Age of Adepts

Chapter 547 Underground Enemies

The excavation went very smoothly.

Thanks to the strong support of the Goblin royal family, the entire camp is extremely well prepared for food and supplies. And the magic batteries used as energy sources have been delivered to hundreds of cases, enough to last more than two hundred engineering machines in the field for a month.

More than thirty earth-boring machines drilled a large hole in the mudslide mixed ground with high-speed rotary drill bits and then disappeared into the sight of the crowd. With any luck, they could drill into the ground hundreds of meters in one breath. But when they get there, they have a very good chance of hitting one of the exterior walls of a metal building or just hitting a huge rock like a hill...

Either way, it's not a good thing for a fragile drilling rig.

Either the plane is destroyed or the drill bit strikes can only stay in place and await rescue.

Of course, there are also those who are lucky enough to find a tortuous forward space in parts of rocks, statue debris, and metal buildings that are more like cow hair.

Consequently, as ground clean-up continues to deepen, the general situation of underground space becomes apparent.

The original iron and steel capital was built on the top of a tall mountain, and the belly of the lower hill emptied nearly 60%, creating four thoroughfarious underground tunnels and large and small underground caves and secret chambers. To enhance their robustness, while excavating this underground space, the goblins laid a large number of metal tunnels and special chambers for all metal components.

With the Big Bang, all underground tunnels were fractured into innumerable sections, while those metal chambers were distorted and displaced.

Subsequently, the underground space collapsed, and the mountains above collapsed, along with most of the buildings in the Iron and Steel Capital, and were then buried in the depths of nearly a kilometre by billions of trillions of soil and crushed rocks.

To be honest, we want to find the former Iron and Steel Capital from the depths of the ground and find what was in the original underground space. This difficulty is no less than emptying this vast mountain range, which stretches over hundreds of miles, and the enormity of the work is quite remarkable.

But as a Grimley push project, the wealthy goblin royal family had to bite their teeth to carry on and invest most of the power under their control.

In the goblin camps in the vacuum zone, as many as 70,000 goblins are stationed here alone, hundreds of engineering machinery are cleaning up the ground day and night, pushing large quantities of abandoned debris and debris further afield. In only five days, they have dug 150 metres underground, clearing out tens of thousands of tons of earth and rock containing all kinds of debris and metal debris.

And in the heart of Camp Goblin, there's this little tent standing alone, not even close within 100 meters of each other. Only when the excavation team discovers something strange that has never been seen before will they send someone to hire this supervisor, Lord Billis.

And even when they go out, they hide themselves in a thick black robe that barely reveals a spot of skin.

In Nodak's camp, apart from a handful of goblin commanders who knew each other's true identities, the rest of the goblins knew nothing.

Returning again from Geotechnical Command, Billis's disc knees sat back on his blanket and a little red flashed at the center of a fist-sized crystal ball in front of him.

Billis stretched out his strange right hand full of black crusts and pressed a hand onto the crystal ball.

The next second, a familiar spiritual consciousness poured into his mind.

“Billis, how are things with the goblins?” It is Grim, far from the world of sorcerers.

With the connection between the transmitter and the Fire Throne Witch Tower, the connection between the two faces is no longer problematic.

“Master, today they dig another 17 meters downwards. However, the remnants of a huge stone statue are being exploded and pulled out… In addition, they have found a metal building roof stretching nearly three miles, and should be able to find the body that remained after the explosion of the Iron and Steel Capital in the short term. At that time, there may be some meaningful discoveries…”

After listening to Billis' debriefing, Grimm paused slightly in the distance and asked, “So what do you have on your side? ”

With the cunning and skepticism of the wizards, it is not possible to place a single hope on the goblin. So Grimm posted Billis here to monitor the progress of the goblins, on the one hand, and, on the other, to use the special abilities of the bug witches to find their treasures underground by their own means.

“My little ones are almost 500 meters underground, and yesterday they found a suspected metal tunnel fault or two, and today they found an underground warehouse, but it's filled with ordinary supplies. At this rate, it will take about three or four more days to reach the kilometre depth. ”

Upon hearing such an answer, Grimm nodded satisfactorily and summoned: “The closer you get to the blast, the more careful you are. Beware of the presence of enemies, in addition to the space-breaking belts hidden in the dirt. I have the feeling that the other person is not completely dead. Let me know as soon as you see the signs of life and I'll be there as soon as I can...”

The two spoke in a low voice, making sure that there were no omissions before cutting off the costly remote connection.

Until the red mantle in the crystal ball dissipated completely, the bug witch Billis retracted his right hand and sat still. Of course, he didn't sleep, he didn't meditate, he immersed his mind in a scorpion beneath thick mud.


Among the 573 metres of dark dirt beneath Billis, a basin-sized scorpion uses his strange instincts to row the dirt and is trying to drill it down.

Under its bizarre, repetitive eye sweep, not all the dirt in front of it is dark, and it is filled with strange substances that are difficult to count. These include green, uncorrupted tree branches, flashing metallic fragments of energy fluorescence, parts of the remains of the sperm, strangely shaped broken rocks, and many pieces of debris that are difficult to discern...

The thirteen scorpions did not come together, but separated themselves, searching for secret passages to the bottom in loose soil and residue.

The original underground tunnel, though mostly shattered, was still somewhat residual. Finding them not only makes it easy to locate them, but also allows you to track down some high-value goals.

However, just as the scorpion could not help but dig through the dirt, it suddenly stopped and began to fully perceive a strange oscillation from the depths of the ground.

The source of the earthquake is not far away and seems to be only a few dozen meters away.

And from the magnitude and frequency of the vibrations, it seems that… something is hidden underground digging up, and it's not slow.

This unexpected discovery immediately caught Billis' attention above the surface, and under his remotely piloted command, thirteen scorpions began to approach the source of the earthquake covertly from all angles. Before reporting to Grimm, he felt he needed to find out the truth about that source!

With the goal, the speed of digging in will be much faster.

Ten meters from the source, under Billis' command, the rest of the scorpion stopped digging in and moved into the latent state, while only one scorpion proceeded cautiously.

Just when the scorpion was only a metre from the source, a strange black claw penetrated the thick soil and grabbed it.

Spin, the earth bursts, and the light appears.

A small cave that can only hold, one fat and one thin, two tall shadows are squeezed in, while the one that holds the scorpion is the one that is stronger.

He grabbed the scorpion and swayed, throwing away the dirt scum attached to his body surface, and his tall figure opened his mouth without hesitation. He actually stuffed it into his mouth alive and bit it down.

The scorpion's otherwise tough, alloy-like wormshell didn't work in this tall, shadowy mouth. With a crackling, strangely crisp sound, the worm shell collapsed, and the bug's blood splattered, the scorpion was actually swallowed alive by it.

The bug witch Billis made a sharp hiss and felt a severe pain in his head.

He had the feeling that the other party had not only swallowed the scorpion, but also, I'm afraid, the spiritual force that he attached to the scorpion.

Shit, it's him!

Billis forcefully opened the contact crystal with severe pain...


When Grimm got the information, he was actually working on one of the things at hand.

After a long layout and layout, he finally got a glimpse of the big event he had planned for a long time.

The fish are hooked!

Lester Vic, the guy who left the original blood behind and infected Mary into a foreign-vampire, finally showed up again after 70 years of sluggishness.

Leaving the bloody castle in the Katatheron region, he began to intervene frequently in the local affairs of the Vic family, connected throughout the day to noble banquets and pornographic * salons.

Sounds like good news. But with the good news comes the big bad news.

Unfortunately, that Lester? Vic also moved up smoothly to become a second-degree vampire.

This has undoubtedly elevated his position in the Vic family to a level comparable to that of several clan elders!

Even with the power of the Grim 2 Fire Wizard, it is not so easy to try to capture them even if they advance so many years earlier than the other party. Even a bad one, even Grimm could fold into his hand.

After all, vampire wizards are famous even in the Sandtalin region!

But for the future development of Mary, it is important to replace her with a blood rebirth.

Just as Grimm silently plotted a plan to hunt a second-degree vampire wizard, Billis, a bug wizard far from the geographic location, suddenly returned a powerful enough message.

Enemy appeared!