knew all about it after a lap around these goblin researchers.

Yet just as Alice figured out how to deal with this space furnace to get the most out of it, the blank light shined in the cave hall, and a mountainous brain emerged empty.

As soon as the giant brain Gazruvi had transmitted, more than a dozen ganglia beneath him swung like octopuses to Alice in the earth's sperm. Look at that big, one-meter diameter tentacle swinging with the whistling wind, with absolutely nothing to worry about Alice's side goblin performance.

Ever since Gazrovi's whole consciousness came back to life in his brain, he no longer sees himself as a goblin. These goblin researchers, engineers, alchemists, technicians who spend time with it on weekdays and mornings are nothing more than servants who can be easily used. Had it not been for the temporary inability to find new servants to replace them, Gazruvi would not have mind wiping these inferior and inferior creatures from his own body.

Alice looked at the flesh tentacles drawn from the whistle, and Xiu Mei's eyebrows twitched slightly, and one flashing appeared on the other side of the metal tank. Meat tentacles seemed soft and non-threatening, but a bang smashed a whole metal architecture of the sperm console and smashed six sperm researchers around the console into meat sauce.

At first sight, the physical attack was ineffective, and a dozen ganglia beneath the giant brain swung rapidly, and a colorful mental alien struck Alice as far away as a laser.

Although it was anxious to kill the mouse that had burrowed into its heart, it was still pinching between the movements. A dozen laser beams pass by the edge of the metal tank and do not damage the tank in any way.

And since the mechanical wizard named Sabrina became his servant, the profile and basic strength of every member of the other camp have been no secret to it.

In Sabrina's memory, the Alice witch was good at manipulating destiny, but she had no fighting power. And this, for the giant brain Gazruwi, is definitely a great deal of good news!

Otherwise... if you let that mighty second-degree fireman get into the basement hall, I'm afraid his damage won't be small even if the giant Gazruvi beats or kills him afterwards. That's why it was so anxious to use the two new servants it had just controlled to hook up with the other guys, and it took the opportunity to grab this‘ mouse 'that snuck into its heart.

A non-combatant 1st level witch can only be considered a ‘mouse' for a self-proclaimed 3rd level powerful giant, Gazruvi!

And super harmless!