Age of Adepts

Chapter 617: Elf History

Ultimately, it was the male half elf who was fearful to stand in front of Grimm.

Tamo is his name.

According to him, they were born on that continent of Coke.

His father was a high elf, while his mother was just an ordinary human maid.

In the Magic Forest, where the Elf King's Court is located, the High Elves, like the noblemen of mankind, live a life of drunkenness, death and wine. And Tamo's birth was just an accident, an accident caused by a drunken Elf master playing with a human maid.

Elven bloodline purity and flawless racial chauvinism are also prevalent in Elven Court.

So, for the sake of pure family blood, the father of the High Elf came out of his heart to kill the newly born Semi-Elf Tamo. But Tamo's mother, the human maid, apparently reluctant to let her son die, escaped the Great Forest of Magic in the dark.

They wandered the Coke Continent for years, and when Tamo was just fourteen years old, they were found again by the High Elf's men. After some slaughter and struggle, Tamo's mother, the human maid, died hugging the killer's thigh, which gave Tamo a chance to jump off a cliff.

Mother died tragically under the sword of an elf killer, while Tamo fled the Coke continent with scars and became a sailor on a ocean boat.

Over the next hundred years, Tamo wandered around the human-led Fine continent for a long time. Ultimately, he was forced to flee the Fine mainland and fall to Shadow Island after killing a great nobleman who tried to plunder him home * *.

As a half-blooded elf, Tamo possesses incomparable flexibility and super balance for ordinary humans. Powerful racial talent also enabled him to successfully advance his career as a thief and become a very famous god thief.

To be honest, Grimm is completely uninterested in the tragic story of Half Elf Tamo. The only thing he was interested in was Tamo's knowledge of and hatred of the Elf Kingdom.

Though Tamo had lived in the Great Forest of Magic for more than a decade, all he remembered was cold white eyes and endless hatred.

Elven Kingdom is an extremely exclusive race country!

The entire kingdom of Pokémon, from top to bottom, from kings to nobles to the lowest levels of Pokémon, is extremely alien. Especially for humans, they have a greater sense of hatred from the bones.

Humans deforest, humans destroy vegetation, where humans live, the area of forests is drastically reduced… Due to differences in ethnicity, patterns of survival of humans and most of the notions of elves differ from place to place, which leads to contradictions and conflicts.

After taking the half elf back to his place of residence, Grimm spent another day and night getting another, more trivial, but more authentic, piece of information about the Elf Kingdom from his mouth. After all, this Semi-Pokémon Tamo has traveled most of the Magic Forest, and the information he says is the best addition and correction to the previous one.

The entire coffee continent is divided from the inside out into different communities by forest elves. Naturally, the most noble and powerful elf families can live in the heart of the continent, while the weakest clans and families can only live on the edge of the Great Forest of Magic.

It is adjacent to the coastline, where slave hunting boats from the Finn mainland frequently dock in secret, and then sneak up on weak clans of elves to transport the captured forest elves back to human society for high prices. Forest Pokémon are pricey in the upper society of humankind because of their handsome figure, their delicate figure and their strong interracial flair.

An ordinary elf girl can also sell 3000—5000 gold coins in human society at an alarmingly high price. As for the higher elves with battle and legal positions, they can sell hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

Therefore, living on the edge of the Magic Forest, close to the coastline, is an extremely dangerous thing. Hundreds of slave hunting boats sneak into the Coke continent every year and quickly evacuate after sneaking into an elf village.

While most of the slave squads will fall under the arrows of the elf patrol, there will always be some luck in plundering an elf village through the dense hemp line drawn up by the elf kingdom, where all the forest elves, young and old, will be taken by boat.

Against this backdrop, the more hatred there is between the Elves and humans. By now, we have almost reached the point where we meet and we meet!

When Tamo told everything he knew honestly, he asked Grimm respectfully: "Master Wizard, I don't know… where you want to attack this time…”

“Dragon Cliff! ”

Grimm sat at the wooden table and answered the half elf's question straightaway, ignoring the fact that his eyes had widened.

And on Grimm, two strange dolls, only palm-sized, climbed up and down happily there.

A body appears to be made of rough, rudimentary wood splicing, with a creepy green fluorescence emitted from the insides. The other is simply a sewing messy black puppet, half male and half female, only one on the puppet skull depicting a one-eyed eye with blood, which looks strange.

Two strange dolls don't seem to be up against each other either, almost seldom together, always one lying on Grimm's left shoulder and one floating on Grimm's right shoulder, playing with himself.

And the way they play is weird.

The plague, the poisonous spirited, adult-shaped wooden body, does not appear to be an entity. Whenever it sees something it's interested in, it reaches out, and that wooden arm instantly turns into a myriad of tiny, indistinguishable poisons in the naked eye, wrapping it around. And the plague, the poison, judging the good and the bad, is to put a bite in your mouth.

With the terrible and poisonous power of the Plague Poison, ordinary objects will instantly rot into slag at a star and a half point, and even the slightly less sophisticated witchcraft will not be able to withstand this level of severe poisonous force erosion.

As for the newly refined sewing ghost doll, the soul consciousness has only begun to budge, and some beams appear to be stuck. But as the blood of the man turned, the half elf, Tamo, who stood in front of Grimm, looked at it and was disoriented and stifled, his soul almost pulled out.

In the end, Grim cut their sights off with his palms before bringing Tamo's mind back.

That half-elf spirit fought a cold war and never dared to look up again.

And his heart still echoes the answer of this terrible wizard.

Dragon Cliff... Dragon Cliff... The target of the other party is Dragon Cliff!

As an outsider, you may not understand what dragon cliffs mean. But as a half elf and living in the Great Forest of Magic for more than a decade, half elf Tamo is so familiar with the importance of dragon cliffs to forest elves.

Because the Dragon Cliff represents the ultimate power of the Elf Kingdom!

Out of hatred for the elf father and out of hatred for the whole forest elf, Semi-elf Tamo immediately knelt before Grimm without hesitation and vowed to do his utmost to help the wizards accomplish this feat.

Grimm was therefore satisfied to include him in the team.


Seven days pass.

After adequate supplies and repairs on Shadow Island, the vast expedition fleet pulled sails and split up into two distant continents, tens of thousands of miles away, according to a well-crafted plan.

And this time, Alice's Destiny Witch family is once again becoming particularly eye-catching!

The floating giant ship, filled with all its cargo, supplies and combat magic, quickly ascended to the sky and quietly hid in the thick clouds, in the eyes of all.

Dark Witches, who are not in harmony with the Destiny Witches, can only travel to the Coffee Continent on a giant sea boat provided by Shadow Island, along with those white witches, on a cloak treading star night.

The enormous amount of magical energy flows inside the floating giant ship and is transformed into a powerful wind that lifts tens of thousands of tons of full-metal giant ships across the sky silently. The powerful to terrible elemental airflow grinds the surrounding clouds, leaving behind them a crumbling strange cloud path.

Through the ever-flashing cloud clearance, you can clearly see the blue sea rapidly passing under your feet. Occasionally, you can see one or two green island shadows in a floating shadow room, as well as happy seabirds circling over the island.

Unfortunately, without them looking closely, the scene in front of them will be left behind far away and no longer visible.

Grimm was in an unprecedented state of relaxation and comfort when he felt the magic element of this mysterious alien world and the strange facade of the wizard world.

Although they have embarked on a tremendous and dangerous journey, and while waiting for them will be a bloody and brutal battle, for some reason Grimm has strong and certain confidence in his journey!

It's not an arrogance, it's not a prediction, it's a trust and trust in yourself, in this team.

After the fumigation and grinding of Lance's position, the Legion of Magic has been basically formed, and the Legion of Magic Puppets he has worked so hard to build is in full swing. Together with a few mysterious cards in his hand, Grimm is confident that Alice will do what she wants, despite the peril of this trip to the Coffee Continent.

It's just a prophetic wand artifact... it's just a powerful Green Dragon in the 2nd order... it's just a bunch of skinny Pokémon with a powerful god guardian... what are these?

At this moment, in Grimm's heart, all enemies are paper tigers!

And what he needs to do is find the enemy's weak spot.

Grim has faith in himself!