Age of Adepts

Chapter 619: Finding Mineral Veins

Coke continent, west coast somewhere.

The floating giant ships are flying slowly over the sky clouds at very low speeds.

Several wizards belonging to the Deep Red family climbed onto the deck, leaning on the boat's side and staring silently at the magical continent that was hidden beneath them.

With their power, combined with eagle eyes, it's easy to penetrate that thin cloud and see directly the strange natural landscape and the vast variety of jungle creatures on the Coke continent.

But unfortunately, the elves they're looking for in this business are not as easy to find as humans. Humans like to cut down trees near populated areas to build tall, strong camps and buildings. So at night, with a glimpse, you can naturally follow the lights that ignite to find human towns and villages.

But the Elf clan is called one of the most natural and forest-friendly races, and they hardly ever cut trees, but naturally place their villages and towns on those particularly tall, particularly thick, ancient trees.

Treehouses, where elves live and live.

When the night goes low, the elves rarely light open flames, and they live in the dense forest of the deep mountains, making it difficult to find them by candle fire.

And like Grimm and others, flying over the high blue sky, looking away, full of lush green, high and low wooded sea, it's difficult to find a tint of clutter. In this case, it would be a crazy dream to find an elf village just by the naked eye.

So, to find the elves, you can only honestly go into the forest, learn to jump high and low like the elves, and harvest needles in the reckless forest sea!

“Tammy, you might recognize the terrain here? I hope to be able to hide this flying giant ship before battling the Elf King's Court. Recommend a place!” Grimm simply glanced at the green stretch of the woods and asked the semi elf guide.

Of course, Grimm couldn't have trusted this half-way guy either. While waiting for their answers, Grimm silently reconciled the topographical map of the Coffee Continent with the long, shattered coastline in front of him.

Seems like it's been a long time since I've smelled magic in the Great Forest. Half Pokémon Tate massages his excitement and looks silently at the forest sea beneath him on the bow of a floating giant ship.

“If I remember correctly, here… this should be some white cliffs just south of the west coast. The most obvious sign here is the white cliffstone that stands tall on the edge of the coast. ”

Along Tamo's dotted fingers, Grimm did see a white spot on the far edge of the cliff.

“This is the most complex area near the west coast, with the densest reefs and the least suitable for large sea-going vessels. So in this area, our chances of encountering the Elf King's Patrol will be minimal.” Tamo pointed his finger in the direction of the Forest Sea again: "From here, you will find an elf village in about seven days. Sorry, I'm talking about the time it takes to travel in the forest sea. As for riding this... this big guy may only take half a day to get there...”

“Pokémon Village…” Grimm sighed and shook his head: "We are not suitable for premature contact with Pokémon at this time, but need to find a suitable foothold first. Tamo, is there any large metal veins or caves in this West Coast area? ”

“Metal mine hole?” Tamo opened his mouth surprisingly wide: “There seems to be a lot in the middle of the Great Forest of Magic, but on the west coast...”

Half Elf bowed his head and thought for a moment, uncertain comparison: “It's about 16 days north of here, there seems to be a rat mine, I don't know if there's a metal vein in it! ”

“Then go there first!” When Grimm was prompt, he gave the order.

A moment later, the floating giant ship pulled up again, diving into the clouds and flying fast north along the coastline in the direction indicated by the Half Elf.

When the giant floating ship disappeared completely, two elves dressed in green grass vine knitting clothes were drilled into a tall, ancient tree crown on the edge of the forest sea.

Two elves, a man and a woman, saw where the metal monster disappeared, and their eyes filled with unseen horrors.

“What are those? Is it the Horror Monster that the witches created again?” The elf's voice is trembling, obviously not out of the horror just now.

“Whatever it is, we have to get the message back to the village as soon as possible. Perhaps Grandpa Wenger can tell us the answer…” The elf made a decision when it came to it.

“Well, go...”

In the blink of an eye, the two elves did not enter the crown behind them.

Strangely enough, it's just a flash of effort, and their shadows blend in with this forest, making it hard to trace them.

A day later, news of the fall of a terrible metal monster spread to every elf village on the West Coast.


Mouseman Mine Hole.

The 16-day itinerary in the Tamo Pass is on a floating giant ship, just overnight in the district.

If the location of the mine entrance hadn't taken 4 hours, Grim would have arrived faster.

The Mouseman cave, as the name implies, is hidden in a dense forest, revealing only a pit that leans upward into a dark hole, where a large Mouseman tribe lives.

Pokémon are a group of tribes that place great emphasis on personal appearance and cleanliness, allowing them to enter the dark and damp, and work in mines where the sun never sees them all year round, which makes it difficult to kill them. So the forest elves and the rats in the mine made an agreement that the rats would pay a certain amount of ore to the forest elves each year in exchange for residency in the mine.

So in the rat mine, you can't find half the elves at all, and all of them are intelligent rat people who are less than a meter tall, able to walk upright like people, and use a variety of precision tools.

These rats could not even wear heavy armor and stomach, but simply snapped a metal cap on their head and lit a large candle on it, using this faint light to move * freely in a dark, damp mine.

Rat miners' weapons are basically shovels, and some stronger rat fighters may be equipped with ‘powerful’ weapons such as crossbows, iron swords and spears.

According to Tamo, Grimm can tell that the most powerful rat leader in this group is only 1st degree strength, and the rest of the rat warriors, miners, either high-ranking apprentices or quasi-warriors, are still the kind of trash that has no elemental power, only some cunning and subtle plots.

Grimm didn't give a damn about sending a valuable wizard for such garbage, so only one geologist was assigned to break in with five shooter types of magic.

Grimm et al. found a slightly flatter place outside the mine to hold up the table and chairs, and just had two cups of hot tea, and the fighting in the mine was over.

Nearly 200 rats, including the Mouse King, were knocked out of a net and sieved by magical metal bullets. As for the metal crossbow arrows fired by the rats hiding in the dark pit, neither force nor attack power was sufficient for the thick metal shell outside the body of the Neha Magic.

So after the strength was completely crushed, the marksmanship easily slaughtered the entire rat population.

And the geotechnician brought back four or five pieces of ore extracted from the depths of the mine.

Grimm grabbed a piece of ore in his hand and squeezed it in his hand, which brought him up to examine it carefully.

“Droplets, as tested, are ordinary ores containing 11% mineral content and the remainder waste of no utilisation value… The mineral composition of the ore is estimated to be as follows:"

“Lotto 1.42% …”

“Olive stone 3.27% …”

“Huishi 2.86%...”

“ …… ”

“Metal composition ratio is less than XXX %, no mining and smelting value…”

After a long list of ore components, the chip also gave the final results of the evaluation.

The taste of the rat cave in front of you is not high, and the most supplied Pokémon are low-order magic materials such as yellow gems, olive stones and onions. These things are of some value to the Pokémon, but they are useless to Grimm, who is anxious to lay the foundations.

Several pieces of ore brought out by the geotechnical technician were tested in succession, Grimm waved disappointment, and all the men boarded the floating giant ship again, turning the bow and flying at high speed towards another mysterious mine in the distance.

You may be polite to say that Grimm has been somewhat reckless in order to find a suitable metallic vein as soon as possible. Anyway, this is a marginal area of the Great Forest of Magic, and the limited military and power that the Elf Kingdom is able to project is not enough to deter them from moving.

And with five or six more days of kung fu, a coalition of Dark and White Witches will arrive on a boat to the Coke Continent. They will then become more visible and more easily captured targets.

At that time, the Elf Kingdom would have preferred to send an elite army to surround them instead of eating their asses behind a floating giant ship with a pack of Elves.

To be honest, with hardships and cannons, Grimm has long disregarded the armies of the secular world. The only ones who can make him worry about one or two are the users of the elements and the terrible Pokémon.

But now Grimm leads the floating giant ship around the edge of the Coke continent, making no attempt to slaughter the elves, and they turn around from time to time to fly back over the uncertain sea. If Grimm were replaced by a Pokémon Commander of the moment, I'm afraid he wouldn't know what to do with this unknown metal monster!