Age of Adepts

Chapter 612 Opening Day

Once the initial battle list had been established, Grimm returned to the metal fortress.

The newly captured Ice Dragon has been sent to the Flame Throne, awaiting a suitable opportunity to trade through a special route. After the last family festival, the name of the Deep Red family was initially established and impressed many wizard families.

Now, Gemini Cabi is using a small private circle to regularly offer high-quality giant dragons as a stunt to slow down his brand. This also excited many of the last unsuccessful wizards who traveled to and from the Fire Throne every day to find out more about the next dragon and when.

Some of the more wealthy and rugged wizard families have even provided Kabi with the information they need on the properties and gender of dragons, and have exaggerated that the Deep Red family is willing to bear as long as they can provide dragons that meet their needs, no matter what the price.

And Kabi was brilliant enough to put a dragon scale right off the ice dragon Elentini in the goblin shop on the first floor of the Fire Throne Hall. In this way, a witch who travels to a small geodesic shop to test this translucent milk-white dragon scale can roughly deduce the blood concentration and gift properties of the ice dragon.

In a moment, news of a new dragon appeared on the Flame Throne.

Many high-ranking wizards sent their own representatives to the Fire Throne to negotiate the acquisition of this icedragon in person with the Grigg Witch and Kabi. In a short period of time, the Deep Red family based on the Fire Throne even directly overshadowed the name of the five families, becoming one of the hottest emerging families in the scattering Tallinn region of the central part of the continent.

Yet behind this heat, all the wizards belonging to the Deep Red family disappeared and began a new round of closure.

Three months from now, we are about to embark on a new adventure, before which there is too much preparation to do.

First, the latest batch of small Magic Furnaces must be completed as soon as possible.

Not only do the sperm tearers managed by Tikool need them as their own power source, but some large engineering machines also need a magic furnace to support them. So before entering that Fine position, Grimm must prioritize the safety of the family wizard.

Secondly, after promotion to Grade 2, Grimm was busy with facade throughout the day, relaxing in the refinement and research of the old elemental demon puppet.

Now approaching the midpoint of a mature, complete, ruled by the gods, a high-quality elemental demon puppet becomes an indispensable auxiliary force. So in this last moment, Grimm also needs to convert all the high-order elemental cores that have accumulated over time into the necessary and appropriate elemental magic puppets.

This is also one of the fastest ways to improve your strength!

Again, in addition to these conventional means, Grimm has created a succession of plague spirits and sewing ghosts, adding two more means to his opponents.

However, both types of alchemy have their own independent soul consciousness, and long periods of moderation and moderation are required to maximize their power. So at present, Grimm can only be hit, but not used as the main force.

In addition, three talent plundering variant insects that have been cultivated in the Fire Throne Chamber are entering maturity and will soon be able to conduct a second phase of blood vein experiments.

Grim's heart was agitated by the thought of completely usurping the bloodline talent of a powerful race.

So far, it has become very difficult for Grimm to rely on daily meditation to improve his spiritual strength after entering step 2. Ultimately, the original owner of his body is just an ordinary human wizard apprentice with limited talent potential.

Though Grimm quickly climbed to the current 2nd level with his own perseverance and chip aids. But at this stage, his spiritual uplift slowed sharply, and even hidden signs of stagnation appeared. Without special aids, step 2 is almost the limit that his body can reach.

If you want to move a little further, you have to do something with your soul or blood source.

And this kind of soul experiment and bloodline research are dangerous, and a slight deviation is the end of everything. So many second-degree wizards make themselves less human, less ghostly, just because something went wrong in the process of transforming themselves.

And if such a fault involves the source of the soul or the source of the blood, it doesn't help even if you want to fix it. The more you change, the more your soul and blood will deviate from normal human beings until you transform yourself into a strange monster that no one can recognize.

One of the most important reasons why the Deep Red family offers the second order dragons so fragrant is that the Dragon family possesses the universally recognized strength of body and blood. If the secret inside the Dragon Clan bloodline can be studied, it will open a new bloodline for any high-ranking wizard.

Not to mention Dragon bloodline inheritance, the long life and powerful elemental talent of Dragon bloodline alone, is a good thing not envied by human wizards. If you can tamper with yourself as a dragon wizard, you are one of the top wizards in your class.

And the longer you live, the more time you have left to promote yourself. Combined with the powerful elemental power of blood talent, it's easy to sweep through peer wizards.

Bloodline wizards value their bloodline power, elemental wizards value their elemental power, and body wizards value their flesh * physical strength.

So the living dragon became the most sought after bloodline creature in the wizard world!

Although Titan, Phoenix, Hydra, Monster Beast, etc. are vastly more powerful blood creatures than dragons, they are scarce and difficult to trace, making it even harder to capture them. So retreating to second place, the dragon is so admired by high-ranking wizards that it becomes justifiable.


wizarding world.

Northern Witch Territory, Verning.

As the seat of the Northern Witch Council, Verning is also a neutral territory * independent of all major factions. Especially as witch factions have opened shared secondary portals in Verning over the years, it has become more lively here.

Today, the pinch date is precisely the time for the white witch faction to open its doors, so a large number of teams crowded the road to Verning early in the morning.

Those ordinary merchants saw the arrival of teams belonging to the witch faction and hid by the road as early as possible. Vehiclers, handymen, escorts and other small figures lay on the ground, drooling their heads and not daring to look up at each other for a moment. Only the head of the troupe with the title can stand there, bowing silently and waiting for the other team to pass.

And just as they respectfully watched, a team of wrapped unusually tight black carriages roared through their eyes. Each of the four horses pulling the car snorted and buried his head forwards, looking unusually hard.

Sir Kimwell, as the head of the Eddie Chamber of Commerce, has traveled this business road for many years and is not unfamiliar with such a scenario. But Fanny, his youngest son, who had followed him out for the first time, had no such insight, while hiding behind his father's back and sneaking up on the legendary team of witches, pulling his father's robe sleeve gently.

“Father, which faction of witch team is this? ”

Despite Finney's slight voice, Ed was shocked and hurried back to whisper.

“Shut up! Keep your head down, look at the land under your feet, do not look directly at the motorcade...”

And at this point, a team of black armored guards, guarded by the witch motorcade, wore a full stomach and passed in front of the father and son on horseback.

Ed hurried to cover his youngest son's mouth with his hands and returned to salute the Black Armored Guard with a vigorous bow.

But the Black Army guard turned a blind eye to Sir Eide, who was escorting himself to a black carriage.

At this moment, however, it is precisely a carriage that rolled onto the stone in the middle of the road in front of Ed's father and son, and the tightly wrapped curtains rose high, revealing a horrible monster stuck inside.

Apparently, they are like a group of skinned humans, soaked in stinking gutters for days and nights, and the entire body exhibits a tragic white resemblance to the drowning dead. Their body surfaces are slippery and sticky, with a stinking nose.

They have no eyelids, and the deep depressed orbit reveals a milky white cloudy eye bubble that the white raw can't see a little black.

They seem to be a bunch of dead things, densely crowded in tiny compartments, motionless. But when little Finney's eyes fell on them, they instantly perceived a hint of human life, a sticky, slippery body shook, began to twist slightly, and sniffed wildly into the air, becoming restless.

And the agitation in this carriage obviously caused a chain reaction.

Soon, even the surrounding carriages began to shake violently. Sometimes, or even hear some horrible monster 'howl’.

“What's going on… who shook up these ghouls? ”

Somehow, two young witches sat on a broomstick above the sky, hovering silently over a black carriage.

As they softly chanted a strange song, the restless cars returned to calm and the ‘monsters’ inside were silenced again.

It's the Witch of Death!

The knowledgeable Sir Eide immediately identified them through the styles and badges of the two witch robes, his legs softly shocked over the damp soil. And that little Finney, who looked at the ghosts, had passed out.

“Humph, useless guy... if you shock those big guys in the other compartments, you have to swallow all of you... you, go to the front and tell all the convoys to evacuate 30 meters away from both sides of the road..." The witch in charge of the convoy cursed in disgust, softly the whistle, once again mastering the strangely styled broom into the sky.

The black armored guard, who was pointed at by the witch, immediately bowed down to salute him, slapped the horse down, and the horse rushed ahead of the team.