Age of Adepts

Chapter 567 Family Outlook

Mary's been promoted!

The return of Grimm, who had left for some time before the carnival, brought such a powerful message to the crowd.

So, the scene exploded in a flash.

A nascent family has two second-degree wizards at the same time, and Grimm, the head of the family, has the covert means to mobilize the second-degree dragon and third-degree thyron. What does this... mean for an emerging family? It means that the Deep Red family has been at the forefront of many small wizard families in the scattered Tallinn area as soon as Fu emerged, and the foundational strength is enough to catch up with those middle families.

And which of those middle families, instead of going through hundreds of years of ups and downs, is now in a solid position because of the threat of extermination. But now... how can a suddenly emerging family have the same basic strength as them?

But Grimm's Deep Red family is clearly not ready to contend with the old wizard family.

Most of them are already deeply rooted, with solid family heritage territories and numerous resource points. Even if it fails once or twice, it can rise again and return to the mainstream over time.

Grimm's Deep Red family is immortal, but there is no family industry, no vast patrimonial territory, and no Starbucks resource point. Seriously, apart from this flame throne stronghold, the Deep Red family has virtually no industry or resources throughout the scattering Tallinn region.

It's like a big, rootless tree that looks tall, thriving and magnificent, but can't stand any ripples and catastrophes. Once the wind knocks you down, it's hard to turn around again!

And there is no other way to expand territory and resources than to wage family wars after family wars. How many more wars can the Deep Red family go through at this time?

These issues, which need not be considered at all in the past, are at a time when Grimm, the chief of the family, must think and solve them.

The existing power of the Deep Red family is not much of a problem in the flame throne, but it is inevitable that we should continue to grow and expand our territory.

In the future, the apprentices will have a place of trial for the apprentices, and the wizards will have a place of trial for the wizards. And this requires a vast family territory to support it. Besides, the family has grown and the basic supply of resources has to keep pace. It is impossible to buy any resources inside the family from the outside, so even a Mount Magic Crystal in Grimm cannot afford to be so consumed.

Wizards and apprentices who perform witchcraft experiments need to periodically drain significant resources.

Precious and scarce resources can be tried to acquire from the outside world, but large amounts of basic resources can't always be bought, can they? In this way, finding the right place to build Wizard Resource Points for cultivating and nurturing large quantities of commonly used resources and materials is the most common development model for a normal wizard family.

Looking at a rosy red face in front of him, looking at an excited and almost insane wizard and apprentice, Grimm felt a little heavy with joy and no source in his heart.

The scattering Tallinn region is vast and resourceful, not to mention the vast and awe-inspiring giant organization of the three great wizards. So it's also the preferred place for all sorcerers who want to start their own families.

Wizards crossing the river to and from the scattering Tallinn region every year are difficult to count. And there are also talented generations of them, and the small family or sorcerer's organization that they founded is a star chess cloth. It can truly take root in the scattering Tallinn region and grow to one of the finest.

After tens of thousands of years of wind and rain, the scattered Tallinn region, though vast, has its own owner on every hill and hill. They are obviously part of a secular human aristocracy or wealthy businessman, but they can always fall on the head of an old family of wizards.

No matter which territory the outsider moves, he can pull one hair and move his whole body, causing the old wizard family to bounce back. If you want to compete with the world, you can only learn to find an untouched marginal territory with heels tied, just like Grimm.

In this way, the trouble with the old wizard is gone, but the Black Forest counterattack is not acceptable to the ordinary wizard family.

If wild monsters in the Black Forest are caught up in protracted chainsaw warfare and the surrounding biological and mineral resources are not well exploited, no emerging family can withstand this sustained loss of blood. When the family weakens to a certain degree, naturally those ‘corrosive creatures' who choose weakness will appear and swallow them in their bellies.

The old wizard families grew through such means!

If Grimm intends to grow according to the normal development process of the Wizard family, it will take him hundreds of years at this stage to deal with the old brand families and take from them the territory necessary for the family to grow by chance.

The process must not be hasty, but must also be gradual. Once there is no need to start too many wars, it is easy to trigger a joint fight by the old wizard family or to elicit interference from the Ditalin Wizards Association.

So a hundred years is a short time!

Without two or three hundred years of water grinding kung fu, if Grimm is not going to risk it, it will not work.

When sporadic family territories exist, there is the necessary space to establish resource points.

Most of the family territory is acquired through family warfare, so it does not stretch into pieces, making it difficult to form a solid and solid family line of defence.

Every family territory, every resource point, in addition to the necessary maintenance personnel and apprenticeships, must be guarded by enough wizards, otherwise a random stray wizard could wreak a devastating blow on the family industry.

Without enough wizards and apprenticeships, even Nova's territory and industry would be difficult to sustain.

Now that Grimm has the power of victory over the Vic family, the Fire Throne is sealed deep underground, and there is no need to worry about the intervention of external forces in the short term.

The time has come for the establishment of the Deep Red family!

Grimm estimates that he can have a stasis period of about six months. Once this deadline is exceeded, I'm afraid the outside world will be unable to hold on to it, and I can't help but try to find out what the Deep Red family is all about.

Therefore, during this six-month period, Grimm must follow the internal structure of the Deep Red family and determine the future direction of the family's development. More importantly, he must extract enough profit and resources from the geological location of that income bag to make it the cornerstone of the rise of the Deep Red family.

Leron Ames has left the Flame Throne and returned to Lance. When it left, it also transferred the soul contract of the second dragon Zachar to Grimm, as agreed.

So Grimm has a Soul Contract for a 2nd Dragon and a 3rd Brain Monster.

With these two covert helpers, even those fourth-level wizards who come to the Fire Throne for trouble, Grimm is confident that they can hold on for a long time. And the steadiness of the Fire Throne means that the Deep Red family has a root that no one ever shapes.

As long as this foundation is still there, the Deep Red family will have the day the East Mountain rises, even if they suffer further setbacks outside.

As for that Leron Ames, Grimm and I have become strategic allies. And what fuelled this relationship was the Dragon Sworn Gem from the knight's side.

This is the Dragon Nation Deed that was signed by the then leader of the 4th order Green Dragon in order to receive the trust of the Human Monarch.

In order to avoid tying the Green Dragon Clan to human tanks, the Green Dragon leader played a trick when signing the contract, which naturally belonged to the Green Dragon Clan on one side and not to the human royal bloodline, but to the holder of the gem.

The human royal family was under the watchful eye of the Green Dragon Clan at the time. In the event of major trouble, the Green Dragon leader gave a shout and the dragon's men simply grabbed the stone, and the binding effect of the deed stone on the Green Dragon clan ceased to exist.

But who would imagine that Grimm, alone in the kingdom of the Knight, forcibly took the Dragon's Covenant gem under the servitude of a giant dragon ring?

This can be a major problem for the Green Dragon Clan.

Once Grimm finds any Green Dragon community with a gem in his hand, he also has the power to ask the other party to assist him in the fight.

But fortunately, in the thousands of places in the world, the Green Dragon is just a small branch of the Emerald Dragon Nation, and the chances of both sides leaving the knighthood and wanting to meet are almost nil. That's why the Green Dragon Leader didn't go around looking for Grimm's trouble.

This Dragon Sworn Gem doesn't really mean much to Grimm, but at best it gives him some knowledge of the mysteries associated with the Green Dragon. But this gem is even more important in the hands of 3rd order Leron Ames.

The Green Dragon Clan that Grimm can't find doesn't mean Ames can't find it either.

If Ames is able to sacrifice this Dragon Sworn Gem to the Great Dragon God, he will surely be honored and rewarded by the Dragon God. If it runs to the Green Dragons to eat and drink with this gem, it may ‘blackmail' a lot of good things.

What's more, if you encounter the depressed Green Dragon Branch, Ames can use this Dragon Nation Covenant gem to lure it under and immediately become one of its Dragon Soldiers.

After all, such dragon oaths are precious to any higher dragon clan, and they are not allowed to spill out easily, let alone violate the covenant.

So for Grimm's insignificant Dragon Contract Gem, for Grade 3 Lelong Ames, it's no less than a free Dragon Recruiter. Just find out where the Green Dragon lives and run over with the gems, and you might have a big surprise!

So when Grimm lit up the deed gem in front of it, the 3rd order thyron agreed to be his ally without saying anything and signed a war aid agreement with him.